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旅游业的发展要求旅游高等教育能为其提供强大的人力资源基础。然而,人才与行业的脱节呼唤着旅游高等教育系统的迅速优化。系统方法的有效运用,能使我国旅游高等教育系统的内部各因素得到整合,从而达到功能的最大化。  相似文献   

面对日益严峻的就业形势,实施创业教育已是五年制高职校面临的重要课题。提出了五年制高职创业教育途径方法遴选应遵循多元化、系统性、层阶递进及能力本位等四个原则。在此原则的基础上,提出了建构创业教育"一一二"课程体系、架构创业教育"四阶递进"实践模式、谋构创业教育"四环渗透"策略等三种五年制高职创业教育途径方法。  相似文献   

高等教育产业化运作是教育体制改革的重大举措,也是经济体制改革的必然延伸。本文从经济学的角度论述了高等教育产业化运作的必然性、急迫性及可行性。  相似文献   

Considering students as the key stakeholders in higher education institutions (HEIs), the present study identifies service quality (SQ) indicators from their perspectives and proposes a more comprehensive instrument for measuring SQ exclusively in HEIs. HEISQUAL covers the operational as well as technical aspects of SQ by following a holistic approach, which has largely been ignored in previous studies. The proposed instrument was subjected to different scale development tests where outcomes fully complied with the benchmark values and proposed seven SQ themes, namely teachers’ profile, curriculum, infrastructure and facilities, management and support staff, employment quality, safety and security, and students’ skills development.  相似文献   

This article is predominantly concerned with the global challenges associated with managing an academic workforce in an era characterised by increased demand for higher education. In scrutinising global trends in higher education and academic workforce management, the article will address two research questions. First, what are the global trends that most affect education in the twenty-first century? Second, what are the transformations that have taken place in the academic workforce amid these trends? Last, the article calls for a need for researchers to profoundly explore the management of the academic workforce cross-nationally between developed and developing economies, with a particular focus on Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.  相似文献   

高等教育准企业化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用准企业化的模式可实现高等教育产业社会效益与经济效益的最大化,准企业化经营妈可以满足市场经济、社会发展对高等教育发展的需求,又可以兼顾到高等教育的特殊性,是实现市场与高等教育结合的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of economic factors in the university enrollment decision for the post-war period in The Netherlands. We include those factors standing at the heart of the idea that education is an investment. The econometric results suggest that students are not responsive to tuition fees, but financial support (the sum of loans and grants), the college premium on future labor market earnings, and the alternative wage are important in the enrollment decision.  相似文献   

Teacher education in the United States, and undoubtedly in other countries as well, is more profoundly affected by shifts and developments in the wider intellectual and social world than by any changes, no matter what their magnitude, in educational theory and teaching techniques. Current practices in the preparation of teachers, therefore, cannot be understood without references to such external influences as, to cite only a few, the teacher shortage of the fifties and early sixties, the post-sputnik anxiety about how well our schools were doing, the efflorescence in the behavioural sciences, the so-called explosion of knowledge in all fields, and the concentration of educationally disadvantaged children in the central cities. Once it is assumed that teacher preparation reflects changes in the broader world, any attempt to outline recent trends and developments inevitably becomes arbitrary and partial. However, the factors enumerated and discussed below are, at least, germane to the problem. Dr. Schaefer has been Dean of the Teachers' College at Columbia University in New York since 1963. This article consists of extracts from a paper presented by the author before an expert committee which met at Unesco to consider problems of general primary and secondary education.  相似文献   

This article is situated in a growing body of literature, focusing on higher education reforms in countries which emerged, or re-emerged, 25 years ago as the Soviet Union dissolved. With the focus specifically on Kazakhstan, this paper examines how the leadership of universities in this country views a higher education funding model– the state grants. The paper applies the lenses of stability, performance and innovation orientation to the examination of the state grants-based higher education funding model in Kazakhstan. This paper finds that despite recognition of the limitations of the existing funding model, there is limited interest to push for changes. This can be explained by the complex higher education policy environment which is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Much of the research in higher education has treated student bodies as homogeneous groups with a consequent neglect of any consideration of gender differences. To test the validity of such research a questionnaire was administered to 255 psychology students. The results showed some important differences in responses between the genders. In particular, the female students reported attaching more importance than males to pre‐course aims, rated various learning activities as more valuable and interesting than males and reported more improvement in nine of the 12 skills surveyed than the males. The males rated experiencing less difficulty for various aspects of the course than anticipated than did the females for 11 of 12 potential difficulties listed. As a consequence, it is suggested that researchers ought to be wary of conducting research into various aspects of higher education without considering potential gender differences.  相似文献   

