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Nowadays, with the rapid progress of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the integration of ICTs in education has attracted more and more attention of educators and researchers. However, there are different situations between developed and less-developed nations both in ICT application and in ICT research. PowerPoint is a readily available and most popular tool for teaching in some less-developed countries. Under this particular circumstance, it is not an outdated issue to explore teachers’ use of PowerPoint in teaching. Thus, this paper systematically looked at teachers’ PowerPoint use in the setting of Chinese kindergartens. Specifically, four questions were explored: (i) the status of PowerPoint-related infrastructures in the kindergartens; (ii) teachers’ use of PowerPoint in teaching; (iii) teachers’ design, competences and training related to PowerPoint; (iv) teachers’ perceptions and attitudes toward PowerPoint in teaching. A sample of 62 kindergarten teachers was investigated with a self-created questionnaire. Finally, it was found that the kindergartens had been well equipped with PowerPoint-related equipments; teachers frequently implemented teaching activities with PowerPoint and in an intelligent manner; the majority of teachers had positive perceptions and attitudes toward PowerPoint’s general effects, but there was an imbalance of perceptions and attitudes toward children’ emotional-social aspects and children’s cognitive aspects. Besides, the influencing factors of the availability and access to PowerPoint equipments in kindergartens, PowerPoint’s location, teachers’ using years of PowerPoint, teachers’ knowledge and skills, teachers’ training were also emphasized by this study.  相似文献   

PowerPoint, the widely‐used slide‐show software package, is finding increasing currency in lecture halls and classrooms as the preferred method of communicating and presenting information. But, as Adams [Adams, C. (2006 Adams, C. 2006. PowerPoint, habits of mind, and classroom culture. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38(4): 389411. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) PowerPoint, habits of mind, and classroom culture. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38(4), 389–411] attempts to show, users may not appreciate that PowerPoint invites and seduces educators to reshape knowledge in particular ways to the detriment of analytical thinking and interpretive understanding. Using Adams’ material as a stimulus, we argue that digital presentation tools (along with other items of information and communication technology) can be utilized to facilitate conversational dialogue between students, their instructor, and their peers without much additional knowledge or effort. The key that unlocks the affordances of PowerPoint is ‘informed use’. This concept is explained and illustrated with an example that shows technology being used in a particular context to achieve a particular set of instructional outcomes.  相似文献   

As university lecturers select and sequence materials for their teaching, a linear structure emerges by default. Such a structure is made explicit within PowerPoint presentations and may even be amplified as PowerPoint invites the lecturer to reduce content to a bulleted format. Such linear sequences have been related to passive, surface approaches to learning. The application of concept‐mapping techniques can support the lecturer in making explicit the underlying expert structure of the information being presented to help the student to make the necessary transformations of knowledge structures that are required for meaningful learning. The authors suggest that PowerPoint provides a concrete arena in which lecturers can reflect upon the structure of knowledge that is being constructed within their classrooms.  相似文献   

An examination of the development of tape as a teaching medium illustrates both its attributes for distance education and some of its drawbacks. Attention is drawn to methods of preparing and presenting audiorecorded information to maximize the potential of the medium. In particular ‘reading by listening’ for print handicapped people is addressed, along with ways of reducing the difference in time required to access information which presently favours readers of print. Organization of cassette contents, cassette indexing, self‐pacing techniques, and time‐compressed speech presentations are techniques which improve the versatility of teaching by tape.  相似文献   

为了增强学生的学习兴趣和主动参与精神,我们可以运用PowerPoint做出多层次和交互性强的课件,提高教学效率。于此,阐述了课件的设计思路,以实例介绍了如何运用PowerPoint制作多层次、交互性强的课件,并对该课件进行评析。  相似文献   


