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新世纪德育课程改革已走过十年历程,取得了显著的成绩:建构了生活化德育的基本理论,推动了德育教师的专业化发展,促进了学生道德学习方式的多样化,把德育教材建设带入多姿多彩的新时代,从而变革了学校德育的整体面貌。当然德育课改中也存在着教学目标虚化、教学设计偏颇、教材使用迷失、忽视农村学生生活等问题。今后十年德育课程改革的发展趋势,强调要坚持并发展生活德育理论,提升德育课程的教学品质和研究品质,深化德育课程资源建设。  相似文献   

Growing pressure to restructure and reform tertiary education is encouraging university academics to use innovative practices that assist students to develop ‘employable’ skills. The hybrid approach described in this paper stimulated students to be self‐directed adult learners who maximized their learning of content and skills by means of problem‐based learning and action research strategies. The lecturer also operated as a reflective practitioner and role model by using an action research approach. This paper demonstrates the value of student empowerment, communication and leadership in autonomous learning groups. It outlines methods by which academic teaching staff can build continuous improvement into a university unit’s curriculum design and processes. These can be powerful additions to lecturers’ teaching strategies and to students’ learning experiences.  相似文献   

Ethical growth and prosocial development are increasingly salient learning outcomes in higher education. Previous research has shown that the traditional college years facilitate moral development, especially with respect to moral reasoning. This research examined the impact of college experiences on students’ sense of active responsibility for others—prosocial orientation—via a longitudinal, multi-institutional design through the Spirituality and Higher Education project at University of California, Los Angeles. Data from over 14,000 undergraduates show that key college experiences predict growth on prosocial outcomes. Especially salient predictors include active forms of learning, engagement with diversity and other means by which students encounter multiple perspectives. Implications for higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the problems that have existed for over 20 years in the moral education curriculum in primary schools of China. These include the separation of moral education from children's lives, the moralizing and memorization used as the basic methods of teaching and learning, and the overlaps between courses on society and ideological moral character. The paper then introduces the main innovations in the contemporary reform of the primary moral education curriculum, including lifelong moral education as its theoretical foundation and making the development of children's morality relate to life, with ‘real’ everyday life events as source materials for textbooks. Embodied in the textbooks are some new ideas behind the revised educational objectives, such as putting oneself in another's position, ecological interdependence, ‘win‐win’, dialogue, sharing and diversity. As the curriculum is child centred so the textbooks use a dialogical pedagogy. In conclusion the paper considers ongoing and new challenges for moral education in primary schools to be faced by the curriculum reform.  相似文献   

While extensive discussion has been devoted to internationalising the curriculum in a response to the presence of international students, little is known about how academic staff members perceive the presence of this student cohort. Using data collected through semi‐structured interviews with 80 academic staff from four different faculties in one higher education institution, this study investigates staff understanding regarding international students, with particular attention given to how disciplinary differences shape their responses. Findings indicate that staff from ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ disciplines hold different instructional beliefs, which then affect their teaching and learning practice. Discussions are provided on how these differing conceptions of teaching fit into the context of academic development with respect to international education.  相似文献   

将德育与体育二者相融合、渗透,已成为体育教学中创新性较强、教学效率较高的实践方向之一。教师要进行综合调研与科学评估,把握学生的阶段特征与学习需求;对接课程标准,帮助学生树立正确的发展与价值观念;探索教学方式创新,为体育教学注入新鲜活力;优化评估方式,设计科学的综合性评估标准。  相似文献   

Many competing ideas exist around teaching ‘standard’ high school social studies subjects such as history, government, geography, and economics. The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential of social studies teaching and learning as a moral activity. I first propose that current high school curriculum standards in the United States often fail in focusing on the kinds of sustained discourse and ideas necessary for students to develop an awareness and commitment to justice in a pluralistic society. I then make the argument that understanding social studies as an inherently moral activity creates a space for transformative and meaningful learning to occur. Lastly, I contend that public schools are inextricably linked to understanding and creating elements of a just society and as such, hold equal potential to both support and severely hinder its development.  相似文献   

成人教育网页设计与制作课程的教学目的是培养成人学生对网站设计与开发的综合能力,为社会培养既熟悉网站开发专业知识又掌握开发流程的复合型人才。以某职业技术学院的成人教育为例,通过分析成人教育学生的学习特点和传统计算机专业课程教学模式的利弊,对网页设计与制作课程的教学制定出课程内容比例、教学手段运用、教材配备和评价体系四项改革策略,以便为成人教育计算机专业课程改革提供经验。  相似文献   

