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This paper explores citizenship discourses empirically through upper secondary school student’s understandings, as these emerge in and through their everyday experiences. Drawing on a post-structuralist theorisation inspired by the work of Michel Foucault, a discourse analysis of data from interviews with students is carried out. This analysis characterises three discourses of the active citizen – a knowledgeable citizen, a responsive and holistic citizen, and a self-responsible ‘free’ citizen. The analysis raises questions over the implications of contemporary efforts for the intensification of standardising forces through citizenship education. It also stresses the notion that engaging students actively does always also involve discourses other than those stressed through the curriculum, which nurtures the body and nerve of democracy itself.  相似文献   

Understandings of young children as active and capable citizens, while evident in discourses of early childhood education and research, are not widely reflected in the policy for the early years of schooling in Australia. This paper makes an analysis of the gaps and tensions between discourses of young children as active citizens and policy for citizenship education at the national level in Australia and at the Queensland State level. There is a widespread discourse within early childhood that regards young children as citizens and democratic participants in their own lives, as a reflection of the oft-cited Article 12 in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, educational policy and curriculum for citizenship in Australia, by and large, adheres to age and stage understandings of children that deem young children unable to conceptualise and/or articulate ideas of what it means to ‘be a good citizen’. We ask which discourses are being harnessed in educational policy for citizenship in Australia, what discourses are silenced or ignored and what this tells us about how young children are thought about in Australian politics and education.  相似文献   

在西方文化的思想语境下,分析英国公民教育课程建构的直接动因、价值基础和理论争鸣,廓清其发展路径的基本脉络,揭示英国公民课程发展的内在规律,有助于我们更深入地了解英国公民教育。价值观合法性危机是英国公民课程构建的基本前提,民主社会目标是公民课程构建的价值基础。从课程目标价值作为其实施效果的考量依据看,目前英国学界对学校是否应当设置公民课仍存在较大分歧。同时,缺少公民课教师的充分培训成为影响实施效果的主要原因。  相似文献   

社会的变革呼吁新公民的产生。各种公民教育的主张也层出不穷,就其基本哲学立场来看,大致可以分为个人权利向度的公民教育与公共责任向度的公民教育这样两种类型.前者重在培养权利公民.而后者要培养的是责任公民。虽然权利与责任是辩证统一的.但是当前的基本现实是,出于一种矫枉过正的冲动,权利向度的公民教育在我国学界得到了极大地认可和张扬.而公共责任向度的公民教育却没有得到应有的重视和阐发,这种理论导向的偏颇必然带来公民教育实践的种种弊端.导致一种无道德的公民教育。文章将从分析责任公民的概念着手,阐述公民教育为何要培养责任公民.如何培养责任公民等问题.以期对公民教育在我国的蓬勃、健康发展有所启示。  相似文献   

1998年发布的《科瑞克报告》(Crick Report)将公民教育从2002年开始纳入英国中学必修科目,将公民预备教育也作为小学教育评估的考察内容.无论是老牌民主国家,还是诸如东欧、中欧和拉美等新兴民主国家都认为,民主就其本质而言是脆弱的,它有赖于全体公民的积极参与.本文考察了欧洲及国际视野中的民主公民教育(EDC)背景、英国民主公民教育内涵和英国民主公民教育四大核心主题,分析指出英国民主公民教育所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

This paper scrutinises citizenship education in Turkey from the foundation of the Turkish Republic (1923) to the present and explores the extent to which it encourages inclusive or exclusive concepts of national identity and citizenship. In Turkey, where there are citizens belonging to ethnic and religious minorities, civic education plays a prominent role for promoting tolerance among citizens. Using framing questions from phase one of the International Association for the Educational Achievement’s (IEA) research of Civic Education Across Countries, the civic education textbooks of Turkey are examined to determine the extent to which they promote democracy and human rights, make positive references to ethnic and religious minorities, and promote social cohesion. As Turkey was not included in phase one of the IEA study, the paper provides original information for comparative studies, reconsideration of citizenship education in multicultural societies and promoting an active national citizenry in Turkey.  相似文献   

