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汤姆大拇和亨卡忙卡偷偷溜进了餐厅,餐厅里有它们想吃的美味佳肴吗?墙角会不会躲着一只猫?房子的主人进来怎么办?小朋友们想知道吗?那就赶快读读下面的故事吧  相似文献   

正当两只坏老鼠忙着干坏事的时候,突然,楼梯拐角处传来房屋主人的说话声。两只坏老鼠的命运会如何呢?请看下面的故事吧!(龙龙)  相似文献   

The popular image connoted by the term “Jewish education” is the teaching-learning process in the classroom of an all day school, yeshiva, and afternoon school. The students are typically children of elementary school age. As the image expands, it includes adolescents in the high school, college students in special courses, and adults in synagogue-sponsored adult education courses. Jewish education for professionals in Jewish communal service agencies has not been part of the public's perception of Jewish education. To be sure, the professional's primary concern is helping clients with their problems and his knowledge base is primarily geared toward that objective. The “Jewish” component in the preparation for professional practice has not been a primary concern of Jewish educators.  相似文献   

One hundred and nineteen probationary teachers, the subject of an earlier survey, were assessed by their head teachers after one year of teaching. These assessments were converted into numerical scores by two independent raters and the group split into ‘average and above’ teachers and ‘below average’ teachers on the basis of those scores. ‘Average and above’ teachers report spending more hours and receiving more teaching and encouragement in 14 stated aspects of teaching techniques than the ‘below average’ teachers. The latter also report deprivation in techniques covering the practical and organizational areas of teaching. Half of the numerical differences between the groups reach levels of statistical significance. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of present practice and future development.  相似文献   

本文作者就高师类院校试行体育两类课程教学的指导思想、教学内容、教学组织形式和教学方法进行了有益的实践探索,并对高师院校施行体育两类课程教学的可能性和可行性问题进行了理论阐述。  相似文献   

This article discusses the research we have and the research we need in both general and Jewish teacher education. First, I discuss three recent efforts to synthesize and assess existing research in teacher education and to identify needed research. Next I review a handful of recent studies in Jewish teacher education which illustrate various research genres and provide a taste of what more coordinated studies could generate in the way of usable knowledge. I conclude by proposing three programs of research on the education of Jewish educators.  相似文献   

College teachers' self-ratings were investigated in this study by comparing them to ratings given by students. The sample consisted of 343 teaching faculty from five colleges; these teachers, as well as the students in one of their classes, responded to a 21-item instructional report questionnaire. Teacher self-ratings had only a modest relationship with the ratings given by students (a median correlation of .21 for the items). In addition to the general lack of agreement between self and student evaluations, there was also a tendency for teachers as a group to give themselves better ratings than their students did.
Discrepancies between individual teacher ratings and ratings given by the class were further analyzed for: (a) sex of the teacher (no difference found); (b) number of years of teaching experience (no difference); and (c) subject area of the course (differences noted for natural science courses vs. those in education and applied areas).  相似文献   

Professional development (PD) of teachers comprises a major challenge in many countries. The empirical relations between teaching–learning processes and student achievements occupy educators who construct teachers’ in-service training programs. Student achievements serve as a measure for testing improvements in learning. Many investigators view teachers’ content–didactic knowledge as influencing the quality of teaching and student achievements. Large-scale assessments (national and international evaluation frameworks) in the Israeli educational system offer teachers opportunities for improving their teaching–learning processes and student achievements. We developed a program for the PD of science teachers based on the curriculum and large-scale assessments. The model is long term and integrates theoretical and practical knowledge. The activities should be effective and cooperative and should use diverse teaching methods and integrate advanced technologies. This article presents considerations for the construction of the program, its goals, its performance, teachers’ reports on the components, and the contribution of the program’s components to their PD.  相似文献   

This paper builds on results from a previous phenomenological study examining characteristics of influential facilitators of elementary mathematics professional development. The current study utilized a survey design where results from the qualitative investigation were quantitized to develop an instrument that allowed participants to identify qualities of facilitators that are necessary to motivate teachers to be engaged in professional development sessions related to mathematics at the elementary level. This paper describes the instrument development process and results when implemented to a sample of teachers in the USA (n = 565). Findings from this research indicate that participants share the same perceptions of what it means to be an influential facilitator as participants from the phenomenological investigation of facilitator characteristics.  相似文献   

