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视角描写是小说常见的技巧,而视角与叙述人称结合形成叙述方位,共同参与叙述角度的构建。本文以加拿大华裔英语作家伊芙琳·刘的短篇小说《碎玻璃》为例,分析了小说中的叙述方位,及其对主题构建的意义。在小说中,第三人称与人物视角结合的叙述方位以及第一人称与人物视角结合的叙述方位轮番出场,使小说女主人公的心理活动得到全面展示,她内心的挣扎轨迹也在“我”与“她”的对话中凸现出来。  相似文献   

The question this article addresses is: Is “Artemis” art? That is, how successful is Eoin Colfer's attempt to combine disparate forms, such as fairy stories, science fiction stories and thrillers in the three “Artemis Fowl” novels? Basic elements of story, such as narrative stance, characterisation and plot, as well as some particularly contemporary issues relating to political correctness, are examined in the search for an answer to that question.  相似文献   

The conduct of narrative research gives rise to a range of political issues which include the validation of narrative knowledge, the relationships of power and authority among research participants, and the distinction between the public and private domains. In this article three issues will be examined: The politics of research in a “narrative” mode which challenges traditional research; issues of power that arise in collaborative research relationships; and the political implications of studying the private domain of life story and autobiography.  相似文献   

"冰山原则"是海明威的独特创作方法和写作风格,这与他打破传统的全知叙事模式,采用独特的叙事策略密不可分。《白象似的群山》是海明威短篇小说的经典之作,作者采用别出心裁的"外视角"叙事策略,使作品蕴藏了含蓄空白却又深刻丰富的思想空间。  相似文献   

This article describes the adaptation of ‘story grammar’ to developing the subject understanding and literacy of 14–16-year-old students. ‘Story grammar” analyses the structure of episodes of a typical story and it was developed through research into the narrative development of younger, frequently language-delayed, children. Reasons for expecting this story grammar to provide a helpful basis for teaching older students are summarized. An application of story grammar in teaching business studies is described through the activities designed for students and evidence from students' work. Implications for understanding of literacy in a subject context are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the ongoing production of statistics about inequities in education, national policy agendas seem incapable of getting traction on the everyday realities of the schooling which re/produces them. This paper is a think-piece which uses narrative analysis to explore some of the meaning-making processes that are implicated in this stalemate. Mobilising Lyotard's notion of a performative master narrative, that of the globalised economy with its attendant trope of the market, equity policy is conceived as a parallel story of distribution of knowledge-as-a-thing, where outcomes are privileged over purposes and processes, and learning is assumed to proceed in the same way for all. The ways in which this equity story supports the master narrative – through the display of test results for example – are signposted, and illustrations are presented to show how blame and sequestration are used as rhetorical strategies to silence equity critics. This kind of deconstructive critique of course has its limitations: debate about norms and ideals, as well as persuasive counter-narratives and exemplars are also needed in order for political action to be undertaken.  相似文献   

There is a literacy gap between rich and poor nations, and educators attempting to close this gap face several intractable problems. Inadequate resources and the lack of qualified teachers are compounded in many cases by the requirement that children are expected to learn in a foreign language. The theme of the chapters in this issue is that considerable progress can be made if teachers are provided with a supply of high-interest illustrated story books, and shown how to use them constructively. The use of the Shared Book or Shared Reading method, coupled with regular silent reading, greatly increases the amount of “comprehensible input” that pupils receive, and helps them to master the language. A brief narrative summary of the chapters in this issue is provided.  相似文献   

意识流小说以其细致入微的叙述手法和独特的人物刻画而傲立现代主义文坛,而它结构安排上的“随物赋形、寓形于物”的能力也进一步增强了其美学意义。以伍尔夫的《墙上的斑点》为例,分析了意识流小说在文理结构、“重要的瞬间”、象征性意象和音乐相似性方面的审美特性,从结构美学的角度验证了伍尔夫的艺术审美观。  相似文献   

This article provides a review and critique of scholarship on female education in Ireland, arguing that researchers have provided a consensual narrative in which women religious (nuns) played a central role in providing academic education to girls and higher education to women. The tendency has been to claim the activities of women religious as part of the impetus that drove the organised women’s movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and that brought about a “revolution” in female education. But there remains a need to stand back from this decidedly secular “cause and effect” narrative, and turn a critical eye on the urge which congregations themselves identified as central to their mission in education. This is a revisionist perspective, qualifying and modifying claims made elsewhere by this author, and challenging the way in which the work of nuns in education has been interpreted as a part of the female education “revolution”. Recognising the spiritual impulse within religious orders that found expression in acts of duty, vocation and mission, the article concludes that convent education had purposes that were quite distinct from those prescribed by official “state” education programmes and examination systems, and that these purposes demand greater scrutiny in order to provide a more balanced understanding of female education in Ireland.  相似文献   

