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教育者们面临着挑战:丰富一种教学的道德词汇内涵,使它敏感于活生生的、经验过的教学关系。本文通过对“关爱”意义的简略探究,给出了一个现象学困惑,它涉及到专业的“关爱”概念和日常“关爱”体验之间的关系。专业的“关爱”概念常常忽略其敏感而微妙之处,但对许多父母和教师而言,“关爱”被体验为忧虑和责任,而这种忧虑常会由于自身的幸福感受被忽略。面对这一困惑,作者围绕“当道德语言变成专业的理论词汇、意义变得模糊或被消解之后会发生什么”的问题展开讨论。  相似文献   

This article reports on the ways that 77 students in an international studies programme constructed meanings for global citizenship. The focus was on their personal meanings for the topic and how they articulated a global identity with their national civic beliefs. Data were collected from online discussion boards, written essays and 20 interviews. A key finding was that the students' political language for global citizenship, examined here in terms of purpose, membership and relationship with national citizenship, was predominantly a moral commitment framed in universal language. A second finding was that the students understood global citizenship as a heterogeneous and complex affiliation shaped by a range of sources. The implication is that citizenship education emphasizing a narrow notion of patriotism may encourage students to disengage from civic life because it does not represent their lived experiences and identities. Insights for making citizenship education practices more inclusive are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the nature of the language used when teaching mathematics to young children. It proposes that an important part of the teaching of a mathematical concept is the introduction of specific terminology. Children may need to be taught new meanings for already familiar words. The timing of these introductions to new words or meanings is critical to their understanding of the concepts being taught. It will be argued that there are two aspects of the children's learning that need to be considered. First, their understanding of the concept being introduced, and secondly, their learning the appropriate word to describe that concept. By assessing children's understanding of new mathematical concepts through their own use of the terminology, the teacher can then negotiate new meanings with them through practical experiences, introducing new word meanings only when the concepts have been understood.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy affecting women worldwide. While it is true that hope influences how these victims view and live their lives, little is known as to how hope is lived and experienced by a breast cancer patient whose professional background and practice is nursing. This narrative–interpretive study purports to create a portrait of a nurse educator whose hope becomes her language of meaning-making. A Filipino nurse educator suffering from breast cancer was used as the subject of this study. Constituting the study's corpus of data is a series of diaries which were religiously written for a period of six months (November 2007–April 2008). Three interesting themes that elucidate the portrait of hope as embodied in the subject's diaries include (a) Stop: Searching for Meaning; (b) Look: Standing through Meaning; and (c) Listen: Sailing through Meaning. Notably, hope serving as a universal human experience is a powerful gift that enables an individual to see meaning amidst painful conditions, stand firmly despite adversities, and live by faith to continue life's journey.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork at a weekend Japanese language school in the USA in 2007–2009, this article illustrates the ways in which different regimes of government arise from an activity depending on meanings individuals invest in it. We examine how two students in the same classroom experienced two different regimes of government: one of a low-track class for ‘native speakers’ and the other of a heritage language class for bilingual speakers. Building on Mitchell Dean's reworking of Foucault, we suggest a new approach to ethnographically studying governmentality which focuses on invested meanings.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the friendship circles of 38 schoolboys in New Zealand influence what they consider acceptable language and behaviour. Six focus group sessions were held with heterosexual and self-identified queer students aged between thirteen and eighteen to explore their interpretations, meanings and usage of homosexually themed language. This article starts by reviewing the intersection of adolescence and schooling as well as the importance of the friendship circle for young men. It then highlights the reported shifting in meaning concerning language, specifically the expression ‘that's so gay’. This study's heterosexual and queer participants argued that for them ‘that's so gay' has no negative social intent and is just an expression identifying that someone's action, comment or behaviour was not appropriate or right. The findings highlight the contractions and confusions that emerge when an expression with historical negative intentions is used by a younger generation.  相似文献   

This commentary seeks to expand the dialogue on place-based science education presented in Katie Lynn Brkich’s article, where the connections fifth grade students make between their formal earth science curriculum and their lived experiences are highlighted. The disconnect between the curriculum the students are offered and their immediate environment is clear, and we are presented with examples of how they strive to make connections between the content and what they are familiar with—namely their surroundings. “Place” is identified as a term with complex meanings and interpretations, even in the scope of place-based science education, and understanding how the term is used in any given scenario is essential to understanding the implications of place-based education. Is place used as a location, locale or a sense of place? To understand “place” is to acknowledge that for the individual, it is highly situational, cultural and personal. It is just such attributes that make place-based education appealing, and potentially powerful, pedagogically on one hand, yet complex for implementation on the other. The argument is posed that place is particularly important in the context of education about the environment, which in its simplest manifestation, connects formal science curriculum to resources that are local and tangible to students. The incorporation of place in such a framework seeks to bridge the gap between formal school science subjects and students’ lived experiences, yet acknowledges the tensions that can arise between accommodating place meanings and the desire to acculturate students into the language of the scientific community. The disconnect between guiding policy frameworks and the reality of the Next Generation Science Standards is addressed opening an avenue for further discussion of the importance of socio-cultural frameworks of science learning in an ever increasing era of accountability.  相似文献   

