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论平民主义教育管理思潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“除盲、做新民”是上个世纪平民主义教育运动的宗旨所在。为了做新民,为了给中国的现代化奠基,无数的仁人志士投身于平民的教育。作为上世纪二三十年代的三大教育管理思潮之一,平民主义教育管理思潮的理论意蕴,在三农问题依然严峻、农村教育也不容乐观的今天,前人的思想和努力仍值得我们关注与借鉴。  相似文献   

Most liberal political theorists of education argue that it is better to teach students to tolerate diversity, than to protect the potentially illiberal commitments of some members of the political communities. In fact, neither approach is wholly satisfying, yet they remain the focus of much political theorizing about education. This article suggests that this misguided focus is, in part, a consequence of a focus, by liberal political theorists of education, upon the 1987 Mozert v. Hawkins court case. Mozert raised serious questions about the nature of toleration in liberal society, but from an educational standpoint, the Mozert case led political theorists to consider what curricular content is appropriate for liberal political education, rather than on the practices that democratic citizens must cultivate. I turn to Hannah Arendt to offer a critical account of the liberal responses to Mozert and then call for a theory of democratic education that fosters practices of democratic decision-making and has, as its aim, not merely to foster respect for diversity, but to allow future citizens to practice critical engagement with diversity.  相似文献   

民主集中制是我们党和国家的根本组织制度和领导制度。民主集中制把民主作为调动人的积极性和创造性的重要方式,充分体现了人本主义思想,从而充分发挥了民主制的优长。可见,应用和把握好民主集中制原则,是做好大学生思想政治教育的重要保障。  相似文献   


Previous studies of citizenship preparation in upper secondary school, including studies on vocational programmes, have primarily focused on general subjects. Potential and actual roles of vocational subjects in this context have received little attention, so we have little knowledge of what is likely a significant part of the citizenship preparation that occurs in vocational programmes. Drawing on the work of Basil Bernstein and ethnographic data, this study presents an analysis of socialisation processes in vocational elements of three vocational programmes in Swedish upper secondary school. The analysis addresses the formation of pedagogic codes in various vocational programmes and subjects, and how these codes condition students’ practice of citizenship at individual, social and political levels. The results show how different pedagogic codes have different implications for the students’ practice of citizenship, and thus raise questions about factors and processes that may either constrain or strengthen, this aspect in vocational subject classes.  相似文献   

Higher education, especially that leading to a degree from a high-prestige university, is strongly related to social status and employment opportunities in East Asian countries. This is a consequence of both traditional Confucian attitudes to education and the social and economic changes accompanying industrialisation. Since the number of places available at high-prestige universities is limited, competition is intense. Successful entry to such a university is not only an important achievement for the future career of the student, but also a victory for the family. In contrast, failure to do so is often seen as shameful for the family, sometimes resulting in psychological problems or suicide. This background affects the international education of East Asian students, who often have a high level of family support, with correspondingly high expectations of their success. Motives for international study vary, from avoidance of the hyper-competitive domestic system, pursuit of an overseas degree as an ‘easy option’ of moderate prestige, to an expectation of more up-to-date teaching and content. Understanding this background can be a first step for Australian or other Western educators to better meet the needs of East Asian international students and to attract students from East Asia in the long term.  相似文献   

孔子是我国历史上最早开办私学的教育家。他的学术思想和教育理念影响了中国整个封建社会。他承继了周代的"四教",并在此基础上建构了自己的学说。他的教育主旨是以德育人,培养的对象是他心目中能够"修己以敬"的君子,目的是服务于政治,使受教育者能够"修己以安人"、"修己以安百姓"。  相似文献   

在认清教育的终身性、塑造性、自主性和极端复杂性的基础上,本文认为:教育对人的发展具有不可或缺的作用,教育是有用的。但是,教育功能的实现过程,充满了教育主体和客体三个维度的矛盾,因此,教育功能既有可知性,又有不可知性。受教育者的社会和生活实践,是检验教育功能的唯一标准。  相似文献   


The needs of a globalized economy are rapidly changing what is legitimated as school knowledge and values, and calling up new understandings of teachers’ role in stimulating democratic spaces. We have termed this Teachers’ Democratic Assignment. We examine changing notions of teachers’ democratic assignment in Ireland and Sweden using a Critical Discourse Analysis. We tested our hypothesis that teachers’ democratic assignment has changed in unprecedented ways using an analysis of policy documents in teacher education. Our findings reported a substantive converging paradigm shift from a predominantly progressive (reconstructivist) curriculum discourse where democracy was seen as inextricably linked to everyday practice in the early years of this century, to a more essentialist (perennialist) discourse in recent times. The findings will have interest for a wider audience and have implications for the role of democracy in teacher education as well as the question of education as a social responsibility for a vibrant democracy.  相似文献   

哲学的内在品格与通识教育具有内在一致性。哲学教育必须面向通识教育,在注重哲学知识讲授与接受同时,更注重人的道德教育、思维能力与理想人格的培育。  相似文献   

Classroom discussion is frequently proposes as an essential part of democratic citizenship education. Literature, however, pays little attention to what kind of discussion is most effective and how teachers can facilitate a discussion. This study aims to contribute to the development of a framework for analysing the characteristics of classroom discussions and the different roles teachers can adopt in guiding a discussion on controversial issues. In addition, we investigated how the way teachers guide the discussion is related to the structure and content features of the discussion. The framework was used to analyse five classroom discussions in secondary education. Our framework appeared to be useful for revealing differences in the structure and content features of the classroom discussions and in the way teachers guide the discussion. The results also indicated that a high degree of teacher regulation was related to high content quality and more participation from students. A high degree of student regulation was linked to more genuine discussion among students. The study underlines the importance of taking account of the teacher’s role in research into the effectiveness of classroom discussions for democratic citizenship education and the study makes useful suggestions for teachers when preparing for a classroom discussion.  相似文献   


Background: In order to offer all students the opportunity to progress and grow to their full potential, teachers must positively recognise and value the different expressions of diversity of all the class members. One of the biggest educational challenges that teachers face today is how to address classroom practices from a truly inclusive and democratic perspective.