Citizenship education has been an important part of the European Union’s (EU) agenda to integrate a European dimension into schools’ curricula. The usage of European symbolism in citizenship education curriculum material has been an especially important (yet understudied) means not only to promote a distinct European identity and increase knowledge on EU-related topics, but also to regulate (young) EU citizens and population. The paper analyses the content related to the EU and European dimension in citizenship education textbooks and workbooks at the lower-secondary school level in Slovenia. It demonstrates that, through diverse symbolic displays, which are understood as a specific governmental technique, the idea of a European community as a site of opportunities is promoted while students are stimulated to understand themselves as subjects who must be active and responsible EU citizens. Moreover, European symbolism is employed to nurture and promote Slovenian identity as being purely European and, as such, distinct from earlier Balkan-situated, Yugoslav and socialist forms of identity and belonging.  相似文献   

The educative goal of citizenship education through science education converges to the declared purpose of the SSI research movement. Socioscientific issues formulated in science education research covering topics as biotechnology, environmental issues, sustainable development, energy choices, have been introduced in French Middle Schools. But citizenship is often not clarified and can be multiple. After having clarified who is the citizen targeted by SSI research movement, the concept of citizen in the French curriculum needs to be clarify. What do these citizens have in common with the citizen that a sociology literature review let see oscillating between obedience and critical thinking has also been investigated. The paper also looks at the teachers’ views and their contribution to citizenship education through socioscientific topics described in the national curriculum. From the analysis, different teachers’ views of citizenship education have been highlighted: a normative citizenship education in connection with civility and rules and an emancipatory citizenship education to develop pupils’ skills such as searching and evaluating information, argumentation and critical thinking in order to enable pupils to build their own argued opinion and to participate to public debates. This last emancipatory view of citizenship education is congruent with the aim of social empowerment within the SSI research movement.  相似文献   

从课程角度来看,目前我国学校公民教育存在两个不充分:公民学科教育以公民认知代替完整的公民教育,路径开发不充分;其他各类课程协同的公民教育同向聚焦不足,路径拓展不充分。从教师角度思考其原因,是“教书匠”的职业定位蒙昧了其现代教育背景下职能的自觉,拘囿了其教育视域的拓展。教师要以公民教育自觉,为社会和谐与公民幸福而教,拓展公民教育的场域,结成学习共同体,向自然、向社会、向生活开发,搭建全景、多层交错衔接式育公民的大世界;拓展学科教学视域,在学科课程资源中发掘或显或隐的公民教育课程资源,构建全员、全课程育公民的大格局。  相似文献   

In this article I synthesise and apply elements of political and reading theory to demonstrate how central themes in learners’ lives (such as freedom, faith, autonomy, equality, rationality and rights) can be read and interpreted differently. I suggest that policy and pedagogy for citizenship and democratic education informed by research into reader response can shift the locus of control not simply from state to citizen but towards an understanding of the transaction between the two. To promote ethical participation I propose changes to the ‘text’ of the curriculum and the ‘reading’ stance of learners so that learners are liberated to bring legitimate moral and religious conviction to their readings of state‐sponsored values. I conclude that young citizens are respected and freedom is protected when educational readings become more nuanced and move beyond the polarities of freedom and restraint, autonomy and heteronomy, public and private, aesthetic and efferent, faith and reason, secular and religious or even democratic and faith‐based.  相似文献   

