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为了解目前聋校语文课程的实施现状 ,本研究对部分聋校教师进行了调查、分析。结果表明 ,老师们认为目前的语文课程与聋生已有的经验和生活联系不紧密 ,对聋生沟通与交往能力的提高及学习其它学科帮助不大 ,也不能使聋生获得全面和谐的发展。因此 ,聋校的语文课程必须进行改革。  相似文献   

为了解聋校教师对目前数学课程的看法 ,本研究对部分聋校教师进行了调查、分析。结果表明 ,目前的数学课程与聋生已有的经验和生活联系不紧密 ,使学生难以体验数学的真正意义 ,不利于促进聋生学习方式的改善和数学方法的掌握 ,不适合于个体差异较大的聋生 ,不能使聋生获得和谐全面的发展。因此 ,数学必须在课程功能、内容、结构等方面进行全面的改革。  相似文献   

本文从“温故而知新,可以为师矣”、“温而厉,威而不猛,恭而安”、“爱之,能勿劳乎?忠焉,能勿诲乎”、“君子不器”等四个方面探讨了孔子的教师观及其现代价值,正确认识孔子的这些教师观,对当今教育有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty‐nine Israeli high school teachers filled in questionnaires in which they were asked about their philosophy of education and their attitudes toward and the use of their school library. When asked about their philosophy of education many answers reflected the progressive approach, although most of them gave undecisive answers. When asked about their practical work different answers were given. Only 26% of the teachers regularly give their students individual assignments, and only 14% see the contribution of the library to the learning process as very important. There were significant differences among the different departments’ teachers. More social sciences and humanities teachers view the library as an important part of the educational process and use it than the science teachers. The smallest use is made by languages, mathematics, and technical and vocational teachers.  相似文献   

This is a study of how a group of primary school teachers in Singapore dealt with the possibility of introducing informal educational innovations in their school settings. “Informal innovations” here refers to the voluntary adoption of new teaching methods, techniques and ideas acquired during an in-service teacher education programme, namely, the Further Professional Certificate in Education (FPCE) programme conducted by the Institute of Education, Singapore. Did these teachers attempt, when back in their schools, to experiment with the new ideas and methods of teaching they had been exposed to during the one year of the FPCE programme? What factors worked for, and against, attempts at innovations in their primary schools? Were there structural constraints and socio-psychological obstacles that they had to negotiate in order to adopt innovations in classroom and educational practices? If innovative ideas had remained dormant, was this because the teachers were unconvinced about the practicality and relevance of these ideas for the classroom and the school? These questions serve as the focal points of a small study involving 66 primary school teachers. Of the 66 teachers, sixteen had resumed work at school for nine months after they completed their in-service attachment at the Institute of Education (IE). The remaining 50 were in the midst of their in-service training when they participated in the study.  相似文献   

The article presents results of a study on the correlation between value preferences and attitudes towards individuals with a disability. Five hundred and eighty respondents took part in the research, among them 300 special needs teachers (SNT) and 280 general teachers (GT). Attitudes towards Individuals with a Disability Scale and Brzozowski’s Scheler Value Scale were used in the research. Significant correlations (Pearson’s r) between attitudes towards individuals with a disability and value preference were found only in the group of SNT and solely in terms of vital values. Canonical analysis showed significant complex correlations between value preferences and attitudes towards individuals with disability in SNT. Preference for the lower values and the rejection of the higher values correlate with ambivalence and with negative attitudes towards individuals with a disability. In the case of GT, the canonical variable is not statistically significant.  相似文献   

本研究被试为普通师范院校大学生675名。自编“师范生教师职业态度”问卷,问卷由职业认知、职业声望、职业情感、职业行为倾向、职业吸引五个因素组成,共28个题。结果显示:师范生教师职业态度均分属于中等偏上水平,未达积极水平。男生与女生在职业声望因素上有显著差异,后者高于前者。来自农村与城市的学生在职业声望、职业情感、职业行为倾向上有显著差异,前者高于后者。文理科、不同地区的师范生教师职业态度无差异。并针对调查结果,提出提高师范生教师职业态度方法。  相似文献   