This research report deals with the measurement of nine groups of prospective secondary teachers; five from the British Isles and four from the United States. The sample of 839 final year, teacher education students was measured on academic achievement, professional education achievement, and affective measures. A multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze differences between the groups. The analysis resulted in six statistically significant canonical variates. There was a clear country separation on only the first canonical variate, which indicated the British groups high on achievement in English composition and fine arts, and United States groups high on achievement in guidance and measurement. The canonical variates are described in the context of the real variables, as well as the separation of the groups on the canonical variates.  相似文献   

Every day, climate change due to greenhouse emissions, pollution and other environmental degradation appears to make the news. Rather than doing something about the environment, namely in the developing countries where populations frequently are less educated about the long-term impact of human actions, they tend to disregard these problems. There is therefore a need particularly in developing countries to increase the potential for understanding and acting in sustainable, environmentally friendly ways. In this paper, we report quantitative and qualitative results of shifts in environmental value orientations among 110 Malaysian pre-service chemistry teachers during their enrolment in a green chemistry course. We find that the pre-service teachers?? environmental value orientations become more ecocentric and less homocentric and egocentric. Ecocentrism and ecocentric values support the development of behaviours that will assist them and the students they teach in leading environmentally sustainable lifestyles. We conclude that our green chemistry course constitutes (a) a suitable context for supporting pre-service teachers in their development of ecocentric values and (b) an effort to educate the pre-service teachers in leading sustainable lifestyles.  相似文献   

When they graduate I want them to feel, “I went through a real thing, not an approximation of college, but I went through college and that means something!” (Adjunct Instructor)

This article explores the complexity of providing an academically rigorous college education to adult students enrolled in a union-supported worker education program affiliated with a large urban public university. The author examines differences in student and faculty perspectives on academic rigor and considers how students' lack of academic preparation intersects with institutional constraints to impact academic standards. She examines the role of race, ethnicity, class, and gender in determining academic expectations and outcomes and explores the complex and, at times, conflicting relationship between care and academic rigor. She highlights the crucial role of institutional constraints in hindering the implementation of rigorous education for academically under-prepared students. The author argues that high academic standards are an issue of educational equity for working class students of color and are integral to the social justice mission of the worker education program.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research was to explore the developmental process of and possible changes in beginning elementary mathematics teachers’ efficacy. Beginning teachers with and without mathematics and science backgrounds were also compared to explore differences in their efficacy development. A multiple-case study method with a process and recursive design was employed in this study. The participants were six beginning elementary mathematics teachers purposefully selected from Taichung, Taiwan. Data were collected through interviews, recordings, observations, and reflection notes and then analyzed by immersion and editing analytic techniques. Based on the data analysis, a five-gradation developmental model and its characteristics of elementary beginning mathematics teacher efficacy was developed and proposed. The findings demonstrated the developmental process of this five-gradation model and its continuity and cyclical nature. Moreover, beginning mathematics teachers, who were at the same efficacy levels, tended to exhibit substantial similarities but slight differences in their developmental processes. This study also verified that the construct of internal and external factors played a significant role in cyclically contributing to continuous efficacy development. The implications of beginning mathematics teachers’ efficacy and their professional development that derived from the findings and discussions were proposed, as well as a recommendation for further exploration on their efficacy development.  相似文献   

1. The National Council for Jewish Education urges upon the appropriate educational organizations the creation of an educational program to counter-act the recent spate of anti-Israel propaganda emanating both from the political left as well as from other sources. Inasmuch as the Jewish youth of America are bombarded with material which is blatantly critical of Israel's policies and practices in various political domains, it is essential that a countervailing educational program be developed under Jewish educational auspices. Such a program should involve the dissemination of appropriate material currently extant, the creation of whatever new informational materials are required, and the engagement of Jewish youth in dialogue on the substantive issues regarding the Israel-Arab conflict.  相似文献   

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