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进入二十一世纪,我国体育新闻的娱乐化逐渐成为一种趋势.中国体育新闻娱乐化倾向一方面使体育新闻呈现出报道内容趣味性和报道形式多样性的特色,拓宽了体育报道的领域,极大满足了受众的娱乐需求.但另一方面,却形成了色情化、暴力化等畸形态势.如何正确引导中国体育新闻娱乐化的发展方向,成为值得我们深刻思考的问题.  相似文献   

新媒体语境下的体育新闻"去专业化"是大势所趋。体育新闻"去专业化"的主要表现是:体育新闻报道对象泛化与报道内容边缘化,体育新闻报道语言风格逐渐朝多样化方向发展。究其原因,一是新媒体语境是体育新闻"去专业化"发展重要动因;二是媒介大众新语境是体育新闻"去专业化"兴起积极推手;三是后奥运时代体育新语境激发体育新闻"去专业化"转型。"去专业化"的过度常常引发体育新闻报道的煽情化、过度娱乐化,甚至是假新闻泛滥等问题。  相似文献   

近年来体育新闻报道中存在着过度娱乐化的现象:内容的庸俗化;语言的过度战争化等,影响传媒的公信力;误导人们价值观念的形成;影响社会风气,不利于和谐社会的建立,本文对体育新闻报道的和谐性进行研究,似求加大体育新闻深度报道的力度;重视情感因素的应用等。  相似文献   

文章运用文献分析、案例分析和逻辑分析等方法,在搜集国内学者对"网络体育新闻娱乐化"这一问题研究成果的基础上,通过新闻报道案例,分析网络体育新闻娱乐化操作中出现的误区:丧失真实.网络新闻相关法律法规的脱节、商业网站体育新闻报道空前的竞争压力以及网络媒体"去中心"话的特点是造成这一现象的主要原因.而完善法律法规,尤其是加强网络体育新闻从业人员的道德修养,树立"我是新闻记者"、"核实、核实、再核实"的专业理念才是解决问题的关键.  相似文献   

以俄语功能修辞学为理论基础,分析了俄罗斯现代报刊、网络中体育新闻语言在词汇层面的功能修辞特征。功能决定着语言手段的选择。体育新闻语言在词汇层面上的特征是由体育新闻的信息功能、娱乐功能和审美功能所决定的。伴随着现代俄罗斯大众媒体的发展,体育新闻的娱乐功能开始占据了重要地位,俄语体育新闻语言也出现了新特征。研究的结果有助于俄语语言学习者对现代俄罗斯体育新闻进行有效的理解。同时对于研究团体语言中的语言规律有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

王季 《考试周刊》2011,(50):145-146
体育新闻是我国大众媒体中发展最快、影响最大的新闻门类之一。本文从体育新闻"娱乐化"的角度剖析其发展的必然性,并对其实施的方法给予阐述。  相似文献   

李辉 《海外英语》2011,(7):367-369
体育新闻在我们的日常生活中是不可或缺的一部分。它不仅能给我们提供消息,而且给我们的生活提供娱乐。体育新闻标题在体育新闻中占有重要位置,一条成功的标题能够有效的吸引读者的注意力,从而使读者有兴趣继续阅读整条新闻。该文将从前景化视角分析体育新闻标题,从体育新闻标题的词汇变异,语义变异和词汇的过分规则化解析新闻标题。  相似文献   

随着我国体育事业的快速发展和2008年北京奥运会的日益临近,体育新闻报道越来越受到新闻传播工作者的重视和广大受众的欢迎。与此同时,我国的体育报道也出现了与新闻真实背离、娱乐至上横行、舆论导向泛化等为人所诟病的误区。本文在分析这些误区导致的危害基础上提出了改变我国体育报道现状的对策。  相似文献   

张春昱 《新疆教育》2012,(7):144-146
最近几年,电视新闻的娱乐化已逐渐成为一个普遍的趋势并且影响也越来越大。电视新闻娱乐化在给受众带来耳目一新的感觉的同时,也逐渐表现出一些的负面的影响,引起人们的一些担忧。面对这种趋势,本文运用新闻学和传播学的理论,采用理论与实践相结合的方法,阐述了电视新闻娱乐化的原因;分析了电视新闻娱乐化的利弊,并提出了电视新闻节目娱乐化健康发展应遵循的原则和策略。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展,新闻媒介商业化趋势日渐加强,新闻娱乐化形式也逐渐的突出出来了。经济领域的一切活动都是以市场为取向,新闻娱乐化是传媒走向市场的结果,也是市场经济下必然产生的结果。我国正处于社会的转型期即不可以完全取消大众传媒,也不可以完全走娱乐化道路,而应该更加有力的实施主流媒体与分流媒体分向发展。新闻不是娱乐节目,它的基本功能应该是报道事实、提供真实合理的信息,但是随着媒体的不断发展愈加开放,许多新闻走向了极端娱乐化的道路。  相似文献   

电视民生新闻自2002年开播以来已经走过了10个年头,存在节目雷同化,新闻选题追求庸俗化、娱乐化,重报道轻评论,媒介越位严重等问题。针对此弊端,必须追求个性、差异化的定位策略,做好大民生与小民生的结合,重视新闻评论并提升媒体舆论监督力度。  相似文献   

浅谈21世纪财务报告发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,随着新经济时代的发展,财务报告方面存在的问题已引起人们的极大关注。本文着重从现存报告的不足、非财务信息的披露和未来会计报告发展趋势三个方面提出几点建议。  相似文献   

