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The documented social‐subjects curricula for Scottish 5–16 year olds are analysed for representations of ‘self‐in‐society’. Such representations are important in Scotland because it is expected that the new Education‐for‐Citizenship framework will in part be delivered through the social subjects. However, citizenship education is also relevant throughout the UK and beyond and our analysis of the social subjects has wider relevance.

An ideal‐type analysis was used on documents including national guidelines, examination syllabuses, examination papers, and assessor instructions. Our analysis suggests that in these documents: the self is seen as an abstract; people are understood by category; society is the sum of discrete institutions; self‐in‐society is fully defined; and this representation of society is not contested. This representation becomes increasingly exclusive with age/ability and may be linked to assumed modes of curricular division, teaching and assessment. We discuss how this overall picture might affect students’ sense of ‘agency’ in the light of citizenship education. We conclude that the social‐subjects’ curricular representation of self‐in‐society may not fully support the Scottish Education‐for‐Citizenship framework.  相似文献   

Teachers’ learning and occupational well‐being is crucial in attaining educational goals both in the classroom and at the school community level. In this article teachers’ occupational well‐being that is constructed in teaching–learning processes within the school community is referred to as pedagogical well‐being. The article focuses on exploring teachers’ experienced pedagogical well‐being by examining the kinds of situations that teachers themselves find either empowering and engaging or burdening and stressful in their work. The study aims to: (1) identify the primary contexts of teachers’ experienced critical incidents of pedagogical well‐being; and (2) determine the kind of action strategies teachers have adopted in these contexts when they are reported as empowering and engaging. The study included data collected from the teachers of nine case‐schools around Finland. Altogether, a selected group of 68 comprehensive school teachers, including both primary and secondary school teachers, were interviewed. Our results suggested that interaction with pupils in socially and pedagogically challenging situations constitutes the core of teachers’ pedagogical well‐being. Success in both the pedagogical goals and more general social goals seem to be fundamental preconditions for teachers’ experienced pedagogical well‐being. Further investigation showed that teachers’ approaches to socially challenging situations varied. Results suggest that teachers’ pedagogical well‐being is centrally generated in the challenging social interactions of their work. Moreover, the way in which a teacher acts in the situation is found to be a regulator for experienced pedagogical well‐being.  相似文献   

This paper captures a national curriculum maker’s experiences of revising the physical education curriculum in South Korea. A self‐study was conducted in order to make known the chairperson’s experiences concerning the various obstacles encountered in revising the national curriculum and to offer previously unseen insights afforded by the curriculum maker’s personal reflections. This study specifically offers a detailed analysis of four challenges the national curriculum maker encountered: (1) personal obstacles encountered as a young female chairperson, (2) environmental obstacles encountered as a marginally positioned chairperson, (3) professional obstacles faced as an innovative chairperson, and (4) institutionalized obstacles related to being named the official chairperson. In this self‐study conducted in the narrative inquiry tradition, several important findings emerge about the nature of curriculum making and how curriculum making transpires at a national level.  相似文献   

This study investigated three orientations to happiness and their relationships with subjective well‐being in a sample of 228 Chinese prospective and in‐service teachers in Hong Kong. Confirmatory item factor analyses supported a three‐dimensional model that included constructs represented by a life of meaning, a life of pleasure, and a life of engagement. These three orientations, especially the meaningful life and the engaged life were found to predict life satisfaction and positive emotions as two components of subjective well‐being. Implications of the findings on the relationships between orientations and subjective well‐being for helping teachers to promote a more satisfying life to combat against teacher burnout are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to examine the short‐term and long‐term effects of a curriculum‐based anti‐bullying intervention program on students' attitudes towards bullying, intentions to intervene in bully–victim problems, perceived efficacy of intervening and actual intervening behavior. The intervention program was applied in primary schools and was implemented by trained teachers within the classroom context. The sample consisted of 454 pupils drawn from fourth to sixth grade classrooms of 10 primary schools in central Greece. A quasi‐experimental pre‐test/post‐test design was used. The findings indicate positive short‐term program outcomes concerning students' attitudes towards bullies and victims, perceived efficacy of intervening in bully–victim incidents and actual rates of intervening behavior. However, the magnitude of the program effects was quite small, since the positive short‐term outcomes were not sustained in the long‐term (post‐test two measures). The results of the study also indicated clear time effects for attitudes towards bullies and victims, self‐efficacy of intervening and intention, as well as actual intervening behavior. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for anti‐bullying interventions.  相似文献   

