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虚拟课堂与教师的能动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟课堂是在互联网条件下采用实时性、交互性的多功能网上授课平台.虚拟课堂的出现必然会导致传统教育体系的进一步革新.虚拟课堂具有自身的特点和优越性,与现实课堂相比,在教学场所、学生来源、授课时间、互动方式等方面,存在巨大差异.然而,以网络技术为代表的虚拟课堂代表着现代教育生产力的发展方向.教师在虚拟课堂中的作用、地位不是被削弱,而是应该得到加强.教师的能动性体现在与学生的平等互动之中,使阅读、表达、讨论、交流、质疑、争辩、赞同、支持、查考、创作,成为虚拟课堂改变教师和学生日常学习生活的基本方式.虚拟课堂与现实课程的整合,不仅改变着学生的学习状态,也使教师的能动性地位得到不同形式的体现和发展.  相似文献   

现代多媒体技术在高校体育教学中的应用探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当前科学技术飞速发展的大背景下,各种现代化的教学媒体特别是多媒体技术已广泛被运用于高校教育的各个学科,当然在高校体育学科教学中也是不可缺少的。通过现代化的教学手段可以优化高校体育课堂教学,有效激发大学生体育学习动机和兴趣,帮助大学生建立正确的视动表象,有效提高运动技能。  相似文献   

在大力推进新课程改革的背景下,学校教育教学呈现出蓬勃的发展趋势,素质教育备受关注,德育、心理健康教育的重要性不断提升。学校应强化宏观统筹,在全校兴起德育与心理健康教育的整合之风,在德育课堂教学中融入心理健康教育,提升学生的思想道德水平,培养学生良好的心理,为学生全面、综合发展打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

现代科学和技术的不可分割性质决定了科学教育已发展成为科技教育。科学教育与技术教育相互促进,技术教育对科学教育的作用表现在技术教育是培养学生的科学探究能力,发展科学精神,形成科学素养、科学态度,掌握科学方法的载体;技术教育使科学课程更加综合化。根据国际上科技教育的经验以及我国基础教育的现状,我国在科学教育过程中加强技术教育的途径应为(1)强化劳动技术课对培养学生设计与技术能力的作用。(2)对科学课程中的各学科课程内容进行改革,将科学知识与技术手段教育相结合,将技术因素渗透在理科教材中,重视实验教学。(3)提高技术教育师资的素质。  相似文献   

An increase in online education is causing science educators to evaluate student cognitive understanding after completing virtual, computer-simulated laboratories. Online education has demonstrated comparable learning gains when analysed to those of the traditional classroom, but research is mixed when reviewing students’ ability to manipulate tangible laboratory equipment after participating in online experimentation. The question remains, are students who are exclusively enrolled in online science courses equipped with the cognitive ability to operate laboratory equipment within a physical laboratory? When considering the optimal learning environment for science majors, educators have discovered the blended classroom may provide the perfect opportunity to combine the benefits of face-to-face instruction and feedback with the reinforcement of scientific theory through technology integration. New advances in virtual education provide promising examples of enhancing the online classroom laboratory in all scientific disciplines. Further insight into the blended classroom has the potential to influence the field of education towards an optimal learning environment for science majors in colleges and universities.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,在英国高度重视发展高等科技教育的政策与改革背景下,牛津大学积极进行了学科结构的调整,使其文、理、工、商、医等学科得到和谐发展。牛津大学的学科演变表明,大学要基于自身的历史文化、学术传统和学校实际培育自己的特色学科和优势学科。  相似文献   

在中小学教育实践中,信息技术与课程整合的实施有十多年之久。在教学一线,教师们积极地采用各种信息技术手段来完善自己的课堂教学,但是总有不足之处。通过对当前信息技术与课程整合现状的调查,总结了中小学教育实践中信息技术与课程整合存在的问题,并提出了信息技术与课程整合的策略,以期能为信息技术与课程整合教学实践的顺利实施提供更多的帮助。  相似文献   

现代科学教育的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学教育指的是数学与自然科学教育以及在它们的基础上形成的各种交叉科学、综合科学和技术科学的教育。各级各类学校中进行的科学教育具有系统性、客观性、抽象性和继承性等特点  相似文献   

