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一个优秀的多媒体课件对教师在课程教学起到事半功倍的作用,而如何使出版设计的多媒体课件更有效地贴近教学,是越来越多的课件出版者们思考的问题。近年来,随着高校英语改革的深入,多媒体教学手段在辅助教学方面发挥的作用日益凸显。一个优秀的多媒体课件对教师在课程教学起到事半功倍的作用,而如何使出版设计的多媒体课件更有效地贴近教学,是越来越多的课件出版者们思考的问题。  相似文献   

网络环境下高校院系图书资料室的信息服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪,网络的发展使高校院系图书资料室在服务内容和服务方式方面都发生了深刻的变化。在新的网络环境下,高校院系图书资料室尚存在硬件资源不足、专业特色数字化资源缺乏、管理人员知识背景不能满足网络化服务的要求等问题。因而,应重点作好加大投资力度,建立专业特色更强的信息服务系统,培养新型资料管理员、建立高素质队伍等方面的工作。  相似文献   

本文针对近年来多媒体课件开发过程中出现的新趋势,结合课件的设计原则与互动技术的应用,对多媒体课件的制作过程进行详细的阐述。使得教师能够从教学活动和学生的实际需要出发,通过互动式多媒体技术的应用,进一步完善教学内容.制作出符合现代教育技术需要的优秀课件。  相似文献   

随着多媒体技术的日益成熟和普及,越来越多的多媒体课件相继问世。要制作好多媒体课件,首先要设计好多媒体课件。合理的设计,不仅可以增强课件的艺术品味(形式美),同时也会增强授课效果,使课件更加符合教学规律。课件设计包括稿本设计和  相似文献   

朱亚菲 《大学图书馆学报》1996,14(6):60,63-60,63
高校系资料室面临着开拓与收缩的矛盾。一方面读者对资料室的服务提出新的要求,使得资料室须扩大功能以满足需要;而另一方面经费下降,人员减少,又使资料室不得不收缩规模。指出了只有对资料室做好适当的收缩,才能集中力量作新的开拓,并提出资料室应收缩和进行开拓的方面。  相似文献   

张静 《大观周刊》2012,(35):185-185,222
随着信息技术的快速发展和学习理论的逐步演化,多媒体课件在教育领域中的应用越来越广泛。多媒体课件也成为了一类重要的学习资源,但是多媒体课件在开发的过程中存在许多问题。如何在较短的时间内投入较少的成本生产出较高质量的多媒体课件,这成为多媒体课件开发人员遇到的共性问题。本文分析了目前多媒体课件开发存在的问题,将软件工程的思想和原理应用到多媒体课件开发中,以提高课件开发的质量和效率。  相似文献   

加强高校图书馆与系部资料室的业务联系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
系部资料室是高校图书馆的有机组成部分,应使其业务工作更上一个台阶,充分发挥院系资料室的功能。  相似文献   

农村信息服务现状和农民知识获取能力的分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论文采用抽样调查的方式,对河北省402个村的农村图书资料室的建设现状、图书资料的主要来源、管理员的学历和专业知识结构、资料室的开放时间以及被调查农民的信息需求类别、需求程度、信息获取方式、信息获取愿望进行调查分析,旨在为建立适合农村现状的信息服务模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

王开 《现代出版》2011,(6):21-24
多媒体课件是一种重要的教育信息资源,随着教育信息化的逐步深化,多媒体课件的网络共享也在不断扩大,但随之而来的是其面临的非法复制篡改等问题,多媒体课件的版权保护问题不容忽视。把握多媒体课件网络共享与版权保护的对立统一关系,分析现状,是研究该问题并提出对策的关键。  相似文献   

多媒体课件是辅助课堂教学的现代化技术之一,其优势与特点远超传统课堂教学辅助手段。现如今多媒体课件的运用越来越普遍,随之而来的问题也很多,由于使用不当造成课堂教学效率降低、师生互动减少等问题屡见不鲜,多媒体技术反而成为课堂的阻碍。如何合理运用多媒体课件,提高课件制作水平,让职业培训课堂充满活力,发挥多媒体课件正能量,是本文主要的研究内容。  相似文献   