Education is not easily converted into human capital and well‐being in low‐income countries, because these countries do not have a high degree of economic and labour market differentiation that makes it possible to convert acquired knowledge and skills. Consequently, to have completed primary or even secondary education does not necessarily lead to a better life situation than some types of Islamic education. This paper reports findings from an ongoing longitudinal research project in Senegal. The study compares the relationships between educational/learning background, life skills and well‐being in adult life among individuals who attended primary school, Quranic, Arabic or Indigenous learning systems at the beginning of the 1980s. The findings illustrate some of the complexities in the relationships between, on the one hand, education and life skills and, on the other hand, individual well‐being in a low‐income society. Since this study enters into an area that has not been very much researched, this study is explorative and employs concepts heuristically. Some findings in relation to different theoretical approaches are also discussed here.  相似文献   

In this article the possibility of developing authentic project work in a sixth‐grade classroom of a Venezuelan school is explored, by means of action research (AR) methodology. Two AR cycles with two different projects were carried out. Data were collected via teacher researcher, co‐researcher and student journals, and also by means of audio and video recordings, interviews with students, and compilation of classroom products. Data were interpreted using a narrative presentation and also applying five categories, only one of which is analyzed in this paper. Results show that on the one hand student participation increased in all stages of the project work. On the other hand, students encountered some difficulties carrying out empirical research activities and also relating them to theoretical content, although progress in this regard was made. Additionally, communication should have departed more from mere repetition, although some teams were able to try more formative approaches. It was corroborated that school facilities must be improved in order to promote better project work. AR proved fruitful as a way to produce changes and generate practical and reflexive contributions.  相似文献   

This article explores a significant shift in the science curriculum in Victoria, Australia, in the mid‐1990s by using the idea of essentialism to compare two science curriculum documents that span the shift. The accounts given in these documents of desirable approaches to teaching science, science itself and the proper scope of curriculum, are compared to show that the document written in the mid‐1990s is open to a more essentialist reading than its predecessor. I argue that the market‐driven approach to education frames each learner as a neo‐liberal individual separated from society; consequently, it leaves ideas of community largely unexamined and unsupported. As a result, important curriculum and policy debates are short‐circuited and essentialist explanations for commonality become easier to accept. I describe this as new de facto essentialism, in that it arises from an insistence on individuality that denies the agency of society, rather than a consideration of positive evidence. Finally, I briefly examine the shaping paper for science in the first Australian National Curriculum for potential to avoid essentialist readings.  相似文献   

Throughout history, word‐art has been valued as a source of magic, wisdom, and delight. The author argues that genre fiction, advertising, popular song lyrics, and greeting card verse all fulfill these traditional social roles, and that current definitions of “serious literature”; are far too narrow. The true importance of word‐art in daily life cannot be assessed without including such “genre”; work along with “speculative”; writing. The future significance of literature for society, though dependent to some degree on developments in computers and telecommunications, would be enhanced if critics, publishers, and writers adopted a more “user‐friendly”; attitude—helping genre readers to find satisfying material more easily, and respecting speculative readers for the additional time and effort they expend in seeking out the unpredictable and unfamiliar in word‐art.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the findings from an international programme of research that has demonstrated the need for teachers in many developing countries to be given more support in adapting monograded curricula to the needs of their multigrade classes. It describes four empirical models of multigrade practice and examines the models of curriculum construction and child learning that inform them. It then presents a five‐step process that can be used by curriculum planners to adapt monograded curricula, taking account of the different empirical models of multigrade practice. Finally, it outlines a strategy for implementing such a process by providing further support to strengthen curriculum units and improve teacher education.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates through an example the usefulness of autoethnography as a mechanism for teachers acquiring clarity about their spiritual experiences, which has the potential to contribute to facilitating pupils’ spiritual growth. I begin by examining the role of the spiritual dimension in the promotion of a holistic model of education. The purposes and ethical implications of autoethnographic research and its benefits for teacher development are addressed. A story about illness, neurosurgery and rehabilitation is presented, written according to introspective and autoethnographic techniques. The narrative reflects aspects of the writer’s spiritual growth and highlights the need among teachers to explore their own spiritual well‐being as much as the spiritual well‐being of their pupils. Suggestions are made about the diverse use of narrative to promote spiritual learning experiences in the classroom. This is an important part of the work carried out by teachers in the delivery of a curriculum that prepares learners to fulfil their potential in life and work.  相似文献   

A range of initiatives to promote well‐being and empowerment have been introduced into English schools. These ostensibly support the citizenship curriculum that seeks to foster a more active and engaged populace. Whilst children are being encouraged to view their own well‐being as a personal project (and as a badge of successful citizenship), this process is being undermined by an informal curriculum of citizenship, embedded within the culture of performativity, that is promoting a climate of misrecognition within schools. This form of “symbolic violence” (that affects working‐class families disproportionately) is encroaching into the private sphere, traditionally a potential refuge providing opportunities for the development of forms of well‐being that were not dependent on institutional endorsement. It is suggested that some of the counter‐hegemonic values developed in the face of marginalisation might usefully inform issues of citizenship and well‐being in schools in ways that would encourage genuinely empowered forms of citizenship.  相似文献   

