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Anticipated changes in the population that will be served in the 1990s have implications for the curriculum that will be needed in postsecondary educational programs. These changes will require consideration of the leadership needed to guide institutions seeking innovation and change in the curriculum for the future. The major themes of this article focus on (a) leadership skills essential for curriculum planners, (b) needed innovation in curriculum planning, and (c) planning for curriculum change.  相似文献   

Research typically has focused on the benefits of mentoring for those who are mentored by more experienced educators (Odell &; Huling, 2000 Odell, S. J. and Huling, L. 2000. Quality mentoring for novice teachers, Indianapolis, IN: Kappa Delta Pi.  [Google Scholar]; Feiman-Nemser, 2001 Feiman-Nemser, S. 2001. Helping novices learn to teach. Journal of Teacher Education, 52(1): 1730. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Few studies examine the inherent benefits for the mentors. This study investigates the benefit of the mentoring experience for the veteran educator. It analyzes how the experience has changed the way the mentors view themselves as educational leaders. Based on group and individual interviews, written documents and surveys, the data reveal the personal and professional significance of being part of a structured mentoring community.  相似文献   

Because of the crisis in the western European welfare state, government by itself can no longer provide the full range of social services that populations have come to take for granted. The shortfall must be complemented by an increasing variety of voluntary organizations. In order to be effective, however, such organizations as well as the more traditional service‐providing government organizations must have good leadership. As good leaders are as much trained to be good leaders as born, an efficient means must be developed for training leaders. Given the rapidity of social change, training must be provided on a permanent basis. The authors therefore propose the setting up of a European Master's Degree programme in leadership training. It would be modelled upon a distance Master's Degree programme in Educational Administration (Northern Interior Master's Programme ‐NIMB) that the University of Victoria in Canada offered in a large area of northwest Canada. Much of the course work for such a programme would be provided by distance means using new communication technologies. Universities in seven countries: England, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, and Finland, that formed a consortium, would administer and offer this programme in which employed administrators could enroll.  相似文献   

There is a movement toward “corporatization” evident in Catholic hospitals, Catholic schools, and Catholic social service agencies taking up management structures and other features and behaviors employed by corporations. Many see these practices as threatening the identity and influence of religion as the profit concerns begin to take center stage. This development is assessed from two perspectives. The 19th-century shift in Catholic education was equally radical and raised no less conflicting values in religious identity. The story of Catholic healthcare's movement over the past 30 years from direct control and administration primarily by religious orders of women to mega health systems provides a parallel experience adjusting this Catholic ministry to the demands of the corporate world and re-expressing Catholic identity.  相似文献   

The diversity of contemporary democratic nations challenges scholars and educators to develop forms of education that would both recognize difference and develop a shared foundation for a functioning democracy. In this essay Sigal Ben‐Porath develops the concept of shared fate as a theoretical and practical response to this challenge. Shared fate offers a viable alternative to current forms of citizenship education, one that develops a significant shared dimension while respecting deep differences within a political community. It is grounded in the social and moral realities of civic life, and it seeks to weave the historical, political, and social ties among members of the nation into a form of affiliation that would sustain and expand their shared political project. Some particular educational contexts are considered through the lens of shared fate, including the resegregation of some schooling systems, linguistic diversity, and patriotic education.  相似文献   

Though National Association of School Psychologists standards acknowledge the urgent need for leadership skills among school psychologists and loosely define a leadership agenda, a cogent model for the training and practice of this skill set has not yet been explicated. The formulation of a preliminary conceptual framework is a particularly pressing agenda for school psychology practitioners and academicians who, in response to the call for increased accountability in general and special education, must shift curricula from a traditional diagnostic/consultative/intervention framework to include topics related to organizational effectiveness. The objective of this article is to identify key behaviors, skills, dispositions, and contextual variables that will facilitate successful leadership among practicing school psychologists and then to propose considerations for specialist‐level training in school psychology.  相似文献   

