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关于教育起点观的哲学阐释   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
任何教育都有自己的起点 ,从知识和道德出发 ,这是教育的传统起点观 ,它们在生命之外寻找教育的基础 ,使人的发展丧失生命的根基。教育应遵从生命优先的原则 ,从生命的原初活力出发 ,理解教育的逻辑基础。教育起于生命 ,但又不止于生命 ;始于生命的陶冶 ,但又不放弃知识和道德的追求 ,这是生命力量论对教育起点的哲学解释  相似文献   

试析使学生被动学习的教学原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学生被动学习固然有诸多原因,但与之关系最直接的则是教师的教学。从教学的角度看,致使学生被动学习的原因主要有:过于强调知识学习过程中的认知因素,认识性任务成为课堂生活的中心目的;与之相应,学生所学的知识内容被赋予过高的确定性,学生的真实思想被标准化认识路线所遮蔽,师生共同沉沦于程式化的教学过程而不自知。  相似文献   

"善"或"使之善"是教育的本质,工具理性操作下的现代教育却挖空了(道德)教育的根基.由此,学生成了"可算度的人",德育方式出现了主知主义和主行主义两种偏向:前者主张"知识即美德",测量的是知识的"多少";后者认定"美德看行动",计算的是好事的"件数".回归人之艺术的天性,探寻艺术对美德的启迪,达致礼乐相融、合和而生不失为道德教育的一个可能维度.  相似文献   

余莹 《高教论坛》2006,(5):39-41
本文指出为信息技术普及背景下发展起来的网络课堂教学面临着两大主要问题:网络搜索技术的普及导致教师相对学生的信息获取优势丧失,长期灌输式教育模式下训练出来的学生在缺乏有效引导时面对大量网络知识信息不知所措。本文从建构主义理论角度设计网络课堂教学,对教师与学生的角色重新定位.采用任务驱动教学模式改革网络课程教学方法.同时提出利用分组竞争合作方式对该教学法进行有效组织和实施。  相似文献   

如何提高学生学习计算机课的兴趣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中等职业学校计算机基础教育,应更多地侧重于培养学生计算机的应用能力。在实际的教学过程中我们发现,目前计算机教学中存在着许多不尽人意之处。如果还采用陈旧的教学方法和教学内容,学生容易感到枯燥乏味,失去学习的兴趣。因此,改革课程体系和学习模式,提高学生学习计算机课的积极性,是当前需要解决的首要问题。  相似文献   

“通识教育”是现代高等教育的发展趋势,为个人今后多方向发展提供全面知识准备。高职教育的文化基础知识教学受到多种因素的制约,高职的专才教育有滑入庸俗化的现象,有可能丧失“高等”与“高级”的本质属性。“高等”,就高在基础文化科学知识的层次,高在专业技能的理论上;“高级”,就高在做人的品质,高在发展潜能上。高职教育有必要研究适合自己的通识教育模式,三年制专科高职能否采取专业、通识、实践三项教学并重的模式,创新四年制双专业高职本科,采取两个专业和通识、实践教学四个一年学时模式,以培养现代高级实用型、高素质人才。  相似文献   

信仰是真正教育的天然要素,然而在当代急功近利的社会背景下信仰教育处于迷失的状态,倾向于功利化、理性化和形式化,信仰的迷失最终导致了人的异化。因此,我们有必要把握教育中信仰的特质,认识到它是一种精神的存在,它的形成依赖于人的整体发展,它是一种人的自主追求。并据此反省教育自身,进行旨在实现培养学生信仰的教育变革。  相似文献   

智慧是一个古老的话题,它与教育的关系密切,所以教育本身就拥有浓厚的智慧气息。然而近代以来,教育几乎成为了知识传授的代名词,与智慧日渐疏远,从事教育活动的教师也没有了智慧的品性,成为了知识的搬运工。社会的发展特别是基础教育的发展要求教育应充满智慧的成分,要求教师应成为智慧型教师;师范教育亦应承担起培养智慧型教师的任务。  相似文献   

在新经济时代,新的情况,新的问题不断出现,特别是知识经济的到来,使我们原有的概念、思想受到质疑,经济操作方式受到冲击,在理论研究上,也不断出现新的理念,新的说法,但怀疑马克思的经济理论的科学性、实用性是有悖于客观实际的。实践证明马克思的劳动价值学说非但没有失去其科学价值,反而更加具有时代特征,对当代经济具有很大的指导意义。  相似文献   

The ability to comprehend and produce language stands as a defining characteristic of human cognition and enables the transfer of knowledge and culture within human society. A proper characterization of the human capacity for language is required for the development of interventions that may be used to assist those individuals who have failed to achieve, or who have lost competence in, language behaviors. For signed languages, models of competent language use are lacking. This lack of knowledge hampers the development of effective assessment measures for deaf children who may be experiencing learning problems beyond those confronting the normal deaf child. I discuss two research avenues that have begun to provide a window into the neural systems involved in sign language processing: studies of language disruptions in adult deaf signers who have suffered brain injury, and studies of functional brain imaging in normal deaf signers. This research provides a basis for the development of a comprehensive neurocognitive model of sign language processing.  相似文献   

接受西方强权话语是中国文化研究中一个世纪来所存在的现象,而全球化则是当今社会发展的一个趋势。中国已加入世贸组织,当前民族文化研究存在着话语失落与方法失落的问题。在跨文化语境下,民族文化的研究应该走个性生存与文化共生的道路,一方面,要保持民族的个性,这是民族性的直接体现,另一方面,要吸收借鉴其他民族包括西方先进文化的经验,走共同生存、共同发展的道路,建构东方语境下的民族文化研究。  相似文献   