This two‐year, mixed methods study with surveys, observations, and interviews, documented student technology use and skill before and after the implementation of a new one‐to‐one tablet computing program at a private middle school in the United States. After one year with tablets, several differences in students' technology use and skill were documented, including: higher satisfaction with school technology, greater frequency of technology use in specific subjects such as math and science, greater frequency of certain classroom activities such as two‐way communicating, and greater technology skills on competencies such as editing collaborative wikis. New modes of student collaboration were evident after implementing the tablet program, including sharing notes and co‐editing wikis. Differences were inconsistent across grade levels and subjects, suggesting teachers are adopting the tablet innovation differentially. In general, technology use increased most in math, science, and social studies classrooms, with smaller increases in language arts and foreign language classrooms.

Différences d'usages et de compétences technologiques rapportées par les élèves après la mise en place de programmes informatiques individualisés

La présente étude fondée sur un mélange de méthodes a duré deux années avec des enquêtes, des observations et des entretiens; elle a relevé les usages et les compétences des élèves avant et après la mise en place d'un nouveau programme d'informatique individualisée avec des ordinateurs “tablet” dans une école secondaire privée, aux Etats Unis. Après une année d'usage des “tablets”, on a noté chez les élèves plusieurs différences d'utilisation et de savoir‐faire comme par exemple: un niveau de satisfaction plus élevé par rapport à la technologie de l'établissement, une plus grande fréquence dans l'usage de la technologie pour des matières spécifiques telles que les maths et les sciences, une plus grande fréquence dans certaines activités de classe telles que la communication à double sens, et un plus grand savoir‐faire technologique pour des compétences telles que la mise en forme de wikis collaboratifs. De nouveaux modes de collaboration entre élèves sont apparus clairement après la mise en place du programme “tablet” y compris le partage de notes et la co‐édition de wikis. Il n'y avait pas de cohérence dans les différences d'une classe et d'une matière à l'autre ce qui permet de penser que les enseignants adoptent l'innovation des “tablets” de façon différenciée. En général, l'usage de la technologie a le plus augmenté dans les classes de maths, de sciences et de sciences sociales, l'augmentation étant moins forte dans les classes de lettres et de langues étrangères.

Von Schülern berichtete Unterschiede in ihrer Technikanwendung nach Einführung von ?One‐to‐One Computing“

Diese zwei‐jährige, mit verschiedenen Methoden arbeitende Untersuchung, mit Umfragen, Beobachtungen und Interviews, dokumentiert den Technologieeinsatz und die Kompetenz von Studenten vor und nach dem Einsatz eines neuen One‐to‐One Tablett‐Computer Programms an einer privaten Mittelschule der Vereinigten Staaten. Nach einem Jahr Nutzung der Tablettrechner wurden einige Unterschiede beim Technologiegebrauch und den Fertigkeiten bei den Studenten festgestellt, einschließlich einem höheren Zufriedenheitsgrad mit der Schultechnologie, öfterer Technologieverwendung in besonderen Fächern wie Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, höherer Nutzung von Unterrichtsaktivitäten wie wechselseitiger Kommunikation und verbesserten Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen in der Technologienutzung, z.B. bei der gemeinsamen Bearbeitung von Wikies. Neue Formen der studentischen Zusammenarbeit wurden erkennbar, nachdem das Tablett‐Programm eingerichtet worden war. Einige Differenzen blieben – abhängig von der Anspruchshöhe und den Testpersonen – widersprüchlich, was auch auf die unterschiedliche Nutzung der Programme durch die Lehrer zurückzuführen sein kann. Im Allgemeinen wuchs die Technikverwendung am meisten in Mathematik, den Naturwissenschaften und den soziologisch orientierten Fächern, weniger den Sprach‐ und Fremdsprachenbereichen.

Diferencias de uso y competencias en tecnologías relatas por los alumnos después de la introducción de la informática individualizada.

Este estudio de dos años y de métodos mixtos con encuestas, observaciones y entrevistas ha apuntado el uso y las destrezas de los alumnos en relación con la tecnología antes y después de la introducción de un nuevo programa “Tablet” de informática individualizada en un colegio secundario privado de los Estados Unidos. Después de un año con los “Tablets”, se notó varias diferencias en los usos y destrezas de los alumnos en relación con la tecnología, incluyendo: más sarisfacción con la tecnología de la escuela, un uso más frecuente de la tecnología en asignaturas como matemáticas y ciencias, una frecuencia más alta de ciertas actividades de aula como la comunicación bilateral y más destrezas tecnológicas en competencias como la edición de wikis colaborativos. Nuevas formas de colaboración estudiantil aparecierón claramente después de la introducción, del programa “Tablet”, entre ellas el reparto de apuntes y la co‐edición de wikis. Las diferencias entre niveles y asignaturas resultaron inconsistentes lo que conduce a pensar que los profesores están adoptando la inovación del “Tablet” de varias maneras. En general el incremento del uso de la tecnología fue más fuerte en las aulas de matemáticas, ciencias y ciencias sociales con incrementos más bajos en aulas de Humanidades y lenguas extranjeras.  相似文献   

