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后现代主义源起于对现代主义的反思.作为现代主义在课程领域的体现,泰勒原理必然遭遇来自后现代主义的诘难.主要表现为“目标是预设的吗”、“知识是外在于学生的吗”、“教师是外在权威吗”、“评价只涉及目标实现程度吗”以及“教学过程是线性的吗”五个方面.从理论层面出发,对以实践为导向的泰勒原理进行质疑与批判有失公允,应辩证看待后现代主义对泰勒原理的诘难,在现代主义与后现代主义的交融中发展泰勒原理.  相似文献   

企业社会责任的新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业要承担社会责任虽然已经得到社会较为普遍的承认,但是存在的一个误区是,有人认为,企业承担社会责任只是为树立企业形象而长期赢利的手段,这是一种单纯工具理性的价值取向。从形而上的角度来说,还应该赋予社会责任以"价值理性"的终极意义,这种理性上的价值转向,有重要的伦理内涵。同时,要实现这种理性的转向,需要引进互惠交换机制。  相似文献   

CONGRESS AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY by George N. Rainsford. Knoxville, Tennessee: University of Tennessee Press, 1972. 156 pp. $6.95.

BAYLOR AT INDEPENDENCE: 1845‐1886 by Lois Smith Murray. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 1972. xxiii + 421 pp. $10.00.

DIRECTORY OF FACILITIES FOR THE LEARNING‐DISABLED AND HANDICAPPED by Careth Ellingson and James Cass. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, Inc., 1972. xii + 624 pp. $15.00.

THE EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: INSTRUCTIONAL USES OF THE COMPUTER IN HIGHER EDUCATION by Roger E. Levien et al. A Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and RAND Corporation Study. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1972. 583 pp. $12.50.

GOVERNANCE FOR THE TWO‐YEAR COLLEGE by Richard C. Richardson, Jr., Clyde E. Blocker, and Louis W. Bender. Prentice‐Hall, 1972. ix + 245 pp. $8.95.

TEACHING SINGING by John Carroll Burgin. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1973. 284 pp. $7.50.

THE NIGHTWATCHERS by Angus Cameron. Illustrated with line drawings by Peter Parnall. New York: Four Winds Press, 1971. 112 pp. $8.95.  相似文献   

中国自上世纪50年代以后一直轰轰烈烈了20多年,最后以一场轰轰烈烈的最高潮谢幕.1978年以后恢复平静. 教育在那个时期也轰轰烈烈,并在轰轰烈烈中破败不堪.1978年之后,教育也平静了.教育的秩序再没有大乱过了.  相似文献   

Cognitive test anxiety is a considerable barrier to academic success. The control value theory of achievement emotions suggests emotions within academic situations—including test‐anxious responses—follow from control and value appraisals. Furthermore, the control value theory suggests a multitude of individual‐level factors that influence appraisals. However, few investigations have explored the interactive influence of enduring personality traits and control and value appraisals on the experience of cognitive test anxiety. The current study was designed to explore the relationship among openness to experience, neuroticism, conscientiousness, control and value appraisals, and cognitive test anxiety. Participants (N = 481) completed the Big Five Inventory, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, and the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale‐Short Form. Using exploratory structural equation modeling, we demonstrated that value and control appraisals were important predictors of cognitive test anxiety. Furthermore, results indicated that openness to experience was a positive predictor of value appraisals. Finally, results indicated that higher levels of control appraisals were associated with higher levels of conscientiousness and openness to experience and lower levels of neuroticism. These findings have important implications for our understanding of the determinants of cognitive test anxiety and have implications for efforts designed to identify test‐anxious students.  相似文献   

Teacher education in the United Kingdom, especially in England, has changed considerably over the past 20 years or so. The main purpose of this article is to analyse the direction and nature of these changes, using primary English work as a focus. The article uses snapshots of the provision in three institutions, each at a different time point, as the basis for the development of a number of themes describing the nature of the changes. It goes on to tackle the major question of whether or not such changes can be described as progress.  相似文献   

Children's appraisals of interparental conflict consistently have been associated with adjustment problems, but the processes that give rise to this association are not well understood. This paper proposes that appraisals of threat and self-blame mediate the association between children's reports of interparental conflict and internalizing problems, and tests this mediational hypothesis in two samples of children, one drawn from the community (317 ten- to fourteen-year-olds) and the other from battered women's shelters (145 ten- to twelve-year-olds). Results indicate that perceived threat mediates the association between interparental conflict and internalizing problems for boys and girls in both samples, and self-blame mediates this association for boys in both samples and girls in the shelter sample. Perceived threat and self-blame do not mediate links with externalizing problems, and there is no evidence of a moderating effect of appraisals on the association between conflict and child adjustment. Implications for understanding the mechanism by which exposure to interparental conflict could lead to child maladjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

课程目标是课程的第一要素,而“三维目标”是新一轮课程改革所要达到的目标。深入学习和理解新课程的“三维目标”,准确把握其内在辩证关系,是新一轮课程改革持续、稳妥进行下去的关键。  相似文献   

潜在语义分析:原理与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潜在语义分析(LSA)是关于知识归纳和知识表征的新理论,也是利用大型本语料库及统计计算方法提取和表征词汇语境意义的一种理论和方法,然而在实际应用中存在着一定的局限性,缺乏人类用来构建和应用经验知识的认知能力。建设大型语料库和提供在线语篇理解加工模式会将进一步促进LSA研究。  相似文献   


This article presents arguments for teacher leadership. It challenges the current orthodoxy of school organisation and seeks to extend the current debate about distributed leadership. It offers a view of teacher leadership which is inclusive rather than limited to those with management responsibility or specific change agent roles. It focuses on learning-centred development work in which teachers act strategically to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The article includes illustrative cases and proposals for strategies to support teacher leadership. It also offers a framework for planning and evaluating the impact of teacher-led development work.  相似文献   

经过40多年的发展,基于视频的实证研究已经成为教育研究——尤其是对学习过程的研究——的主流取径之一。然而,对于为什么要运用视频,如何对视频进行分析,学界仍然见解不一。本文在梳理相关历史和理论的基础上,通过两个案例呈现视频分析的三个重要维度,即个人的身体、社会的身体、身体与物件的互动。本文指出,这三个维度根本性地影响着我们对课堂互动、学习过程、教学机制的分析、理解与阐释,而视频数据在其中起到了不可或缺的作用。最后,本文强调,为了发掘视频研究的潜力,教育工作者需要从理论视角上扭转语言中心论的偏见,探索教师对自己课堂的评价权,并且尊重课堂生活世界中的日用行常。  相似文献   


This article describes an alternative to the traditional method of administering the comprehensive examination, logically integrated in criminal justice educational program objectives. First, the traditional method of offering the comprehensive examination is evaluated according to its ability to satisfy the educational program goals of developing critical thinking and communication skills together with knowledge of the discipline. Bloom's Taxonomy is used as the paradigm of evaluation. Based upon the examination of available literature and the actual administration of the traditional comprehensive examination at Virginia Commonwealth University, the conclusion is reached that traditional examinations do not test beyond Bloom's first step, knowledge of terminology. The administration of the take-home comprehensive exam is then analyzed as administered at VCU and is found to better serve the educational program objectives of critical thinking and communication skills together with learning knowledge.  相似文献   

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