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This article focuses on the intersection between deafness and social class in the context of the unstable economic circumstances in Scotland following the 2007 recession. More specifically, this research investigated the following in the case of young people who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH): (1) the interaction between educational attainment and post-school outcomes, and social class; (2) post-school educational experiences in relation to social class. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 young people (aged 18–24) who are DHH. Interview data were analysed alongside administrative and survey data on school and post-school outcomes, and policy documentation. It was found that, in line with the mainstream population, social class is strongly associated with educational outcomes and post-school destinations. The interviews revealed that middle-class young people who are DHH were able to use social networks and the advocacy of parents to mitigate the negative consequences of deafness; this contrasted with the more troubled post-school experiences of young people from less advantaged social backgrounds. This research suggests that if the life chances of deaf young people are to be improved, both social class and deafness need to be taken into consideration by policy-makers and practitioners.  相似文献   

The new Curricula of Cyprus aspire to deliver a new ethos in teaching and learning that promotes the notion of ‘the humane and democratic school' and emphasises the right of every child to succeed. In this context, the new Modern Greek language curriculum in Cyprus has been moulded upon the notion of Critical Literacy (CL). CL is neither an instructional strategy nor a lesson plan. It is a philosophical belief committed to a different worldview. As such, CL requires people's acceptance. Not just students but also teachers must first learn, understand and embrace the notion before applying its principles to their practice. This can only be done through a process of transformative leadership enabling teachers to become transformative leaders themselves. Has this axiom been taken into consideration in the case of Cyprus? Do teachers in Cyprus learn about CL in a process of transformative leadership? This article will attempt to answer these questions utilising the testimonies of Sandra, a primary school teacher who attended the seminars and workshops organised for training teachers to use the new language curriculum.  相似文献   

As policy makers and educators respond to legislation promoting the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms, there is sometimes confusion about why this is being done and how it can be accomplished effectively. In this article, two categories of fallacies, or misunderstandings, are identified. The first fallacy is that students with disabilities are incapable of learning the general education curriculum. The second fallacy is that teachers are required to ‘cover’ the entire curriculum, sometimes at a pace that leaves students with and without disabilities behind. Facts are presented following each fallacy. These facts describe research‐based pedagogies effective for students with and without disabilities, indicating that students with mild disabilities can learn the general education curriculum when responsive pedagogies are used. These facts also describe how schools that promote differentiation can potentially achieve higher scores on large‐scale assessments than schools that promote ‘one size fits all’ instruction.  相似文献   

随着对新课程理念研究的深入以及我国高等教育改革的深入,作为高等教育重要载体及重要组成内容的大学体育也必须要积极适应改革的潮流,对高校体育课程中与新课程理念不相匹配的内容进行改革。本文在探讨新课程理念下高校体育课程改革存在的问题的基础上,提出了一些解决的对策,以期更好地促进高校体育课程改革的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国的课程领导研究是在课程管理体制改革深入过程中受西方课程领导研究影响而兴起的。近年来我们的研究集中在介绍国外课程领导研究成果、探讨课程领导的内涵、研究校长课程领导问题、检讨课程领导的主要问题、寻求改善课程领导途径和措施等方面。今后,我国课程领导研究将致力于课程领导与课程管理体制改革、课程领导的理论基础、课程领导的实践模式以及校长的课程领导等问题。  相似文献   

教育回归生活与课程改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育回归生活是课程改革的重要内容,回归生活的教育促使课程改革的深化与发展。现实学校教育远离了学生的生活实际,忽视了学生的人格培养与心灵的唤醒;新课程改革重视教育与生活的联系。从教育向生活回归的启示出发,把生活、教育与课程三者结合在一起,努力促使新课程的实施与深化。  相似文献   


