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师生关系是学校人际关系中最基本的关系,它制约着学生接受教育的程度,影响着教育过程,在很大程度上决定着教育的质量和效果。本通过对不同师生人际关系类型下形成的不同的师生相互作用方式对教学影响的分析,提出了一些关于师生人际关系的见解和建议。  相似文献   

师生关系是一个在教学过程中不容忽视的重要因素,其和谐与否直接影响着学生的学习成效。英语学习对学生而言是一项漫长且复杂的过程,它受多方面的心理因素影响,师生关系便是其中之一。数据分析显示"师生关系"对学生学习英语的动力、兴趣和课堂表现产生明显的影响和作用。  相似文献   

随着"文革"十年浩劫的结束,作家孙犁开始进入一个全新的人生阶段.此时,他已然步入生命的晚途.文革经验、无以抗拒的生命衰老及其自身独特的生命体验,成为晚年孙犁所有言说的内在规约.综观孙犁晚年的创作,"失望"与"愤激"是弥漫其间的两种主要情绪,分别对应着其文革经验和步入人生晚途的生命体验.  相似文献   

高校教学师生互动的理性思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于师生习惯、人的惰性、传统文化、高校扩招、业务考核政策导向等方面因素的影响,目前高校普遍存在着静止型、混乱型、单向型、牵引型等缺乏师生互动的教学状态。建议通过实施高校师生互动教学改革实验,加强高校教师教学技能技法训练,建立一套科学有效的教学管理评价和报酬激励机制,调动师生双方的积极性,有效推进高校教学师生互动。  相似文献   

《印度之行》是20世纪英国著名小说家福斯特的代表作,小说表达了作者和谐完美的"东西融合,天下一家"的联结梦幻.通过细致文本分析,凸显作品在情节、预见性描写段落和否定句型中隐含的期待与失望这一基本结构模式,并指明其与人文主义和殖民主义矛盾之间存有同源关系.它证明了福斯特通过"善意、教养和智慧"来实现人与人之间的沟通及联结的失败,也让人们意识到通过建立友谊来实现文化融合的艰难.  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革非常重视学科教学中的师生互动。然而 ,现有课堂教学中 ,师生互动往往华而不实 ,出现了师生互动形式化的现象。本文结合语文阅读教学课堂中的观察与实践 ,对师生互动形式化的现象进行分析 ,并试着提出一些有效的建议。  相似文献   

每一个读者都对文学有一定的期待,但是这种期待往往不能完全实现,会出现阅读过程中的“失望”,正是“失望”成为读者进一步提高审美能力的契机。在“失望”之余,发现的是新的思想、新的写法等。  相似文献   

Spilt JL  Hughes JN  Wu JY  Kwok OM 《Child development》2012,83(4):1180-1195
This study modeled teacher–student relationship trajectories throughout elementary school to predict gains in achievement in an ethnic‐diverse sample of 657 academically at‐risk students (mean age = 6.57 years, SD = .39). Teacher reports of warmth and conflict were collected in Grades 1–5. Achievement was tested in Grades 1 and 6. For conflict, low‐stable (normative), low‐increasing, high‐declining, and high‐stable trajectories were found. For warmth, high‐declining (normative) and low‐increasing patterns were found. Children with early behavioral, academic, or social risks were underrepresented in the normative trajectory groups. Chronic conflict was most strongly associated with underachievement. Rising conflict but not declining Conflict coincided with underachievement. The probability of school failure increased as a function of the timing and length of time children were exposed to relational adversity.  相似文献   

和谐的高校师生关系是构建和谐高校的基础和重要标志,但由于高校、教师、学生等多方面因素的影响,高校师生关系有许多不和谐现象。为构建和谐的师生关系,学校要采取有效措施促进师生关系和谐发展,教师要充分发挥其主导作用,学生要发挥其主力军作用。  相似文献   

