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贾宝玉“恋母情结”解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于对贾宝玉养育关系的混乱,造成他早年接受母爱的缺失和"恋母情结"的泛化。贾宝玉的"恋母"是"恋"着给予了自己母爱的一个群体;"仇父"是"仇"视代表父权体系的一个群体。贾宝玉"恋母情结"具体指向的错位主要体现在精神上对秦可卿的依恋和"意淫",以及生活上对袭人的依恋和占有欲望。  相似文献   

Death of a Salesman,the classic tragedy of Arthur Miller,has aroused world wide critical interest.Various studies and reviews have been made about it from different angles.Different from previous reviews and studies,this thesis tries to probe into a nearly undiscussed issue,analyzing the relationship between Biff and his mother Linda from the perspective of Oedipus complex,which is actually a thread going through the whole play.On the one hand,Biff bears unusually deep and tender love for his mother; on the other hand,Biff's spiritual killing of his father and later his father's physical death together provide a chance for him to take his father's place.Unconsciously Biff realizes his Oedipus complex.  相似文献   

蘅芜 《高中生》2013,(8):60-61
有人说:我们从未能真正了解一个人,我们有的只是自己的看法,而这个人本身会保持神秘,甚至连他本人也无法完全了解自己。尤其是当一个人去世之后,这就更加真实不过了,他所留在这个世上的就只剩下人们对他的看法。当父亲去世后,我彻底地领悟到了这个道理。我的父亲去世后不久,他公司的同事就打电话给我的母亲,说为了纪念父亲,他们决定以其名字命名公司的一个会议室。  相似文献   

沈从以给他留下深刻烙印的湘西作为背景,在他的小说中营造了一个诗意朦胧的湘西世界。在这个世界里充满了对爱、美和生命的赞颂。他从自己熟悉的生活领域里汲取了创作的灵感,选取对自己影响较大的事物作为题材,追求语言上的简洁、含蓄、平实、朴素,以超常的恒心和毅力进行创作,并本着经济、妥帖、恰当的标准进行修改。从而构成了他小说的特色:清新、自然、朦胧、诗意。  相似文献   

在黑暗、恐怖、饥饿中长大,仅有小学学历的莫言,最终登上了中国人渴望已久的诺贝尔文学奖领奖台。在这一过程中,母爱给予了莫言最大的情感支持,支撑他度过了童年的艰苦岁月。除了作家本身所应具有的创作天分之外,其大哥这一高密东北乡第一个大学生形象给家庭带来的荣耀,以及父亲在村子里的十几年会计角色所赢得的村民的尊重,让莫言确立了知识可以改变命运的价值观,知识成为莫言一生的信仰追求和精神支柱,支撑莫言最终成长为一个影响世界的作家。  相似文献   

周伯通很有童心,他热爱生活,对事物有强烈的好奇心,人也很有智慧;他喜欢玩,也喜欢嬉闹,可他往往不能理智地调控自己的言行举止。周伯通是个逃避爱情的人,但他心中也有爱,也有情;他身心调和,逍遥自在,其长寿原因发人深思。周伯通行事滑稽,人却心地善良,在不知不觉中,他把欢乐吉祥带给了他人。  相似文献   

My Friend     
<正>Tom King is my good friend. He works hard at his lessons. He is one of the best students in our class. He likes basketball and football. We often play together.There are four people in his family. His father worked on a farm three years ago, but now he is a manager of a company in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher of a college and his brother is a worker. The Kings have been in Beijing for three years since they came to work in China.One day, Tom and I went fishing by the river near our school. Half an hour later, Tom caught four fish and I caught five. Tom said to me,"You are good at fishing.""Thank you. You  相似文献   