This article presents a model of children's play, explored from an evolutionary perspective. Surprisingly, an evolutionary approach has only recently been introduced into this field, especially as far as learning is concerned, and is virtually unknown in educational studies. However, such an approach seems entirely reasonable if one accepts that cognitive activities are a product of evolution and selection. Moreover, there is some urgency in stressing the contribution biological sciences can make to the study of children's early development, since there exists an enormous amount of research of immediate relevance to educators that has apparently been ignored.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the efforts of educators at nine different research sites within the United States, funded by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), to develop and implement innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum on the relationship of the environment and human health. The NIEHS correctly maintained that the interdisciplinary nature of learning about environmental health would improve students’ learning across several subject areas and should, therefore, contribute to students scoring higher on state’s subject area based standardized tests. However, these goals were undermined by state polices linking standardized tests with student promotion and graduation, and the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) that required public schools and districts to aggregate test scores which might have negative consequences, such as reducing school funding or privatizing school administration and state policies. These policies resulted in deleterious effects that undermined implementing environmental health curricula.  相似文献   

The present article extends Basil Bernstein’s theorisation of ‘discourses’ and ‘knowledge structures’ to explore the potential of educational knowledge structures to enable or constrain cumulative learning, where students can transfer knowledge across contexts and build knowledge over time. It offers a means of overcoming dichotomies in Bernstein’s model by conceptualising knowledge in terms of legitimation codes (bases of achievement) and semantic gravity (context‐dependency of knowledge). This developed framework is used to analyse two contrasting examples of curriculum – from professional education at university and secondary school English – that aim to enable cumulative learning. Analyses of students’ work products show that both cases can constrain knowledge‐building by anchoring meaning within its context of acquisition. The basis for this potential is located in a mismatch between their aims of enabling students to learn higher‐order principles and their curricular means that focus on knowers’ dispositions rather than articulating principles of knowledge.  相似文献   

The Cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the product of appropriations authored by both the Aztecs and the Roman Catholic Church, has served as a tool of empowerment, dominion, and accommodation. Central to this contested cult is an indigenous reinvention of the Virgin Mary that is simultaneously index, icon, and symbol. This study demonstrates the difficulties in attempting to selectively appropriate the desirable features of such a sign while excluding those deemed undesirable. In attempting to appropriate certain features of the Virgin it deemed desirable, the authors argue, the Church also annexed aspects of the Aztec religious tradition at odds with the teachings of Catholicism. While Catholicism's attempt to co‐opt this Virgin extended the influence of the institutional Catholic Church, the authors suggest, it also undermined the integrity of the faith the Church promotes by fostering a form of popular Catholicism contrary to the teachings and practices of orthodox Catholicism. This study is grounded in data obtained through interviews conducted with pilgrims in the vicinity of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe immediately prior to, during, and after the Virgin's annual feastday (December 12). The authors also draw upon anthropological, historical, and religious studies scholarship to make sense of the pilgrims’ beliefs and place them within the broader historical and religious contexts in which they operate.  相似文献   

A total of three hundred and fifteen (n = 315) gifted students from the 10th and 12th grade from the United States (n = 102), China (n = 125) and Germany (n = 88) were surveyed regarding their motivation and self‐regulation in chemistry learning. A 3×2×2 MANOVA revealed “nation” as having the largest major effect on these variables. The American group scored higher in most of the motivational and self‐regulatory characteristics than their Chinese and German counterparts. Although in all samples gifted girls reported a higher effort goal orientation, they used superficial cognitive strategies in learning science more frequently than boys. In addition, students' effort goal orientation was less pronounced in higher grades in all samples.  相似文献   

This survey study investigated the relationship between achievement goal orientation and self‐reported copying behaviour among college students (N = 2007) enrolled in five different academic programmes in Thailand. Results of statistical analysis showed several significant findings: performance approach goal orientation, performance avoidance goal orientation, academic major in humanities, gender and grade point average were the best predictors of self‐reported frequency of copying behaviour. Compared with humanities students, management, engineering, science and vocational students were significantly more performance avoidance goal oriented and reported significantly higher frequency of copying behaviour. We primarily use achievement goal theory to interpret the effect of multiple goal orientations on self‐reported copying behaviour across academic programmes.  相似文献   

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