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中小学课本文化品质关系到教学质量,勾连着学生发展;提高中小学课本文水平,是提升基础教育质量的关键,是培养合格人才、助社会进步的保证。对一些中小学课本文化质量和存在的问题,不能无所谓;促社会健康发展、推进文明建设、达成科学发展,重视中小学课本质量,努力提高其文化品质是实事,它关乎社会发展品质和我们的将来。用编辑、出版《毛泽东选集》等的劲头做法,编辑中小学课本当行、必行,如此,我们的课本文化品质会明显提高。  相似文献   

在短篇故事《告诉我杀谁》中,奈保尔以第一人称的口吻讲述了一个前殖民地人的生存状态,以及他们在这种环境下的身份求证过程。本文运用当代后殖民文化理论,以文化身份的视角,通过分析主人公追寻自我文化身份到迷失自我的过程,探讨了这些前殖民地人面对西方文化的侵略和渗透,在文化归属问题上的困惑和迷失,揭示出放弃本土文化而一味追求西方文化不仅不能给自己带来一个新的身份,反而会导致人格的分裂和自我身份的迷失。  相似文献   

尽管计算机网络最初表现为一种技术现象,但这种技术现象本身并不脱离与更为广泛的社会文化整体系统之间的互动与关联。作为一种崭新的社会文化现象,因而也就必然地进入社会、文化的分析批判的范围中。我们研究计算机网络传播活动,应该更要注意于文化、意义和社会话语的诠释,研究计算机网络传播活动的社会、政治、经济、文化等这些文化整合的维度和作为传播载体的计算机网络的发明和应用的关系。因此,围绕计算机网络的社会文化空间的探讨,可以让我们更好地开启全面研究网络和网络化的新“界面”,从而真正阐释、理解计算机网络所带来的技术革命、文化革命的意义与矛盾。  相似文献   

Executive education (EE) has been an important part of business school offerings for nearly as long as there have been business schools. Similarly, business schools were among the first in higher education to adopt online approaches as a means for course delivery. Despite this experience, few business schools have been able to successfully integrate EE with online delivery approaches. This study suggests that a project‐based approach can achieve EE/online delivery integration. The case is first made for a project‐based approach by telling the story of our institution's journey toward a project‐based EE model. Challenges, successes, and plans for the future are then discussed.  相似文献   

The final report of the Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula (CC2001) suggests that an updated computer science curricula must reflect the broadening nature of our discipline. Two areas that are included in the CC2001 are software engineering (SE) and human-computer interaction (HCI). While the first inclination might be to incorporate HCI concepts into a traditional SE course, we propose a different approach. This paper outlines a project-oriented HCI course in which we are able to emphasize some SE notions in the context of HCI concepts. Our course is also a maturation class for our students because they are exposed to a number of non-programming computer science activities, including project specification, software and interface design, user testing, prototyping and use of guidelines. We include an overview of course content that illustrates our approach. We also describe our coverage of specific CC2001 knowledge units and provide some feedback data for our course.  相似文献   

Faculty learning communities (FLCs) are collaborative collegial groups of faculty and other teaching staff who are interested in and committed to the improvement of their teaching to accommodate a diverse student population through group discourse, reflection and goal setting. In this article, we describe our FLC experiences that were supported by a federal grant to ensure accessible learning environments on our campus. The project, Ensuring Access through Collaboration and Technology (EnACT), sought to introduce faculty at a medium‐sized state university to a pedagogical framework to provide universal access to the curriculum for all students and to encourage faculty to adopt accessible technologies. We describe the recruitment process, the FLC meeting structure, our intended outcomes and the challenges we faced in meeting them.  相似文献   

