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Previous research has documented a need for the development of a sex education programme in Turkish schools in terms of adolescence readiness and the presence of misconceptions regarding critical aspects of sexual issues. Currently no school‐based sex education is available for Turkish adolescents. This paper presents the development of a contemporary sex education programme for 12‐year‐old to 14‐year‐old adolescents, entitled ‘The Human Development Program for 12–14 Year Old Adolescents’. A five‐step programme development model was used including reviewing internationally recognised sex education programmes for this age group. Sexuality Information and Education Council of United States guidelines were chosen as an educational framework, and Turkish cultural values were integrated into the curriculum. The sex curriculum consists of an eight‐session interactive programme in which parental permission and involvement is required. Five units are presented: human development, relationships, sexual behaviour, sexual health, and society/culture. The programme and a related knowledge assessment tool were reviewed by a group of Turkish professionals and the validity of the educational content was received. The programme was piloted with a group of Turkish adolescents with positive results. Future recommendations include school counsellors implementing this sex educational programme into Turkish schools.  相似文献   

Fraas and Newman's (1994) binomial test of goodness of fit of structural equation models is based on the assumption that counts of path estimates consistent with a researcher's expectations can be viewed as, binomial random variables. In this article I argue that these counts do not have binomial distributions because of the lack of independence among estimates of path coefficients of structural equation models.  相似文献   

Assessment of auditory comprehension is necessary for therapeutic clinical intervention as well as remedial and special education services. In this study, the Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language‐Revised (TACL‐R), developed by Elizabeth Carrow‐Woolfolk in 1985 Carrow‐Woolfolk, E. 1985. Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language‐Revised, Allen, TX: DLM Teaching Resources.  [Google Scholar], was translated and adapted for use in the Lebanese culture. The adapted test was administered to 350 Lebanese children aged 3:0–9:11 selected on the basis of grade and school type. Norms were reported for each age and grade level. Reliability analysis showed that the adapted test provides consistent, stable and precise estimates of auditory comprehension ability. The test's construct validity was examined using several indices. In addition, evidence for concurrent validity was provided by examining the relationship between scores on the adapted test and teachers' ratings of students' language abilities. Obtained results were compared with those on the TACL‐R and were discussed in terms of their practical implications. Recommendations for further research were proposed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the degree to which applicants' perceptions of interview behaviors differed from interviewers' perceptions. Data were drawn from 188 actual employment interviews conducted under the auspices of a university‐operated placement center. Data analyses revealed applicants rating themselves and the interviewers significantly higher than the interviewers' ratings of either themselves or the applicants.  相似文献   


The long‐term effects of a three‐week training programme for new teachers have been studied. A questionnaire was sent to all those who participated in the years 1988‐1992. The directors of study of ten departments were also interviewed. The teachers, who were mainly graduate students, say the training has been of use to them by increasing their self confidence, leading to a deeper understanding of the teaching/learning process or providing new teaching skills. All directors of study report positive effects in the teachers. Six consider there have been spreading effects within the department. Teachers and directors of study agree that the priority given to research over teaching is a major obstacle for anyone who wishes to invest time and energy in teaching. A conclusion is that the teachers who took part in the training programme acquired skills and attitudes of use to them in their work. Some suggestions are made on how to improve the programme. However, the most important change to improve teaching would be to alter the relative value of teaching and research.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of academic self‐efficacy and social support on the academic success of Indian‐American and Caucasian‐American undergraduate students. 200 Indian‐American and Caucasian‐American students completed a demographic form and five surveys. The data showed that academic self‐efficacy had a significant effect on college grade point averages (GPA) for Caucasians, but not for Indians. Regarding social support, the quality of mentoring relationships was found to be twice as high for Indians than Caucasians. The total number of mentors, however, was significantly higher for Caucasians. The results of this study support theories that highlight the importance of social support on Indians’ academic success, and of academic self‐efficacy on Caucasians’ academic success. This study also provides support of the existing literature that the construct of self‐efficacy is culturally biased, and questions the utility of self‐efficacy measurements for the Indian ethnicity.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the importance of providing reasons and evidence when making claims as a teacher. Two teaching contexts are explored: a nonacademic science classroom and a clinical supervision setting. An expert teacher is seen at work in a nonacademic science classroom. This is an especially significant context in which to find “task‐reasons” and “science‐reasons” since students rarely appear to have access to reasons for what they do or say in such classrooms. The teacher and a colleague, both experts at clinical analysis of teaching, are observed examining and analysing the teaching. This is the setting for developing “interpretation‐reasons” regarding the conduct and events of teaching. The expert‐expert clinical supervision situation is seen as sharpening the requirement for sound, credible interpretation‐reasons beyond that of the more common expert‐novice interaction.



