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It is Only in recent years that the systematic study of Jewish educational systems, particularly in a global context, has become a subject of serious concern. Since 1945 a succession of education conferences and surveys provides evidence of an awareness that the future of World Jewry—in Israel as well as the Diaspora—is inextricably linked with the future of its educational institutions. The World Conference on Jewish Education in Jerusalem in 1962 and the subsequent formation two years later of the World Council on Jewish Education are but two examples of this awareness. The establishment of a Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem marks a further practical step toward attaining some form of coordination on the part of world Jewry.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article notes a profound connection between the philosophy of Jewish law (halakhah) and the research of meta-halakah on the one hand and the philosophy of education on the other hand. The connection is, in principle, exemplified through an encounter between the educational philosophy of Joseph Schwab and the Jewish law (halakhic responsa literature). Following an elucidation of Schwab's deliberative model, the article examines the extent of the linkage between that model and halakhic thought. It considers three halakhic genres and provides illustrations of how Schwab's insights can contribute to an analysis of the responsa literature.  相似文献   

如何走出招生难的困境,已经引起了有关部门的 重视和关注。归纳起来,产生招生难的原因主要有以下几种。 (1)社会上依然有鄙视职业教育现象,不少家长把子女送到职业学校看成是没有希望的无可奈何的选择,不愿子女报考职业学校; (2)一些地方和部门对职业教育地位、作用认识不到位,缺乏有力保障职业教育发展的政策措施; (3)当前整个就业形势严竣,职业学校毕业生就业面临很大困难;  相似文献   

陕西省农村中小学生源流动趋势与教育资源配置对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西省农村中小学生源持续向城镇流动;农村中小学校普遍存在资金短缺、内涵发展不够、教育质量不高的问题;各级政府应加大对农村中小学教育资源的配置,缩小农村中小学与城市中小学在各方面的差距,确保教育均衡发展。  相似文献   


In severing the link between residential address and school assignment, school choice policies have the potential to decrease school segregation and increase educational equity. Yet this promise is undermined when school choice creates greater opportunity for those who are already privileged while limiting access to students from historically marginalized groups. This study combines data from a new survey of local open enrollment policies in Metro Detroit, student-level administrative records, and geographic data to critically analyze the local discretion provided in Michigan’s interdistrict school choice policy in relation to the goals of access to schools of choice, desegregation, and educational equity. I found that local school districts implement provisions of state policy in ways that restrict access to Black and economically disadvantaged students while creating pathways of opportunity for others. Districts are incentivized to implement these restrictions because of the inequities built into the state school funding formula and the racialized geography of Metro Detroit that is mechanized in district and county boundaries to restrict access. This study has implications for the regulation of local school choice markets and the role they play in increasing equitable public school opportunities.  相似文献   

Students in “community” (nondenominational) Jewish high schools represent a diversity of denominational affiliations, including those who affiliate with more than one denomination and those that affiliate with none. These schools strive to create communities in which students with varying Jewish beliefs and practices are, at the very least, respected and comfortable. At the same time, schools work to avoid internal Jewish communal fragmentation. In this article, the approach to diversity in three such high schools is compared. Each school, in addition to presenting an approach distinct from the others, has created opportunities for communal Jewish engagement through the enactment of practices that are rooted in Judaism and in the ethos of the school, and allow individualization within universal participation. Further, the range of approaches to Jewish diversity exhibited raises questions about pluralism as it relates to the Jewish educational goals of these schools.  相似文献   

在当前生源竞争激烈的招生环境中,招生工作做得好坏关系到学校的生存与发展。要做好中职学校的招生工作,必须采取营销策略,展开广泛招生宣传活动,方能达到预期的效果。在做好招生工作计划的基础上,采取人本治理,加强集体意识和提高招生人员素质,完善招生工作激励机制,有效提高招生工作的效率。同时,学校应通过积极参与各地教育部门组织的招生活动、充分利用校园网站进行多方宣传,吸引优质生源,加强和生源基地学校领导、老师学生及家长的联系,研究建立稳固的生源基地,通过良好的就业促进招生工作。  相似文献   

近年来,中等职业学校普遍出现生源质量下降、生源数量滑坡的趋势,不少学校的招生工作面临严峻的形势。这种现象的出现,既有宏观政策方面的原因,也有学校决策层落后的管理理念方面的原因。文章通过分析招生的主客观因素,借鉴现代企业竞争战略理论,从招生市场、招生人员、招生对象、招生时机和招生宣传五个方面来论述招生定位战略。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数据统计分析法等方法,总结了福建省民办武校的现状,研究其存在的缺陷和待解决问题,提出发展福建省民办武校的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍台湾地区2001学年度多元入学制度和考招分离新制度,然后再就这两种制度所面临的问题和困难进行分析,最后提出几点建议,一方面提供给台湾地区教育单位及有关学校考虑,另一方面提供给大陆技职教育改革借鉴.  相似文献   

In this article, we report a study of professional culture and professional development in Jewish schools based on surveys of teachers and other staff and interviews with principals. We first introduce three key constructs: professional culture, professional development, and professional learning communities. We then describe research that has identified features of each that support teacher learning. With this background in mind, we compare the current realities in Jewish schools as gleaned through the survey with typical public schools and with the features of schools identified in the literature as supportive of teacher learning and collegiality. Finally, we suggest the next steps that might be taken to improve Jewish schools as settings in which teacher growth and learning flourish.  相似文献   

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