In higher education, supporting students with special educational needs (SEN) necessitates an understanding of these needs, additional teaching aids and innovative ideas. The teacher must be an integral part of this support process, and this is difficult for the majority of teachers, due to their lack of core understanding of SEN. However, teachers can focus on their core skills and content knowledge, and have immense alacrity to explore potential options to support their students with SEN. I decided to support my students with SEN by adapting my PowerPoint presentations according to their requirements. PowerPoint presentations usually provide concisely summarised information to students that often lead to confusion in their pre-lecture or post-lecture review. This lack of comprehensive subject information within PowerPoint presentations can have serious implications for students with SEN and their note-takers if no other teaching resources or aids are available to help them. Students with SEN and note-takers reported this concern to me at Aberystwyth University, UK. Consequently, I began to explore ways to make my PowerPoint presentations extra helpful for my students with SEN. After a review of best practices for students with SEN based on universal design for learning and a few trials, I developed a dual PowerPoint presentation (DPP), lecture handouts and comprehensive lecture notes. Subsequently, I successfully employed this approach in the delivery of some of the undergraduate modules of a BSc computer science programme. Feedback from students with SEN, note-takers and the student support department, and examination results showed the success and potential of this DPP approach.  相似文献   

应用PowerPoint的课堂教学设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用PowerPoint在多媒体教室中开展教学活动 ,备课时要注意站在整体的角度从替代“板书”、综合灵活的呈现文本与情景、“动画”效果设计等几个方面去设计每一张演示幻灯片的框面内容。备课制作时 ,注意巧用PowerPoint的各项基本功能 ,可以提高备课的工作效率 ,如注意配合使用“Enter”和“Shift”键 ,来制作分段“动画”显示 ;利用“复制”和“双击”的功能 ,加快图画制作速度 ;注意“分类”制作 ,进行“动画”设置等。应用PowerPoint进行课堂教学 ,还要注意配合使用“临时画笔”、“黑屏”、光学投影仪等辅助手段 ,提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

PowerPoint2000是教师制作课件最常见的软件之一。Flash电影在PowerPoint中得到了广泛的应用,本文着重介绍了FlashActiveX控件的安装步骤,以及在其安装后,Flash电影在PowerPoint中如何进行嵌入操作。  相似文献   

The 21st century as a digital age is characterized by the increased accessibility of information and knowledge through the medium of sophisticated technological tools. The main aim of this article is to show how educational technology can be used effectively to help students construct knowledge when teaching Islamic studies in the UK. The first part of this paper summarizes the differences between information sharing and knowledge construction with reference to the essence of knowledge as Aristotelian ‘episteme’ (theoretical knowledge) and technê (practical knowledge: know-how); and the extent which the former process is created by the use of Information Technology (IT) while the latter is enhanced by Educational Technology (ET). The second part explores how ET can be used effectively to ‘provide training in critical and creative thinking skills of students’ as an integral part of producing useful tools and generating practical benefit during their learning process (Felder et al. 2000, p. 26; Callaos 2009, p. 3). The third, then, explains why a student centred and research-based teaching is preferred to traditional research-led method in order to support the construction of knowledge. The paper concludes by presenting some reflections and limitations on how effective use of ET and research-based teaching can help students to become critical thinkers while studying Islam and Middle Eastern politics as part of international politics curriculum in the UK.  相似文献   


The current study chronicles what one professor learned from teaching a distance education course with and without the aid of PowerPoint multimedia presentation software. It compares student ratings of three lectures from the same classes by the same professor; the first, a traditional lecture without any audiovisual aids; the second, a lecture supplemented by PowerPoint notes outlining the lecture; and finally, a multimedia lecture utilizing PowerPoint notes with pictures, music and animations. Students reacted no differently to any of the presentations when delivered by an experienced teacher. The students did, however, prefer PowerPoint multimedia to PowerPoint outline presentations. Suggestions for the optimal uses of presentation software are provided.  相似文献   

