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Because of the borderless feature of the Internet, information security threats could come from anywhere around the globe. In this research, we propose adding global knowledge components in the information security curriculum using a multi-disciplinary approach. We argue that a global perspective has been lacking in the current information security curriculum. We then propose several knowledge components to be added in the curriculum to enhance the global perspective. We also examine how to incorporate knowledge from various related disciplines, including political science, criminal justice, and business administration. Through our empirical study on faculty from various disciplines and the industry practitioners with first-hand information security knowledge, we confirm that the proposed knowledge components are relevant to the information security education and practice. Analyzing the similarities and differences among responses from various disciplines, we also found that albeit different disciplines have slightly different emphases on the curriculum components, they all tend to agree on the importance of adding the global perspectives in information security education. Our research could be of value to the educators in the information security field when considering incorporating a global perspective into the curriculum. It could also shed some lights when examining the relevance of global information security to various disciplines.  相似文献   

以江西省抚州市12所高中38名高中数学教师为研究对象,从课改意识与课程理念、课程目标、课程内容、教学过程、课程评价、教学手段、教学研究等方面对这些教师进行了问卷调查和访谈。结果发现:高中数学教师在课程观念革新、课程实施、信息技术的使用和科研等方面适应度较差。基于此,进行了原因分析,并从国家、学校、教师和社会的角度提出了提高教师对新课程适应性的建议。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the meaning and legitimacy of the view that the secondary science curriculum can be given a vocational emphasis, and with a current attempt to create such a curriculum. Although this perspective on the science curriculum has a long history, in recent decades it has received little attention. This article examines recent research into the vocational and work‐related aspects of secondary school science, and the historical and policy background. Its empirical focus is a late secondary course with the title “Applied Science”, which was introduced into schools in England and Wales in 2002. It draws on the preliminary findings of a research study focusing on the origins and implementation of this course. Overall, the article provides an overview of the major issues and research agenda associated with the notion of a vocational or applied school science curriculum, focusing ultimately on the key issues of educational purpose, pedagogy, and status.  相似文献   

课程群协同进化研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科学不断地分化与综合,高校课程之间的联系愈加紧密。单个课程与其他课程交叉融合并形成课程群,已经成为提高教学效果的重要方式。国外学者在研究课程问题时,较多将生态和课程联系起来,蕴含课程群协同进化的思想。我国的课程群研究侧重于定性理论分析,内容上属于实践描述和经验总结。今后,课程群协同进化研究应该构建课程群协同进化的话语体系、阐释课程群协同进化的发展规律、开展课程群协同进化的教学设计和进行课程群协同进化的实证研究。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的推广,教师身份认同逐渐成为学界的热点问题,学术成果层出不穷。从教师身份认同的概念、历史演变以及教师身份认同的危机与对策入手对已有相关研究的主要内容进行整理与分析,发现教师身份认同研究尚存在研究的学科视角相对单一、研究的系统性相对缺乏、比较研究相对不足、基本原理分析相对缺乏等问题。教师身份认同研究应注意从拓宽研究视角和内容、加强比较分析与实证研究、深化基本原理研究等方面着手进行深入分析。  相似文献   

对CNKI的文献数据进行标准化处理后,利用Bicomb软件和SPSS软件绘制了新课程改革以来我国"校本课程开发"研究的290篇文献的热点知识图谱。研究结果表明,我国"校本课程开发"研究的热点问题主要集中在四个领域:一是"校本课程开发"的基本问题研究(宏观维度);二是基于学校的"校本课程开发"研究(中观维度);三是基于教师的"校本课程开发"研究(微观维度);四是着眼于学生发展核心素养的"校本课程开发"研究(学生维度)。未来,我国的"校本课程开发"研究应该把握以下趋势:一是厘清核心概念,保证研究精度;二是注重理论自觉,加强研究深度;三是转变研究视角,拓宽研究广度;四是建构评价体系,提高研究效度。  相似文献   