在社会主义现代化建设中,高校担负着培养人才的重任。但市场经济又导致了学生人文精神的迷失和价值选择的盲目性。只有以先进文化统领高校文化建设,才能使学生把求知和做人结合起来.以正确的观念把握社会发展要求,以超越性精神追求人生价值。因此,就要坚持先进文化的指导,建设有强大融合力的、开放的高校文化。  相似文献   

论语文教育乃是言语交往教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语教育就当从某些无谓的争论中摆脱出来,探讨一点真正的问题。首要的是立科原理问题。语教育是因应人的交往活动对于言语交往能力的需要而立科的,定位于言语交往教育。要从这一定位去理顺复杂关系,建构知识体系,统合所有因素,保证定位的落实。  相似文献   

随着人们对知识性质的多重维度的认识,基于知识的“客观性”、“普遍性”、“明确性”、“个人性”和“简单性”建立起来的知识体系已出现了危机,与之相应的“个体化的”、“去静脉化的”、“抽象化的”和“简单化的”课堂教学模式也就不可避免地失去了其存在的合法性依据。鉴于此,当前课堂教学改革就必须在强调知识的建构性、情境性、默会性、社会性和复杂性的基础上展开,并力求在建构性学习环境的创设、学习共同体的建立、情境性教学、默会知识与复杂知识的教学等几个方面取得突破。  相似文献   

We will attempt a synthesis from various research perspectives that have analyzed the alterations that knowledge inevitably goes through while percolating into classroom activities. We will try to identify some of their causes and will illustrate them with examples in genetics. First, we will discuss some research on knowledge transformation when genetics knowledge is popularized (Staerklé and Clémence 2002), to show how knowledge is transformed in specific predictable manners as it moves from experts to general public. Then, we will draw from a large body of (French) research in didactic transposition (Chevallard 1991) in order to highlight what knowledge characteristically thrives or is lost as it percolates into school practice and learner’s knowledge. We will then draw from Huberman’s (Science Communication, 4(4), 478–510, 1983) analysis of knowledge use in schools the specificities of knowledge that teachers effectively use. All three perspectives reveal that cognitive and social environment are crucial determinants of what knowledge will be found in schools. An ecological metaphor explains how different cognitive environments from research into education favor knowledge adapted to specificities of this ecosystem. This transposition of knowledge is therefore not decay but inescapable and necessary. Ignoring this transposition has considerably reduced the effectiveness of many educational reforms. We will combine these three to propose an evolutionary perspective that could inform ways of expressing research into educational recommendations fed into the system to optimize the didactic transposition process.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications of shifting technology trends by looking at what we’ve lost or are losing, where we are, and where we need to go for making the needed transitions in knowledge and skills. Areas of growth within new media and the tech industry are good indicators of our growing interests in mobility, improved quality, and personalization, all happening within our increasingly global community. With the tremendous technological shifts, we need to consider the potential gaps or missing bits of knowledge slipping through the cracks. Then, determine where we need to go while forging ahead to provide the meaningful integration of new technologies through the selection of quality tools aligning to current best research based instructional practices to foster powerful, meaningful, engaged learning opportunities.  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的不断深入,中小学课堂教学取得了可喜的成绩,然而也呈现出了不少的问题。课堂教学注重了过程、方法,情感和态度目标,却忽视了知识和能力目标;教师设计了课堂教学情景,却冷落了教材;学生进行探究学习,却缺乏探究之内核;教学手段现代化,却丧失了教学艺术。  相似文献   

教师是教学改革中的一个重要的角色,然而由于对自我在教学改革中的角色认识不足,教师在教学改革中常常处于疲于应付却又总不能令管理者们满意的地位,不少教师还因此在教学改革中失去自我。教师在教学改革中应对自身的权力与地位、自身的知识与能力、自身的教育理念、自身的教育方法作出正确的认识与调整,并对自身在教学改革中产生的心理压力进行有效舒缓与调解。  相似文献   

In the large and complex landscape of pedagogy, the focus seems to have turned away from the concept of teaching and towards a stronger emphasis on learning, probably supported by neo-liberal ideology. The teacher is presented more as part of the force of production than as an autonomous performer of a mandate given to him/her by society. He/she is supposed to supply knowledge that is considered useful to a society geared to production and consumption. During the past few decades, enlightenment as a legitimising concept for education has been challenged from different angles, both by a self-critique from within and from external forces. One angle of approach is the questioning of the relationship between the state and education, by way of a critique of modernity. Another approach comes from a critique of knowledge, which has lost most of its universal implications and is left with more pragmatic and utilitarian considerations. Into this landscape of lost legitimisation, I will make an attempt to visualise an impossible/possible position for teaching, featuring ancient, contemporary and phantom-like figures. I am suggesting the concept of transformation as an alternative to development or improvement, which I find to be concepts with a close link to modernity and its linearity. By a careful and conscious use of the word transformation, taking Derrida's intensified focus of language into account, a possible active position might be intimated in spite of the fundamental critique, which has been directed at pedagogy and its imperialistic implications from different angles.  相似文献   

实验室的知识管理实践初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了在知识管理理论的指导下,一套针对实验室的知识管理的具体方法。按照知识收集、共享、应用和创新的逻辑框架。首先分析了实验室自身知识管理的特点,然后由此特点,结合理论,制定了实验室的知识管理方法。  相似文献   

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