While the term ‘learner‐centered’ is invoked in many curriculum standards documents, packaged curriculum materials, mission statements and criticisms of educational practice, there is little agreement on its meaning. Shallow understandings and conflicting practices abound. And rarely do the meanings ascribed to the term take into account the meanings of thoughtful teachers who live learner‐centered approaches daily in their work. Here we introduce lived meanings of learner‐centeredness found in the personal and professional histories of experienced teachers. Data were gathered in interviews that took the form of focused conversations which yielded elaborated stories and reflections that suggest that learner‐centeredness is a concept that cannot be captured in finite, static, unquestioned definitions. The teachers’ lived meanings are expressed in fine‐grained detail, are embedded in particular settings and the teachers’ own personal and professional histories, go beyond surface features of practice and are in motion and unfinished. Taken together, these lived meanings have the potential to challenge and deepen current understandings of learner‐centered practices. Further, they have the potential to bring humanity, humility and integrity to the work of those who engage in these practices and of those who would support or criticize them.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a pedagogical action research initiative that explores what constitutes the ‘lived pedagogy’ of the classroom from the pupils' perspective. Photography and group interviews were utilised to allow pupils to express their perspectives. The results show that pupils considered situations meaningful when they were able to work, solve problems and create items together. The pupils appreciated situations in which they experienced a sense of belonging and could influence the use of time and space during the school day. The paper considers possibilities and challenges related to acknowledging pupils' voices in the lived pedagogy of the classroom.  相似文献   

We examine the role of tasks that have the intended effect of teachers re-conceiving the mathematics they teach as comprising a coherent body of meaningful ideas. We ground our discussion in ideas of trigonometry and modular functions and draw from a professional development research project to illustrate our approach. In this project, many teachers experienced dissonance that was rooted in their commitments to their curricular knowledge of trigonometry. Teachers who built new meanings into a coherent whole were those who coordinated them at a micro level. Teachers who saw implications of their own reasoning for student learning were also successful at expressing that reasoning in natural language. We saw a similar pattern in the case of teachers' creation of meanings for action and process conceptions of mod(f(x),g(x)). Teachers who gained insight into implications of their own activities for student learning were the teachers who reasoned at a micro level in regard to the meaning of mod, who coordinated that meaning with a covariational perspective on the behavior of functions, and who expressed that coordination in natural language. We conclude that a primary feature of tasks that promote teachers' construction of coherent mathematical meanings is that they support an overall effort to have teachers engage in the coordination of meanings in the context of explaining significant ideas and relationships.  相似文献   

清代中后期的戏曲理论家梁廷枏在他的理论著作《曲话》里,认为戏曲应该考虑戏曲代言体的特征并"设景生情",追求情在意中、意在言外、含蓄不尽的意境,对"叙事"这种构成戏曲意境的重要组成成分着重进行了论述与强调。从接受者角度,他认为戏曲"韵味"是叙事中语言与情感的结合,并关注情节结构,重视结尾、演出等场上、场外各方面的追求,这些总结和论述启发和影响了近现代的戏曲理论大师王国维、吴梅等对戏曲意境的认识,具有较高的意义和价值。  相似文献   

The increasing importance attributed to the cultural dimension of FL education has entailed new demands for teachers and teacher educators. This paper explores the cultural agenda in Finnish language teacher education from a student teacher perspective. The focus is on the students' perceptions regarding how effectively cultural aspects are dealt with in their training, and how these perceptions may be affected by the length of time they have spent abroad. The empirical evidence suggests that both the language studies and the pedagogical studies tend to address cultural aspects to a small or very small extent. The main emphasis is placed on traditional aspects of culture, such as literature and Realia knowledge, and strategies for teaching language seem to overshadow strategies for teaching language and culture in an integrated way. Interestingly, the students' perceptions seem to vary depending on the extent to which they have experienced first‐hand contacts with other cultures.  相似文献   

宋词的研究多从文学的角度出发,分析作品的意境或写景抒情的创作手法等,少有语言学的视角。在当今跨学科视野优势日益显著的背景下,对于同一材料的不同视角的观察往往显示出独有的新意。我国古典韵文中对于颜色词的使用非常丰富,宋词尤甚。文章结合具体实例,对颜色词在宋词中表现出的审美功能进行了深入分析,并通过对比,对不同颜色词所体现出的语用特征进行了细致的阐述。  相似文献   

