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本研究以中瑞义务教育课程标准为主线,在两国义务教育课程改革的背景下,从历史文化、教育观念、政治制度和国内外形势等多角度,解读和比较两国义务教育课程改革的目标、取向、模式、动力。  相似文献   

在倡导信息技术与课程整合的今天 ,义务教育课程标准对此也有了相应的观照 ,但由于种种原因的限制 ,在课程标准整合信息技术的文本层面 ,产生了一些不容忽视的问题 ,集中体现在 :整合空间结构和时间结构上的割裂 ,对信息技术教育价值认识上的偏差 ,对信息技术整合于学科课程的形式、角色和功能把握不准定位不清 ,等等。  相似文献   

Although systemic reform seems to be a broadly accepted framework for educational change, concrete reform projects still face the uncertainty of how to meet the necessary requirements. This paper considers the case of a curriculum reform process in primary mathematics education that has a focus on the involvement and influence of parents. The data consists of a short address to the parents of first‐graders printed in the teacher’s version of a textbook. In this address, the parents are introduced to the new concept of active‐explorative learning and allocated a specific role within the process of change. By means of discourse analysis and the sociological ideas of exclusion/inclusion, autonomy, and expert/non‐technical discourse, the long‐term consequences of the social role assigned to parents in the programme is discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we draw upon focus group data from a large study of learner trajectories through 14–19 mathematics education to think about the notion of relevance in the mathematics curriculum. Drawing on data from three socially distanced sites we explore how different emphases on what might be termed practical, process and/or professional forms of relevance affect the experiences and aspirations of learners of mathematics. We consider whether an emphasis on practical relevance in schools serving relatively disadvantaged communities might aid the reproduction of students' social position. This leads us to suggest that a fourth category of curriculum relevance – political relevance – is largely missing from classrooms.  相似文献   

Religious Education (RE) in Greece is a compulsory school subject according the 2011 new framework for compulsory education, entitled ‘New School’. This article focuses on two statutory documents for RE, ‘The Curriculum for RE’ and the ‘The Teacher’s Guide for RE’, and the pilot scheme of the new curriculum running in school years, 2011–2014, in 188 schools (primary and secondary education). Findings of the research demonstrate that, though the revision seems inevitable, the pedagogical and theological dimension of the RE curriculum is radical as it is based on contemporary theories and methodologies of the construction of the curriculum and RE approaches. However, the article indicates constructivist and critical approaches to RE that influenced the change to an actual non-confessional compulsory subject and also highlighted the tension between an overall constructivist approach to learning and the traditional orthodox content of much of the curriculum. The author opens a discussion on problematic aspects that need to be taken in to consideration when revising the curriculum.  相似文献   

The conundrum of the inclusive educational curriculum is that the more inclusive a curriculum becomes in practice, the less inclusive it becomes in principle. In this paper we explain the conundrum and argue that its appearance is a product of what could be called ‘object‐based’ logic which is underpinned by a deterministic understanding of causality. As long as we employ object‐based logic to think about the curriculum, we cannot avoid asking what a curriculum is for. Whoever answers this question necessarily excludes other possibilities. We argue that a relational or ‘complex’ understanding of causality, which is shared by complexity theories, poststructural theories, deconstruction and Deweyan pragmatism, offers a way out of the conundrum by offering a different understanding of process and hence the guiding role of the curriculum in the educational process. In allowing the possibility of a guiding role for the curriculum, while dispensing with the need for a curricular ‘end’, complex logic can inform an understanding of curriculum which succeeds where humanistic education in its various forms has failed.  相似文献   

The article examines the stability and success of ideas within pedagogical discourses. Why do certain ideas attract actors and how does change come about? These general questions are dealt with through considering the example of the swift spread of an interdisciplinary idea, arbetsområde (translated to ‘spheres of work’) in the process of a Swedish national curriculum reform 1966–1967. How did it manage to become such a central concept in the curriculum? The article uses the concept of the boundary object in order to understand the popularity of the ‘spheres of work’ concept. Boundary objects have normally been used to explain the rigidity of science, and how the heterogeneity of different actors normally involved in the production of scientific knowledge can be coordinated and result in generalizable findings. However, lately, they have been applied to the field of curriculum studies. In this study, a boundary object pinpoints the fact that curricular solutions can be about coordinating different types of actors with different stakes in the making of a curriculum.  相似文献   

课程观是课程的灵魂,是人们对课程的基本看法。新课程背景下人们对课程本质、课程内容、课程学习方式、课程目标和课程主体都有了全新的看法。新的课程观要求新课程实施过程中的学生、教师、师生关系、课堂教学和教学评价等以新的面孔呈现。  相似文献   

