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Summary Significant numbers of children referred for evaluation of learning disabilities demonstrate written language disorders. They may have problems with handwriting, spelling, written formulation, or a combination of all three. Some questions that may be asked for assessment and some general suggestions for remediation have been provided. Integrating components of spoken, read, and written language is necessary in teaching children who have written language disorders. This paper is based upon a presentation at the 30th Annual Conference of The Orton Society, Indianapolis, November 1979.  相似文献   


Tanya got out of the bed while the sun was still asleep.She looked outthe window;even the stars were lost in the dark.Mike,her husbandwas still in bed and so were her four kids.Even their sleep couldn’telude her from doing them service.She had to orchestrate her work tothe microscopic details.From pressing clothes to polishing shoes,findingmatching socks to arranging school bags,fixing up breakfast to preparingsnack-boxes,she was unthankfully supposed to make it all happen like a magicwand.And to her own compulsory fault,she did it all;like a magic wand. Life ran like a wheel.The circle started every morning and ended up latein the night,and then morning appeared again.There was no pause,no rest,not even a slight curve to insert change.She condemned herself for not ex-periencing even a thought of ever getting out of this circle.She had committedherself to the orbit of life.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings from two research studies. In Study I, 21 counseling students were given either a written standard model, written serial model, or a videotape model of how to ask tacting questions. While there were no differences between the written and video models, significant multivariate differences were found between the two forms of the written models. In Study II, 24 counseling students received either the written or video model and then were assessed either by orally responding or by writing reflections of feeling responses to a series of client vignettes. Once again, no differences were found for mode of model presentation. Students who responded in writing, however, outperformed those who responded orally. The discussion focuses on the implications these two studies have for counselor education.  相似文献   

英语写作中同辈反馈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文拟调查研究学生在参与同辈反馈的过程中产生了怎样的认知活动,使用了怎样的调节策略,并分析了这些是如何影响反馈的效果的。  相似文献   

本研究以45名学生为研究对象,对比研究教师给出评语、同学互相给出评语和英语专业高年级学生给出评语对二语写作的影响。实验结果表明三种语语对提高学生语法的应用能力和内容写作水平无积极作用。原因为这三种方法各有利弊;传统的“一次性”写作不要求学生重写作文,导致学生对评语不重视;同时,这三种评语对学生注意并未产生较大影响。本研究提出了给出评语的新模式。  相似文献   

Relevance theory (RT), as the new theory of communication interpretation, is first presented in the book Relevance: Communication and cognition, which was written by D. Sperber and D. Wilson. Since then, it remains the hot topic in the field of pragmatics. Based on the studies of RT’s unique ideas, principle of communication and distinctive communication model, this paper aims to analyse the feasibility of application of relevance theory in interpreting the written discourse.  相似文献   

贾谊辞赋无论是骚体赋意味浓厚的《吊屈原赋》,还是汉大赋色彩明显的《鸟赋》,都更多地展现个人的内心世界,表达才智之士未能施展政治抱负的忧愤感情和坚持理想的斗争精神。这些辞赋兼有屈原赋和荀子赋的体制,趋向散体化,形成问答形式,常用四字句,注意句法整齐,显示出从楚辞向汉赋过渡的痕迹。  相似文献   

I heard a thousand blended notes,While in a grove I sate reclined,In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughtsBring sad thoughts to the mind.To her fair works did Nature linkThe human soul that through me ran;And much it grieved my heart to thinkWhat man has…  相似文献   


A mechanical test-scoring device was evaluated in three ways: (1) experimentally to determine its contribution to classroom learning; (2) by questionnaire; and (3) by assessment of mechanical reliability. Televised learning materials were followed by three randomly assigned follow-up modes: (1) quizzes graded by machine, immediately returned, and discussed; (2) quizzes that were discussed, but with papers returned the next day; and (3) discussion only. Fourth and tenth grade classes were used. The value of such a study for the evaluation of devices for educational use was demonstrated. Machine malfunctions occurred in this target environment which had not appeared in extensive prior testing. The device groups showed no superiority over quiz only groups, possibly due to the reliability problem. Attitudes were favorable toward the machine and toward immediate return of the test results.  相似文献   

从常用的襄阳方言词语中,列举出40例具有典型地方特色特征的词,拟从语音、音韵、文化习俗等诸方面对方言词语的本字进行探究.这在指导方言规范化书写,正确使用方言、宣传和保护方言方面有积极作用和深远意义.  相似文献   

文章从平面设计的概念谈起,逐节阐述了现代平面设计的发展现状,步及的范围,文字符号与平面设计的潜在联系,叙述了文字符号的产生及东西方文字体系,文化理念的异同,其中着重探讨了中国象形文字的特点及在现代平面设计中的成功试验和探索,提出现代平面设计作品不但要具有国际能够认同的基本视觉因素,同时应具有民族的象征性。中国文字独具特点,在古代已经有以字体为主要元素的标志,旗帜,字号等传统设计形式,在设计强调原创性,时代性以及地域性的今天,中国文字符号必将在现代平面设计领域有着更加广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

对“人文山水”的关注是文化散文的基本方式,“人、历史、自然”的交融所内蕴的对精神家园的追寻则是文化散文的旨趣所在,但文化矫情使许多文本充满了道德教诲和虚设的崇高自我;而无法摆脱的对话语权威、社会权力地位的渴望,使文化散文日渐丧失应有的文化批判性。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the marking of written assignment and reports the results of the first step of an action research project conducted at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Lecturers marked students' written assignments first without an espoused criteria and the second time using a criteria referenced assessment form. The two sets of marks are compared and correlation and agreement between the scores are presented. The results show that the range of the marks is greater and the distribution of the marks is closer to the normal distribution when the assessment form was used. The difference between the two sets of marks was statistically significant (p < 0.05) though the correlation of the scores was good (r = 0.84). The paper discusses possible reasons for the results and also looks at individual students' marks.  相似文献   

本文从四个方面总结了第二次世界大战的教训:(一)落后就要挨打;(二)统一战线是克敌制胜的法宝;(三)警惕局部战争和霸权主义,和平解决国际争端;(四)、加强民主力量,不使法西斯势力抬头。  相似文献   

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