This article reveals the intrinsic connection between the constructs normality, identity, meaning, cultural tracking, and school achievement. In particular, it illuminates the indirect connection between cultural tracking and a reduction in the meaningful engagement of school tasks. As documented elsewhere, learning proceeds in a meaningful environment with meaningful goals embedded within the broader framework and context of human life, with identity anchored in a stable cultural and communicative framework. What my study shows is how Ethiopian students are in a state of identity crisis as they grapple with two cultural systems and structures of meaning which confuse their sense of direction. In the process, meaningfully propelled learning dispositions and an affectively driven urge to achieve scholastic excellence deteriorate. Thus, the lagging academic performance of these children is partly caused by the school system which has little knowledge of the way these children and their parents feel and think in terms of identity, belongingness and negotiation of meaning. It is not that Ethiopian students are unmotivated, they work hard to achieve excellence. It is more that the process of learning a new code of behaviour, values and school culture is taking place rapidly without the original culture's active participation as a basic link and a vehicle for further learning. The article also points out the extent of the economic and otherwise power‐related differences between black and white Jews in Israel.  相似文献   

随着社会的急剧变迁,"文化反哺"现象越来越普遍,青年"文化反哺"成为一种新的社会文化传承方式的趋势越来越明显。本文首先对"文化反哺"现象作了简要介绍,然后在分析青年"文化反哺"成因的基础上,探讨了青年"文化反哺"对成人教育发展的启示。  相似文献   

民族的形成和发展与其所处的自然地理环境有很大的关系,每个民族的经济文化类型是在一定的地理环境下形成的,具有鲜明的地域性,这就造成了人类群体在语言、文化、社会形态等方面具有多样性,要发展教育就必须从民族经济文化类型的特点及差异入手,去探索和发现民族教育发展的特点与规律。  相似文献   

彼得·凯里的小说创作有对殖民历史、民族主义的反思,有对澳大利亚当下幸福生活方式神话的解构,有对现代澳大利亚人自我认同的探讨。追寻凯里小说中的认同迷踪,我们可以看到澳大利亚国家认同如何从含混走向澄明,民族认同如何在危机中出现转机,文化认同如何在困境中走向超越,自我认同如何关联现代性反思和现代人的焦虑。从作家的生活经历,作品反映的殖民历史和认同现实,以及澳大利亚历史上的民族主义这三个方面分析缘何可以从认同问题入手来研究凯里的小说。  相似文献   

As professors of Culturally Relevant Teaching, we seek to expand pre‐service teachers’ understanding of cultures through critical examination of personal cultural backgrounds, as well as, of those diverse groups who historically have experienced oppression in US society and its educational system. We share the story of how we develop and implement the course, setting it in the context of our teaching for a social justice‐oriented teacher education program in a predominantly White, rural, state university college. We indicate the literature from which we developed the course content and its activities; we analyze pre‐service teachers’ awareness of their cultural identities; and, describe the implications of this knowledge for teaching as reflected in the cultural autobiographies and narratives pre‐service students write at the beginning and end of the course. We hope this study will be helpful to other multicultural educators implementing similar courses.  相似文献   

Urgent societal challenges have led to unease in our socio‐cultural interactions and the production systems that underpin our lives. To confront such challenges, collaboration stands out as an essential approach in accomplishing joint goals and producing new knowledge. It calls for interdisciplinary methodologies such as co‐design, an approach capable of bridging multiple expertise. The core activities of co‐design are based on the premise of collaboration and on developing creative social environments. Yet achieving collaboration through co‐design is challenging as people need to understand each other, and develop trust and rapport. We argue that ‘informal‐mutual learning’ is central to building mutual understanding. This article explores how we create spaces for collaboration through co‐design by examining the social environments supporting them. It examines the value of collaboration and its impact upon participants within an action research project conducted in Scotland. We identified Cultural‐Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as a suitable theoretical framework. It offers support for holistic inquiry into participation and learning. Its strength was in the attention that it pays to multi‐dimensional human interactions within the social environment. This led to an understanding of the concepts of boundary‐crossing and boundary space examined through a CHAT lens. The findings shed light on four designerly conditions supporting informal‐mutual learning when engaged in collaboration during co‐design situations: choreography and orchestration, aesthetics, playfulness, and quality and quantity of participation. The findings enable us to elaborate on the theorisation of boundary space, a theoretical space for the assemblage of multiple levels of expertise to achieve collaboration.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a first year project in a South African engineering foundation programme which attempted to bring a cultural studies perspective to teaching academic literacy. Students identify and investigate everyday objects that have symbolic meanings in their communities. Objects are seen as catalysts for enabling student narratives to emerge, and are a way of exploring the tensions between convention and change in cultural practices. A project such as this breaks disciplinary frames, working across diverse contexts such as engineering and cultural studies. The aim is to begin to explore some of the complexities around ‘development’ in contexts of diversity and change, globalization and relocalization.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a UK‐based participatory action research project that looks beyond the discourse of tolerance to investigate and challenge heteronormative processes in primary schools through reflective action research. This 28‐month ESRC‐funded project supports 15 primary teachers working in schools in three regions of the UK to develop action research projects that address lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in their own schools and classrooms. In this paper we will examine how the original principles on which the project design was based have manifested themselves throughout the course of the project, drawing upon examples of classroom practice and reflective discussions among project team members. We will explore how designing intentionally for collective participation has produced spaces for people to do and think in ways that have not only gone beyond what we imagined but have also challenged and sometimes contradicted our own ways of thinking.  相似文献   

