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抽取成都市开展了科学教育活动的幼儿园,通过对家长问卷调查和对教师访谈相结合的方法,对家园合作渗入幼儿园科学教育活动的现状进行调查分析,发现家园合作开展幼儿科学教育活动过程中存在家长观念陈旧、活动参与性不高,家园合作缺乏系统性和明确性等问题,分析其原因在于幼儿园缺乏系统的家园合作机制、合作形式化、教师缺乏创新、家长欠缺科学认识,为更好的实现家园合作,对社会、幼儿园、家长提出了有效性的建议,以此为促进幼儿科学启蒙教育打下坚实的基础.  相似文献   

当前幼儿园科学教育实践缺少对儿童朴素理论的了解与尊重,教师不善于对幼儿的朴素理论加以合理运用,片面强调科学知识教育,忽视幼儿的解释与预测,脱离幼儿的经验,教育评价空洞机械,教育效果不理想。幼儿园科学教育中,教师应了解并尊重幼儿的朴素理论,关注"说"、"做"、"思"、"看",即注重倾听与提问、操作与实践、思考与探究、观察与模仿,促进幼儿理论的主动建构。  相似文献   

幼儿园中科学教育与艺术教育实践,被作为两个不同的学科各成体系,彼此分离。基于对科学与艺术一种自然而融合关系的认识,处理好幼儿园科学教育与艺术教育两个领域的教育目标互通,内容相融,活动设计与实施相互交叉的关系,使其既符合幼儿认知发展规律也符合幼儿教育规律。  相似文献   

在新的科学教育理念的要求下,教师的科学教育行为发生了很大的改变,在为幼儿设计和组织科学探究活动时能够做到根据幼儿的兴趣、需要选择探究内容,使之贴近幼儿生活,能够依据探宄目标为幼儿提供具有适宜结构的材料,并努力创设宽松的探究氛围,但同时也存在着目标理解和把握、活动组织和指导等方面的不足。这需要教师进一步加强学习。加强实践研究和反思。  相似文献   

基于对《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中科学教育要求的思考,文章阐述了幼儿园课程资源的内涵,并根据目前幼儿园课程资源的开发和利用存在的问题,探讨幼儿园科学课程资源的理想建构,并对幼儿园科学课程资源的筛选和建设诸方面做了简要论述。  相似文献   

This article shows how links between science and literacy offer kindergarten children the opportunity to create and express their individual understandings about environmental change through emergent environmental literacy. This article reports on one of the science experiences in a kindergarten classroom in which the children explored the phenomenon of environmental change. The kindergarten science program can help children learn how scientists look at the world; young children can express these concepts through nonnarrative compositions. The article concludes with suggestions for teaching practice in the kindergarten science program.  相似文献   

促进幼儿园科学教育深入开展的几点思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
幼儿园开展科学教育是适应时代发展的必然结果。为提高幼儿园科学教育的质量,必须从思想上提高认识,更新教育观念,加强幼儿园科学教育师资的培养,加快幼儿园的信息化建设,宣传和推广幼儿园科学教育资源方面的研究成果,为普遍提高幼儿园科学教育的水平服务。  相似文献   

对中山市5个区和24个镇的48所幼儿园抽样调查,充分了解学前儿童科学教育家园互动的状况,发现人口统计学特征、家长的家庭背景、幼儿园的等级、学校和教师组织互动活动具体情况对家园互动效果的影响。对家园互动效果满意度影响因素进行回归分析,发现:家长和教师对学前儿童科学教育互动的认知是影响互动效果及满意度的重要因素,具体的家园互动活动过程的设计和幼儿园的性质是影响互动效果及满意度的主要因素之一。建议:幼儿教师思想上高度重视家园互动;活动设计上尊重幼儿的身心发展特点;加强家园沟通,挖掘家庭教育资源等。  相似文献   

当前STEM教育已经成为国内外K-12教育领域的热点话题,它与我国幼儿园科学教育具有内在契合性,是变革我国幼儿园科学教育的重要参照。因此,我国幼儿园科学教育改革可以在四个方面寻求突破:一是以STEAM素养为参照确立科学教育目标体系,克服幼儿园过多关注科学知识掌握而忽略幼儿简单问题解决能力培养的问题;二是以STEAM教育主题项目为抓手组织教育内容、促进学科融合,从而培养幼儿核心素养;三是以STEAM问题探究为驱动,开展幼儿园科学教育活动,调动幼儿探究积极性;四是以STEAM教育生态为纽带开发和利用科学教育资源,促进优势资源积累和整合,提高科学学习品质。  相似文献   

幼儿园科技主题活动的开展需要实物资源的支持.实物资源的收集者包括教师、家长、幼儿以及相关领域的专业人士.实物资源包括仿真类、多媒体类、图片类、文字类、成品、半成品等.这些资源在原始层面上的有效利用对幼儿园科技主题活动开展的效果具有重要的影响,其整合过程应有利于幼儿经验的建构.实物资源整合后的呈现方式包括资源包和幼儿园科技环境创设.  相似文献   

集体活动和区域活动是幼儿园科学教育的两种主要活动形式,具有不同的特点.在幼儿园科学教育中,要正确处理两者之间的关系,以便扬长避短.本文在分析结果取向与过程取向的幼儿园科学教育对集体活动和区域活动的喜好与倾向性的基础上,探讨了问题产生的根源,进而阐释了在以探究、体验、发现为一体的幼儿园科学教育中集体活动和区域活动之间动态变化与积极互动的关系.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings from an ESRC funded study which examined patterns of participation in higher education science programmes. Using data on applications and acceptances to university, the paper describes trends in the numbers of candidates who choose to study science and science‐related degree programmes in the UK over the last two decades. Two main findings emerge. The first shows that overall the sciences have retained their share of the undergraduate population during a period in which the sector has expanded rapidly. We find no evidence of a ‘swing’ from science. Indeed it is not the case that undergraduates are not studying science, rather, it is the type of science courses they are studying which has changed. The second finding suggests that large and small‐scale initiatives to increase recruitment to the sciences have had little lasting impact on the higher education participation data.  相似文献   