Constructivism in science education has been the subject of considerable debate in the science education literature. The purpose of this study was to facilitate chemistry teachers’ understanding that the tentative nature of scientific knowledge leads to the coexistence and rivalries among different forms of constructivism in science education. The study is based on 17 in-service teachers who had registered for a 11-week course on ‘Epistemology of Science Teaching’ as part of their Master's degree program. The course is based on 17 readings drawing on nature of science and a critical evaluation of constructivism. Course activities included written reports, classroom discussions based on participants’ presentations and written exams. Based on the results obtained, it is plausible to suggest that participant teachers experienced the following transitions leading to greater understanding, as they acquired experience with respect to constructivism: (a) Active participation of students as a pre-requisite for change; (b) Different forms of constructivism represent competing and conflicting interpretations of progress in science; (c) Acceptance of the present state of constructivism as a Kuhnian paradigm; (d) Social constructivism as the preferred form of constructivism; (e) Critical appraisal of social constructivism; (f) Despite its popularity, social constructivism does not constitute a Kuhnian paradigm (due to controversies, there is no consensus in the science education community); (g) Contradictions faced by constructivism in science education provide the base for its advance and evolution towards more progressive forms, and hence the need to consider, whither constructivism?  相似文献   

信息技术的发展给高中英语课堂教学带来了革命性的影响。很多教师已经开始把信息技术应用到课堂上,激发了学生学习的积极性,产生了惊人的课堂教学效果。当然,也随之出现一些问题,影响到信息技术运用到课堂上的教学有效性。教师在开展信息技术课堂教学的时候要多维度地考虑信息技术与高中英语课堂教学的深度融合历经,优化教学效果。  相似文献   

Although the nature of science has long been seen as an important, indeed central, component of science education during this century, efforts to integrate an authentic view of the nature of science into the curriculum have often met with little success. Work in the field of science studies since the 1960s has compounded this difficulty by presenting educators with various competing, often conflicting, views of the essence of scientific inquiry. I discuss previous attempts to come to grips with this fundamental issue of how to deal with the competing views of science and suggest an alternative approach for integrating nature of science issues into the school science curriculum. What is needed is for educators to accept that no single nature of science exists and to develop curricula that help students understand instead the diverse, local practices that are found within and across scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

The problem which stimulated this research is that in Australia, primary school teachers are expected to teach a new subject, Technology, but have had little training consistent with the newly adopted technology curriculum. Using case studies from two Western Australian schools, the paper documents the ways in which one teacher from each school has established successful classroom strategies for incorporating technology into her classroom, and how she has had a significant effect on the practice of other teachers in her school. The relationship between one pair of teachers in each school is used to explore the nature of their collaboration. One pair used joint work, with shared responsibility for the work of teaching, an example of deep collaboration. The other pairing was more one-sided, a collaborative relationship better described as one of aid and assistance. Both relationships were based on mutual respect, and demonstrate how teachers choose to work together towards a common purpose, the implementation of technology education. Implications from the study are discussed in terms of leadership and collaboration, time and integration, and teachers' knowledge.  相似文献   

基于可视化分析软件CiteSpace和文献计量学方法对2009—2019年的432篇期刊文献进行定量与定性相结合的分析发现,近年来我国科学教育的研究热点集中在国际科学教育的比较研究、科学教育与人文教育的融合研究以及科学素养培育研究等相关问题。随着科学教育研究的快速发展,其理论构建不断深入、研究方法更加多样且研究的系统性也在不断增强,但是仍然存在着哲学审视尚浅、学科学理不明和相关概念模糊等问题。未来我国科学教育研究应该注重科学教育学科的制度建构、科学教育研究的实证取向与科学教育经验的本土创新。  相似文献   

德育教育是大学教育的主要组成部分之一。德育教育不仅存在于思想政治教师的课堂上,同时也贯穿于专业课程的课堂中。目前,在研究生课堂上进行德育教育已经被很多专业课教师所采纳。然而随着研究生课程内容的变化,很难采取同一手段将德育教育完美地融入知识教育中。在分析控制科学研究生专业课教学内容的基础上,提出了具有其专业特色的德育教育理念与方法,通过在控制科学研究生专业课上的实践,结果显示,将德育教育融入专业课程课堂中更容易让学生接收。  相似文献   