Two teacher institutions in Norway involved in a new ICT‐supported portfolio project provide data for our study. In this paper we present a model of analysis for portfolio processes based on sociocultural perspectives of learning and assessment and describe and discuss differences and similarities of the portfolio models in these institutions in relation to our model of analysis. We also highlight areas for improvement; among them the importance of building reflection, self‐assessment and feedback into portfolio assignments and processes in such a way that it becomes part of what is documented. This will strengthen the formative assessment aspect of portfolios. The summative assessment practices are strongly influenced by exam traditions in both institutions. Digital portfolios provide new learning opportunities that are not yet fully utilized. By way of conclusion we explore some critical aspects of portfolios in teacher education in light of Wenger's social theory of learning, focusing on the concepts participation, reification and identity formation.  相似文献   

帕蒂古丽是用汉语创作的维吾尔作家,她的散文《模仿者的生活》以真切的笔触展望了她童年及目前的生活状况,表达了自己在不同文化之间的穿梭、迷茫、困顿及反抗。论文从文化认同的角度对这篇散文进行了分析,既肯定了帕蒂古丽对本族文化的追寻,也指出在文化全球化、多元化的今天,了解别人并不一定意味着去证明他们和我们相似,而应该试着去理解他们,承认并尊重他们与我们的差异。人们发现的差别越多,眼光就越开阔,能够承认的差别也就越多,就能生活得更好,就能更好地相聚在一种相互理解的氛围之中。  相似文献   

校园文化与文化素质教育在目标上具有一致性。校园文化是实施文化素质教育的丰富载体和主要途径之一,通过各种校园文化活动可有效地开展文化素质教育。为了使文化素质教育落到实处,必须从多方面加强大学校园文化活动的有效性。  相似文献   

本文以中国民间传说中的“花木兰”形象为切入点,对迪斯尼动画电影《木兰(Mulan》)与华裔美国文学作品《女勇士》对“花木兰”这一中国文化符号的运用和重构进行对比分析.迪斯尼借用中国民间传说,将本土文化的原材料进行市场和价值观层面的双重“改造”,从而使“他者”文化遭遇了身份改写.与之相比,在华裔作品中。”花木兰”形象虽然同样被作者重构,但它们呈现的是华裔作家在现实与历史之间所作的文化协调和整合的努力.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the way we teach our students a systematic problem solving method in a computer assisted learning project on ‘Dynamics for mechanical engineering’, Animations are used to enhance insight and motivation. We briefly discuss the theoretical foundations of systematic problem solving, and the role of animations. One of the dynamics problems will be described in more detail. Finally, we remark on the development tools used in the Windows environment.  相似文献   

Traditionally, transmission of cultural knowledge between generations in Micronesia was the role of family, in particular parents and grand parents. To what extent is that role still important today? In this article, we draw on data obtained from questionnaires distributed to high school and primary school children throughout Micronesia in 2002 and 2003 to consider how culture is being transferred between generations today. We argue the importance of local communities being closely involved in all aspects of formal education including developing and managing schools and their curricula to ensure that local aspirations are satisfied. Micronesian children have expressed preferences for favourite food, drink, and entertainment that follow international trends closely and are moving away from traditional choices. The data also show a shift away from traditional family-based cultural education to a more formal school-based model that emphasises the importance of teachers being familiar and sympathetic with local culture.  相似文献   

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