艺术设计类课程教学是集文字、图形、图像、声音、动画及视频剪辑于一体的综合艺术表达,多媒体PPT是对课程教学再设计的过程,也是学生接触设计课程的视觉第一体验。通过分析艺术设计类课程教学中PPT使用中存在的问题,阐述了提高艺术设计课程教学PPT的艺术表现力的几点思考。  相似文献   

This article presents a feminist reading of a Swedish social work academic textbook as a case study. We use a discourse analytic approach and positioning theory, focusing on author positions through different story lines. The aim is to make visible how differences are created and positions of the author/reader normalised in terms of gender, race/ethnicity and class. The analysis illustrates how the organisation of the book privileges a particular story line by presenting gender research in a special section of the book and as a perspective. A neutral, unmarked author position is assumed, presented as a common ‘we’ by identifying ‘women researchers’ and ‘feminist’ points of departure as different. If the unmarked author/reader ‘we’ position appears desirable and morally superior, the clients’ gender, ethnicity and class are often openly discussed in relation to social problems, positioning them as ‘the other’. Finally there is also a story line of more critical and ambivalent knowledge positions.  相似文献   

为使PowerPoint课件满足化工实验多媒体教学的要求,利用PowerPoint中的绘图功能、ActiveX控件功能与VBA混合编程,在PowerPoint课件中实现与Excel电子表格等外部文件的数据交换和化工实验过程的动态仿真。基于VBA技术的PowerPoint课件生动直观,动画逼真、交互性强,具有动画模拟实验操作、动态显示实验数据、即时记录实验数据以及及时纠正误操作等功能。  相似文献   

在利用PowerPoint教学课件进行讲课时,为了更好的指引学生或者强调所讲内容,教师们往往会使用PowerPoint的实时圈点功能。但是,PowerPoint的实时圈点功能有一个较大的局限和不足:没有提供如直线、方框、圆圈、椭圆等规则图形的圈点功能,而只提供了涂鸦式画线圈点的功能。为此,该文设计并利用VB实现了一个规则圈点工具,有效的弥补了PowerPoint的这一不足。该规则圈点工具的使用,将能大大的提高教师利用PowerPoint课件进行多媒体辅助教学的效率和学生听课的效果,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that animations aid learning of dynamic concepts in cell biology. However, existing animation packages are expensive and difficult to learn, and the subsequent production of even short animations can take weeks to months. Here I outline the principles and sequence of steps for producing high-quality PowerPoint animations in less than a day that are suitable for teaching in high school through college/university. After developing the animation it can be easily converted to any appropriate movie file format using Camtasia Studio for Internet or classroom presentations. Thus anyone who can use PowerPoint has the potential to make animations. Students who viewed the approximately 3-min PowerPoint/Camtasia Studio animation "Calcium and the Dual Signalling Pathway" over 15 min scored significantly higher marks on a subsequent quiz than those who had viewed still graphics with text for an equivalent time. In addition, results from student evaluations provided some data validating the use of such animations in cell biology teaching with some interesting caveats. Information is also provided on how such animations can be modified or updated easily or shared with others who can modify them to fit their own needs.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the purposes and functions of examination criteria for Masters' research degrees with creative practice components. With a particular focus on dance projects that incorporate both a performed and a written expression of the research, we consider how a rubric for creative practice research degrees might address formative and summative assessment purposes and clarify goals for learners, supervisors, examiners and academic institutions. Our discussion is situated within a South Pacific postgraduate learning context and is informed by post-colonial and post-Cartesian concerns over how dance knowledge is recognized in global academia. Much current literature has argued how particular research methods and diverse approaches to the presentation of research outputs can destabilize dominant, logocentric methods of valuing knowledge. Our queries extend this argument into the actual quantifiable measuring and evaluation of such knowledge, which Masters' grading necessitates in order to maintain its value as an institutional currency. This leads to the reflections on the rubric for Masters' degrees with Creative Practice components that is currently used within the Dance Studies programme of the University of Auckland, and how this rubric might be seen as contributing to an evolving ‘cultivated’ community of practice within postgraduate examination. The rubric continues to grow through ongoing consultation with postgraduate students, supervisory staff, internal and external examiners and international experts in creative arts academia. Our reflections extend the argument for how creative practice might be further rationalized within academia.  相似文献   

