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China's recent dramatic economic growth has created an acute shortage of all grades of skilled labor. This article describes her human resource development strategies for overcoming these shortages. She is injecting market forces and incentives into the system and withdrawing from comprehensive manpower planning strategies. Her non-formal education system is probably the best and most comprehensive in the developing world.  相似文献   

高校艺术设计专业的人才培养不仅关系到专业素质培养,还跟市场的需求紧密相关。因此,普通高校要完善艺术设计专业人才培养的模式,解决学生实际操作能力不强,实践机会较少的问题,致力于培养应用型人才,提高学生的综合职业能力和综合素质。  相似文献   

朱龙 《鸡西大学学报》2014,(3):146-147,150
劳动关系是极具人身从属性,涉及劳动者基本生存权益的社会关系,其产生于劳动者向用人单位实际提供从属性劳动的客观事实。在我国用工形式多元化的时代背景下,裁判者在认定劳动关系时应秉承保障处于弱势地位的劳动者体面劳动的劳动法基本理念,以人身从属性为核心审查要素,更加灵活处理那些未被劳动法明确地涵盖在其调整范围内同时又迫切需要予以倾斜性保护的社会关系。  相似文献   

田云明 《唐山学院学报》2017,30(6):83-86,96
"高级口译"是在日语专业高年级开设的一门专业方向课,是具有较强实践性的实用型、综合型课程,在日语翻译人才培养过程中发挥着重要作用。因此,在教学过程中,通过运用"翻转课堂"优化课程设计、导入互动环节调整教学内容、改革课程考核方式加强学习过程评价等一系列改革措施,强化了对学生翻译实践能力的培养,使其更加符合市场需求。  相似文献   

It is now widely recognised that Britain's comprehensive system was never truly comprehensive. Families with sufficient financial capital were always able to ensure the entry of their children to particularly prestigious ‘comprehensive’ schools by purchasing a home within the appropriate catchment areas. According to government rhetoric, recent legislation established a market of schools, removed catchment areas and gave parents greater choice of school. This case‐study examines the workings of the local quasi‐market of schools within a prosperous town (Sutton Coldfield, England) which is part of the larger metropolitan area of the West Midlands. Because of a change in the age of entry to secondary education, Sutton Coldfield was first plunged into the market in 1992. This case‐study shows that the new situation initially caused confusion and anger. Some Sutton Coldfield residents were denied places for their children within the town and were instead offered places for their children in Birmingham working‐class estate schools. The article describes the formation and activities of a local pressure group which opposed these changes, and reports the results of a small‐scale study of a sample of parents’ choice‐making processes in 1993. It is shown that access to financial and cultural capital had become more, rather than less, important in the process of allocating children to secondary schools.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal link between individuals' occupational knowledge and educational choices as well as labor market entry. We proxy occupational knowledge with mandatory visits to job information centers (JICs) in Germany while still attending school. Exogenous variation in the establishment of JICs makes it possible to estimate intention-to-treat effects in a difference-in-differences setup. Combining survey data with the data on JIC openings allows for detecting whether individuals benefited from the comprehensive information service. The results suggest that individuals who went to school in administrative districts with a JIC have higher educational attainments, experience educational upward mobility, and have a smoother transition to the labor market.  相似文献   

私有经济是存在马克思剥削的必要条件,不同市场竞争环境下会有不同程度的剥削。剥削大小是企业主所面临的劳动力需求市场竞争状况、企业主所付出的管理和创新劳动水平以及产品的市场竞争状况等因素共同作用决定的。正是由于当时劳动力需求市场存在的非竞争性、企业主所付出的管理和创新劳动水平低以及产品销售市场上的弱竞争环境等因素的共同作用,导致了马克思所阐述的英国工人当时所受到的严重剥削的历史事实。因此,理解我国私营经济的剥削问题也需要从以上影响因素加以综合考察和判断,而不是一概地认为凡是存在私有成分的企业都存在同等程度私有制下的严重剥削现象。  相似文献   