Current data indicate that there are six million young people of school age with disabilities in China. Of these, only about 50 per cent attend any form of schooling, with approximately 220,000 of them enrolled in special schools and classes. The remainder attend regular classrooms. This means that there are about three million students with disabilities who at present lack any access to education. In May 1996 it was declared that in order to improve this situation, over the next five years, China plans to provide school places for 80 per cent of its disabled youngsters. In order to achieve this goal, the Chinese central education authorities have announced a significant change in policy direction towards integration. Instead of their previous commitment to the establishment of increasing numbers of special schools, it is now planned that the current number of about 1,400 special schools will be increased to 2,000, so that all regions of the country have access to at least one. At that point, no more special schools will be built. The extra places needed to increase the school attendance rate of youngsters with disabilities will be created in regular classes in regular schools. This paper gives an overview of the curriculum arrangements in China's four types of special schools, including their historical development, subjects taught, teaching arrangements and management. A number of difficulties confronting China's special education policy‐makers are canvassed and reasons suggested for their increasing commitment to a strategy of integration. It is proposed that China enjoys three advantages in the pursuit of an integrated school system.  相似文献   

课程改革是对我国教学质量的不断提升,在我国的教育事业上起到举足轻重的作用。进入"十二五"我国的课程改革进入了一个新的阶段,而校长在这当中要如何扮演好自己的角色,从而推进课程改革的发展,是一个有待研究的课题。本文从课程改革的可持续发展出发,通过对课程改革和校长领导职能的论述,探讨校长的领导作用。  相似文献   

后现代课程观与校本课程开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校本课程开发已成为我国当前课程改革的一项重要任务。我国香港、台湾及其他部分省啼课程开发中存在着共同的不足之处,主要原因在于缺乏教育理念的转变,印从现代数育观向后现代数育观的转变。校本课程开发应以后现代课程观作指导。  相似文献   

Bridging curriculum research with educational leadership, we examined the 2014 Finnish curriculum reform compilation and enactment process through the lens of distributed leadership.

As a tool for the examination, we used the resource–agency duality model of distributed leadership. It explicates how organizational members create resources and enact agency to achieve organizational and individual goals. This mixed-methods study had three phases. First, we conducted document analysis to position the 2014 curriculum in a series of curriculum reforms. Second, we analyzed how distributed leadership was interpreted and incorporated in the goals and instructions of the 2014 national core curriculum document. Finally, we surveyed 21 key actors for their insights of distributed leadership in the curriculum compilation and enactment process.

The findings revealed a trend of deepening and expanding distributed leadership in curriculum work over the past decades. This trend mirrored the general societal development in Finland. The 2014 curriculum explicated goals and instructions to use distributed leadership for inclusion, multidisciplinary learning, student-centred assessment and operational culture. The key actors regarded the leadership for the 2014 curriculum work as distributive which enabled resource creation and agentic participation on both national and local levels.  相似文献   

大学生创业教育及其课程初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业教育在近阶段已成为国内外大学教育的重要组成部分。而我国现有的教育体系在对大学生创业创新精神的培养,特别是大学生创业教育模式的探索方面仍亟待完善。本文着重想就大学生创业教育及课程探索方面提出一些看法。  相似文献   

“八年研究”课程实验是美国教育史上一次规模最大的研制计划,在这次实验中首创的追踪研究法,教育目标系统分析以及教育评估理论等对美国乃至整个欧洲的课程和教学活动产生了广泛而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

This article presents a new conceptualization of ‘shadow curriculum’, one component of the worldwide phenomenon of shadow education, i.e. learning outside of school. Traditional conceptions of curriculum are not applicable to shadow education, and so this article begins by exploring how shadow education practices qualify as a new focus of curriculum studies. Based on existing scholarship and our own field experience in South Korea, we propose that shadow curriculum can be defined as supplementary curriculum out of schooling provided by educational business industries that are aimed for individual students’ academic success in formal education. The following discussion explores the characteristics of shadow curriculum and shows that incorporating shadow curriculum as a new area of focus in the field of curriculum studies can broaden existing understandings of student learning and the concept of curriculum. Our hope is that this discussion will open a new intellectual space for analysis of the complex phenomenon of shadow education within the field of curriculum studies.  相似文献   

