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Many education systems are experiencing a re-scaling and consolidation of governance through rolling national agendas of standardisation and centralisation. The present article considers the case of Australia as it moves towards implementing its first national curriculum, to explore how teacher educators plan to retain pedagogical space for debate, diversity and contestation of such systemic curricular reform. The present article reports on an interview study conducted with nine teacher educators across the four curriculum areas included in the first wave of the Australian curriculum: English, science, mathematics and history. The analysis reveals how teacher educators reported professional dilemmas around curricular design, and planned to resolve such dilemmas between the anticipated changes and their preferences for what might have been. While different curricular areas displayed different patterns of professional dilemma, the teacher educators are shown to construe their role as one of active curriculum mediators, who, in recontextualising curricular reforms, will use the opportunity to reinsert both residualised and emergent alternatives in their students’ professional value sets. The study also identifies a new set of dilemmas emerging around the politicisation and standardisation of curriculum, and its impact on the teaching profession and teacher educators.  相似文献   

在教学过程中,教师对引导学生的发展发挥着重要的作用。如果教师负责为多元文化学生创造高效的文化回应式教育体验,那么在教师教育课程中就应该培养教师与多元文化学生和谐共处的能力。随着全球化视域下多元文化教育的凸显,以及美国中小学生种族、族群、文化和语言结构的多元化日益增强,美国中小学教育更需要擅长多元文化教育的教师。针对现实中孤立的多元文化教师教育课程的设置及其低效问题,美国提倡设置基于全球观培养教师跨文化能力的多元文化教师教育课程,使教师具有广泛的多元文化知识基础、态度,形成持续的跨文化教学能力。  相似文献   

美国多元文化教师教育指美国教师教育领域为了培养职前和在职教师的多元文化教育能力而进行的一系列变革。美国教师教育机构主要采取两大措施开展多元文化教师教育:一是开设专门的课程,同时将多元文化教育理念渗透在整个培养方案中;二是在课程实施中采取自传和反思、基于社区的学习、文化敏感性教学等方式培养教师的多元文化教育知能。这对我国民族地区教师教育的启示是:要重视民族地区教师教育的特殊性,充分挖掘和培育多元文化教师教育资源,为教师提供跨文化体验的机会,强化自主反思与探究。  相似文献   

新课程背景下的高师院校教师教育改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为基础教育培养高质量师资,是高师院校生存和发展的立足点和生长点。基础教育新课程改革给高师院校提出了前所未有的挑战,而高师院校教师教育课程几十年来变化不大,教学内容与基础教育脱节,教学理念落后,教学方法陈旧,高师院校培养的准教师不能完全适应基础教育新课改的需要。为此,高师院校应更新教育观念,优化教师教育课程结构,改革教师培养模式,加强与基础教育的合作与联系,形成教师职前培养与职后培训一体化的教师教育新体系,以彰显高师院校教师教育特色。  相似文献   

教师教育课程改革:一种整合的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国教师教育课程存在的突出问题是理论与实践割裂。从教师知识的性质及其生成机制出发,教师教育课程改革需要遵循整合性、联系性和一致性的原则。具体来说,整合的教师教育课程设计要着眼于建构与积累实践性知识,课程实施要秉持探究取向,并且要在大学与中小学之间建立实践共同体。  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative study that explored the prospects for the promotion of collaborative relationships between English as a Second Language (ESL) and content teachers in Hong Kong. At the time of the study, the eight participants, four content teachers and four ESL teachers, were all teaching in English-medium secondary schools in Hong Kong. The study drew upon interview data to examine how the participants' construction of teacher identities can shape possibilities for collaboration between ESL and content teachers. The paper begins by discussing some of the key issues in promoting collaboration between content and ESL teachers, then draws upon the works of Wenger and Fairclough to describe a framework for understanding the construction of teacher identity in practice and in discourse. The framework is applied to reveal the major challenges facing the promotion of collaboration between content and ESL teachers. Implications for institutional change that might promote these collaborative relations are also discussed.  相似文献   

The set of papers presented in this issue comprise a multiple-case study which attends to instructional resources—teacher knowledge and curriculum materials—to understand how they individually and jointly contribute to instructional quality. We approach this inquiry by comparing lessons taught by teachers with differing mathematical knowledge for teaching who were using either the same or different editions of a US Standards-based curriculum. This introductory paper situates the work reported in the next four case-study papers by outlining the analytic framework guiding the exploration and detailing the methods for addressing the research questions.  相似文献   


The author explored changes in teacher candidates' multicultural attitudes and knowledge as well as the factors that contributed positively to those changes. Teacher candidates were followed during their teacher preparation program. Data were collected from 2 questionnaires and 9 interviews. The author used repeated measures analysis and percentages to explore changes in multicultural attitudes and knowledge. She also used percentages to identify factors that the participants believed influenced those changes. Findings suggest that teacher candidates' multicultural attitudes and knowledge changed in a positive direction while the candidates attended a teacher preparation program. Changes seemed to be influenced by fieldwork experiences in culturally/ethnically diverse settings, courses in multicultural and bilingual education, and classmates.  相似文献   