This research analyses the extent to which the father in differentiating his role from that of the mother opens new aspects of the world to the child and influences the development of inter-subjectivity (Malrieu, 1986; Pinol-Douriez, 1984). A survey questionnaire was used in combination with semi-directive interviews concerned with paternal differentiation. The research population consisted of ten 9-month-old infants (5 boys and 5 girls) of differentiated fathers and ten 9-month-old infants (5 boys and 5 girls) of non-differentiated fathers. The research focused on inter-subjective processes in the young child by studying an interactive play situation with the father (5 min). The results show that children of differentiated fathers construct the outside world (human and non-human) through the opening provided by their father. Paternal differentiation exercises a favourable influence on the socio-affective development of the young child through his/her engagement in interaction with father.  相似文献   

巴尔加斯·略萨“生存意识”的产生有多方面原因:首先是拉美文学“干预现实与政治”的传统影响。这使巴尔加斯·略萨认识到作家应通过文学作品对现实加以描绘和谴责,唤起人们变革现实的勇气和希望。因而他自觉地秉承了作家对社会的道义责任,试图引起大家对人们生存状况的关注;其次是深层无意识动机的激活。巴尔加斯·略萨和母亲曾被在家中表现如同暴君一般的父亲遗弃。他的弑父欲望一直潜伏在无意识深处。后来他对人民生存的现实不满使一直深藏在心中的弑父情结在无意识中被激活,并有了合乎社会道德规范的释放途径;最后是西方人本主义思潮的熏陶。巴尔加斯·略萨对西方各种流派的人本主义耳濡目染。他在汲取精华的基础上,找到了个体的位置。  相似文献   

刘长佑于同治初年出任直隶总督,是因为畿辅地区陷于多种"匪乱",清廷期望靠他平乱致治。其任间,只能以在外督军作战为主,驻衙署时间较少,对其他政务的操理受限,不过,创始"练军"之事可算"亮点"。他在被任用的同时,也不免受到疑忌。其最后被革职,直接和表面原因是不能有效镇压"盐民"起义,就深层原因而言,则与湘系群体势力的趋衰态势不无关联。无论如何,其人对于湘、淮要员主政直隶乃至北洋来说是为前驱。  相似文献   

I'm a graduate from a professional high school and started to work just last year. Introspective by nature, I like to spend my time listening to music and reading books, and have had little contact with boys. I hadn't met any I liked even after I reached twenty-two. I didn't feel there was anything wrong in that, but my parents got worried and found a boyfriend for me. He's a college graduate, works as a dispatcher, and is of medium stature. At first I was happy to go to the movies with him and walk in the streets. But after a month or so, I felt as though I were with a colleague. He is quite knowledgeable in his own profession, but he doesn't know much about life. I often found his company uninteresting and unexciting. So I wanted to part with him. When I talked to my parents, they strongly disagreed and kept saying how much better his conditions were as compared to mine. I realized how much concern they felt for me, so I didn't insist. But all my subsequent efforts only brought me pain, and I simply couldn't feel the least bit of love for him. During this impasse, his father fell ill and had to have an operation. Before the operation, he had a discussion with my father and requested that our relationship be confirmed. I had a quarrel with my father, but finally gave in and, with a heavy heart, accepted money and a pair of earrings.  相似文献   

民国著名校长梅贻琦先生的丰功伟绩有目共睹,其个性却鲜为人知。梅先生日记及其亲友的忆文给我们讲述了一个中西合璧的真君子,一个刚毅坚卓的大学校长,一个亦慈亦爱亦民主的父亲和丈夫,一个"作育多士"教育家的人性光辉和博大情怀。  相似文献   


This article provides a Taoist reading of Camus’ posthumously published novel, The first man. With its focus on the early life of the central character, Jacques Cormery, The first man is a semi-autobiographical account of learning and transformation, but it is, like so many other stories of its kind, one sustained by complex tensions: between the comfort of the familiar and the promise of the new; between possibility and despair; between resistance and acceptance. A theme that binds some of the key educational elements of the book together is love: Jacques’s love of his mother and his elementary school teacher and their love for him; love of learning; and love of ‘home’. A Taoist theoretical framework is helpful in understanding the nature of this love and its pedagogical significance. In particular, the book exemplifies the importance of the figure of the mother—both in the person of Jacques’s mother and more symbolically in the notion of ‘the Great Mother’. The article concludes with thoughts on the value of literature for educational inquiry.  相似文献   