Radical constructivism has had a major influence on present‐day education, especially in the teaching of science and mathematics. The article provides an epistemological profile of constructivism and considers its strengths and weaknesses from the standpoint of its educational implications. It is argued that there are two central problems with constructivism: anti‐realism and individualism which, in turn, lead to difficulties associated with idealism and relativism which, together, prove fatal for the theory.  相似文献   

The 51 abstracts of doctoral theses printed below were sent to the Bureau of Research of the National Council of Churches for abstracting in Religious Education since the last series of such doctoral abstracts was printed in this journal (see Religious Education, Vol. 56, pages 359–382, 1961). The abstracts here printed have been substantially limited to studies containing explicit reference to current educational processes, procedures, and personnel in religious institutions. Persons interested in reviewing complete dissertations usually may obtain these in one of two ways. The school granting the degree will either loan complete dissertations to local libraries on interlibrary loan, or it will direct interested persons to ordering that dissertation on microfilm. Readers are reminded that an indispensable library resource for obtaining information on available doctoral theses from many of the major academic institutions is Dissertation Abstracts. Please do not address requests for dissertations to this magazine or to the National Council of Churches  相似文献   

Throughout history, word‐art has been valued as a source of magic, wisdom, and delight. The author argues that genre fiction, advertising, popular song lyrics, and greeting card verse all fulfill these traditional social roles, and that current definitions of “serious literature”; are far too narrow. The true importance of word‐art in daily life cannot be assessed without including such “genre”; work along with “speculative”; writing. The future significance of literature for society, though dependent to some degree on developments in computers and telecommunications, would be enhanced if critics, publishers, and writers adopted a more “user‐friendly”; attitude—helping genre readers to find satisfying material more easily, and respecting speculative readers for the additional time and effort they expend in seeking out the unpredictable and unfamiliar in word‐art.  相似文献   

This study investigated the benefits of computer‐assisted instruction (CAI) for middle‐school students attending remedial reading classes. As a supplement to a strong language‐based reading curriculum, a CAI programme that works on strengthening phonics word identification skills was provided to students in the treatment group. These students were compared with control students taught by the same teacher but without CAI support. Students in the treatment group showed greater reading gains than control students. Group differences in gain scores were significant in the area of decoding skills. These results show that a skills‐based CAI programme can boost decoding for struggling readers in middle school.  相似文献   

’In particular I would urge that the Irish school system of the future should give freedom—freedom to the individual school, freedom to the individual teacher, freedom as far as may be to the individual pupiV. (Padraig H. Pearse [1916] Irish patriot, poet and educationist.)  相似文献   

This study formed the second wave of a longitudinal research project examining bullying from the students’ perspective. A sample of 877 Swedish 13‐year‐olds filled out a questionnaire regarding the definition of bullying, reasons for why some students are bullied and the experience of adults’ response to bullying. In their definitions, girls were more likely than boys to include the victims’ experience of bullying, whereas boys were more likely than girls to mention bullying as an imbalance of power and a set of repeated actions. Assigning responsibility for the bullying to the bully was more common among girls and bullied adolescents than among boys and non‐bullied adolescents. Furthermore, among bullied adolescents, 23% had not told anyone about the bullying and 35% had not received any help.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a game‐like 3D Multi‐User Virtual Environment (MUVE), Quest Atlantis (QA), is used in an after‐school programme to engage a group of 14 academically at‐risk primary students in their learning. It adopts an activity theoretical perspective to identify the disturbances and contradictions during the implementation of the after‐school programme. Based on the analysis of these disturbances and contradictions, the main findings highlight: (1) the importance of the less visible social mediators – the rules, community, and division of labour – in the programme; (2) the pivotal role of the teacher; and (3) the role of QA as both a tool and an object to the students. The findings suggest the importance of the social context where information and communication technology (ICT) is used and the possible use of its engaging elements to first extrinsically motivate these students in their learning.