The mechanical transmission of motion, which is observable in gears’ turning direction (TD) and turning speed (TS) can be understood as part of the core concept “force and motion”. Previous studies have suggested that most children before the age of nine have naïve concepts of gears’ TD and TS. However, these studies relied on children's explanation data and might have therefore underestimated young children's potential. Moreover, these studies did not examine whether preschoolers can overcome their naïve concepts through teaching. Recently, educators have proposed guided play as an educational approach that combines children's play with teacher guidance in a purposefully designed environment. We conducted two subsequent studies. In Study 1, we investigated the children's (naïve) concepts of gears’ TD and TS with a cross‐sectional approach using a nonverbal test procedure. This study comprised 248 children aged 5–10 years and 73 adults. The results showed that the proportion of children with adequate concepts increased with age. More specifically, 7‐ to 8‐year‐olds differed significantly from 5‐ to 6‐year‐olds, indicating a developmental shift around this age. However, naïve concepts of TS were more persistent with age than naïve concepts of TD. Altogether, the results indicated the potential to foster 5‐ to 6‐year‐olds’ concepts of both TD and TS in an intervention. Thus, in Study 2, we developed and tested a guided play intervention to foster 5‐ to 6‐year‐old children's concepts of TD and TS. We conducted a prepost‐intervention design with a guided play group (n = 19) and a free play group (n = 21). The results suggested stronger learning gains in the guided play group (dTD = 0.337, dTS = 0.758) than in the free play group (dTD = 0.224, dTS = 0.158).  相似文献   

目前我国一些地方实施的免费学前教育大致有“全部免费-全面补助-市县分担”、“全部免费-部分补助县级承担”、“部分免费-部分补助-县级承担”三种模式,第三种模式的财政投入压力相对前面两种略小。通过对M区学前三年免费教育政策和实施的个案进行分析,发现在推行的过程中存在经费严重不足、政策措施不完善、流动儿童被排除在外等问题。建议在推行免费学前教育的过程中,应从社会经济发展水平出发,分年龄、分群体、分项目逐步推进;提升财政投入责任主体,由中央和省级政府依据合理的办园标准和成本分担比例共同加大经费投入;切实保障流动儿童接受学前教育的权益。  相似文献   

在幼儿师范学校,数学是一门重要的文化课程,研究分析幼师女生数学学习情况显得十分重要.从问卷调查并结合观察法和谈话法了解到,幼师女生大多数对数学有一定的兴趣,但数学感知能力差,数学概括能力、抽象能力、空间想象能力不强,数学推理能力、联想能力、思维转换能力薄弱.为了提高幼师数学素质教育的水平,可以从知识传授、能力培养、德育渗透三方面设计教育教学策略.  相似文献   

幼儿园探究式科学教育活动要求教师提供支持性的教学环境以激发幼儿的探究兴趣,使其充分体验科学探究的过程,发展初步的科学探究能力并养成科学素养和科学态度。这就对幼儿教师提出了新的挑战,做一位幼儿天性的尊重者、幼儿心灵的倾听者、幼儿行为的引导者、幼儿活动的支持者及自身行为的反思者是幼儿园探究式科学教育对幼儿教师提出的新的角色要求。  相似文献   

幼儿园教育“小学化”治理工作是我国学前教育的一项重要工作,经历了态度摇摆、认知重视、规范纠正和全面治理阶段,目前正处于深化加强阶段。为了解“小学化”治理工作的成效与现状,通过对四川省成都市、攀枝花市、凉山彝族自治州等多地的城市、县镇、乡村幼儿园教师的调查发现:“小学化”治理工作取得一定成效,“小学化”现状有所改善。但仍存在如下问题:部分教师对“小学化”治理工作态度消极,思考不全面;教师教学内容存在“小学化”倾向;部分幼儿园游戏活动较少,存在“小学化”管理行为;大班额现象突出,乡村区域环境创设仍待加强;频繁布置家庭作业现象依然存在,评估幼儿方式仍待健全。而造成这些问题的原因可能是城镇乡差异大,治理难度大;部分家长支持小学化,治理工作推进难;优质教育资源的缺失;对教育评价的错误认知以及幼儿园本身课程体系建设不完善等。基于上述问题,应当重视城镇乡差距,有针对性地开展治理工作;保障教育环境质量,控制幼儿园班额;完善教育评价,科学评估幼儿能力;完善幼儿园课程体系建设,推进教学内容转向。  相似文献   

The central thesis of this paper is that the learning of science in integrated curricular contexts requires a broader theoretical framework than is typically adopted by researchers and teachers. The common practice of interpreting science learning in terms of conceptual and procedural understandings in such contexts is problematized through an examination of the literature. As an alternative to the traditional approach, a triangulation of three theoretical perspectives is undertaken to view the science learning in a classroom case study of integrated curriculum. The conclusion highlights the necessity of balance between the disciplinary forces on curriculum and the forces that better reflect the multiple dimensions of learning in the real world. The use of theoretical triangulation is demonstrated as a technique through which a balanced, and more complete, view of learning in integrated contexts can be achieved.  相似文献   

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