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In this essay Sarah Galloway considers emancipation as a purpose for education through examining the theories of Paulo Freire and Jacques Rancière. Both theorists are concerned with the prospect of distinguishing between education that might socialize people into what is taken to be an inherently oppressive society and education with emancipation as its purpose. Galloway reconstructs the theories in parallel, examining the assumptions made, the processes of oppression described, and the movements to emancipation depicted. In so doing, she argues that that the two theorists hold a common model for theorizing oppression and emancipation as educational processes, distinguished by the differing assumptions they each make about humanity, but that their theories ultimately have opposing implications for educational practices. Galloway further maintains that Freire and Rancière raise similar educational problems and concerns, both theorizing that the character of the relations among teachers, students, and educational materials is crucial to an emancipatory education. Galloway's approach allows discussion of some of the criticisms that have been raised historically about Freire's theory and how these might be addressed to some degree by Rancière's work. Taking the two theories together, she argues that the possibility for an emancipatory education cannot be ignored if education is to be considered as more than merely a process of passing down the skills and knowledge necessary in order to socialize people into current society.  相似文献   

A bstract .  The work of Paulo Freire is associated with themes of oppression and liberation, and his critical pedagogy is visionary in its attempts to bring about social transformation. Freire has created a theory of education that embeds these issues within social relations that center around both ideological and material domination. In this review essay, Sue Jackson explores three books: Freire's final work Pedagogy of Indignation ; Cesar Augusto Rossatto's Engaging Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of Possibility , which attempts to engage Freire's pedagogy of possibility; and C.A. Bowers and Frederique Apffel-Marglin's edited collection Re-thinking Freire , which asks readers to reconsider Freire's work in light of globalization and environmental crises. Jackson questions the extent to which Freire's pedagogical approaches are useful to educators as well as to "the oppressed," and whether challenges to re-think Freire can lead to new kinds of critical pedagogies.  相似文献   

This paper is about ageist stereotypes dressed-up in the garb of myth that biases perceptions and experiences of being old. The paper argues current ''mythmaking'' about aging perpetuates that which it intends to dispel: ageism. It considers how traditional myths and folklore explained personal experience, shaped social life, and offered meaning for the unexplainable. The current myths of aging perform these same functions in our culture; however, they are based on half-truths, false knowledge, and stated as ageist stereotypes about that which is known. Current myths of aging found in the media and literature of aging are not myths as such, but ''straw man'' statements that attempt to inform; however, they reinforce misconceptions and wrong information about aging as experienced by the vast majority of older people. Recent studies in the cognitive sciences are reviewed to provide insight about the mind's inherent ability to construct categories, concepts, and stereotypes as it responds to experience. These normal processes need to be better understood, particularly regarding how social stereotypes are constructed. Finally, the paper argues that ageist stereotypes when labeled as ''myth'' even in the pursuit of the realities of aging, neither educate the public about the opportunities and challenges of aging nor inform social and health practitioners about the aged. Three research and educational strategies are outlined for critical studies in aging and educational gerontology.  相似文献   

One consequence of western aid to Romanian academic life has been the opportunity for young Romanian scholars, schoocco1led in their early university years under the aegis of the communist system, to study with western European and North American visiting scholars in Romania, and/or to attend higher education institutions in both western Europe and North America, and generally to participate in worldwide academic life. Such vital inter‐cultural, inter‐social, and inter‐political life experiences provide the expressed raison d'être of western academic aid.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨古埃及神话和中国神话中蛇的形象的问题。首先将两个神话系统中的蛇形象分成四类,然后在类别的基础上作了比较,发现它们的异同,并从宗教、传统思维等方面追溯其品类一一对应的原委,从神话的产生时代来解释两种神话中蛇神形象的不同的原因。  相似文献   

The budgetary decentralization of higher education in the United Kingdom calls for individual institutions and units within them to take increasing responsibility for raising their own funds. The author, who argues that higher education institutions must derive an increasing proportion of their budgets from the marketing of their products goes on to explain how this can be done. To begin with, the nature of marketing and of market research must be well understood, and the legitimacy of the marketing process itself must be accepted by all the members of the university community. It is then necessary to do a marketing audit so as to establish what a given institution has to sell and what its outside environment wishes to buy. Flexibility on the part of the seller with regard to type, level, duration, and scheduling of courses is very important. It is also necessary to be able to persuade the potential buyer that he wants to have what the seller has to offer. At this point, however, the author cautions the reader as to the dangers of some seven market myths as applied to higher education and the dangers of oversell. He concludes that with prudence higher education can be marketed to the satisfaction of all concerned with results which avoid the “unhappy paradox” that the marketing of higher education is both essential and disastrous.  相似文献   

The full identity of Asian heritage children growing up in Canada and the U.S. includes the Judaeo-Christian biblical tradition, the Euro-Anglo tradition of the dominant culture, and the traditions of their heritage culture. This article makes a case for including culture-specific stories from learners' own heritage for more holistic identity formation for younger members of immigrant Christian faith communities. The author examines obstacles that stand in the way, and discusses strategies to carry out this religious education endeavor. While examples are drawn mainly from East Asian culture (particularly Chinese), the discussion is intended to apply to most non-Euro-Anglo Christian faith communities of the North America diaspora.  相似文献   