Eine theoretische Perspektive: Aktivität in Richtung des Designs eines ICT verbesserten ausserschulischen Programms für Risikostudenten

Dieses Papier prüft, wie eine spielähnliche 3D‐Multibenutzer Umgebung (MUVE), “Quest Atlantis (QA)” bei einem außerhalb der Schule benutzten Programms verwendet wird, um eine wissenschaftlich gefährdete 14‐er Studentengruppe in ihrem Lernen anzusprechen. Die Analyse auf Basis der Störungen und Widersprüche zeigt die (1) Wichtigkeit von weniger sichtbaren Sozialmediatoren – die Regeln, die Gemeinschaft und Arbeitsteilung – im Programm, (2) die entscheidende Rolle der Lehrer und (3) die Funktion des Spiels QA sowohl als Werkzeug als auch als Gegenstand für die Studenten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Wichtigkeit des sozialen Kontexts wo Informations‐ und Kommunikationstechnologie (ICT) benutzt und gebraucht werden und der mögliche Gebrauch seiner verbindenden Elemente erstmals von außen motivieren das Lernen dieser Studenten.

Perspective théorique sur une activité visant à la conception d’un programme extra scolaire renforcé par les TICE et destiné aux élèves en difficulté

Cet article examine comment on utilise un environnement virtuel à utilisateurs multiples (MUVE) Quest Atlantis (QA) en 3D dans un programme extra scolaire pour impliquer dans leur apprentissage un groupe de 14 élèves en difficulté scolaire. On a adopté une perspective théorique de l’activité pour identifier les troubles et les contradictions rencontrés pendant la mise en place de l’activité extra scolaire. En se fondant sur l’analyse de ces troubles et contradictions, les résultats obtenus font principalement ressortir: (1) l’importance des médiateurs sociaux moins visibles comme_les règles, le groupe, et la répartition des tâches_dans le programme; (2) le rôle central de l’enseignant et (3) le rôle de QA à la fois comme outil et comme objet pour les élèves. Ces observations font apparaître l’importance du contexte social là o[ugrave] on utilise les technologies de l’information et de la communication et le recours possible à leurs facteurs d’implication pour commencer de l’extérieur à motiver ces élèves pour leur apprentissage.

Una perspectiva teórica sobre una actividad conduciendo a un programa posescolar apoyado por las TICs dedicado a los alumnos «en peligro»

Este artículo examina como se utiliza un entorno lúdico virtual en 3D, Quest Atlantis (QA) para usuarios multiples (MUVE) dentro de un programa posescolar para incentivar a un grupo de alumnos «en peligro» para que aprenden. Se adoptó una perspectiva teórica activa para identificar los trastornos y contradicciones encontradas durante la implantación del programa posescolar. Basandose en el análisis de esos trastornos y contradicciones, los principales resultados han destacado (1) la importancia de los mediadores sociales menos visibles, las reglas, la comunidad y la división del trabajo_dentro del programa (2) el papel fundamental del profesor y (3) el papel de QA a la vez como herramienta y como objeto para los alumnos. Esas observaciones resaltan la importancia del contexto social cuando se usan las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) y el posible uso de sus elementos cautivadores para dar a esos alumnos el primer incentivo externo de su aprendizaje.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study conducted in 36 infant–toddler centres (Kinderkrippen) in the city of Munich in Bavaria/Germany was to explore structural characteristics of early child care and education and their effects on child care quality. Stepwise regressions and variance analysis (Manova) examined the relation between quality of care and structural characteristics such as group size, staff competence and preparation time. A multi‐respondent approach was employed, including self‐report questionnaires of educators (Erzieherinnen) as well as data on local working conditions collected from the directors of the centres. The findings of this study suggest that different sets of variables can be used to predict quality of education for under‐threes. The practitioners' reported quality of education was found to relate to higher competence (with regard to centre programme, documentation, teamwork and staff qualification), better orientation towards the children's needs and better working atmosphere. Furthermore there were multivariate effects of the availability of and networking with external specialists, preparation time, and grouping arrangements within the centre such as changing from a home‐group approach to an open‐group setting. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for research and the basic impact of education in early childhood.  相似文献   

Although community college educators believe their programs benefit their students through cognitive development, until now no good evidence was available. The fourth follow‐up of the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 allows the controlled assessment of the value of two‐year institutions. The results indicate that while whites benefit cognitively from two‐year post‐secondary programs, blacks do not.

In 1947, the President's Commission on Higher Education (1947, p. 9) concluded that, “The first goal in education for democracy is the full, rounded and continuing development of the person. ... To liberate and perfect the intrinsic powers of every citizen is the central purpose of democracy, and its furtherance of individual self‐realization is its greatest glory.” From these principles the specific goals of higher education are derived (Bowen, 1977). The formal academic program and extra‐curricular life of an academic community are intended to help students develop in three respects: cognitive learning, affective development, and practical competence (Bowen, 1977). It is assumed that as these goals are realized so are the powers of the individual.