媒介报道不可避免地会体现出某种倾向性,特别是在涉及民族主义内容的报道时,这种倾向性更加凸显。《环球时报》作为知名的大众传播媒介,其报道倾向具有一定的代表性。通过对《环球时报》2010年1月1日-2011年1月1日的报道进行内容分析,可以得出以下结论:媒介报道中的民族主义倾向主要是通过政治民族主义体现出来的;在报道中更多的是通过指责他国和赞美本国的方式来彰显民族主义情怀;在与他国或他民族的关系报道中,更加强调中美关系;在报道的方式上,则倾向于采用含蓄、隐晦的报道方式。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between responsibility attribution and tendency to report child sexual abuse among practicing psychologists. Two hundred ninety-five licensed psychologists from two states completed vignettes in which the sex of the child and the father's admission or denial of alleged sexual abuse were systematically manipulated. Subjects assigned relative percentages of responsibility to the father, mother, child, and society for the abuse and indicated their tendency to report and their level of confidence that abuse was occurring. Results indicated a significant effect for responsibility to the mother which varied as a function of the father's response to the allegation of abuse. Mothers were blamed significantly more for the abuse when the father denied being abusive. Responsibility attribution did not predict reporting, while confidence in the occurrence of abuse did. Also, sex differences were found among participants where male subjects assigned significantly more responsibility to the abusive father than female participants, and the females blamed the mother more than the males. Results are discussed in the context of previous research on responsibility attribution in child abuse.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experiment designed to elicit students’ subjective beliefs about the economic returns to college education. An important feature of our experimental design is the inclusion of financial incentives for accurate reporting. We also consider the extent to which individuals’ beliefs about their own returns differ from their beliefs about the returns for others. The evidence shows that students do have a self-enhancement tendency, and this finding cannot be attributed to previously uncontrolled order effects. The evidence also indicates that there is no significant difference between beliefs elicited using hypothetical surveys or real financial incentives in the elicitation procedure. This finding suggests that economists’ reluctance to gather subjective data on earnings expectations may not be warranted.  相似文献   

Norm-referenced standardized achievement tests are designed, and commonly used, for obtaining group scores. Various methods are used to calculate and express group scores in terms of common derived scores, such as percent ile ranks. Publishers' scaled scores are ordinarily used in these procedures, with the result that the group scores can possess anomalous characteristics. The group scores can vary widely, depending on not only the measure of central tendency but also the type of derived score employed. A reason for this situation is hypothesized to be the use of inappropriate statistical procedures to develop publishers' scaled scores. Practitioners need to be aware of this problem and to document their procedures when calculating and reporting group scores. Test publishers are urged to avoid the use of scaling procedures that are seen as responsible for this problem.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study addressed the hypothesis that adults reporting sexual abuse are more likely to exhibit a general tendency to ruminate on sadness. The relations between reported abuse, rumination on sadness, and dysphoria were also examined. METHOD: Undergraduate students (101 women and 100 men) reported on childhood and adult sexual abuse and instances of intimidation, as well as completing the Rumination on Sadness Scale [Journal of Personality Assessment 75 (2000) 404] and the Beck Depression Inventory [Depression: Clinical, Experimental, and Theoretical Aspects, Harper & Row, New York]. RESULTS: Participants who reported more abuse were more likely to report rumination on sadness. Both reports of abuse and of rumination were linked to dysphoria. Overall, causal modeling indicated that two models were equally effective in accounting for the data: (a) victimization leads to dysphoria, with this relation being partly mediated by rumination and (b) victimization leads to dysphoria, which in turn leads to rumination. Both models are consistent with prior research. For men considered separately, both models were equally effective. For women, model a best accounted for the data. CONCLUSION: One of the pathways by which victimization may lead to depression in adulthood is by encouraging the development of a tendency to ruminate on sadness. Alternatively, victimization may lead to depression by other means, and the experienced depression or dysphoria may foster rumination.  相似文献   

部分新闻事实具有可以拓展和深度开掘的特性,是具有张力的新闻事实。鉴别新闻事实的张力,可以从新闻事件的本身和它的意义价值两个方面展开研究。根据新闻要素的不同特性,新闻的张力可以向解释性报道、调查性报道、分析性报道、述评性报道、预测性报道方向拓展,可以通过连续报道、系列报道、组合报道、媒体事件等方式来实现。  相似文献   

关于转述句,传统语法从句法形式出发认为当转述小句出现中句首时,直/间接引语是转述句的宾语或补语,它与转述小句之间是从属关系,当转述小句不出现在句首时,它被视为评述分句,直/间接引语被认为是主句,章根据系统功能语法的有关理论,把直/间接引语与转述小句之间的关系看作是语义投射关系,在转述小句出现在句首的转述句中,间接引语与转述小句之间是主从的依存关系,在转述小句不出现在句首的转述句中,直/间接引语与转述小句之间是并列关系,同时也指出Halliday和Thompsom关于投射理论中存在的不足。  相似文献   

转述,是指人们通过口头和书面形式对模本内容的中间传递。语文教学中,师生对文本的转述一般可分理解性转述和创造性转述。理解性转述指对原文内容及意蕴用新的话语体系进行忠实性的转达,创造性转述则指在原意基础上的添加性发挥。转述做得好,就会成为课堂对话的切入口,言意转换的中心地。  相似文献   

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