This viewpoint commentary, written from the perspective of a teacher who has helped to educate students in a wide variety of educational environments, is a reaction to the article published in Anatomical Sciences Education on developing of core syllabuses for the anatomical sciences. After reflecting on the definitions of both curriculum and syllabus and their importance as roadmaps for effective instruction, the value of core knowledge and core syllabuses in anatomical sciences was explored. Encouragement for the pursuit of the project proposed in the original article was provided; however, the reminder to not allow any curriculum or syllabus to prevent instructional flexibility was emphasized. Several constructive questions (regarding democracy in curriculum development, the proposed rating scale, and the desirability of reaching local or national consensus before seeking global agreement) were advanced for consideration. Anat Sci Educ 7 326–328. © 2014 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Through an examination of the higher education systems in threecountries (Indonesia, Nicaragua, and Vietnam), the authors explore howthe use of academic credits for monitoring student progress has been andcontinues to be linked to policies and institutions associated withcapitalist, market-driven economic systems. The recent histories ofthese countries and their current social and political contexts areanalyzed in relation to three interrelated themes that have emerged fromthe analysis of the three cases. These themes are: (1) Linkages topolitical and economic systems: higher education as vocationaltraining, (2) Standardization, efficiency, andtechnocracy, and (3) Who controls the curriculum? Inconclusion, the authors suggest that the academic credit system,embedded within a network of other educational practices, hastransformed the university into an institution focused on relativelynarrow, utilitarian aims rather than a more universal pursuit ofknowledge.  相似文献   

Building on the various works of theorists pertaining to curriculum negotiation, the Negotiated Integrated Curriculum (NIC) initiative detailed in this article attempts to redress the imbalance within curricular decision-making whereby student voice and learner agency is largely absent. The NIC initiative enquires into students’ concerns about life and constructs a curriculum to address these concerns as a mechanism that can be shaped to make learning more meaningful through agentic engagement. Based on a longitudinal study of two primary schools, this small scale, exploratory research details the influence of this process on learners and educators and the challenges that were faced during its implementation. The findings of this study examine two main issues: the first is how student voice, particularly around the decision-making of pedagogical activities, can be practically implemented to enhance the perceived relevance of a curriculum; and secondly the process of negotiation between teachers and students to achieve this. Recommendations for the promotion of learner agency and further research are discussed in the context of Irish curriculum reform.  相似文献   

后现代主义对传统的课程理论进行了系统的批判与反思,从新的课程理论视角和价值观念来理解课程,构建了一系列有价值和启发意义的课程体系。本文对后现代课程的基本理念进行了阐述和分析,并透过它所提供的新视角,重新审视当前正在进行的幼儿教育课程改革。  相似文献   

论精品课程的特征   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
"一流性"是精品课程最突出的特性和最重要的内涵,"五个一流"是精品课程的高层次与高水平特征;"先进性"是精品课程高质量和高水平的体现,"四项先进"是精品课程的高质量与示范性特征;"特色性"作为精品课程独有的风格和不可替代的品质,"三大特色"是精品课程的独特性与创新性特征。  相似文献   

Outcomes in the inter- and intra-personal realms are central to the goals of Jewish education, yet educators often struggle to address them in a meaningful way. In this article, we describe what we learned from facilitating an online community of practice for congregational school leaders and day school educators seeking to enhance their work in promoting social, emotional, and spiritual growth. First, we provide a rationale for the importance of outcomes in these arenas. Then, we describe the intervention, which included webinars, mentoring, and an action-research component for participants. Finally, we share what we learned about (a) participants’ conceptualizations of socio-affective elements in the Jewish educational context and (b) the supports and challenges encountered by participants in enhancing the socio-affective dimension of their work.  相似文献   

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