Children in the United States grow up in a context wherein colorblindness and racism coexist. This article examined how colorblindness functions as a societal “master narrative” that shapes how children construct their own racial identities. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews with 217 Black, White, and Multiracial children (Mage = 9.92) in public schools in the Pacific Northwest during 2013–2014 academic year. Our analysis identified four race narratives, which varied systematically by child age and race. Associations were also found between narrative types and children’s ratings of racial identity importance. Although colorblindness infuses many of the racial narratives, there was evidence that children also question and disrupt this master narrative with stories of resistance that counter colorblind norms.  相似文献   

For this study of teacher-identity, which is part of a larger research project on teacher resilience, preservice teachers were invited to draw “the kind of teacher you hope to become”. In this, our study recognises drawing as a semiotic system of meaning-making and communication. The drawings were examined in terms of the “stories” they told. Using an emergent design approach to the data, drawings were synthesised into categories that were distilled into theme clusters. A hermeneutic reading revealed the core identity narrative underpinning each teacher-identity story. This story was told in sociocultural terms, or constructed around functioning at work or couched in terms of personal validation and achievement. These core identity narratives signal what “matters” to preservice teachers’ sense of their teacher-selves. Since there is an observed correlation between teacher-identity and resilience, knowing what matters is a helpful basis for building resilience.  相似文献   

This article traces the reception of a “science comic book” by various audiences including readers and reviewers after publication as well as grant application review committees vetting the proposed project in its conceptual stage. Specifically, the work is a biology textbook containing comics-style visual explanations couched in the form of an imaginative story interwoven with and supplementing traditional text-based explanations of the same ideas. The analysis uses Genette’s concept of “paratexts” (i.e., a class of speech genres comprising those supplementary texts that contextualize and inform readers’ interpretations of the primary text that they accompany) to examine the rhetoric of the visual in the discourse of science education. This analysis observes that the stigmatization of comics as a medium played some role in how readers, critics, and reviewers responded to the text. The implications of this stigma for cultural conceptions of science and their relationships to other knowledge domains, including the arts and humanities, raise a concern for the mediation of public impressions of science as an institution.  相似文献   

在《红树林》中,莫言在叙事手法上表现出很大的创新,主要有2个方面:首先,对于时间机制的熟练把握,如“现在时间”与“过去时间”两相结合,同时又运用“时间压缩法”将历史切割成许多碎片,在碎片回忆中又切入叙事时间;其次,对于人称机制的巧妙运用,如“我”是参与者也是旁观者、“你”与“我”合二为一,在第一三人称的转换中,兼用第二人称“你”将主人公引出。当然《红树林》中的叙事手法也存在不足,如时间交替中稍显混乱、人称转换稍显急促等。  相似文献   

The authors conducted 2 experiments with children from a reservation community. In Experiment 1, 45 third-grade children were randomly assigned to the following reading strategies: (a) “reread,” in which participants read each sentence of a story and then reread it; (b) “observe,” in which participants read sentences and then observed an experimenter move manipulatives as directed by the story; and (c) “activity,” in which participants read sentences and then moved manipulatives as directed by the story. In Experiment 2, 40 second-grade children were randomly assigned to either the reread or activity strategy. In both experiments, activity participants remembered more story content than did reread participants. In Experiment 1, the authors identified no memory differences between observe and activity strategies. When imagery instructions replaced the original strategies, Experiment 1 third-grade activity (and observe) participants recalled more story content than did reread participants, but Experiment 2 second-grade activity participants did not. The authors discuss the instructional benefits of activity-based reading strategies, along with developmental implications.  相似文献   

This study explores the narratives behind how academics in formal leadership positions perceive their roles as leaders and their leadership development. Fifteen leaders in their varying capacities as managers of research in their universities participated to illustrate the complexities and challenges associated with their roles. Using narrative and discourse analysis, multiple lenses (“what”, “how” and “why”) were used to analyse the participants' narratives. This study then explores the impact of the leaders' perceptions on their teaching, research and graduate supervision roles. Results indicate that research managers' narratives replicate those of the storied lives of leaders with constructed images. The study concludes with some implications for policy and practice as well as suggesting the use of multiple-lens analysis as a tool for narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