Assessing students through their Microsoft PowerPoint presentations might be thought to be impossible, a waste of time or a fascination with new technology which will pass sooner or later. However, to make a judgement on such assertions requires examining the strengths and weaknesses of such a form of assessment. Examples within an academic setting are few and far between, but this paper explores one such case—a Microsoft PowerPoint assessment used in an undergraduate Bachelor programme in Travel and Tourism in a Norwegian university college. The goal of this essay is to look at its validity, measured in terms of how well its empirical evidence and theoretical rationales support the adequacy of its inferences on assessment.  相似文献   

教师在利用PowerPoint教学课件进行讲课时,经常会用到PowerPoint的圈点功能。但是,PowerPoint的圈点功能存在较大的局限和不足,绘图笔没有提供如直线、方框、圆圈、椭圆等规则的圈点图形,而只提供了涂鸦式画线的功能。为此,本文利用VBA编程实现了PowerPoint教学课件的规则图形圈点,弥补了PowerPoint只能进行涂鸦式画线圈点的不足。PowerPoint教学课件规则图形圈点的实现,将能较大地提高教师多媒体教学的工作效率和学生听课的效果,从而有助于提高教学质量。  相似文献   

This article will explore the intersection between ‘literature’ and ‘science’ in one key area, the botanical poem with scientific notes. It reveals significant aspects of the way knowledge was gendered in the Enlightenment, which is relevant to the present-day education of girls in science. It aims to illustrate how members of the Lichfield Botanical Society (headed by Erasmus Darwin) became implicated in debates around the education of women in Linnaean botany. The Society’s translations from Linnaeus inspired a new genre of women’s educational writing, the botanical poem with scientific notes, which emerged at this time. It focuses in particular on a poem by Anna Seward and argues that significant problems regarding the representation of the Linnaean sexual system of botany are found in such works and that women in the culture of botany struggled to give voice to a subject which was judged improper for female education. The story of this unique poem and the surrounding controversies can teach us much about how gender impacted upon women’s scientific writing in eighteenth century Britain, and how it shaped the language and terminology of botany in works for female education. In particular, it demonstrates how the sexuality of plants uncovered by Linnaeus is a paradigmatic illustration of how societal forces can simultaneously both constrict and stimulate women’s involvement in science. Despite the vast changes to women’s access in scientific knowledge of the present day, this ‘fair sexing’ of botany illustrates the struggle that women have undergone to give voice to their botanical knowledge.  相似文献   

Higher education in the UK has become preoccupied with debates over the authority of knowledge and of criticality. In this article we argue that approaches to knowledge in higher education might benefit from a network sensibility that foregrounds the negotiated processes through which the material becomes entangled with the social to bring forth actions, subjectivities and ideas. We draw from a set of analytic perspectives that have arisen from actor-network theory traditionally associated with the writings of Bruno Latour. These approaches emphasise the contingent in knowledge production, even to claim that objects, knowledge or otherwise, come into being through enactment as effects within particular webs of relations. What becomes visible in such analysis is the precarious fragility of concepts and categories often assumed to be immutable, and the work required to establish their stability. We argue that this actor-network analysis helps to move away from a focus on separate entities and individuals to understand their material relationality. This analysis also foregrounds the controversies that tend to be foreclosed in what Latour calls ‘matters of fact’, and makes visible the different worlds in which knowing is evoked in practice. From this departure point the issue of interest is not which knowledge accounts are superior but how and when particular accounts become more visible or valued, how they circulate, and what work they perform in the process. These approaches afford a criticality that we argue open important entry points for rethinking curriculum, teaching and learning in higher education.  相似文献   

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