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本文对现代维吾尔语禁忌语进行了深入研究,揭示了现代维吾尔语禁忌语的基本特征。从宗教禁忌、生理行为禁忌、疾病与死亡禁忌等方面分析了现代维吾尔语禁忌语产生的根源及其所透视出来的文化内涵。  相似文献   

英语秽语在英语学习中被广大教育工作者和家长避而不谈,但却以强大的生命力在社会生活中存在并继续传播。模因论可用以分析秽语在内容、发音及结构三个方面的特点,探究其传播性强及复制性强的原因,为此,幼儿英语教育应该从秽语传播机制中吸取灵感。  相似文献   

本对汉维语在宗教、人名、猥亵语、数字、死亡疾病、生理器官和生理行为等方面的语言禁忌作了一些粗浅的比较,以期对汉维两个民族之间的跨化交际有一些帮助。  相似文献   

民间荤故事的功能价值及其文化意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对民间流传非常广泛,但研究者却一直避而不论的民间荤故事进行了较为深入探讨。民间荤故事以讲述性本能、性行为、性关系或性联想等为主要内容,具有消磨闲暇时间,满足感官快乐;传播性爱知识,提高性生活质量;表达性爱情感,和谐人际关系的功效和作用。民间荤故事就实质来说是一种反传统的性观念、反传统的性道德两性文化现象,是一种现代性享受的乐感文化和民间性狂欢的喜剧文化现象。  相似文献   

美国饶舌乐(RAP)是仅次于摇滚乐的最受大众欢迎的音乐形式,它与美国黑人的文化生活有着不可分割的联系。因其自身所具有的文化内涵及节奏性、快速念诵的特点,在歌词的词汇部分充分体现了黑人英语在RAP中的省略、粗口和押韵等主要特色,为RAP音乐在美国的发展和流行发挥了极其重要的作用。  相似文献   


This paper reviews the dynamic and interactive links between the development of children's language, phonological awareness, and reading. Some of the key issues explored are procedures to enhance children's language development, decoding and word recognition skills, along with some relevant assessment and programming strategies that can facilitate children's early reading development. In particular, the paper supports the suggestion that deficits in phonological awareness are often a consequence of slow vocabulary development (a classic marker of language delay) and that teachers need to be able to adapt their language and dialogue interactions for children with language delays.  相似文献   

完善性权利刑法保护之思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑法对性权利保护的规定的滞后性日益凸现。如强奸罪的犯罪主体和犯罪对象的性别限制,对婚内强奸规定的缺失,对猥亵罪犯罪对象的限制等等,对上述问题进行研究,以实现对完善性权利刑法保护的探讨。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the findings pertaining to the receptive and expressive language competencies of young children. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the relative sensitivity of five different language measures as a means for assessing pre-schoolers' oral language proficiency. The results show few significant differences in language scores as a function of age, sex or SES. There was a complex pattern of intercorrelations among the language measures used. Results of a home environment questionnaire administered to parents revealed homogeneity in home environments for stimulating child learning and cognitive development across socioeconomic groups. The findings are discussed in relation to the utility of these measures in assessing pre-schoolers' linguistic competencies.  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(4):363-378
This paper discusses some of the findings from a 3-year longitudinal study of language learning in the upper stage of English primary schools, i.e. at Key Stage 2. This largely qualitative study (commissioned by the then Department for Children, Schools and Families) was designed to explore and document developing provision and practice in a sample of primary schools that had chosen to introduce language teaching ahead of the proposal that it should become part of statutory requirements. The research team examined the approaches and mechanisms these schools were using to develop and maintain language learning and teaching, teachers’ and children's attitudes towards language learning and children's achievement in oracy and literacy, as well as considering the possible broader cross-curricular impact of language learning. This paper goes on to consider some of the implications for embedding language learning and teaching in English primary schools.  相似文献   

This paper picks up and discusses issues regarding the relationship between language and practice commented upon by Michael Fielding in an earlier edition of this journal. The position taken is sympathetic to Fielding's concerns but attempts to situate the debate in a wider theoretical perspective. The basic thrust of the argument centres around two considerations: the extent to which language may be said to be partly constitutive of educational practices and a radical misconception as to the nature of education inherent in what Fielding labels 'the language of performativity'.  相似文献   

This paper returns to two key texts in the history of linguistic theory: Saussure's Course in General Linguistics (1916) and Ogden and Richards' The Meaning of Meaning (1923). While Saussure's linguistic model is dialectical and synthetic, with the two elements of the linguistic sign (signal and signification) being compared to the two sides of a sheet of paper, Ogden and Richards' is tripartite and analytic, with the three elements involved in the language situation (word, thought and thing) being represented as the three points of a triangle. Moreover, while Saussure sees language as turning in upon itself, with the sign referring not to things in an extra‐linguistic reality but to other signs within the same linguistic structure, Ogden and Richards see language as referring beyond itself, to a reality outside language. These differences are related to differences in how the human mind is conceived: while Saussure sees thought as embedded in language, and while he invests the mind with the power to order and regulate the chaos inherent in language, Ogden and Richards, writing very much in the wake of the new psychology of stimulus–response behaviourism, separate thought from language, and divest the mind of any power to resist ‘the power of words’. Interestingly, though, Ogden and Richards show signs of an early cognitivism, which raises the question of whether contemporary cognitive science is perhaps more indebted to the stimulus–response paradigm than it would care to admit.  相似文献   