The starting point for this paper is a question that has provoked a recent parliamentary election debate in Sweden: whether fluency in Swedish should be regarded as a requirement when applying for Swedish citizenship. Two main issues have been discussed: the different levels and meanings of citizenship, and language acquisition by adult immigrants as a hindrance or a key to citizenship based on recent research and scholarship.1 The Swedish policy of integration, being trapped between demos and ethnos, between universality and diversity, has profound consequences for forming Swedish language policy for immigrants. Yet learning a new language is connected with learning a new culture and society. For immigrants the new language is not only a means of survival, but an important step in reconstructing identities. It seems quite natural that a good command of the language is a key to becoming a full and active citizen, i.e. to acquire a citizenship. Comprehension of the language and knowledge of culture of the (new) country helps one to be aware of one's rights and duties and exercise them, to be involved in society and to participate actively in it. The new language and culture can enrich one's identity and make it more complex.  相似文献   

A positive school ethos is considered a key factor contributing to successful school improvement. Yet, despite its assumed educational influence, little is known about how ethos in schools is experienced by students. This study takes a fresh look at school ethos through the meanings which final year students attribute to their lived experience of secondary school. Implications for school improvement are considered.  相似文献   

The paper discusses findings of a study that investigated Malawian students' meanings for some probability vocabulary. The study explores the meanings that, prior to instruction, students assign to some words that are commonly used in teaching probability. The aim is to have some insight into the meanings that students bring to the classroom. The sample for the study consisted of 154 students in their first year of secondary school education and whose first language was Chichewa. The paper demonstrates that many of the students' preconceived meanings for probability vocabulary were distant from established conventional probability meanings. In addition, there was a wide range of meanings associated with each of the words. An attempt is made to analyse the students' meanings and to explain their possible sources, some of which are rooted in the students' first language. The paper highlights the importance of having an awareness of students' preconceived meanings, and also stresses the importance of language in learning probability.  相似文献   

刘书慧 《海外英语》2012,(1):245-246
作为一种非言语语言,并不是所有的身体语言在不同文化中都有着相同的含义。一方面,在不同文化中,身体语言存在共同性,这包括:1)人类共同享有的生物特性;2)不同文化中相同的社会特性;3)不同文化中,作用相同;4)文化区别缩小。另一方面,身体语言在不同文化中的不同点包括:1)不同身体语言,相同信息;2)相同身体语言,不同含义;3)一些身体语言仅存在特定国家;4)一些身体语言虽存在于特定国家,但不存在特定含义。所以我们有必要知道身体语言在不同文化中的同与异。  相似文献   

Mature readers draw on a complex web of previous experiences when interpreting written and visual texts. Yet very little is known about how preschool children, who cannot yet read, make connections between texts. This study explores how 13 4‐year‐old children made intertextual connections during shared reading with their mothers (seven children) and their preschool teachers (six children). The findings indicate that very young children actively draw on their knowledge of other texts, and their personal lived experiences, to reflect on the meanings they encounter in unfamiliar picture books. The functions served by the children's intertexts ranged from the simple pleasure of recognition to more sophisticated comparisons between texts in terms of theme and plot. The extent to which the adults were able to integrate the children's intertexts into the discussions varied. An awareness of the important role played by intertextuality in children's interpretations of texts may provide early childhood professionals with a framework within which to plan systematically for the language and literacy development of young children in their care.  相似文献   

译者作为语言习得者和语言使用者在翻译过程中不可避免地会受到语感的影响。译者可以通过语义感、语法感和语音感来深入理解原作思想内容,传达源语所表达的情感和意义。从语言本质、思维过程与译者语感的关系来看,背离了语言特征的言语行为就是不地道的,这就造成了译语的偏离。从语感研究角度,对译语的超额和亏损问题做一些尝试性探讨。  相似文献   

This study examined the third‐grade outcomes of 11,902 low‐income Latino children who experienced public school pre‐K or child care via subsidies (center‐based care) at age 4 in Miami‐Dade County, Florida. Regression and propensity score analyses revealed that children who experienced public school pre‐K earned higher scores on standardized assessments of math and reading in third grade and had higher grade point averages than those who attended center‐based care 4 years earlier. The sustained associations between public school pre‐K (vs. center‐based care) and third‐grade outcomes were mediated by children's kindergarten entry preacademic and social–behavioral skills, and among English‐language learners, English proficiency. Implications for investing in early childhood programs to assist with the school readiness of young Latino children in poverty are discussed.  相似文献   

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