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从教学论的视角检视师范院校教育学课程建设,要求教育学课程作出调整和改革。教学目标人性化、教学内容学科化、教学过程生成化、教学方法综合化、教学手段多样化、教学评价多元化是未来教育学课程建设的教学论诉求。  相似文献   

Feedback is frequently highlighted as a key contributor to students’ learning. This literature study argues that the focus of some of the feedback literature appears too narrow to understand what is going on in a classroom. Parts of the feedback literature show the relationship between feedback and learning approximate to a process-product model that predicts learning outcomes. The authors claim that feedback has to be studied in a classroom context and as a part of the teaching process to become more useful for teachers and pupils. Feedback research is thus discussed in light of other research traditions: Didaktik theory and classroom research in the last three decades. The article is based on a critical reading of feedback literature from a Didaktik perspective in order to enhance the complexity of the feedback concept. Our North-Continental Didaktik perspective focuses the importance of subject matter, the difference between subject matter and meaning, and the relative autonomy of teaching and learning activities. Classroom research from guided reading is employed as an example of how classroom research may contribute to explore classroom reality subject matter-based feedback in a school context.  相似文献   

This article examines Finnish cooperating physics teachers’ conceptions of teacher knowledge in physics. Six experienced teachers were interviewed. The data was analyzed to form categories concerning the basis of teacher knowledge, and the tradition of German Didaktik and Shulman’s theory of teacher knowledge were used in order to understand the results. The results show that the teachers strongly emphasize knowledge related to day-to-day teaching practice. In German Didaktik, this means knowledge of the best instructional methods, while in Shulman’s categorization it belongs to the category of representations, strategies, and methods. It was also found that the teachers appear to lack some of the essential key ideas of modern physics teacher education, such as a holistic view of instructional approaches.  相似文献   

During the last 20 years, we have witnessed a growing interest in research in teaching, learning and educational development in higher education (HE). The result is that ‘Higher Education Didactics’ has established itself as a research field in its own right. This article explores Higher Education Didactics as a framework for academics’ professional reflection on teaching and learning, by mapping the didactic topics in all contributions in four journals in the period 2008–2015. Two of the journals are based in Scandinavia, where the European tradition of didactics (Didaktik) has been highly influential, while the others stem from the Anglo-Saxon curriculum tradition. The mapping shows that all journals are strongly occupied with teaching methods, especially methods grounded in theories of active and social learning. In contrast, didactic categories such as goal, content and assessment are rare topics. Students as participants and learners are a frequent topic in especially one journal, but receive little attention in the other journals. Also, educational technologies receive a varying degree of attention across the journals. Based on the mapping, this article discusses Higher Education Didactics as a framework for professional reflection in HE. It concludes that a broader range of research topics would be desirable and asks for future collaboration on the currently uncharted topics.  相似文献   

German readers would immediately associate the term ‘discipline-based’ with Didaktik, which in the German-speaking world is an established branch of education science. The first section therefore deals with the development of Didaktik, understood as a theory of teaching and learning which seeks to investigate the relationships between discipline-based and general teaching theories. Didaktik was originally a strictly theory-oriented discipline in German-speaking countries, but changes in its terms of reference have led to an acceptance of the more pragmatically oriented curriculum theory of the English-speaking world. The term ‘discipline-based’ seems to indicate that here, too, education science has turned its back on positivistic, ‘purely scientific’ standards, so a knowledge of the German discussion of teaching-learning theory may be of interest.

The second section shows that in distance education, too, general teaching models need concretization in terms of discipline-based teaching theory, and that on the other hand, any discipline-based theory needs to have its foundations in general teaching theory, i.e. in pedagogic principles.