This article maps how narrative inquiry—the use of story to study human experience—has been employed as both method and form to capture cross-cultural learning associated with Western doctoral students’ travel study to eastern destinations. While others were the first to employ this method in the travel study domain, we are the first to comprehensively explore the affordances and constraints of the methodology and the possibilities it holds for illuminating knowledge developments, community growth, and identity transformations on the part of participating students. Story fragments illustrating each of these opportunities and challenges are drawn from the China Study Abroad Program, a program sponsored by the University of Houston’s Asian American Studies Center that has been underway since 1995. Affordances of the narrative inquiry research method include such things as detailed accounts of individuals in interaction with diverse people/places/things and explications of stories people live in and by. Accounts, which are “true for now,” as opposed to true for all time and the dangers of human fallibility form two examples of narrative inquiry’s constraints.  相似文献   

This paper opens with two stories—about the “joking relationship” discovered by anthropologist Radcliffe-Brown Structure and function in primitive society. New York: The Free Press (1965), and an incident in the life of Rousseau—which illustrate that sometimes a story needs to be true, and that the opinion of an outsider can be preferable to that of the insider whose story it is. Recent papers by Carter and Polkinghorne Educational Researcher, 22(1), 5–12 (1993) and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8(1), 5–23 (1995) are analysed; it is argued that a clear and enticing plot is no indicator of a story's truth, furthermore the need to be true can hold both of “analysis of narratives” and “narrative analysis”.  相似文献   

Finnish school teachers are unlike their colleagues in many countries, for their ethos and skills have traditionally formed the basis for a profession which has been very loyal to the state and to the changing educational ideologies of the government. Critical historical periods of wars and social revolutions have, however, produced – to a small degree – different kinds of tendencies. This article discusses the political agency of comprehensive and upper secondary school teachers by looking at a particular point of rupture in the Finnish “master narrative” of a neutral and impartial teacher image. As an example of a counter-narrative, the paper presents a small leftist teacher association called the Democratic School Workers Association (Demko) which existed between 1973 and 1989. Demko’s manifesto texts are analysed with the help of A.J. Greimas’ actantial model in order to find the possible kind of political agency that is constructed for teachers. The analysis shows a major change between the 1970s and 1980s. The early Demko narrative draws from the vocabulary of the neo-leftist student movement, inviting progressive teachers to join the “common struggle”. Demko aims at lobbying the more established political actors, whereas individual agency is shackled by the ideals of monolithicity and unanimity. In the 1980s, along with the fading of societal radicalism, Demko’s narrative evolves into a more polyphonic space for identity debates. Political agency is transferred from the collective to individuals who are supposed to critically reflect Demkoian ideals against their everyday praxis. All in all, Demkoian narrative is interpreted as having enriched the gamut of “possible discourses” in the era of the early Finnish comprehensive school. With its distinctively socio-political orientation, Demko tested the boundaries of the political agency of Finnish teachers.  相似文献   

Traditional ties between “arts” education (that is, discipline-based arts subjects and activities in schools) and an emergent notion of “creativity” in educational discourses and policy documents are loosening, with implications for both. While creativity seems to be on the ascendant, the arts may not be as fortunate; creative skills and capacities are emerging as a central focus of twenty-first century learning, while the arts continue to fight for room in an overcrowded curriculum. In this article, we examine some policy-level shifts in focus towards creativity and its conflation with innovation, and its trickle-down effects in secondary and tertiary learning environments. Central to this analysis is the diffuse and often contentious constructions of discourses of creativity, and its inability to be clearly and consistently defined or measured in the education sector. The need to quantify creativity and its presence in schools is on the rise, and this article tracks its implications for teacher education, policy development and curriculum and pedagogical evolution in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

论叙述性人物的类型及功用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人物不仅在叙述中生成,是故事讲述人“讲述”的对象,同时还具有为叙述服务的功能,是在讲故事活动中发挥多种作用的“叙述参与者”。本文即从叙事学的角度出发,对具有帮助真正的作者讲述故事等功能性作用、充当故事讲述者的叙述性人物进行论述,在文本分析的基础上对“人物”进行新的理论阐述。  相似文献   

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