Research and design activities are important focus points in international policies for secondary Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. It is up to school teachers to implement and supervise these activities in the STEM classroom. However, not much is known about the attitudes teachers hold towards supervising research projects or design projects. In this study, a questionnaire to measure teacher attitudes towards supervising research activities and design activities in secondary school was completed by 130 Dutch teachers who taught the relatively new Dutch STEM subjects O&O (research and design) and NLT (nature, life, and technology). These integrated STEM subjects are project and context based and are taught in a limited number of schools. Important differences between these integrated STEM subjects are their student and teacher populations: NLT is taught in grades 10–12 by teachers with a qualification in a science subject, while O&O is taught in grades 7–12 and can be given by any teacher in secondary school. The results showed that on average, both O&O and NLT teachers had high self-efficacy scores on supervising research and design projects even when they had received no special education in doing so. Furthermore, the teachers in general viewed supervising research projects as a more relevant activity than supervising design. Since research and design activities are becoming more important in (inter)national curriculum standards, STEM teacher education and subsequent professional development should not only familiarize teachers with supervising research projects, but with design projects as well.


阐述了抓源头是治理学风不正之本,对学风不正的源头因素进行了认真分析。在此基础上,对治理不正学风抓源头工作提出了有效对策。  相似文献   

Over the decades, efforts have been made to incorporate diverse perspectives on World Englishes into English Language Teaching (ELT) practice and teaching materials. To date, the majority of ELT learners and teachers have not yet been exposed to materials which use and explore non-standard forms of English. This paper examines the attitudes of Japanese learners and teachers of English towards the use of these forms in ELT coursebooks. This study, conducted through questionnaires, surveys, focus groups and interviews, indicates that junior and high school teachers in Japan are open to the possibility of exposing students to different varieties of English. There are also indications that teachers and students share practical concerns about this.  相似文献   

高中教师对普通高中课程现状的满意度调研报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年1-7月,普通高中课程研究课题组进行了一次全国性问卷调查,旨在了解中小学教师、学生、家长和社会人士对高中课程现状的满意情况。本文作为此次问卷调查的调研结果之一,将对收回的1705份有效教师问卷进行分析说明。  相似文献   

中小学师生关系对教师的教学和学生的发展有非常重要的作用,但实际上师生的交流还存在一定的困难。如果借鉴心理咨询师对待来访者的促进态度,通过积极倾听的姿态,对学生能做到积极接纳和关注、共感理解、尊重和真诚,健康、和谐的师生关系就一定会形成。  相似文献   


Teachers’ beliefs and awareness regarding immigration policy is an area of research that has been largely unexplored in the broader discussion of socio-political consciousness and critical social studies education. This study is based on a multi-methods methodology, particularly a partially mixed sequential equal status design (Leech and Onwuegbuzie in Qual Quant 43(2):265–275, 2009). The quantitative portion of this study is based on a survey conducted in 2017 among K-12 teachers nationwide (n?=?5190) and a nested sample of 200 Southern Social Studies teachers. (McCorkle in The awareness and attitudes of teachers towards educational restrictions for immigrant students. Doctoral dissertation, Clemson University, 2018a). The qualitative sample is a content analysis from an examination of South Carolina social studies textbooks (n?=?8). The quantitative analysis revealed a concerning pattern of unawareness of immigration policy among many teachers as well as a strong relationship between embrace of false immigration narratives and exclusionary attitudes towards immigrant students. The analysis of the textbooks showed little in the formal curriculum that would problematize false immigration narratives and instead demonstrated a tendency to bolster these narratives. The results reveal a need of teacher education programs and additional professional development to help critique these “common-sense” (mis)understandings about immigration that are factually incorrect and help contribute to the larger patterns of xenophobia in the society.


昭通地区中小学教师继续教育态度调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从中小学教师继续教育的态度,继续教育的方式,课程设置等问题进行了抽样调查,结果表明,中小学教师对继续教育的态度在总体上是积极上进的,但也有部分教师对继续教育缺乏正确的认识和科学的态度,不同级别的中小学教师在不同的态度上有差异。  相似文献   

课程体系改革是高等教育改革的重点和核心内容之一。衡阳、邵阳、常德三院校的多位学者联合攻关 ,共同对面向 2 1世纪的高师专科三年制地理专业课程体系改革进行了研究与实践的探索 ,本文特将研究成果归纳总结 ,参与交流  相似文献   

文艺复兴时期意大利出现的犹太隔都既非反宗教改革的产物,也不是中世纪迫害犹太人政策的延续。在佛罗伦萨,隔都内的犹太人并未遭到如后人想象的那种迫害,相反,隔都制度加强了犹太人的内在凝聚力,并直接促进了当地犹太社团的形成。  相似文献   

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