关于数学教师课程知识来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学课程知识包括教材知识和资源知识,数学教师获得课程知识存在7种方法与途径,分别是:作为学生时代的经验;职前培训;在职培训;有组织的教研活动;同事之间的交流;阅读参考文献;自身的教学经验积累与反思.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the findings of a research project, the main objective of which is to identify curriculum components that promote personal development as a nuclear part of teacher professional identity formation through pre-service teacher education. Curriculum is viewed as an ecological scenario with different subsystems and both as formal and informal. Identity formation is conceived as an ever-provisional result of a double transaction: the biographical one and the relational one. The curricula of four different historical periods of pre-service teacher education in Portugal and the professional identity of teachers trained within them were characterised through collection and analysis of documents and biographical narratives. Crossing results from the four periods, the quality of school climate emerges as an important variable to the quality of the teachers’ identity. The lifelong learning ethos seems to emerge when the training curriculum connects everyday learning with everyday life, namely by urging the students’ involvement in school life, peer learning activities and peer and teacher educators’ informal learning activities.  相似文献   

This paper draws on four case studies to perform a cross-case analysis investigating the unique and joint contribution of mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) and curriculum materials to instructional quality. As expected, it was found that both MKT and curriculum materials matter for instruction. The contribution of MKT was more prevalent in the richness of the mathematical language employed during instruction, the explanations offered, the avoidance of errors, and teachers' capacity to highlight key mathematical ideas and use them to weave the lesson activities. By virtue of being ambitious, the curriculum materials set the stage for engaging students in mathematical thinking and reasoning; at the same time, they amplified the demands for enactment, especially for the low-MKT teachers. The analysis also helped develop three tentative hypotheses regarding the joint contribution of MKT and the curriculum materials: when supportive and when followed closely, curriculum materials can lead to high-quality instruction, even for low-MKT teachers; in contrast, when unsupportive, they can lead to problematic instruction, particularly for low-MKT teachers; high-MKT teachers, on the other hand, might be able to compensate for some of the limitations of the curriculum materials and offer high-quality instruction. This paper discusses the policy implications of these findings and points to open issues warranting further investigation.  相似文献   

西方教师知识与教师专业发展研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在西方教育研究领域,教师知识作为教师认知世界中稳定和基础性的一部分,一直是教师教育与发展的一个核心议题。随着教师知识认识论的变化,其研究内容也随之在演变和扩展:从教师知识分类研究发展到教师实践知识研究。知识观的转向必然会导致教师发展范式的转变,而这些变化对推动我国教师教育研究与发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

浅谈民族教师教育理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育理念是指导教师教育的思想观念和精神追求。对于师范教育院校来说,具有明确和先进的教师教育理念,是教师教育的起始条件。目前,民族教师教育理念还停留在诸如终结式师范教育、重学术轻师范、分科设学、办学行政化等理念上。严重制约着民族教师教育的发展。民族教师教育若想实现快速发展,应对的策略首先是要转变观念,树立新的教师教育理念,包括树立发展性师范教育理念、师范性特色理念、课程综合化理念、教师为本理念等。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine one school’s experience with policy, as a means of shedding light on the intersection of factors contributing to challenges of implementing policies to support the academic achievement and social adaptation of immigrant and minority students in their school context. We begin with the presentation of a ‘big fight’ between two students of different ethnic and racial backgrounds, and consider multiple perspectives of how the disagreement was addressed by teachers and administrators, to offer insight into how issues of race and policy might have been understood by members of the school community. We use a narrative inquiry approach to examine ways in which a policy designed to enhance student participation was interpreted by various members of this school community. This study reveals nuances of the intersection between culture and (hidden) curriculum as it relates to the implementation of policies aimed at creating and maintaining safe school communities.  相似文献   

Four narrative fragments involving research disseminated globally – namely, United States, Israel, The Netherlands, The People's Republic of China – are used to instantiate the phenomenon of teachers teaching their best-loved selves, without becoming the curriculum themselves. Next, the development of the best-loved self-conceptualization as it emerged in Joseph J. Schwab's scholarship is traced, along with important connections to Michael Connelly and Jean Clandinin's research programme. After that, two important research questions are addressed: (1) If the best-loved self is integral to the teacher-as-curriculum-maker image, what practices might we engage in in teacher education to foster the best-loved self? And (2) How does change happen in pre-service teachers' pedagogical practices and repertoires, given the potential significance of the teacher's best-loved self-image? To conclude, the work returns to the opening narrative fragments to determine the answers that lie within.  相似文献   

构建面向教师专业化的高师课程新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业化是现代教师教育的新理念,师范教育是教师专业发展的平台,课程建设是培养专业化师资的保障。教师专业化对现行高师课程体系提出了挑战,我们必须把握机遇,科学构建高师课程新体系,培养专业化的新型师资,以适应现代教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

在职教师教育是我国教师教育的重要环节,构建科学、合理的在职教师教育课程体系,关键是以教师为中心。教师发展阶段论正是着眼于教师,研究教师处于不同阶段呈现出不同特点和需求的理论。文章基于教师发展阶段论,将在职教师教育课程分为5个阶段,根据不同阶段教师发展的特点和需求,按照主体性原则、整体性原则、阶段性原则、发展性原则、灵活性原则,对具体课程设置进行了初步探讨,以期为在职教师教育提高效用,开拓新思路。  相似文献   

教育类课程在我国教师教育中的设置研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从我国教育类课程在本科教师教育课程体系中的比例和课程内部结构两大方面入手,用历史和比较的方法分析我国教育类课程的课程门数、时间量、课程比重、内容框架、排列顺序等课程设置问题,并对其成因进行深入的透析,进而提出面向新时代的应对改革思路与措施。  相似文献   

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