Globalization and the knowledge economy have opened up worldwide agendas for national development. Following this is the emphasis on the social dimension, otherwise known as social capital. Much of social capital includes “soft skills” and “twenty-first century skills”, which broadly cover critical, creative and inventive thinking; information, interactive and communication skills; civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills. Proactively, the Singapore government is preparing for Curriculum 2015, a new curriculum that would develop student attributes, embedded in the “confident person”, “self-directed learner”, “active contributor”, and “concerned citizen”. Significantly, a new curricular initiative, Character and Citizenship Education, emphasizes the integrative nature of citizenship and twenty-first century competencies and has been implemented in all schools in Singapore from 2011. This future-oriented approach to citizenship education emphasizes the significance of individual initiatives and the intellectual capital of citizens. This paper analyses features of this particular approach to citizenship education, and its strengths and significance, which may be viewed as an integrative “total curriculum approach” with a “whole-society” perspective. In addition, the challenges of teaching twenty-first century skills will also be highlighted. This departs from the conventional paradigm of socialization, but to help students develop attributes for a future society to come.  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,旧有的民族国家、公民身份等理念面临着许多挑战,此种挑战必然又影响到民族国家中的公民对国家的认同教育。在对全球化背景下公民观嬗变深入分析的基础上,试图提出当前公民认同教育的有关建议。  相似文献   

加强公民意识教育仍然是一个值得深入探讨的问题。公民意识(公民状态)是指成为一个特殊的社会、政治或民族共同体的成员,即一个人拥有经济、政治、文化等多方面的权利,同时也承担相应的责任。加强公民意识教育,对促进我国社会主义政治民主、政治文明以及整个社会的全面发展具有重要的作用。加强公民意识教育应该多管齐下,家庭、学校、社会乃至国家都应肩负起相应的教育责任。  相似文献   

叶飞 《全球教育展望》2011,(8):65-69,59
缺乏公民的主体性参与,公民教育极容易产生"疏离"的状态,即公民知识与公民实践、公民个体与公民社会的分裂与脱离。这种"疏离"状态由于违背了公民教育的实践属性和主体参与性,因此并不利于公民品质的培养,反而将阻碍健全的公民品质的成长。基于此,有必要建构一种参与式的公民教育,通过引导受教育者参与到学校公共生活、社区公共生活以及更为广阔的社会公共生活领域之中,来促进他们的公民知识、公民理性、公民价值感和公民行动能力等方面的综合发展。公民教育从"疏离"走向"参与",可以更好地体现公民教育的实践本性,促进公民教育的实践回归。  相似文献   

The global flow of citizenship education in China has spurred much discussion in Chinese academic circles. This study explores the interaction between citizenship education and China’s the existing political-ideological education and moral education as a space is negotiated a space in the current “ideoscape.” A qualitative approach is adopted to synthesize the literature coming from China on citizenship education from an interpretive and critical perspective. The research findings suggest: (a) The territory of orthodox political-ideological education is being narrowed down as its relationship with citizenship education is configured; (b) citizenship education and moral education are represented using different images to delineate their distinctions; and (c) the introduction of “global citizenship education” includes many new topics and competencies that expands the current ideoscape. This study argues that the ongoing debates on citizenship education are deeply rooted in China’s structural transformation, in which society tends to be separated from state. In negotiating its own territory, citizenship education reshapes China’s ideoscape in the education field. The paper concludes by suggesting that citizenship education should make a unique contribution to facilitating young citizens in a reexamination of the values imbedded in political-ideological education and moral education with a new social consensus being reached through the communication of ideas.  相似文献   

Globalization and the increasingly multicultural characteristic of many countries and societies have placed an acute spotlight on whether nations are able to develop citizens who are multiculturally educated and globally engaged. While the character and citizenship education literature in Asia and the Pacific often mentions intercultural understanding and global-mindedness as desirable outcomes, few models exist that translate effortlessly into citizenship curriculum or classroom pedagogy. There has also been a lack of interdisciplinary exchange between the best science and practices of intercultural competence from other disciplines and the domain of citizenship education. Cultural intelligence, a theory-based and empirically rigorous construct propounds an ideal framework for promoting intercultural competence in character and citizenship education. To that end, teachers are faced with both the chance and challenge to lead and teach with cultural intelligence. In this paper, the inexorable requirement for intercultural competence in character and citizenship education is contended. The fit between the theory and practice of cultural intelligence and citizenship education is explored and examples offered for how teachers can teach with cultural intelligence and develop culturally intelligent students who will become multiculturally educated and globally engaged citizens.  相似文献   