The British Labour Party has continued to make progress on education, following two broad policy paths and adopting a pragmatic approach that does not attempt to force these to cross or converge. One path is that of the quasi market inherited from the previous Conservative administration; the other is characterised as 'intervention' to support those for whom the market remains almost entirely irrelevant. Some observers regard this dual approach as 'opportunism' and Labour's education policy as a 'betrayal' of principle, by which is meant the principle of 'equal opportunity'. Of course, that principle provides equal opportunity to fail as much as to succeed. Rather than leaving education to the market, Labour has focused on the needs of those most likely to be failed by the principle of 'equal' opportunity in a quasi market.  相似文献   

Post-16 providers in the UK now offer a wide range of courses and training in order to respond to the expanded, diversified and 'non-traditional' post-16 market. School leavers are invited to 'choose' from a range of courses and pathways which are being provided in a variety of post-16 educational institutions. These providing institutions are in competition with one another and 'need' the students as their funds are contingent upon successful recruitment (and retention). As a result, many post-16 providers are turning to aspects of marketing in order to publicise their courses and maintain or increase their share of the market. This paper examines two major tactics in the promotion and marketing of post-16 provision-brochures and open days-in relation to issues such as access, targeting, response to 'difference' in the client group/market segment and 'professionalism' of approach. The paper argues that market tactics do semiotic 'work' as class-taste markers.  相似文献   

An enduring tenet of the comparative education tradition is the significance of cultural context, of the distinctive features that characterise a society or social group. The close link that has been established between culture and development has prompted Caribbean leaders to place more emphasis on an appreciation of the region's cultural assets, and to find ways of translating these into economic wealth in the international market place. This is particularly challenging in an increasingly globalised environment where knowledge is considered the primary resource. While the Caribbean's capacity for facing the dilemmas of difference is thought to give it some comparative advantage, one of the key challenges for its educational policy‐makers is how to provide a quality education that is sensitive to the ‘local’ context while remaining responsive to the demands of the ‘global’ market. To meet these challenges, the Caribbean is revisiting traditional concepts of ‘knowledge’ and initiating comprehensive reforms aimed at refashioning its education systems to prepare an internationally competitive labour force and to promote the region as a global partner in international policy‐making.  相似文献   

In a preliminary effort to stem a steep decline in graduate enrollments, a regional comprehensive university began a search for its perceived market advantages. Using the tenets of Bormann's (1985) Symbolic Convergence Theory, the investigation identified fantasy types involved in student decisions to enroll and, after surveying new students (N = 739) over a four year period, isolated two emergent rhetorical visions ~ “Better Program, Quality University,” and “Small Campus, Big Opportunity”‐that were shared, to differing degrees, by students in professionally diverse academic programs. Results are discussed in terms of what they suggest about promoting professional master's degree programs generally, and communication programs specifically, and what they reveal about the saliency of rhetorical visions.  相似文献   

旅游活动在人们生活中分量的增加、冬季旅游范围的扩大,使冬季旅游成为旅游的一个新的经济增长点,但旅游市场"淡旺季"的状况仍未得到改变,由此带来的行业问题依然未得到解决,冬季旅游产品单调成为最主要的制约因素,尤其是河南.同时,体验时代使体验化产品成为消费热点.本文在分析河南省冬季旅游产品存在问题的基础上,全方位提出河南省冬季旅游产品体验化设计的策略.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper considers the role of girls' schools in the UK education market and, concomitantly, the positioning and 'value' of girls in the education market place. Themarketing and public presentations of two schools are examined and the messages and impressions presented to parents are analysed. The relationships of these schools to their 'competitors' are also explored. These are set against the 'choices' and choice-making of a sample of local parents considering the possibility of single-sex schooling for their daughters. It is argued that the current conditions of competition in the UK education market offer some advantages to girls but that these advantages have to be set against the continuing contradictions and oppressions of single-sex schooling.  相似文献   

