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本文介绍了美国医师执照考试试题开发机制与工作程序,医师执照考试的特征、考试设计的主要方面以及同医学院校考试的主要区别,重点介绍了USMLE界定医师执照考试内容的主要方法——基于模型的实践分析,包括这一方法的特点、理论基础和步骤。  相似文献   

美国医师执照考试简介及中美医师资格考试比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国医师执照考试(United States Medical Licensing Examination,USMLE)是由美国联邦医学委员会(Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States,FSMB)、美国医师考试委员会(National Board of Medical Examiners,NBME)和外国医学院校毕业生教育委员(Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.ECFMG)共同发起的行业自律性考试。  相似文献   

影响客观结构化临床考试因素的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自从Harden于1975年首次提出客观结构化临床考试(Obiective Structured Clinical Examination,简称OSCE)以来,越来越多的国外医学教育机构把OSCE用做一种临床能力的评价工具,自从1993年加拿大医学委员会把OSCE应用于医师执照考试以后,美国外国医学毕业生教育委员会在对外国医学  相似文献   

本文介绍了心理测量理论与技术在美国医师执照考试中的应用情况,包括考生构成和及格率的简要描述;项目反应理论的基本要点及其在医师执照考试统计分析,题库建设、考试设计和组卷程序中的具体应用;测验分数等值化的方法,分数报告形式以及及格标准的制定程序。  相似文献   

中国医科大学医学教育研究中心于1991年获美国中华医学基金会资助,开始了“认知领域评价”项目的研究,并完成了基础研究工作。1993年5月,作者应邀到美国费城进行学术交流,并访问了美国内科考试委员会和美国全国医师考试委员会,对美国医学考试体制作了一些考察,现作一简单介绍。 一、美国医学教育体制及相匹配的考试体制  相似文献   

美国医师执照考试(USMLE)历来重视行为科学,美国医学院入学考试(MCAT)近期也进行了改革,增加了大量人文内容,以期提高准医生们的交流与沟通能力。本文选取两个相似度较高的中国医学考试项目进行对比,对加入人文内容的意义进行分析与探讨,建议提高人文科学类试题比例,引导医学院校调整课程设置,并探索不同的考核方式以提升医学考试的评估功能。  相似文献   

自本世纪开始,对医学专业和社会来说,用于对医学生、住院医生和执业医生作出晋升、授予证书和颁发执照决定的书面考试,其可信度是十分重要的。1920年代,多选题(MCQ)考试开始用于美国的医学考试。1940年代后期,自美国内科委员会和随后的全国医学考试委员会(NBME)采用MCQ以后,这一考试形式已被广泛地应用于医疗执照考试和资格证书考试。心理测试领域的专家们认为,这类考试是可靠的,因为应试者在涵盖相同内容的各种MCQ考试中均取得了相同的分数。此外,MCQ考试的效率很高,评分也很客观。 然而,MCQ考…  相似文献   

自1989年麻省大学医学中心StillmanP.L及其同事对北美医学院标准化病人(Standardized Patient,以下简称SP)应用情况作问卷调查以来,SP在医学生和住院医师的临床技能教学与评估中的应用受到了更大的关注。例如,Josiah Macy Jr.基金会为23所医学院校提供了资助,以建立SP评估医学生临床技能的研究中心;美国全国医学考试委员会(NBME)支持了一个重大项目以研究SP是否能被应用于医师执照考试。1992年12月,全美医学院协会(AAMC)在华盛顿就SP的应用召开了学术讨论会。因此,  相似文献   

15年前 ,美国和加拿大的医学院校开始引进客观的有结构的临床能力考试 ( objetivestructured clinical examination,OSCE) ,据1 994年调查 ,当时美加共有 1 1 1所医学院在评定学生的临床能力时采用了 OSCE法和标准化病人。现在 ,以标准化病人为基础的多站 OSCE已经成为几种高标桩考试的一部分 ,如加拿大的医师资格考试 ,以及为希望到加拿大行医的外国医科毕业生设置的资格考试等。美国医学考试委员会目前正在考虑把 OSCE法应用到医师执照考试中去。尽管 OSCE的应用日益广泛 ,并对这种考试方法进行了大量的研究 ,但是 ,环绕着 OSCE…  相似文献   

1998年 ,全美医学考试委员会( NBME)主席 Bowles等人代表 NBME对美国医师执照考试 ( USML E)的得分报告政策进行了评估 ,该项工作是在 NBME成员1 997年要求的基础上进行的。NBME考试自1 91 6年起就采用分数报告的方式 ,本次评估的目的是为了了解从报告分数转变为报告“及格 /不及格”可能产生的影响 ,以确定是否对报告政策进行改革。本文根据作者发表在 Academic Medicine2 0 0 0 ,75( 5)上的文章编译。方法与对象调查问卷分为个人和小组填写两种 ,根据目的拟订问卷表 ,通过评估小组成员同包括医学生在内的委员会共同讨论后确定调…  相似文献   