The ‘community of inquiry’ as formulated by C. S. Peirce is grounded in the notion of communities of discipline‐based inquiry engaged in the construction of knowledge. The phrase ‘transforming the classroom into a community of inquiry’ is commonly understood as a pedagogical activity with a philosophical focus to guide classroom discussion. But it has a broader application. Integral to the method of the community of inquiry is the ability of the classroom teacher to actively engage in the theories and practices of discipline‐based communities of inquiry so as to become informed by the norms of the disciplines, not only to aspire to competence within the disciplines, but also to develop habits of self‐correction for reconstructing those same norms when faced with novel problems and solutions, including those in the classroom. This has implications for science education and the role of educational philosophy in developing students' ability to think scientifically. But it also has broader implications for thinking critically within all key learning areas. Here we concentrate on science education. We present the parallels between philosophical inquiry and scientific inquiry that need to be realised to promote and engage with scientific inquiry in the classroom. We also discuss the conflicts between philosophical inquiry and the way inquiry science in the classroom is portrayed in the education literature. Based on philosophical and historical perceptions of science as inquiry, a practical approach to implementation of scientific inquiry in the science classroom is presented.  相似文献   

随着现代科技的迅猛发展和科学教育的兴盛,学校教育的功利主义价值取向愈来愈突出,教育实践愈益与人教育与人精神的追求相悖逆。我们的时代需要人精神,人精神理应成为现代学校教育的基本价值追求。  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes towards technology are crucial to foster its use in schools and to improve its educational affordances and this is still a topic for research. This article relates the attitudes school teachers have towards information and communication technologies (ICT) with the different levels of technology integration in schools. A multiple case-study research methodology was applied, and in which the school was the unit of sampling used. Thirty-five schools from eight Spanish regions were selected, and 1222 questionnaires were collected, representing 78.9% of the sample. Three combined variables were utilised to classify schools in four different levels of technology integration. Results suggest level 4 school teachers exhibit better attitudes towards ICT, which results in creating a positive circle which improves the learning process. This becomes relevant for teacher education and professional development, as effective ICT integration in the classroom can perform as a catalyst for educational innovation.  相似文献   

The swift nature of school reform enacted by the new Conservative-led coalition government has sparked debate over the future of state education in Britain. While the government rhetoric suggests a decisive break with past policies, there is evidence to suggest that these reforms constitute the next stage of a long revolution in education reform, centred around neoliberal market discourse. In the following paper, I examine the current government’s education policy discourse and, by employing techniques of post-structuralist discourse analysis, reveal the government’s attempts to rearticulate education around the logics of market, responsibilisation and self-esteem, which act to shift responsibility for social problems from the state to the individual. Furthermore, I shall argue that such rearticulation has been coupled with an ideological fantasy of ‘empowerment’, which conceals the subordination of actors to these neoliberal logics by constituting the parent and, more recently, the teacher as powerful actors who have been freed from legal and bureaucratic constraints forced upon them by central government.  相似文献   

外语教育是大学教育的重要组成部分。综合性大学外语教育由基础外语教学、专业外语教学、非外语专业课程的双语教学以及相应的语言应用氛围等部分构成。综合性大学担负着高级创新研究人才的培养任务,理应将外语教育置于学校教育的重要地位。语言的功能不仅体现在人的思维和社会的交际等方面,在学校教育中,语言有着知识传递和思想交流功能,语言的学习与运用对学生的文化素养有着熏陶作用,对学生的思维模式产生直接影响。外语教育通过课堂教学和相应的语言活动及交际环境,有利于学生的研究思维能力和文化素养的提高。学校在外语教育规划中应注意语言教育功能的体现,注意语言教育的多层面和语言的多元化等的相互结合问题。  相似文献   

This paper critiques specific forms of classroom teacher effectiveness research. In doing so, the paper suggests that education policy-making deems and employs teacher effectiveness research as a promising and capable contrivance for the identification of ineffective classroom teaching practice. The paper engages with this policy debate by using a specific policy example from the Australian state of Victoria, the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Blueprint for Government Schools (2003/2008). Moreover, the attention given to “teacher effectiveness” as the means by which school systems aim to reverse student under-achievement positions classroom teachers as the controlling authority over educational outcomes. Indeed, teacher effectiveness is the defining quality of a policy-making debate that at its core dispenses with broader considerations of possible influence thought to substantially affect the learning outcomes of public school students.  相似文献   

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