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品德与生活课是小学阶段十分重要的一门学科。它的教学目的就是为了培养学生对于世界总的看法以及对于人生的态度和价值观,提高学生在生活中的应用能力。因此在教学过程中一定要注意贴近生活,让学生更好地应用所学到的知识。  相似文献   

使人生价值取向科学化,必须从唯物辩证法和历史唯物主义的高度阐明人生价值的辩证性质。人生价值是主体与客体的统一、是内在价值与外在价值的统一、是自我价值和社会价值的统一、是绝对和相对的统一。  相似文献   

文章采用自传式的叙事法,以“关键事件”阐述“流动性”的个人故事如何建构其身份认同的历程.作者以自传式的书写方式叙述其生命故事,以“我”入文,既拉近研究者与读者的距离,也突出质性研究最大的人本关怀取向.通过三个小故事展示“在地性”、“流动性”、“空间性”和“暂时性”如何型构身份认同.  相似文献   

尼采的教育思想是其哲学思想重要构成部分,在不同的思想时期,表现出不同的教育思想意蕴.从"作为教育家的艺术家"到"作为教育家的叔本华"再到"作为教育家的查拉图斯特拉",尼采的教育思想在不断攀升.作为教育家的艺术家,用悲剧艺术的"酒神精神"教导人类实现自我解救与生命力量的丰盈;作为教育家的人生哲学家,叔本华用诚实、乐观和坚韧的精神品质教导人们要"成为自我",而查拉图斯特拉以生命的"权力意志"和"重估一切价值"的思想智慧,培育超越于现实人类、具有超强意志力和价值创造力的"超人".  相似文献   

Contrasting images of teachers' lives and work, from compliance with bureaucratic controls, disaffection and lack of critical reflection, on the one hand, to innovation, commitment and reflexive critique, on the other, set the context for this article. Gramsci's classification of teachers as 'professional intellectuals' who transmit stable, even stagnant, knowledge, as distinct from other 'organic intellectuals' who evolve knowledge and engage critically with personal and social issues, is set within that context. Both distinctions were taken as an incitement to political action in the work which is then reported, where principles derived from Maslow's concept of the Taoistic teacher were instituted in an in-service course explicitly framed to encourage self-originating and self-determining approaches to intellectual growth. Extracts from projects by six teachers are used as evidence of the range, methods, depth and quality of personal engagements in educational experiences.  相似文献   

孔子的教育思想与其哲学思想密切相关,其人生境界观对人格教育产生了深远的影响,主要体现在人格教育的目标、形式以及对教育者的人格要求三方面.其中,教育者作为人格榜样的观点对当下人格教育具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The development of a professional teacher educator identity has implications for how one negotiates the duties of a teacher, scholar, and learner. The research on teacher educator identity in the USA has been largely conducted on traditional teacher educators, or those who have started their careers as public school teachers and then went on to the collegiate level as teacher educators. This auto-ethnography considers the professional identity formation of a nontraditional teacher educator, one whose professional career did not include a career as a public school teacher. Although there are common influences on professional development between the traditional and nontraditional teacher educator, such as biography, institutional contexts, and personal pedagogy, there are significant differences in the process as those influences are experienced. This research proposes an extended process for nontraditional teacher educators, including the search for legitimacy and belonging in the community of educators.  相似文献   

There has been a limited interest in examining physical education teacher educators’ role and practices in embedding professional responsibility and commitment to continued professional learning for both teacher educators and pre-service teachers in a physical education teacher education (PETE) program (MacPhail, 2011) Directed by a landscape of community of practice (CoP) as professional development (Parker, Patton &; Tannehill, 2012), this article shares four case studies that demonstrate the extent to which PETE learning can be mapped onto the landscape. In essence, a CoP is sustained over time, involves shared member goals, involves frequent discourse, is active and social, and is characterized by problems being solved by the members. The ideas in this article in tandem with Wenger's (1998) CoP process can encourage teacher educators to consider whether opportunities undertaken in a PETE program, and with colleagues external to the PETE program, encourage an authentic CoP.  相似文献   

