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Fifteen months ago the Perry Common Resource Centre in Birmingham began to open up the secondary school curriculum to pupils with hearing, visual and physical handicaps at special schools on the Perry Common campus. Children whose curriculum had previously been constrained by the small size of their schools were able for the first time to study science, humanities, craft, design and technology, art, textiles, information technology, music and drama in purpose designed facilities. Jill Bourne, head of the resource centre, outlines progress so far.  相似文献   

交谈是人们进行社会交流的重要手段。在交谈中人们应该掌握其主要的原则和交谈的技巧。而在交谈的原则中交谈的轮次和相关是非常重要的原则。美国语言学家H.Paul Crice概括了交谈中合作的四个基本原则。为了达到交谈的基本目的,交谈的双方或各方应该在接受对方资源的同时,做好给予的准备。  相似文献   

郭德纲和徐德亮有段相声。说到角板砖搭讪姑娘。博得大众笑声,而这种方法也确实别具一格,让人茅塞顿开!下面我们就看看专家们写的实战帖:会话入门指南,希望给各位宅男(宅女)们一些指导。  相似文献   

在解题时,我们会遇到许多题干相似的句子,却有完全不同的答案。仔细辨别他们之间细微的差异,不仅能提高自己的分析、判断和运用语言的能力,而且会欣赏到英语语言结构上的精妙之处。请看下面例析。  相似文献   

<正>It is always said that a good teacher should be a good lecturer.He or she should at least master all the different methods of presenting a good presentation to students.We expect our teachers to give a wonderful lecture in class and that’s everything a successful teacher should do.However,is this truly right?Does it really make sense that a teacher should be a lecturer and treat our students as audiences in class?No,I don’t think so.Especially after all these years of teaching primary and middle school students,I think a successful teacher should be a good talker.They should always know how  相似文献   

Despite an increase in higher education uptake in the UK, participation rates for working class students remain low. When working-class students attend university, they are often attracted to lower status universities to enrol in new subject areas, such as media studies. This study uses Bourdieu’s theory of stratification, and its reproduction via cultural and educational capital, to examine the experiences of a group of 55 media students using qualitative methods. The study finds that working class students often struggle to find their way to university, while middle-class ones may arrive through much easier routes. Working-class students are often circumscribed in their mobility by financial factors or caring roles. The students’ experiences of seminars can be alienating and difficult as the teaching may draw on implicit middle-class cultural capital with particular modes of address and verbal dexterity. The partnership model of teaching assumes a normative construction of a specific mode of studenthood and students may find themselves marginalised if they are not able to engage with this; the concept of independent learning may serve to aggravate this marginalisation. The students often receive strong support from families, particularly mothers, but may also experience distanciation between themselves and their friends from home. Middle-class students are able to project an assured career trajectory; working-class students are often ambitious but do not have access to the privileged cultural and social capital to realise their goals as effectively. Despite the relatively large numbers of students from working-class backgrounds, the institutional habitus of the university remains alien to some of its students.  相似文献   

拓宽思路,全力搞好实验室建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海军航空工程学院主动适应海军信息化建设对新型军事人才培养的需求,明确实验室建设的总体目标和建设思路,不断改善实验教学条件,充分提高实验室建设效益,积极推动实验教学改革,重视加强实验室队伍建设,人才培养质量明显提高.  相似文献   

通过对自然语境中的话语进行分析,并培养这方面的意识,有助于提高英语会话能力。制约会话机制的几个因素能对学习会话的过程和结果产生影响。本文对会话的基本特征, 结构特征及文化特征和影响会话学习的因素进行分析,从而得出会话学习中应遵循的原则, 并提出如何在实际生活中有效提高会话能力。  相似文献   

在语教学中,教师应站在美学的观点来观照语课堂,培养学生的人品质和审美情感,提倡评议语的审美教学。  相似文献   

在校园网越来越普及的背景下,积极利用网络平台,因势利导,探索网络环境下的德育显得更加重要。目前来看,校园网德育功能的发挥还有很大空间。为此,德育工作者需要更新教育理念;丰富校园网德育资源的内容及呈现方式;扩大网络管理员范围,使教师、学生、家长、社区组成网络建设共同体;进一步挖掘班主任队伍资源。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

本文以对话形式,简要明确地阐述了思维和思维训练的重要性;深入浅出地介绍了思维能力和思维品质的训练途径。  相似文献   

陈媛媛 《海外英语》2014,(17):237+240
Men and women applied language distinct from each other in many ways. The thesis gives an illustration of gender differences in conversation and different interpretive frames within which the discourse between men and women take place. More profoundly,it tries to explain them from perspective of socialization.  相似文献   

随意会话是会话分析的一个重要组成部分,但是随意会话内容复杂,难以把握。中国人自古讲究为人谦逊礼貌,因此在会话过程中多遵循Leech的礼貌原则。通过以自行录制的汉语日常会话录音为例,转写部分会话内容,目的在于从中分析汉语随意会话的典型特征,以帮助人们顺利进行日常会话。  相似文献   

英语会话要求会话者在掌握一定的语言知识的基础上 ,具备了运用语言外知识 (即语境 )进行交际的能力 ,英语会话与对话的语气语调与特定文化的社会规范和会话规则有关 ,英语会话教学应密切结合语境进行  相似文献   

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