This article employs a narrative approach in examining the intertwining of the personal and professional in teacher-student relationships. A total of 141 Finnish people of various ages wrote about their teachers; specifically, the article focuses on memories related to their teachers’ personal lives. Such memories illustrate the inevitable presence of teachers’ personal lives in schools and show how teacher-student relationships develop in private contexts during and after the school years. Teacher education should provide tools and means of supporting teachers to consider the personal and professional in teacher-student relationships. Nowadays, social media challenges teachers to reconsider these aspects.  相似文献   

论和谐教育视野下的师生关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐教育是实现人与社会的和谐、人与人的和谐、人与知识的和谐、人与自然的和谐以及人与自身的和谐的教育,和谐教育是素质教育的本质要求,是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分。师生是学校教育的主体,和谐的师生关系是和谐教育的基础。教育是社会生活的一个重要组成部分,而师生关系又是教育过程中最基本的关系,和谐的师生关系对创建和谐教育,进而构建和谐社会都有十分重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

德育过程是形成思想道德主体的过程.在这一过程中,只有充分发挥教师在德育过程中的主导作用,调动学生的积极主动性,才能促进学生思想道德品质的形成和发展.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at investigating the process of scaffolding in a naturalistic setting with focus on a key aspect of scaffolding, namely contingency. Three Social Studies teachers in innovative prevocational schools were observed and interviewed. A coding scheme for the measurement of scaffolding was developed which revealed different patterns of contingent and non-contingent teaching amongst the teachers. In general these teachers of innovative schools showed little contingent teaching. Not adapting the support to students' current understanding and barely diagnosing the students' understanding appeared to be characteristic of this scarcity of non-contingent teaching.  相似文献   

师生互动是师生之间相互影响、相互作用的过程,通过加强师生在课堂内外的互动,对于促进教学相长,实现思想政治课的教学目的,达到好的教学效果有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

Thirty physical science and 30 chemistry classes, which contained a total of 1332 students, were observed using the Brophy-Good Teacher-Child Dyadic Interaction System. Classroom interactions were examined for gender differences that may contribute to the underrepresentation of women in physics and engineering courses and subsequent careers. The Brophy-Good coding process allows for examination of patterns of interactions for individuals and groups of pupils. An analysis of variance of the data yielded a significant main effect for teacher praise, call outs, procedural questions, and behavioral warnings based on the sex of the student and a significant teacher-sex main effect for direct questions. Significant two-way interactions were found for the behavioral warning variable for teacher sex and subject by student sex. Female teachers warned male students significantly more than female students. Male teachers warned both genders with similar frequency. Male students also received significantly more behavioral warnings in physical science classes than female students. In chemistry classes, both male and female students received approximately the same number of behavioral warnings.  相似文献   

从目前大学辅导员处理师生关系时出现的诸如师生间相互认同不足、关系淡漠,共处时行为规范失衡的实际情况,提出了以沟通引导为核心,针对新的具体情况,根据大学生师生关系规律,在增进师生交流和相互尊重基础上,平衡好工作与师生感情,充分发挥辅导员的有效引导作用,最终处理好师生关系的方法论。  相似文献   

通过对一例失恋大学生心理问题的分析,叙述大学生失恋对身体和心理健康的危害,并进一步探讨对失恋大学生心理咨询的技巧。  相似文献   

要建立和谐的师生关系,既要尊重学生的人格,又要尊重学生的差异,同时要学会用欣赏的眼光看待学生。  相似文献   

This forum article consists of commentaries—authored by Sumi Hagiwara, Maria S. Rivera Maulucci and Lizette Ramos—on the feature article by Virginia Jennings Bolshakova, Carla C. Johnson, and Charlene M. Czerniak. We reflect on a series of questions that take retrospective, introspective, and prospective views of self-efficacy in science education. We review selected studies that explore some of the historical developments and methodological approaches in the literature and examine a teacher-student self-efficacy system model that shows the ways in which teachers’ and students’ self-efficacy judgments are based upon multiple individual and shared components, such as identity and social interaction within the classroom and school. We close with a call for the design of measures of teacher-student self-efficacy systems, so that we can begin to tailor professional development experiences to the goals and motivations of individual and collective groups of teachers and students in ways that accommodate the unique cultural features of their classrooms and foster student self-efficacy.  相似文献   

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