对国家执业医师资格考试的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施医师资格考试的实践证明,考试是成功的,达到了预期目的,但也面临着严峻的形势和考验,还有许多需要加强和完善的问题。要采取有效措施,使考试为净化医师队伍,提高医师队伍的素质,把好医师准入关,保证医疗质量及人民健康发挥作用。  相似文献   

Team-based learning (TBL) strategy is being adopted in medical education to implement interactive small group learning. We have modified classical TBL to fit our curricular needs and approach. Anatomy lectures were replaced with TBL that required preparation of assigned content specific discussion topics (in the text referred as "discussion topics"), an individual self-assessment quiz (IRAT), analysis of the discussion topics, and then the team retaking the same quiz (GRAT) for discussion and deeper learning. Embryology and clinical correlations were given as lectures. Unit examinations consisted of graded IRAT and GRAT. The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Subject Examination was the comprehensive final examination. To evaluate the effect of TBL on student performance we compared the departmental and NBME subject examination scores between the traditional and TBL curricula. We collected five years of data on student performance in TBL-based anatomy and lecture-based preclinical courses. Our results show that departmental and NBME subject examination scores for TBL-based anatomy were higher than those for lecture-based anatomy. We subsequently compared average NBME scores for anatomy with those in other preclinical courses that were lecture-based. Average NBME anatomy scores were significantly higher than those for all the lecture-based preclinical courses. Since the introduction of TBL in anatomy, student performance has progressively improved in the NBME subject examination. Students perceived TBL as a motivator to be a responsible team member and to contribute to collective learning by the team. Further, it reinforced self-directed learning and fostered an appreciation for peer respect. Interestingly, these perceptions were uniform irrespective of student course performance.  相似文献   

本研究随机抽取了21387名参加某年医师资格考试医学综合笔试临床执业类别考试考生,对其在外科学上的得分进行了聚类分析,并将按照边界组法以及对照组法计算出的边界分数与Angoff专家判断的合格分数进行了对比。结果表明:两者对考生分类的一致性Kappa系数高达0.934,充分证明了Angoff合格分数判断法的有效性。  相似文献   

规则空间模型是一种基于统计模式识别和分类的认知诊断理论,能够提供关于考生作答模式与属性掌握情况的详细信息。本研究运用该模型,在详细考察口腔内科学知识属性的基础上,对参加2006年口腔执业医师考试的454名考生进行诊断,最后得到八种典型反应模式,并将454名考生的实际作答模式判归为这八种典型反应模式,从而实现对考生口腔内科学知识属性掌握的识别及其分类,针对我国执业医师考试分数报告的形式和内容提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to model United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 2 passing rates using the Cox Proportional Hazards Model, best known for its application in analyzing clinical trial data. The number of months it took to pass the computer-based Step 2 examination was treated as the dependent variable in the model. Covariates in the model were: (a) medical school location (U.S. and Canadian or other), (b) primary language (English or other), and (c) gender. Preliminary findings indicate that examinees were nearly 2.7 times more likely to experience the event (pass Step 2) if they were U.S. or Canadian trained. Examinees with English as their primary language were 2.1 times more likely to pass Step 2, but gender had little impact. These findings are discussed more fully in light of past research and broader potential applications of survival analysis in educational measurement.  相似文献   

In this article, it is shown how item text can be represented by (a) 113 features quantifying the text's linguistic characteristics, (b) 16 measures of the extent to which an information‐retrieval‐based automatic question‐answering system finds an item challenging, and (c) through dense word representations (word embeddings). Using a random forests algorithm, these data then are used to train a prediction model for item response times and predicted response times then are used to assemble test forms. Using empirical data from the United States Medical Licensing Examination, we show that timing demands are more consistent across these specially assembled forms than across forms comprising randomly‐selected items. Because an exam's timing conditions affect examinee performance, this result has implications for exam fairness whenever examinees are compared with each other or against a common standard.  相似文献   

Although multivariate generalizability theory was developed more than 30 years ago, little published research utilizing this framework exists and most of what does exist examines tests built from tables of specifications. In this context, it is assumed that the universe scores from levels of the fixed multivariate facet will be correlated, but the error terms will be uncorrelated because subscores result from mutually exclusive sets of test items. This paper reports on an application in which multiple subscores are derived from each task completed by the examinee. In this context, both universe scores and errors may be correlated across levels of the fixed multivariate facet. The data described come from the United States Medical Licensing Examination® Step 2 Clinical Skills Examination. In this test, each examinee interacts with a series of standardized patients and each interaction results in four component scores. The paper focuses on the application of multivariate generalizability theory in this context and on the practical interpretation of the resulting estimated variance and covariance components.  相似文献   

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