Whenever there are goals to be reached in any endeavor, it is natural to ask whether they are in fact being realized. Bowen (1977) compares education to an industry that is responsible for disclosing both its costs and outcomes. Assessing the outcomes of higher education is necessarily a complex task; nevertheless attempts have been made to pull together information from a variety of studies and draw conclusions from them (e.g., Feldman and Newcomb, 1969; Bowen, 1977; Pace, 1979). In general the effects of college attendance have been found to be positive. Attending college raises the level of knowledge and cognitive

powers of students, increases psycholgocial well‐being, understanding, tolerance and self‐reliance, and helps students develop skills and traits that make them more adaptable to a variety of social and work situations (Bowen, 1977).

Comprehensive evaluations of higher education have been limited to four‐year colleges. For example, Kar‐weit and McPartland (1981) studied the cognitive gains produced by postsecondary schooling, and found that college attendance enhanced vocabulary skills, but only maintained mathematic skills. In contrast, little has been done to evaluate outcomes of community college attendance, although educators within community college systems stress the importance of accountability in establishing the much maligned credibility of community colleges (Roueche and La Forge, 1974; Miller, 1979).

The absence of research on community colleges is in part due to the variety of functions that community colleges have assumed. Community colleges were originally intended to open the doors of education to all high school graduates, especially the economically disadvantaged (Monroe, 1972). Emphasis was placed on providing two years of additional general education beyond high school, and on low‐cost preparation for students who wished to transfer to four‐year colleges in the third year. In 1947 the President's Com‐mision on Higher Education (1947) suggested that the emphasis of two‐year colleges should be shifted to preparation for semiprofessional white collar and vocational occupations. This preparation was not to be at the expense of general education, but in addition to it, for those who desired to learn specific occupational skills. As the popularity of community colleges grew, it also became apparent that many economically disadvantaged students were also academically disadvantaged, and community colleges found themselves in the business of providing remedial courses for many students who were not ready to enter regular academic programs.

Although research indicates that community colleges in general place greater emphasis on occupational education than when originally conceived, they remain, at least in philosophy, committed to providing an education that contributes to the intellectual development of their students, whether they are in academic or vocational programs (Monroe, 1972; Cross, 1974). This commitment is in recognition of the fact that cognitive skills such as verbal ability and basic mathematics competence, and affective development in the areas of self‐awareness and interpersonal relations, are necessary to practical competence in most work and social situations.

Community college curricula, in general, reflect a commitment to intellectual and affective development. The general education requirement in community colleges varies greatly, but usually consists of a specified number of elective courses to be chosen from the humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, and the social sciences (Monroe, 1972). Remedial programs are primarily for academic deficiencies in reading, language, and mathematics (Monroe, 1972).

Although community college programs seem designed to further cognitive and affective development, critics (Scigliano, 1976; Hudson and Smith, 1976) question the ability of community colleges to provide a good general education. Nevertheless, there is little evidence on this point one way or the other. Existing studies are lacking in several ways. For example, Rou‐eche and Kirk (1973) and Lavin et al.(1979) determined the success of programs for academically and economically disadvantaged students in community college programs by looking at grade point averages and completion rates; however, neither of these measures establish gains in cognitive or affective development. Rossmann et al.(1975) measured cognitive development by gain scores on reading and mathematics tests, but they were unable to compare gains against a control group of noncollege attenders.  相似文献   

Various surveys have documented widespread support among US parents, students, teachers and health professionals for school‐based comprehensive sexuality education. In many school districts, however, the sexuality education provided is minimal, incomplete or fragmented, and essential topics are often omitted or inaccurately presented. To help explain the discrepancy between support and accomplishment, this study develops a set of theory‐based research hypotheses regarding the potential motivational roles of stakeholders' goals, emotions and personal agency belief patterns in explaining this lack of achievement. A series of exploratory interviews and focus groups with 36 California parents, adolescents and professionals was conducted. A modified grounded‐theory approach was used to guide the collection and analysis of qualitative data, and the development of a theoretical framework anchored in Martin Ford's motivational systems theory. This framework suggests the complexity of the interacting factors involved, and provides a basis for specific hypotheses for further research. Potentially important goals, emotions and personal agency belief patterns are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

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