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图书馆现行借阅方式的改革   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
林妩 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(3):117-118
论述了开架借阅的优缺点,指出开架借阅不适应图书馆实现自动化和网络化的新情况,提出要以新的闭架借阅取代现行的开架借阅方式。  相似文献   

文章针对目前农业图书馆普遍存在书刊借阅的供需矛盾,阐述了变革图书馆传统借阅方式的必要性和可行性,在变以外借为主为内阅为主的服务过程中应注意解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

论图书馆的借阅服务模式-兼与林妩等同志商榷   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈瑛  金中仁 《图书情报工作》2003,47(11):124-127
对新闻闭架借阅服务模式下图书馆的运营成本、图书排架方法及服务效率等问题进行探讨,认为“大平面、大开架”的服务模式更能体现图书馆“以人为本,读者至上”的服务理念,更能高效地实现信息资源共享和工作人员的合理配置。  相似文献   

“新的闭架借阅方式”依然属于封闭式的管理思想和方法,是不会被采用的;“查、阅、藏、 借”一体化服务方式,代表了先进的开放性管理思想和方法,将会被广泛采用。  相似文献   

完善开架借阅方式之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

从图书借阅方式的变迁看图书馆服务模式的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车凯龙 《图书馆界》2012,(1):82-83,89
通过对多种类型图书借阅方式的描述,探讨图书馆服务模式转变的物质基础和思想基础,进而分析图书馆服务模式由单一封闭到多元开放、被动消极到主动积极、双向流动到自助交互的转变过程。  相似文献   

借阅期限是影响馆藏图书利用率的重要因素,但长期以来并未引起足够的重视.通常借阅期限的确定只考虑读者对象,而不考虑所借图书的类别.计算机技术在图书馆管理中的广泛应用,使得提高借阅期限的管理水平成为可能.本文以半衰期理论为依据,探讨借阅期限的合理确定.  相似文献   

浅谈开架借阅对图书流通和借阅倾向的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章对全开架前后图书流通情况作了统计,分析研究了图书流通和读者阅读倾向的影响因素,并且提出了一些对策性意见。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a Web-based survey regarding the circulation of tablets in academic libraries. The survey, which was completed by 61 respondents, identifies the most common circulation policies and procedures used. These results will help other academic institutions develop their own policy or update existing ones. Areas of disagreement raised by the survey are also discussed and avenues for further study are identified.  相似文献   


As libraries of all types and sizes continue to re-envision themselves to remain relevant in a rapidly changing information landscape, the single service point is visible evidence of this effort. In a complex environment, combining formerly disparate functional or service units is for many libraries both an innovative and effective way to manage resources and services. It is the intent of this overview to look beyond these issues to find similarities in theme and application that may be useful for those considering implementation of a one-stop model.  相似文献   

从图书馆的核心价值出发,分析了流通业务外包的利弊,提出读者服务工作是图书馆核心价值的重要组成部分,流通服务工作是读者服务工作的主要形式,是体现图书馆核心价值的重要工作。流通业务外包虽然能够解决人员不足的困难,提高工作效率,但存在的种种弊端阻碍了图书馆核心价值在流通服务工作中的完全实现。流通业务外包弊大于利,不是图书馆的发展方向。  相似文献   


Today's sophisticated circulation services and circulation policies, together with the ease of disseminating data in the Information Era, pose challenges to libraries. Library users are expected to be informed in advance of the policies they are supposed to observe when using the circulation services, instead of being told after the occurrence of an incident that they have not followed the policies and thus need to bear the consequences. User education can no longer be restricted to bibliographic instruction in its traditional sense but should cover circulation policies as well. User education on circulation policies needs to be concerted, well planned, and innovative. Some approaches to user education on circulation policies are discussed.  相似文献   

The academic library, given its often privileged position on campus, is the information source that can include directional as well as general campus facts among the myriad of print and e-resources for reference. Also, an academic library's audiences can be quite varied and include prospective students or parents seeking more general knowledge of the building and the campus. Many times this need for information drives patrons to the library service desks. Sometimes, especially during the high-demand seasons of new student orientation and beginning of the fall semesters, the desk is so busy that many patrons will leave because they don't have the time to wait. To address this immediate need for information, Texas Tech University Libraries developed an interactive kiosk to provide general information for frequently asked questions in a more efficient, creative, and interactive way. The kiosk provides a fun method of satisfying a patron's information needs without the requirement of a staff member or the need to wait in line for help. The kiosk is available as long as the Library is open and provides a variety of useful answers to general questions, as well as facts about the Library.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Underappreciated data concerning libraries' holdings and circulation over the past century and a half offer insights into the behavior of libraries and their users. Book circulation per public library user indicates an outcome of users' demand for books and libraries' supply of books. From 1856 to 1978, library users borrowed from U.S. public libraries about 15 books per user per year. From 1978 to 2004, about 25% of book circulation shifted to audio‐visual circulation. Over about a century and a half, library book circulation per user shows no strong, long‐run trend either up or down. This outcome suggests that libraries have adapted to maintain the stability of their operation and that library borrowing practices are well‐embedded in popular life.  相似文献   


This article presents the experience of Circulation Services at Booth Library, Eastern Illinois University, during a 31-month relocation to temporary facilities while the building was undergoing renovation. The move to temporary locations presented new challenges and required unique solutions. Issues such as the rationale for the move to the temporary facilities, the organization of the temporary branches, the delivery service, preservation and security, staffing issues, and the role of student workers are discussed. The article recommends extensive planning prior to a move to temporary facilities, as well as the adoption of a flexible approach during the duration of the stay in the locations.  相似文献   

高校图书馆流通部不和谐因素及对策之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了高校图书馆流通部馆员之间、馆员与读者之间存在的不和谐现象及其成因。并探讨了在馆员之间、馆员与读者之间建立和谐气氛的对策,以有利于高校图书馆流通部创造一个宽松和谐的学习和工作环境。  相似文献   


In order to learn from experiences of academic libraries that combined their Circulation and Reference functions into one service point, an informal survey was conducted through relevant listservs. Some academic libraries have combined Circulation and Reference Departments at one desk and others are in the process of doing so. The results summarize the responses with a discussion of the various models and outcomes.  相似文献   

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