The third section therefore postulates the necessity of a theory of distance education which is based on practical experience.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学应以词汇教学为中心   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文强调了对外汉语教学应以词汇教学为中心的观点,并从汉语词汇自身的特点出发论述了“以词汇教学为中心“的理论依据.文章共4部分:如何理解“以词汇教学为中心“,汉语词汇集语音、语义、语法、语用和文化于一体,汉语的虚词是词汇、语法的教学重点,汉语的构词特征与词汇教学.  相似文献   

Curriculum theorists have acknowledged the relevance of ‘hermeneutics’, or theory of interpretation and understanding, to curriculum studies. In the European ‘Didaktik’ tradition hermeneutics has also been applied to the curriculum work of educators, but such an extension is rarer in the Anglo-American tradition. Educators in the latter tradition are expected to implement rather than actively interpret standardised curriculum. However, working with standardised curriculum is a process rich with hermeneutic significance. In this paper educator work with one form of standardized curriculum, so-called ‘competency-based’ education, is investigated. The touchstone of this investigation is a small study of educator curriculum interpretation practices in the Australian vocational education system, a system that allows educators very little scope to exercise professional autonomy with respect to the content of learning. Wilhelm Dilthey’s seminal hermeneutic theory is used to analyse the interpretative work of these educators. The paper foregrounds the complexity of this hermeneutic practice and challenges the assumption that the interpretation of standardised curriculum is a straightforward process. The argument is made that Australia’s vocational education system underestimates the hermeneutic dimension of educator work and further complicates the process by promulgating a textual form that is hermeneutically ambiguous.  相似文献   

Assuming that dynamic features of Dynamic Geometry Software may provide a basic representation of both variation and functional dependency, and taking the Vygotskian perspective of semiotic mediation, a teaching experiment was designed with the aim of introducing students to the idea of function. This paper focuses on the use of the Trace tool and its potentialities for constructing the meaning of function. In particular, starting from a dynamic approach aimed at grounding the meaning of function in the experience of covariation, the Trace tool can be used to introduce the twofold meaning of trajectory, at the same time global and pointwise, and leads students to grasp the notion of function.  相似文献   

哈尼族对自然生态的敬畏传统已经有上千年的历史,他们视良好的生态环境为民族繁衍的命脉,将生态环境视为维系生产和生活的根本所在。哈尼族郭合人所秉承的是天人合一、众生平等的自然主义生态观,具有深远的生态美学价值和意义,尊重自然、生态自我、生态平等、生态同情,深刻阐释了人类与自然的关系。  相似文献   

The criteria of effective teaching in higher education are understood to comprise particular skills and practices applied within particular contexts. Drawing on the literature and using Australia’s understanding of effective teaching, this paper examines the notion of effective teaching. The paper specifically compares dimensions derived from robust research and psychometric processes with the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s criteria for effective teaching and observes the criteria of effective teaching in higher education to have evolved. While the paper suggests some areas in which future considerations of the notion of effective teaching might usefully focus, it also argues that context is critical and that it is subject to continuous and multiple changes imposed by forces from within and outside universities. The paper maintains that our collective understanding of competent, professional and effective teaching must continually evolve in order that it accurately reflects and continually responds to the contexts in which learning and teaching is undertaken. The paper also calls for an ongoing agenda that continuously investigates and articulates the meaning of effective teaching in a changed, and changing, context.  相似文献   

"教学论"与"教学理论"是分别从德文与英文翻译过来的两个不同的教育概念。尽管其各自的研究都共同指向课堂教学,但由于源于不同的文化传统,它们在思维方式和研究范式、研究对象、范围和方法以及对教师地位和角色的规定方面都存在诸多差异。"教学论"与"教学理论"是两种难以通约的研究范式,前者根植于德国深厚的新人文主义的"教化"(Bildung)传统,属于欧洲唯理主义哲学为理论基础的"教育学"范式;后者则与课程论以及不同取向的教育心理学相联系,属于经验主义和实证主义为理论基础的"教育科学"范式。清理20世纪我国从西方不同文化传统引进的教育学科的概念,弄清不同概念的含义及其在我国语境中的变化,是新世纪重建教育学科的一项重要的基础性工作。  相似文献   

Cain, M. “Texts and the foreign language teacher: some reflections on aims,” Revue ATEE Journal 1980 (3) 135‐145.