诗性智慧是"最深层的个人的活生生的经验",诗性智慧的课程论述已经成为对抗理性主义课程论的有力武器.人类社会的起源是"诗性的",诗性智慧包括感性、情绪、想象、热情、创造等方面的能力,这与儿童的天性相契合,应该成为儿童学习的主要课程.诗性智慧的课程论述强调利用儿童的这些特质,发挥故事的教育价值,创设体验学习的机会,大力发展儿童的想象力,最终实现儿童的精神解放.诗性智慧的课程论述将为我国的幼儿园教育教学实践注入活力.  相似文献   

双创教育是当前高职教育研究热点,但诸多高职院校在双创教育实践过程中仍存在理念上的偏差。本文通过实证调研与分析,从高职生双创综合职业素质结构的视角,论证双创综合职业素质核心要素与专业能力核心要素之间的关联性,得出专创融合是高职双创教育实践的逻辑起点的结论,并提出通过构建基于专创融合的高职生双创综合职业素质培养模式,从人才培养方案设计、双创课程内容选择、双创课程设计及双创课程实施等四个方面进行双创教育改革与实践,从而实现双创教育与专业教育深度融合的构想。  相似文献   

高等教育普及化已成为全球高等教育发展的一个主流趋势。文章围绕普及化阶段高等教育系统变革这一问题,从理论和实践两个方面梳理了相关英文文献研究成果。在理论方面,现有研究主要从社会学理论、制度理论、经济学理论等跨学科视角切入,采用定量及定性的研究方法对普及化阶段高等教育系统变革进行了理论建构和阐释;在实践探析方面,现有研究发现普及化阶段高等教育系统私有化趋势加剧,高校组织结构呈现多元化及综合化,进而促使高校内部治理结构的横向分化及法人化,高校质量保障外部问责力度不断加大。此外,高校教学及课程在普及化阶段呈现半结构化及信息化趋势。基于现有研究,未来相关研究应在丰富理论建构视角的基础上,加强对不同国家的差异性比较研究,并积极探索非精英高等教育机构的发展路径。  相似文献   

从多元文化数学切入,以多元文化数学素材开发、多元文化数学课程研究、多元文化数学教材研究与多元文化数学教学研究为纬度,评述了多元文化数学课程与教学研究的相关问题。现今学校数学课程与教学存在的最大问题就是没有与学生的文化相关联,几乎没有使多数学生看到数学与他们本国文化的联系,使学生误认为数学与他们的生活或未来是毫不相干的,这严重影响了学生学习数学的兴趣和态度。多元文化数学课程与教学的理论与实践表明:兼顾文化与数学的课程教学改革,将收到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

“学科整合”的教学模式是我国基础教育教学改革的新视点。本文以现代教育理论为基础,立足于课改和教学实际,探索网络环境下信息技术与学科整合的规律和特点,反思网络课堂教学中出现的问题。  相似文献   

This paper draws on the findings from an international programme of research that has demonstrated the need for teachers in many developing countries to be given more support in adapting monograded curricula to the needs of their multigrade classes. It describes four empirical models of multigrade practice and examines the models of curriculum construction and child learning that inform them. It then presents a five‐step process that can be used by curriculum planners to adapt monograded curricula, taking account of the different empirical models of multigrade practice. Finally, it outlines a strategy for implementing such a process by providing further support to strengthen curriculum units and improve teacher education.  相似文献   

王攀峰 《教育科学》2020,36(1):15-21
总体上说,教科书内容分析可以分为实证研究中的内容分析、符号学视角下的内容分析和传播学视角下的内容分析这三大类型。其中,实证研究中的教科书内容分析分为量化内容分析、定性内容分析和计算机辅助内容分析;符号学视角下的内容分析分为教科书语构分析、教科书语义分析和教科书语用分析;传播学视角下的内容分析分为教科书传播内容分析、教科书传播原因分析、教科书传播学效果分析。对不同学科视角下教科书内容分析方法的应用与发展情况进行梳理,有助于深化教科书内容分析法的研究,推动教科书研究方法的发展。  相似文献   