Although there has been significant growth of adult students in higher education, few strategies have been designed to enhancing faculty and staff beliefs and knowledge regarding adult undergraduate students. This article presents CASHE (Characteristics of Adult Students in Higher Education), an instrumentation strategy for self examination of personally held beliefs and knowledge regarding adult learners. Preliminary research on the use of this instrumentation among community college and university personnel is discussed. Findings suggest differing perceptions between these two collegiate settings, as well as between student personnel staff and instructional faculty.  相似文献   

Fear is not the first feature of educational experience associated with the best‐known progressive educational theorists—Jean‐Jacques Rousseau, John Dewey, and Paolo Freire. But each of these important thinkers did, in fact, have something substantive to say about how fear functions in the processes of learning and growth. Andrea English and Barbara Stengel juxtapose the ideas of these thinkers in this essay for three purposes: (1) to demonstrate that there is a progressive tradition that accounts for negative emotion in learning; (2) to explore doubt, discomfort, and difficulty as pedagogically useful, with links to fear as both a prompt for and an impediment to growth; and (3) to suggest that teachers take negative affect into account in their pedagogical practice. In doing so, English and Stengel join with contemporary theorists in and out of education to recognize that affect cannot be left out of social theory and that understanding the play of emotion is an integral part of creating truly educational contexts and experiences. The authors' focus here is on fear in processes of learning.  相似文献   

全球化与大学--不平等世界的神话与现实   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于全球化对高等教育的影响,已经有许多讨论了。有人认为,全球化、互联网与科学共同体可以使各国在知识相互依存的新时代,在高等教育这一竞技场获得平等的机会。有人则宣称,全球化不但意味着世界性的不平等,而且会导致大学“麦当劳化”。也有人认为,当前高等教育所面临的压力,从高等教育大众化到私立高等教育的增长,都是全球化的结果。在这些假设中,有些是正确的、符合实际的,但是也存在不少误解。本文的目的在于“揭示”高等教育全球化与国际化的真实状况,着重讨论全球化对高等教育的一些影响方式。本文特别关注的是:全球化在怎样影响着发展中国家,特别是那些在未来几十年面临着高等教育规模扩展的国家。  相似文献   

Numerous papers have purported the need for life span education, yet few have examined the attitudes of older citizens toward lifelong learning. To determine why they were not attending a free audit program at the university and to ascertain their attitudes toward education for the elderly, 99 subjects aged 62 and older (M. = 74.6) were interviewed. The systematic sample chosen from membership lists of senior citizen groups yielded 34 men and 65 women. Interviews utilized a survey questionnaire. The analysis compared those who were and were not interested in the program.

Results indicated that 68% (N = 65) of the subjects were not interested in attending university classes. The 32% (N = 31) who answered “yes” or “maybe” were significantly younger than those who were not interested; the two groups did not differ significantly on the other variables measured (sex, previous education, occupation, daily activities, attitude toward education for self and other older persons, etc.). Furthermore, only one subject actually enrolled in the university in the subsequent semester.

The findings fail to support the thesis that “education begets education.” However, it should be noted that subjects indicated that “living is learning,” and while formal education is acceptable for the elderly, it is not necessary for learning.  相似文献   

汉末建安时期,随着人的觉醒和文学的自觉,文学成为人们表达世俗情感的工具,成为人们日常生活的一种需要。由于受众的扩大和广泛化,文学在题材、艺术形式,以至表现方式上有明显的俗化倾向。邺下作家普遍重视俗文学创作,作为建安之杰的曹植有更典型的表现。  相似文献   

作为一门现代学科,文学理论到底有什么特性,其相互之间有怎样的辩证关系,它们之间是如何实现对立统一? 如果只是孤立地看到文学理论的某种或某些性质,而无视其他特性,或者只是简单地将这些性质杂糅在一起,就难以真正寻找到文学理论科学的独特性。我们要从文学理论意识形态性与科学性辩证关系的角度出发,探讨二者如何在文学理论中熔铸为其学科的自主性。  相似文献   

目前流行的数字电子技术教材中对触发器端头的命名、标注等所作处理有某种内在矛盾,不利放学生正确概念建立体文对此提出商榷.并提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

对小鞘指环虫、鲢指环虫和河鲈锚首虫行为的研究表明:在寄生状态下,这三种单殖吸虫的活跃性很不一样,而被剥离到清水中之后,其活动性均大大加强.纤毛幼虫孵出后即开始活跃的运动,对水流敏感且对来自宿主鱼和非宿主鱼的组织有相似的趋向反应。  相似文献   

当今的社区体育越来越贴近我们的生活,日本的大众体育已经形成规模,其社区体育发展成功的经验对我国的社区工作将有一定的借鉴意义。本文采用文献资料法、比较分析法,通过对日本社区体育体制的研究,以找到我国社区体育建设的思路。  相似文献   

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