Higher education (as learning and teaching) is increasingly regulated by the state yet is simultaneously being opened up to market forces. Is the system being nationalised or 'marketised'? Opinion is divided, but the debate is often confused by a lack of theoretical explicitness so that inconsistencies, contradictions and dubious elisions are allowed to persist unremarked. Through a critical engagement with the literatures on quasi-markets, the free economy and the strong state, neo-liberalism, and 'steering at a distance', this article identifies three models implicit in discussion of the 'modernisation' of higher education. The first treats marketisation and state intervention as incompatible strategies for reform, the second argues that state intervention may contribute to the success of a higher educational market economy (thus subordinating the state to the market), while the third proposes that market relations are mobilised in the cause of centralised policy objectives.  相似文献   

应用产业组织理论的SCP框架从市场集中度、产品差异和进入壁垒三个方面分析了中国门户网站产业的市场结构,结果显示,2009年中国门户网站产业的市场集中度很高,存在产品同质化现象,门户网站产业的进入技术壁垒比较高。因此认为,中国综合门户网站产业属于寡头垄断的市场格局。  相似文献   

大学生综合测评体系在我国已有了近20年的研究和发展,但新疆高校中这一体系的使用还不多见。本文通过对新疆高校大学生综合测评体系的使用和大学生态度调查,提出了新疆高校建立大学生综合测评体系的原则,为各高校开展大学生综合测评体系建立了一定的参考。  相似文献   

This paper contrasts the performance levels and promotion experiences of 371 faculty members under three different market conditions reflecting the supply and demand for university faculty (buyer's market, seller's market, and stable market). The central questions examined are, What is the effect of market conditions upon (1) the length of time it takes for promotion; (2) the promotion rate; (3) the productivity of assistant and associate professors before each promotion; and (4) the productivity of full professors after attaining that rank? Findings are most consistent with a market model indicating that faculty promoted during a buyer's market remain in rank longer before being promoted and exhibit a greater rate of productivity than faculty promoted during other market conditions. There is also support for the elite model in that the impact of “tight” market conditions on productivity is greatest for faculty below the rank of full professor.  相似文献   

三峡成库广义的农村土地承包经营权流转具有计划性、政策性、补偿性、划拨性等特点,狭义的农村土地承包经营权流转具有流转量小、耕地为主、自发性强、流向单一、市场疲软等特点,这些特点决定了三峡库区农村土地流转困难重重,思想僵化、"两权分离"不明确、土地财政不凸显、产业空心化、开发难度大、统一市场尚未形成、配套政策不到位是其原因,建议通过明晰地权、强化动力、改善环境、完善政策,从宏观上解决库区土地流转的政策问题;通过特殊政策、特殊投入、特殊综合支持的特事特办方式,从中观上解决库区土地流转的特殊问题,推进库区土地流转跟上全国的步伐。  相似文献   

The consequences of graduating in a recession could be severe and long-lasting. Bachelor's graduates can, however, avoid entering the labour market by continuing their education. Using a Norwegian dataset containing information on all graduates and their applications to and enrolment in master's degree programmes over a 15-year period, we find that a one percentage point increase in the field-specific unemployment rate results in a 6.5 percentage points increase in applications and a 3.9 percentage points increase in enrolment. Moreover, using a survey of the 2020 bachelor's graduates cohort, that is, the Covid-19 cohort, we find evidence indicating that those pushed into a master's degree by conditions in the labour market differ substantially from those whose decision to enrol in a master's degree is not driven by labour market conditions.  相似文献   

目前,高职院校人才培养与劳动力市场的严重脱节:高职院校专业结构调整滞后于劳动力市场的需求变化;高职院校培养人才质量与劳动力市场的要求存在较大差距;高职院校就业指导工作不到位。因此,要从以下方面加强高职院校与劳动力市场衔接:采取“订单式”培养,与企业联合办学;依据劳动力市场需要及时调整专业结构;不断提高学生综合素质;把握劳动力市场动向,实重视就业指导。  相似文献   

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