The field of early childhood education has traditionally struggled to be viewed as a profession. Recent public attention on the importance of the early years in creating a foundation for later learning success has led to a focus on improving education for young children. One aspect of educational reform and renewal—Professional Development Schools—can provide an avenue for early childhood educators to grow and develop as teachers, thus providing children with higher quality early childhood experiences. This article describes the growth and development of teachers in two early childhood centers after they became Professional Development School partners with a Midwest university. The “blossoming” of a sense of professionalism among the teachers is documented and described.  相似文献   

Institutions of higher learning have been places where men have ruled supreme, but in the past 20 years women have come into the sphere of academia with strong academic backgrounds and an energetic desire to establish a place for themselves equal to their male counterparts in the profession. Women administrators, teachers, lecturers, research scholars, and counselors are moving into career positions and are sharing with distinction the responsibilities and duties of education. To maintain this academic impetus, women educators in junior colleges, in community colleges, and in universities must continue to strive for the highest goals. In a world of change and of much discord, educators will be called on to contribute knowledge and solutions that will lead to a more peaceful universe. Women educators must have a role in world affairs as well as in the educational institutions of the world.  相似文献   

This study investigated relationships among leadership potential, social maturity, creativity, intelligence, and academic achievement among adolescents in the United States and Singapore. Results showed higher intelligence but lower leadership potential among Singapore students and a positive correlation in general between social maturity and intelligence, while creativity was found to be negatively correlated with both intelligence and academic achievement.  相似文献   

企业核心竞争力是企业经营战略在人类社会发展实践中的反映,是企业理念及各种技能的总和对于消费者所需价值独特的、最好的满足性。企业只有努力打造自己的核心竞争力,才能在激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展。  相似文献   

In this essay Charlene Tan offers a philosophical analysis of the Singapore state's vision of shared citizenship by examining it from a Confucian perspective. The state's vision, known formally as “Our Shared Values,” consists of communitarian values that reflect the official ideology of multiculturalism. This initiative included a White Paper, entitled Shared Values, which presented pejorative assessments of the ideals of “individual rights” and “individual interests” as antithetical to national interests. Rejecting this characterization, Tan argues that a dominant Confucian perspective recognizes the correlative rights of all human beings that are premised on the inherent right to human dignity, worth, and equality. Furthermore, Confucianism posits that it is in everyone's interest to attain the Confucian ethical ideal of becoming a noble person in society through self‐cultivation. Tan concludes by highlighting two key implications for Singapore from a Confucian perspective on the Shared Values: first, schools in Singapore should place greater emphasis on individual moral development of their students, and second, more avenues should be provided for residents to contribute actively to the development of the vision of shared citizenship.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The recent emergence of distributed leadership has been very marked. In England, it has received official endorsement. But the evidence-base which supports this endorsement is weak: there is little evidence of a direct causal relationship between distributed leadership and pupil attainment.What therefore might explain its rise to prominence? Here three possible explanations are considered: first, it accords with the contemporary reform of the public services; second, it is legitimated by an appeal to a culture wherein all categories and classifications are rendered increasingly permeable; and third, it is regarded as functional for the 'new work order'.  相似文献   

The Iowa Association of Community College Trustees, the Iowa Association of Community College Presidents, and Iowa State University Higher Education Program created a partnership to develop women and minorities for leadership roles in community colleges. The Leadership Institute for a New Century (LINC) program, which is in its eleventh year, uses a combination of national and state community college leaders, community leaders, trustees, and university faculty members to offer personal and professional development activities for participants. University credit that may be used as part of an academic degree program and for state licensure purposes is granted. Participants are nominated by their college; participate in monthly seminars; and complete projects related to local, state, and national issues. Nearly 70% of participants reported receiving a leadership promotion or advancement during or since their acceptance into the LINC program. The majority indicated that the program was very influential in their advancement. With the predicted impending administrator shortage, more cooperative leadership development programs need to be developed. The future of our community college system depends on the development of leadership opportunities and an infusion of leadership.  相似文献   

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