This paper examines the links between language, social difference and political domination in the practices of parental school choice at the heart of a global city, Vancouver. Vancouver is a highly diverse city, especially in terms of language. Its inner city is replete with multiple languages whose exchange values are not equal. In this context, our case study of two elementary schools observes that white middle‐class parents choose a predominantly white school – whose students are non‐ESL and have a second language choice of French – in a socially and ethnically mixed inner city neighbourhood, creating a stark imbalance in the student population of local neighbourhood schools. This paper examines parents' accounts of their choices, which they rationalise on the basis of linguistic competency and differentiation from multilingual others. We draw from Pierre Bourdieu's theory of language and symbolic power and Ghassan Hage's spatial theory of nationalist practice to understand the linguistic dimension of school choice rationalisation made by white middle‐class parents. In the context of these insights, we argue that the way anglophone white middle‐class parents choose their children's schools is intricately linked to active processes of reproducing a stratilingual society in Canada.  相似文献   

Robin Alexander 《Literacy》2010,44(3):103-111
Taking the 2009 UKLA conference theme of “making connections and building literate communities” and recalling Hoggart's plea for literacy to be critically and morally engaged rather than merely functional, this paper calls for a reassessment of the pursuit of literacy in schools so as to connect the language of learning with the language of democratic participation. Given what we know about the way classroom talk mediates both learning and culture, the paper takes such talk as its focus, comparing the author's principles of dialogic teaching with Resnick's criteria for accountable talk. The paper then contrasts these idealised versions of the discourse of pedagogy with the public discourses of power, noting the prevalence of four discourse types – derision, dichotomy, myth and meaninglessness – through which, in pursuit of political goals, governments rewrite history, simplify the problematic, dignify the mundane and marginalise unpalatable evidence. This prompts an addition, in the interests of meaningful citizenship as well as effective learning, to Resnick's criteria of accountability to the learning community, standards of reasoning and knowledge: accountability to language itself.  相似文献   

Children with specific speech and language difficulties are frequently placed in mainstream classrooms with varying degrees of support. Yet little attention has been paid to class teachers' views about the children's problems and educational needs. This paper reports the findings of a two-stage project in two local education authorities investigating the characteristics and needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties (SSLD). Teachers, educational psychologists, and speech and language therapists in two local education authorities identified 133 eight year-old children who experienced primary difficulties with speech and language. Fifty-nine children and a subsample of 10 children of the same age who attended specialist regional schools participated in further investigations. Each of the children was assessed using a battery of instruments covering language, basic attainments and self- esteem. In addition, their teachers completed behaviour rating scales and an individual interview. The teachers comprised those working in specialist provisions, but also those in mainstream schools. In this paper data derived from the interviews with the teachers, supplemented by information from the assessments of the children's skills, will be reported. The teachers faced three challenges: the additional difficulties experienced by the children, their own knowledge gaps, and the barriers to meeting the children's needs. The implications of the results for inclusive education are addressed.  相似文献   

网络语言语音变异分为现代汉语词汇的语音变异和外语词汇的语音变异:前者包括音节变化产生的语音变异(声母变异、韵母变异、声调变异与相邻音节的连读变异)、声母词、数字词三种;后者包括字母词、数字字母词和新造谐音兼具形象色彩的音译外来词。网络语言的语音变异为现代汉语提供了不同的语言风格,丰富了现代汉语的表达手段。但同时也影响了现代汉语的语言规范性,造成不必要的语言歧义,冲击了中小学语文教学。  相似文献   

劳伦斯是20世纪英国最具独创性和最有争议的作家之一。由于他的作品中对性爱大胆的描写,他一度被看成是一位淫秽作家。他认为应重新调整男、女关系以抗击工业文明的侵害。劳伦斯几部作品中主人公都对传统的旧有秩序进行了反抗,从而寻求完整的独立人格。  相似文献   

In a bilingual context, the mother tongue plays a key role in a child's social and personal development, in education and in second-language learning. There is a complex relationship between these three areas. Support for children receiving education through a second language is often in the form of additional learning opportunities in the second language. However, first-language competence has been shown to affect learning in the second language. This paper looks at pre-school migrant children in a bilingual context and investigates the nature of the children's bilingualism. Findings show that they do not have the same level of mother-tongue competence as children brought up in their country of origin. The paper goes on to consider the reasons for these differences in mother-tongue competence and possible responses. The paper concludes that for these children, nursery education in the mother tongue could raise levels of competence in the second language and increase wider educational opportunities, as well as contributing to mutual respect, social cohesion and harmony. There is a complex relationship between mother-tongue development, children's self-esteem, educational opportunities and second-language learning. This paper considers how this complex relationship affects groups of children in four European contexts: Turkey, Norway, Germany and Austria.  相似文献   

骂人虽然是极不礼貌的行为,但它普遍存在于各种语言中。本文从称自己为别人的先人、使用肮脏、愚蠢、不圣洁的动物的名称、使用从事低微卑劣职业或行为的人的名称、诅咒以及使用粗俗脏话等骂人的方法系统比较了汉英骂人语言的异同,并从直译、相对置换、语义对等和意译的角度探讨了骂人语言的翻译方法。  相似文献   

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