新一轮中职德育课的课程改革更具有时代性、针对性和实效性。德育课教学生活化能够适应课程改革的要求,增强中职德育课教学的实效,越来越得到广大师生的认可。笔者从教学理念、教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价五个方面对中职学校德育课教学生活化的具体路径进行了初步探索,以期为推动德育课教学生活化提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

This study aims to inform the discussion over the proposed merit of morally ambiguous dramas as a tool in moral education in the professional domain, by providing insight into student groups’ moral evaluations of Dexter. In-depth interviews (N = 61) were conducted among a diverse sample of law and (developmental) psychology students. The results demonstrate differences in moral evaluations, according to the degree of ‘professional’ experience. Remarkably, law students follow the unlawful reasoning of vigilante killer Dexter instead of their own moral make-up; yet slowly develop a professional, strict procedural, point-of-view during their education. Conversely (developmental) psychology students ground moral evaluations instantly in professionalism, but proceed from an idealistic to a more realistic and nuanced point-of-view. To fully reach its potential as a launch pad for discussing professional predicaments, we recommend that Dexter is incorporated later in the curriculum after both student groups have had more experience in the field.  相似文献   

写作是语言运用能力的反映,更是人文素养的重要体现。剖析初中学生英语写作所体现的思想内容,对学生核心素养发展及品德教育具有现实意义。本研究基于北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心区域教育质量监测项目的测试数据,分析48份初中学生英语写作样卷,揭示学生在语用意识与语言礼仪、国际视野与跨文化理解、尊重与自重、学习态度与兴趣以及学习策略与自我效能等方面存在的问题,并提出教学与评价建议,以期为学生核心素养及品德教育提供启示。  相似文献   

This study is a part of a larger study that examined using socioscientific issues (SSI) as a form of effective science teaching. The purpose was to investigate how teaching a year‐long curriculum using SSI affects science learning outcomes. In this report, we examine the effects of a SSI‐driven curriculum on the development of students’ moral sensitivity. Our results indicate that development of moral sensitivity can be promoted through science learning experiences embedded in SSI. Results also suggest that moral sensitivity is contextually dependent. Implications for teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we present results from an international research study on biodiversity education in pre‐service education of primary school teachers. The study was carried out between 2004–2006 in four teacher education institutions in Cyprus, England, Switzerland and Germany. We used document analyses and in‐depth interviews with 27 teacher educators and 22 student teachers to examine the integration of biodiversity into the pre‐service teacher education programmes, and the student teachers’ satisfaction with their respective education. In all teacher education institutions, aspects of biodiversity education were integrated mostly in the natural science modules which provided students at least with some information on the scientific aspects of biodiversity. Few modules included aspects of the controversial nature of biodiversity conservation in relation to economics, ethics, social and political concerns, and methodological approaches on how to deal with this. In the institutions in Cyprus, England and Germany the teaching focus was content‐oriented, whereas in Switzerland a situated method‐oriented approach was used. The student teachers in Switzerland felt more confident to teach about biodiversity in school. All interviewees thought it necessary to prepare primary school student teachers on how to address biodiversity in schools, and strategies on how best to achieve this are critically discussed.  相似文献   

The need to engage students studying at a distance in order to reduce isolation, foster a sense of belonging and enhance learning has received significant attention over the past few years. Conversely, very little research has focused on teachers working in this type of environment. In fact, we argue, they appear to be the forgotten dimension in ‘communities’ of distance learning. In this paper we identify some of the problems generated by teaching university subjects simultaneously across a network of campuses: a practice known as multi‐location teaching. We examine strategies for engaging multi‐location teachers as key contributors to a quality learning experience for students, and provide an analysis of how identified teaching needs and professional development are addressed within one particular teaching team by a small but powerful micro‐practice called the ‘Tutors’ Forum’. Drawing on data collected through a survey and interviews conducted over 2006/07, we discuss the benefits and critical success factors of the Tutors’ Forum in facilitating engagement and professional development for teachers working at a distance from the subject coordinator and other members of the teaching team. These factors include a specific style of leadership that fosters an inclusive, dialogic space where the patterns of interaction are characterised by reciprocity, collegiality and professional care. We discuss the implications of this practice for the further engagement of university teachers in an increasingly casualised and fragmented higher education sector.  相似文献   