旰飞 《学科教育》2013,(6):52-57
“治理”作为一种新型的管理理念和实践方式,在当前获得了人们愈来愈多的重视。“治理”理念倡导教师和学生对学校治理权利的共享,引导教师与学生通过协商、对话、合作以及公民伙伴关系等方式积极参与学校公共事务的管理,从而扩大和提升学校的公共利益,培育学生的更为健全的公民品质。因此,学校“治理”与公民教育之间所形成的是一种有机联结的关系,学校组织的治理型建构可以为公民教育提供坚实的生活基础和制度保障,而公民教育则可以通过唤醒学生的公民意识和治理意识,提升他们的治理意愿和治理能力,从而推动学校治理的发展。基于“治理”理念而建构起来的公民教育,不再是灌输式、概念式的公民教育,而是一种主体性、实践性的公民教育,它可以更好地培育学生的公民权利与责任意识,使学生成长为治理型的公民。  相似文献   

价值与模式:历史视野中的我国公民教育及其展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代贝  周光稷 《教育学报》2007,3(4):63-68
西方“公民社会”理论和公民教育的理论和实践成果对我们有重要的借鉴意义。但是,即使当前的公民教育研究看上去与“公民社会”理论的话语体系相对应,中国公民教育的建构也远非如此简单。中国公民教育的发展所依托的,不仅是中国当下正在建构的“公民社会”蓝图,还有百年以来中国纵横交织的现代化历史,以及东西方学术冲突融合的积淀,这些因素深远地影响了我国公民教育构建的价值和模式。只有明晰当前我国公民教育各种理念的历史来源及其合理性,公民教育的展开才能具备现实性和有效性。  相似文献   

Despite a groundswell of evidence for transformative education, manifestos for ‘transformative pedagogy for global citizenship’ remain under-theorized and pay limited attention to implications for practice. This paper connects theory and practice through analyzing a curriculum development project that sought to produce a framework for ‘engaged global citizens’. It considers the political and philosophical framings of the self and other, citizen and world, that underlie this empirical work, especially with reference to reflexivity, hermeneutics, democratic engagement and co-production. The resultant pedagogical framework, based upon concepts of transformative learning, attempted to undercut the homogenizing tendencies within global citizenship education (GCE). This discussion highlights the tensions and reifying effects of educational frameworks such as the Teaching Excellence Framework in the UK and the proposed framework for ‘global competence’ in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment. Evidence is presented that frameworks which attempt to make explicit educational phenomena and processes are overdetermined by efficacy and metrics that become perverse ends in themselves. While the anticipated project output here was the framework itself, the substantive output was, in fact, practical: namely the ongoing deliberation and reflection upon the discourses that both do and undo the task of locating the transformative dimension of GCE.  相似文献   

There is debate internationally about the production of curriculum texts and the epistemologies underpinning the knowledge legitimated in national curricula. National History curricula in particular are a source of contention bounded by calls for coherent and unifying national narratives that are inclusive and reflect the complexity of the discipline and historical consciousness of the nation to which they are bound. This paper uses critical spatial theory to highlight the ‘spaces’ and ‘places’ of the Australian Curriculum History (years 7–10) which organise and disorganise representations of identities in and out of the centre of the national narrative. Interrogating the impact of these representations within purported inclusive and cohesive national narratives draws attention to the notions of belonging presented to Australian citizens. We argue that resistance to normative national narratives and colonial legacies presented with place-based identities can reinhabit the curriculum. This reinhabiting and decentring seeks to engage History students with alternative perspectives and articulations to the national narrative, and foster meaningful connections to place and citizenship. Finally, critical place-based education approaches invite an embodied local/global citizen through local and marginalised knowledges.  相似文献   

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