二战后,美国政府、高等院校和社会各界为促进高等教育公平,保障社会处境不利人群接受高等教育的平等权利,采取了若干措施,并积累了丰富的经验,本文分析了美国为保障高等教育公平所采取的多项措施,以期为我国实现高等教育公平带来启示。  相似文献   

This article is a critical review of the internship measurement scales in higher education. Although the importance of internships is widely acknowledged in the literature, there is a scarcity of attempts to construct a scale to measure internship outcomes. In fact, a thorough examination of the internship literature reveals that there are only two internship measurement scales, which are relatively recent. It is a widespread practice that empirical studies in this area use job-related scales in their endeavour to measure internship-related constructs such as internship satisfaction and internship effectiveness. This is mostly due to the lack of available internship scales and partly due to the naive assumption that job-related scales can be somehow altered and may readily be adapted to internship-related contexts, disregarding the contextual and contractual differences between a job and an internship. This casts doubt on the validity of the findings in those studies. However, the valid measurement of internships is not only necessary to meet the highest academic standards but also to make evidence-based employability policies in higher education institutions. Therefore, this article aims to highlight the need to measure internship processes more effectively based on a sound method and bring this issue to the attention of the research community worldwide. To that end, the existing scales of internship are critically examined and areas for improvements are highlighted.  相似文献   

The transition from higher education to the labour market is an important period for youngsters, characterised by extensive changes which act as triggers for learning. Furthermore, students’ educational background and the (in)congruence with their work context is important. Accordingly, the aim of this systematic review is to explore the role of learning and fit in the transition process. Results indicate that most emphasis is put on theoretical knowledge, communication, problem-solving, and learning skills. Although the perception on what has to be learned differs for employers, educators, and graduates, each group valued generic competences most. Results show that transfer can be experienced in three ways and the need for learning at work is stressed. Concerning fit, four types of fit are distinguished: vertical, horizontal, competence, and person-environment fit. Several personal background characteristics are shown to influence fit and findings indicate that fit has an influence on career progress and personal resources.  相似文献   

This article draws on findings from a national review of the evaluation of access and equity initiatives across Australian higher education to argue that utilising responsive mixed methods focused on the values of participants enables crucial understanding of what matters to the people involved. Based on the evidence collected, a “what matters” conceptual guide is provided to assist with programme design and evaluation. The approach enables identification of the multiple complex variables involved in generating programme outcomes that matter to the groups they are intended for. Provision and evaluation processes must be iteratively connected so that they are responsive to changing contexts and needs over time. Key concepts from critical realism and complexity theory are applied to highlight that context, complexity, and temporality are critical elements to incorporate into approaches to provision-evaluation. The “what matters” guide is designed to enable programmes that are accessible, engaging, and valuable to all participants.  相似文献   

本文客观的分析了当前我国高等教育迅速发展 ,而高等教育师资却远远不能满足需要的现象。针对需要与满足之间的矛盾 ,根据高等特殊教育教师资格与基本要求 ,尝试提出高等教育教师的培养目标、内容、途径、与注意事项 ,为规划我国高等特殊教育师资培训提供参考。  相似文献   

中国近代学制的建立与发展极大地推动了高等教育的现代化进程,并在此期间受到了许多西方包括日本等国影响,但学术界对其发展过程是依附还是借鉴分别持不同观点。通过分析中国近代高等教育学制的嬗变来反思中国高等教育的现代化进程,势必对高等教育未来的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

高等职业教育教学改革的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教学改革应以不断适应时代要求为目标 ,推动高职教育的发展  相似文献   

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