传统的直接德育教材教学存在教学目的的片面性、教学内容的局限性以及教学方式的灌输性,而校本德育课程教学具有教学目的的整合性、教学内容的宽泛性与教学方式的多样性。通过调查发现,翻转课堂教学模式应用于校本德育课程中,增加了学校德育课程的种类,拓宽了教师德育教学的方式,同时也增强了学生的德育实践体验。虽说其实践探索已取得初步成效,但同时也存在一些问题。文章从学校、教师、家长、学生等几方面出发,就如何更好地将其推广普及,提出相关应用建议。  相似文献   

白海洋 《天津教育》2021,(6):68-69,72
在小学德育课程教学中,科学有效地利用德育课程资源,能够对学生进行思想品德教育,让他们形成良好的品质,健康快乐地成长。有效开发小学德育课程资源,能够很好地开展德育课程,对学生进行实实在在的思想教育。思想品德中诸多的要素与学生的发展相互作用,形成了德育课程开发的亮点,那么有效开发校内外德育课程资源,在实践中切实加强对小学生的思想品德教育,能够有效促进课程资源的开发。  相似文献   

Pedagogical practices are fundamental to teachers' work, and in the spaces of schooling impact significantly on students' success and achievement (Evans, J. 1986. Physical Education, Sport and Schooling: Studies in the Sociology of Physical Education. London: Falmer Press.). This is especially the case for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are deeply reliant on schooling for their educational resources. This article explores the interrelationships between pedagogical practices, the physical education curriculum at the senior secondary level and learning by both students and a teacher in a school located in an area of socio-economic disadvantage. Action research investigating a pedagogical redesign of a unit of ‘Skill Acquisition’ is the specific focus. Of key interest are pedagogical practices that incorporated opportunities to learn ‘about’ Skill Acquisition ‘through’ and ‘in’ movement. These practices attempted to develop and apply scientific literacies specific to the human movement sciences, which are important for academic success in senior secondary physical education. Findings reveal high student engagement, increasing utilisation of scientific literacies and application of new learning to life-world situations. We argue that pedagogical practices that integrate learning ‘about’ ‘through’ and ‘in’ movement disrupt default modes of teaching theoretical concepts in physical education, which diminish opportunities for academic success amongst students from low-socio-economic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Education for sustainability (EfS) is emerging as an urgent imperative and challenge for higher education. But what exactly does it mean to put sustainability into higher education? How do we bring sustainability themes into university curriculum, across the enormous diversity of academic disciplines? This paper describes the experience of teaching a large ‘stand‐alone’ EfS subject which sits within the professional contexts of the large first‐year cohort undertaking it. We describe the themes, architecture and approach to sustainability education taken in this course and evaluate the learning and assessment activities offered to students. We conclude with reflections on the student experience and feedback, which suggests that while academics build towards a deeply embedded sustainability ethic in higher education, specialist parallel courses have a valuable role to play in the transition to sustainable futures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the integration of environmental education (EE) in the secondary school curriculum of Botswana. In order to achieve effective environmental literacy, EE needs to be integrated into all aspects of students’ learning experience. The article draws on a variety of qualitative meta-analyses of Botswana government documents and journal articles, published between 2002 and 2012. Although EE is integrated primarily in social studies and science subjects, the findings suggested that it is in a state of confusion due to ineffective professional development of teachers and neglect of educational authorities. Teachers at the secondary level rarely include EE because students are not tested on it. The study suggested that teachers’ values towards EE, subject flexibility, integration and child-centred learning should be enhanced as strategies for halting the confusion of its infusion into the curriculum  相似文献   

当前中小学德育存在德育地位边缘化、德育课程知识化、德育内容泛政治化、德育方式规训化等问题。以建构主义和人本主义学习理论为理论基础的"三结合整合式"教学模式,是指将知识积累与价值观养成相结合、课堂和社会实践相结合、授导与自主学习相结合,并且将传统课堂教学、网络平台上自主探究和任务驱动下的社会实践活动融合为一体的完整教学模式。该模式通过根据实际积极开拓教学实践体系、鼓励学生自主学习、利用网络教学平台等具体措施与当前中小学德育课程进行整合。  相似文献   

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