课程论是旅游课程体系设计和建设的理论基础,没有课程论支撑的旅游课程体系设计与建设带有一定的盲目性。从课程论的视角审视当前中国的旅游课程体系,发现教师中心和学科中心模式占据了主导地位,而学生中心模式则相对被忽视。中国旅游课程体系重视课程文件建设,但忽视了课程实现的建设。因此,中国旅游课程体系必须重视学生的话语权,加强课程实现的建设,方能更趋完善。  相似文献   

课程改革:愿景与可能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革不仅是课程发展中的普遍现象,而且是课程发展的重要推动力量。课程改革主要缘起于对课程僵化问题、课程超载问题、课程失调问题的解决。课程改革是促使教育活动从自发走向自觉,实现教育决策科学化、理性化以及教育范式恰切性的前提与保障。课程发展史上并不缺乏改革,但并不是所有的改革都取得了成功。课程改革需要整体性立场、过程性思维与实践性路径。  相似文献   

在职业教育课程思想史上,普通论与专业论的论争几乎伴随了整个近代职业教育发展过程,并一直持续到今天,成为当前职业教育课程实践的三大两难问题之一。本文首先系统地描述了这一论争过程,然后探讨了这一两难问题的当代意义及解决方案。这是个二者必居其一的选择,专业化是现代职业教育的根本目标,但普通化也应当是不可忽视的目标。解决这一矛盾的关键是要看到二者之间的连续性,策略上则可通过专业化达成普通化目标。  相似文献   

This article examines the sexuality education component of the national Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education (AC:HPE) with a focus on sexuality education discourses. A critical discourse analysis explored official AC:HPE documents in relation to sexuality education; the sexuality education discourses present within these documents; teacher roles and expectations associated with each discourse; and Australia’s broader social context in relation to education. Findings reveal that the AC:HPE emphasises a teacher-facilitated approach to sexuality education, which contrasts with teacher-centred work dominating the field prior to its release. This approach is in line with recent shifts in education towards strengths-based learning in which students are encouraged to think critically about issues. Despite these emphases, and while the AC:HPE is meant to be used flexibly as a guideline or framework, certain ambiguities within it may leave teachers’ roles open to interpretation and practices therefore unchanged or undisputed.  相似文献   

Building upon past studies of curriculum textbooks in the US, this paper presents an analytical framework that classifies curriculum texts according to their representation of reconceptualized curriculum scholarship. It uses four indicators of the representation of curriculum scholarship in the analyses of eight curriculum texts published in the USA in the 1990s: the author’s stated intentions; the organization of the table of contents; the treatment of the forms of reconceptualism; and the ratio of curriculum and non‐curriculum journal citations. The analysis finds that reconceptualized curriculum scholarship has been at least mentioned, if not extensively treated, in most texts since the mid‐1980s, and that this approach is most comprehensively treated in books published in the 1990s.  相似文献   

本文通过对《基础教育课程改革纲要》中课程知识合法性的追问发现,国家、专家等角色在本次基础教育课程改革中发生了变化。“国家”角色开始隐退,“专家”由“象征性参与者”向“事实性参与者”过渡,使课程知识合法性的主体发生了变化:课程将不纯粹是“传递统治阶级意识形态,进行阶级关系再生产的工具”;“专家”与“国家”在角色、地位上既有磨合又有争夺,从而也改变了课程知识合法性的过程:课程由社会单方“控制”的中介变为多方“认同”、“妥协”的产物。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程注重实践性的活动,让学生在亲历亲为的活动中去体验、去感情从而在一种积极主动和谐的气氛中感受生活、充实生活、获得生活的技能,在开放性的目的、内容中实现学生的不断发展成熟。与传统课程相对应的是,知识是学生在不断地反思中建构起来的。由此,实现学生对个体生活的建构。  相似文献   

娃得福教育是世界上规模最大的和发展最快的教育运动之一,娃德福学校遍布于各大洲各种不同背景和社会价值观的国家.娃得福课程以史代纳的人智学基础,秉承回归生活的教育理念.娃得福课程认为“生活即教育“,生命与生活反应出人类真正的教育需求.  相似文献   

数学是一门义务教育重要学科。在提倡素质教育的今天,数学教师应在教学中渗透素质教育,增强学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

关联理论强调人在交际中的主体认知能力,而功能语体强调语言使用的规范性。从关联理论的角度看,语体是示意-推理交际中的示意手段,同时也是推理过程中认知的对象。语体信息是话语意义的组成部分,对话语的关联产生影响。语体手段的超常规的使用可能使得话语具有含义,交际者需要通过推理来获得其意义。  相似文献   

后现代课程观与校本课程开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校本课程开发已成为我国当前课程改革的一项重要任务。我国香港、台湾及其他部分省啼课程开发中存在着共同的不足之处,主要原因在于缺乏教育理念的转变,印从现代数育观向后现代数育观的转变。校本课程开发应以后现代课程观作指导。  相似文献   

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