Purpose: The main aim of this study was to explore, in a Spanish context, how primary school teachers articulate and implement inclusive and democratic practices in their classrooms.

Design, sample and methods: The methodological design of this study was situated within a qualitative research approach. A multiple case study structure, comprising three case studies, was utilised. Data collection was carried out via interviews, classroom practices inventories, scientific observation and analysis of documentation. The study was carried out over three academic years and had three phases. Data were analysed thematically.

Findings: In the three cases analysed, the analysis identified different possibilities in terms of the implementation and articulation of pedagogical differentiation (the structures, content, process and product) and democratic classroom management (collaborative culture, a shared leadership, democratic participation and school linked to environs).

Conclusions: The analysis highlights the need to support the formation of a critical citizenship within inclusive contexts, as well as the need to develop a sense of belonging to the educational community.  相似文献   

《论语》中丰富的教育思想为大家所熟知,已有许多论著作过阐述,遗憾的是,其中的学生教育伦理思想一直没有引起人们的关注。探讨《论语》中学生伦理思想的基础、内容以及学生教育伦理思想的养成等问题,对我们当前的教育理论和实践有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

本文立足于高校德育改革的现实需要,从人本德育这一视角来发掘孔子德育思想的精华,希望能对构建时代性和民族性相统一的高校德育新模式有所助益。  相似文献   


This article discusses the implications of the idea of Asia as method, a discursive strategy in Asian studies popularised by Kuan-Hsing Chen, in the context of Korean education. Chen has pointed to the one-way flow of knowledge into Asia from the West and has urged using ‘Asia as method’ in the production of post-colonial and anti-imperialist knowledge. The research interests of this article are twofold. First, I analyse ‘Asia as method’ as a strategy to de-universalise the West, particularly given the historical complexity in East Asia. I trace the historical context of the word ‘Asia’, beginning with the traditional Sino-centric period and continuing to the Japanese colonial occupation. Second, I explore the possibility of using ‘Asia as method’ in the sense that Chen proposes, particularly in the context of Korean education. This article examines the ‘East Asian style of education’ as a platform for discussion of the potential for constructing ‘Asia as method’ in educational studies. In conclusion, I argue that for Asia as method to be viable as a strategy for change, Asia itself must be conceived as an ongoing construction based on the inter-referencing of multiple histories and cultural imaginaries.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how concepts of liberal and progressive Islam, which have been developed in the political and theological academic literature, may inform the curriculum of Islamic education and the practice of religious educators in Islamic schools in the US. We investigate the meaning of in-faith Islamic education and how it can conform to the life in a democratic, multicultural, and multi-faith society. Liberal Islam challenges the transmission-oriented and rigid interpretations of Islam and seeks to appreciate and to contextualize the religious claims which are compatible with ideals of reflective education, rational thinking, mutual respect, and equal citizenship. It suggests that students become critical ‘consumers’ of Islam, its moral and civic purposes, and the cultural politics of religious interrogations.  相似文献   

孔子是我国古代着名的教育思想家,他在教育的诸多方面都有论述。孔子对于终身教育也有自己独特的见解,然而孔子的终身教育思想却淹没在保罗·朗格朗等人提出的当代终身教育思想的光环之下。本文比较分析了孔子的终身教育思想和当今终身教育思想的异同点,希望有助于人们更好的发掘我国传统的优秀教育思想,并且充分借鉴外国教育思想的精华,努力建成有中国特色的现代化教育体制。  相似文献   

Sudbury schools, which originated in the USA in the 1960s, are radical alternatives to traditional public schooling that promote egalitarian relationships between children and adults. Given that the Sudbury model has been largely overlooked in educational anthropology, this paper presents findings from a 1.5-year critical ethnographic study of a Sudbury school in California. In analysing participant interactions within the school's ‘democratic’ decision-making group, the paper presents evidence of an informal power structure that privileged older age, male gender and greater experience over youth, female gender and novicehood in determining whose voices wielded power. In doing so, the article provides an illustrative example of how theoretically democratic settings are edited to meet realities on the ground.  相似文献   

Wiel Veugelers 《Compare》2007,37(1):105-119
Dutch society and educational policy see citizenship education as being an important task of education. The first section of this paper discusses the concept of citizenship and citizenship education, and analyses educational developments in the Netherlands. Following on from this introduction the second part of the paper puts forward a critical democratic pedagogy of citizenship education. With this proposed democratic pedagogy in mind, the third and final part of the paper goes on to analyse the discourses and developing practices of citizenship education in the Netherlands, and proposes a number of new possibilities.  相似文献   

孔子道德教育的基本内涵及其整个思想理论定库中的核心内容是:人际和谐,遵循“仁爱”的原则;安顾治国,“为政以德”,坚持德教为先的原则;“有教无类”,坚持德育为首的原则;进行道德修养,坚持螳,思,行统一的原则。搞清,学懂,借鉴并坚持实践这些原则,对加强我国的物质文明和精神文明建设,对保证国家的长治久安都将起积极的推进作用。  相似文献   

民主社会主义是当代西方很有影响的政治思潮.由于它适合了西欧国家的社会历史现实,对西欧国家的社会发展产生了一定的积极作用。但它不适合中国的国情,简单套用于中国.会对中国特色社会主义事业造成巨大危害。需要在思想领域对其有正确的思考和认识,以实现其中合理因素的吸收和消极因素的摒弃。  相似文献   

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