黑泽明和他的《罗生门》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑泽明是著名的世界电影大师。他出生在日本东京的武士家庭,从小酷爱西洋绘画。在50年的导演生涯中,执导了30余部电影,它们蕴涵着深刻的道德观念与哲理,具有西部片式的艺术风格。《罗生门》为日本电影走上世界影坛起了开路先锋的作用。它宣扬人道主义精神永存,它的多视角创作方法,快速跟拍的摄影技巧,使黑泽明在威尼斯国际电影节上一举成名,从此奠定了他在世界电影史上的重要地位。  相似文献   

《虞美人》是南唐后主李煜最为世人所传诵的词作,它脍炙人口,千古流传。在这首词里他直抒故国之思而引起宋太宗的杀意,使此词成为其绝命词。本文试运用韩礼德的经验功能理论,对李煜《虞美人》一词及其三种英译文进行了初步探讨。分析表明:(1)系统功能语法在分析中国古词方面的可行性;(2)用功能语言学的分析框架来分析中国古词,可以帮助我们从新的角度来理解古词及其译文。  相似文献   

一江春水向东流——李煜词情感特征说略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李煜词情感特征突出。彻底享乐、坦直言情、极情尽致地抒写亡国感受,表现着他的真率;成长环境、文化素养、个人经历、诗人天赋,造就了他的敏锐;自然感发之情,世路飘忽之感、河山社稷之悲,合构成他情感上的巨大负荷。而这真率、敏锐、大负荷的情感特征,正是李煜词作具有经久不衰的感人力量的重要原因  相似文献   

闻一多对民族深厚的爱造就了他的宽容,不以苛刻的眼光去要求国人,而以宽大的胸怀去容纳。以此为基础,他把宽容博大的爱融入诗歌、杂文等,为现代文学筑起了一道瑰丽的风景,更用自己的生命为民族之爱做出了最伟大的诠释。  相似文献   

在《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》这首诗中,诗人T.S.艾略特通过运用意象、象征、比喻、典故等手法,并大量运用内心独白的方式,将主人公(普鲁弗洛克)复杂的心理刻画得淋漓尽致,诗中描述的是一位胆怯的中年男子想向一位女子求婚,但一直犹豫不决,不敢向对方表达他的爱情。本文试从内因和外因两个方面来分析其原因:一方面是病态的社会使得普鲁弗洛克陷入想爱却不敢去爱的境地;另一方面是普鲁弗洛克的胆怯和优柔寡断的性格使得他敢想而不敢做。他的恐惧,犹豫和一再拖延的行动使得他的爱情梦幻最终成为泡影。  相似文献   

The Baltimore Hebrew College

I came to the U.S. from my home town Jerusalem in 1929, when I was 16 years of age. My father had emigrated from Eretz Israel in 1921 because of the severe economic conditions that prevailed after World War I. Gradually, he brought over all the members of his family. He hoped that he and his sons would save enough money in the New World to establish a vital profitable enterprise in Eretz Israel, and the family could then return to its native land. In New York, we lived at first in Brownsville, at that time the most dynamic center of Brooklyn Jewry. A year later, I moved to Baltimore where my father was employed.  相似文献   

One day in June, at 8:30 in the evening, after I had just concluded a seminar on education, a student came to see me. His first words were: "Teacher, I don't want to live any more. Please help me." His timid, anxious, and apprehensive expression told me here was a person with frustrations in his life. I asked him what was the matter. He glanced at me and hesitated a long moment before plucking up the courage to say: "They say the way I look at girls isn't right."  相似文献   

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