Recent research on teacher diversity has highlighted the challenges new teachers of color face when they enter diverse school settings. In this study the pedagogy of three sociopolitically conscious teacher educators is investigated to understand how they tailor preparation for teachers of color. Findings revealed that teacher educators' pedagogy for teacher candidates of color was characterized by three mutually binding mindsets and practices: (a) teacher educators made an intentional choice to work as a change agent for communities of color; (b) teacher educators challenged sociocultural barriers to the academic and professional achievement of teachers of color; and (c) teacher educators implemented constructivist approaches as an instructional bridge to prepare teacher candidates of color to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Based on findings, the conceptual framework of culturally responsive pedagogy is reconstructed to generate suppositions about the culturally responsive teacher educator as a theoretical construct.  相似文献   

In an attempt to confront society's drug problem, many colleges and universities have implemented drug testing programs for their student-athletes. While more and more institutions continue to initiate drug testing programs, a number of questions concerning the constitutionality of drug testing remain unanswered. constitutional questions such as due protection against self-incrimination, due process guarantees, and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures are at issue. In light of the many unanswered questions surrounding drug testing, administrators should develop not only a philosophical rationale but also a legal rationale for either having or not having drug testing programs for student-athletes.  相似文献   

校长:作为教师教育者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为教师教育者是校长的必然选择。针对学校管理特别是农村中学管理中存在的对教师专业发展认识不足、缺乏规划、校本培训不规范、经费投入不足等制约教师专业发展的问题,提出校长引领教师专业发展的若干策略。  相似文献   

The two dominant sport ideologies of the 20th century are Olympism and professionalism. This paper documents the recent articulation between these formerly alternative codes of sport into a single organic hegemony termed prolympism; examines the manifestations and consequences of this articulation; and considers the limitations and opportunities presented by the emergence of a global sport monoculture.  相似文献   

“终身教育”和“学习型社会”的发展趋势必须强化高校图书馆员的教育者身份,高校图书馆员也是教育者,教育者身份要求高校图书馆馆员承担新读者的入馆教育、加强对大学生的信息素质教育、馆员自身教师形象的塑造几个方面,发挥好教育者角色的作用,有利于把高校图书馆的教育潜能挖掘出来,真正地服务于高等院校。  相似文献   

Life in the academy is a complex and difficult journey. Future faculty must learn how to adapt and grow because the landscape of their career and higher education will constantly change. We are honored that Dr. Dan Landers asked us to contribute our thoughts regarding future faculty preparation and the Arizona State University (ASU) Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) program, in particular. In this respect, Rafer Lutz describes the impact that PFF had upon his recent job search and acclimatization to a new university. Lynda Ransdell details the ways PFF has helped her life as a junior faculty member. Important lessons include seeking true colleagues, the importance of teaching, seeking out multiple mentors, and full participation in the faculty experience.  相似文献   

Many graduates of doctoral programs in kinesiology and physical education (KPE) pursue positions in higher education. To determine how student interests in KPE are aligned with academic positions and the qualifications for and responsibilities of those positions, we conducted two analyses: (a) of student interest based on a survey of 26 doctoral degree programs from 1997-2000, and (b) of position announcements from 1998-2002 in The Chronicle of Higher Education. Overall, 1,483 positions were found. Results showed that competitive candidates need a doctorate degree or ABD (n = 1,108), college/university (n = 695) or K-12 (n = 316) teaching experience, and a record of or potential for scholarly activity (n = 483). Teaching responsibilities were usually in the position subdiscipline, yet candidates need to be prepared to teach a variety of courses. Nonteaching responsibilities included scholarship (n = 723), service (n = 644), and student advisement (n = 543). Doctoral programs in KPE need to determine the future aspirations of degree candidates and offer them a variety of learning experiences and assessments to prepare qualified candidates for these positions.  相似文献   

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