This article, originally presented as a paper at a conference in Denmark on the notion of ‘text’ in language teaching, explores the aims of language teaching. The author relates what he considers to be progressive elements in language teaching pedagogy to the basically conservative tradition which exists in practice. Through an examination of the notion of ‘truth’ in connection with work with texts, he outlines three different traditions within educational theory: the positivist, the humanist and the emancipatory. Taking the last tradition as a factor of renewal, the author outlines a didactic model which would live up to the aims of modern language teaching as he sees them. In conclusion, a number of practical points are made relating to the application of such a model.  相似文献   

The notion of equivalence relation is arguably one of the most fundamental ideas of mathematics. Accordingly, it plays an important role in teaching mathematics at all levels, whether explicitly or implicitly. Our success in introducing this notion for its own sake or as a means to teach other mathematical concepts, however, depends largely on our own conceptions of it. This paper considers various conceptions of equivalence, in history, in mathematics today, and in mathematics education. It reveals critical differences in the notion of equivalence at different points in history and a meaning for equivalence proposed by mathematicians and mathematics educators that is at variance with the ways that learners may think. These differences call into question the most popular view of the subject: that the mathematical notion of equivalence relation is the result of spelling out our experience of equivalence. Moreover, the findings of this study suggest that the standard definition of an equivalence relation is ill-chosen from a pedagogical point of view but well-crafted from a mathematical point of view.  相似文献   

在国内,目前关于智慧教室的研究与实践较为注重其装备、工具及技术效能,而未能充分考虑实际需求。文章深入分析了智慧教室的概念、内涵及特征,并从教与学的实际需求出发,构建了以需求为导向的智慧教室系统模型,进而以佛山市禅城区智慧教室建设为例,阐述了智慧教室的基础架构及功能设计,希望对智慧教室的构建实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

新加坡的高等教育体系是世界领先的,它将东西方教育精髓融会贯通,形成自己独具特色的教育理念。随着经济的发展,新加坡的高等教育事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。同时,相比西方发达国家,新加坡在文化传统、思想意识等方面与我国有更多的相似之处,因此,借鉴该国的高等教育发展经验对我国高等教育的发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

At the dawn of a national curriculum for English in Australia, grammar has appeared without any serious interrogation of the terms of its re-entry and against ambiguous evidence about its value for teaching writing. What kinds of knowledge about language do teachers need in rhetorically productive teaching? This article investigates the potential of Halliday’s notion of grammatics for understanding students’ writing as acts of meaning in context. Drawing on systemic-functional linguistics, I show how teachers can assess writing achievement using ‘big picture’ tools like genre, register and ‘small picture’ tools like Expansion. I apply these tools to two student texts that call for attention to creative uses of language and to excursions and to difficulties with logic and coherence. The paper concludes that a ‘good enough’ grammatics will enable teachers to recognize playful developments in students’ texts and also to foster their control of literate discourse.  相似文献   

教学理论知识增长的两种理路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对教学理论“知识传统”及文本的省察,教学理论研究知识增长分为两种合法理路:1.传统。认为教学理论传统的功能一方面在于作为一种源泉、一种背景,在持续的积累和扩展中推动教学知识的发展;另一方面在于提供一种批判和扬弃的契机,通过不断变革创新促进教学知识的发展;2.理念(先行结构)。认为教学知识增长是对各种教学理念的整合与吸纳过程,一种范式之间不断流变的过程。教学理论知识增长两种路向的探讨意在表明教学理论研究的“爱”教学智慧的柢质。  相似文献   

为“数的定点表示与浮点表示”的探究式教学设计了一系列问题,并用直观的方式分析了这些问题。这对于深入理解定点带符号数的数据特征、规格化浮点数的表示范围、定点表示与浮点表示的比较有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

辩论式——高校服装设计作业布置方式的改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布置作业是一个重要的教学过程,但现代高校教学却没有给以足够的重视。针对当前高校服装设计作业布置方式的弊端,提出了新型的作业布置方式,即辩论式。并深入分析了辩论式作业布置法的概念、意义,阐述了该方式的具体操作与要求。  相似文献   

传统的高校足球教学强调技术教学,忽视人的价值和意义,是对人性的一种压抑,是不符合当前高校体育课程改革要求的.为此,以建构主义理论为依据,对构建高校人性化足球教学体系进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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