从生态后现代主义的视角理解课程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将生态观引入课程研究是80年代中期以后课程研究领域的热点之一。从转变课程范式的生态理念、课程与教学的生态模式、整体课程等方面来看,从生态的角度探讨课程问题是富有远见的研究视角,课程领域存在的已有问题中,许多可从“非生态性找到根源。  相似文献   

现有的关于幼儿园园本课程的研究成果比较丰富,论述范围较广,有关于园本课程理论的探讨,有具体的根据当地实际的课程开发与实施,也有根据不同的领域进行园本课程的研究等。此外,有的侧重于幼儿教师作用的发挥,有的从管理的角度进行分析,有的着重探讨课程资源的利用,还有的关注家园合作等等。无论是体现自身特色,还是融入本土文化,最终都需要通过园本课程的开发和实施来加以实现。  相似文献   

张荣华 《高等理科教育》2012,(2):133-137,145
研究性教学是研究型大学的重要组成部分。现有研究成果从理论方面来讲,尚未厘清研究性教学的内涵与要素;从实践方面来看,缺乏从理科教师教育课程体系的角度来实施研究性教学。本文在分析研究性教学的内涵及其要素、总结高师教师教育课程实施研究性教学的意义与实践经验的基础上,对高师生物教师教育课程研究性教学的实施要素进行概括,以期为研究性教学的研究以及我国高师教育改革与发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the knowledge path concept to research on curriculum change. Vis-à-vis existing inquiries into curriculum making, the paper explores the usefulness of the knowledge path concept in an empirical analysis of curriculum change that primary education in Turkey underwent at the turn of the century. Based on the documentary interpretation of expert interviews and other material, the paper enquires into the processes that instigated and enabled the curriculum change and rendered it durable. This concept may contribute to four previously identified research approaches to curriculum change: empirical case studies, ideology-critical and New Institutionalist inquiries, and a focus on organizational politics. It emphasizes the significance of time and sequentiality during change processes and underpins the differentiated power of actors.  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of Michael Young’s perspective on the Internet as it relates to the knowledge-driven curriculum he supports. I argue that the Internet is a site of both theoretical knowledge and everyday concepts which challenges the differentiation of knowledge that premises much of Young’s writing. Google searches from the perspective of a student and teacher show that theoretical knowledge with vertical links to subject and disciplinary communities as well as coherence built through links between concepts is fairly readily accessed on the Internet. The importance of information literacy for students, the critical need to curate content on the web, as well as the implications for the curriculum of framing ‘knowing’ as encompassing ‘being familiar’ and comprehending’ are highlighted.  相似文献   

The core theme of this article is the implications of a global language for the curriculum and how it can be dealt with in terms of content knowledge and reform. First, the article conceptualises curriculum from the perspective of schooling within a geographical territory, symbolising its own cultural history and the nation as a key agent in reform. Second, it takes a closer look at current reform designs and asks how they represent equivalent but also contrasting arguments and rationales about curriculum beyond the national. Third, the article discusses implications of globalisation for curriculum pertaining to both cultivation and qualification as indispensable parts of education and schooling. The main empirical point of departure is the formal curriculum guidelines in Norway, written policy documents, expert reports and evaluation frameworks, written within the last two decades. Through the application of a new language for change, these documents advocate world-wide expectations which could harmonise curriculum across national boarders. However, the design of the reform is of core significance in standardisation processes, and highly dependent on the way matters and meanings are conceptualised in the professional semantics which accompany reform efforts within and beyond the national context.  相似文献   

经济教学论作为典型的交叉学科,涉及教学内容选择暨课程设置的核心问题。作为科学研究学科的经济教学论,需要摆脱职业技能准备工具的简单定位,借鉴其他社会学科的研究结论,一方面加强微观层面的实证研究,尤其是针对学生和教师在经济领域的前概念进行实证调查;另一方面应加强从宏观层面讨论科学、生活与教育的关系,界定经济素养的内涵及其能力发展的途径。  相似文献   

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