As the use of electronic reference sources becomes commonplace, virtual reference services are expanding in scope, modes, and popularity. Simultaneously, reference practices are evolving as well. One concept that may be challenged by these trends is the notion of the core reference collection. What are the sources that form this core collection, and what are its characteristics? Are similar sources used to answer users' questions in virtual and traditional reference? How do core collections of public and academic libraries differ? An analysis of 1851 e-mail and chat reference transactions from public and academic libraries reveals that the notion of a core reference collection persists in the world of virtual reference services. In both types of libraries, responses to patrons showed a skewed bibliographic distribution; librarians used a small group of sources to answer most of the questions. Almost all sources used were electronic. Academic libraries tended to make greater use of fee-based sources, but public libraries more often used sources freely-available on the Web.  相似文献   

高校图书馆员自卑心理探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于图书馆的社会地位不高,许多图书馆员对自己的职业产生了自卑感,不安心图书馆工作,造成图书馆人才短缺甚至断层。章就高校图书馆员自卑心理的形成条件、原因、造成的影响以及调整控制方法进行了探析。  相似文献   

中美一流大学图书馆学科馆员比较研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
冯东 《图书馆论坛》2008,28(2):113-116
通过全面比较分析中美前20名一流大学图书馆学科馆员的功能描述和设置情况得出四点启示:一是我国学科馆员发展处于联络与初级咨询阶段,应该渐进实施;二是主张学科馆员积极参加科研学术活动;三是注重学科馆员的宣传,并突出其岗位重点,积极与其它馆员协作;四是学科馆员的发展方向是学科文献专家.  相似文献   

The multi-user virtual environment Second Life has drawn attention from many librarians who established virtual libraries and information spaces there. Even as interest in Second Life diminishes, it is worthwhile to look at how libraries in Second Life were established and what models they followed. This study examines the purposes, users, collections, and community integration of Second Life libraries. Researchers identified over 75 libraries in Second Life through the professional literature and search results within Second Life. Using this sample, they identified seven general categories of libraries and discuss examples of each. Some Second Life library spaces help to set a scene and contribute to the ethos of a larger space. Other Second Life libraries connect physical libraries with virtual communities. Still others serve communities that exist only in virtual spaces, supporting common interests or role-playing scenarios. Finally, some Second Life libraries expand understandings of what a virtual library might be, whether through imaginative architecture or unusual collections. Second Life libraries offer collections of resources tailored to the needs of individual communities and make them available in different formats. They also offer social and educational programs, much as physical libraries do. Whatever the future of Second Life, the libraries that have been established there raise important questions for future virtual library work.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):203-215
Patents are invaluable sources of technological information, of importance not only to inventors, but also to the processes of economic development and technology transfer. Researching patents is an excellent means of tracking a business competitor, forecasting technological innovation, learning how to make and use a device or process, and finding answers to specific technical problems. Nevertheless, patents are under-used as sources of technical information. Many libraries, including the libraries of Penn State University, have established outreach programs to overcome that low use. Through the provision of such programs, libraries have the potential to be key players in the development of closer ties among universities, industries, and individual entrepreneurs. Locating patent information may not be an easy task, but it is not as complicated as many think. The development of computerized information systems has simplified the search process. Reference librarians, even non-documents librarians, can be of enormous assistance in leading researchers to patent information. However, they must be even more aware than usual of the need for confidentiality, when providing patent reference service.  相似文献   

This article is a survey of catalogue use by engineering students in Nigerian universities libraries. Simple random sampling technique was used to select one thousand three hundred and sixty-eight engineering students from three universities in the country. A questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data gathering. Some of the findings revealed that a majority of the student survey participants make use of the catalogue occasionally and prefer to browse through the shelves when searching for information in the libraries. This article recommends that library use instruction should be included in the university curriculum and that librarians should provide practical demonstrations on the use of various catalogues to students during orientation programs.  相似文献   

This study summarizes a survey conducted to discover the extent to which professional librarians in Nigerian university libraries have achieved academic/faculty status. The survey revealed that: (1) almost all professional librarians (16 or 80%) in Nigerian universities have full faculty status, coupled with mandatory research and publication for promotion, in 17 (85%) of the libraries; (2) publications in subject-fields and in library/information science carry equal ratings; and (3) academic librarians in Nigeria are entitled to the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as their teaching counterparts. This paper urges the Nigerian Library Association and the Committee of University Librarians to set standards for the attainment of faculty/academic status for professional librarians in Nigerian universities and colleges.  相似文献   


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) incursion has brought a lot of changes to libraries activities. ICTs are used to manage libraries more efficiently and in meeting customers’ demands more appropriately at the right time. Despite the contribution of ICTs to library and information work, many libraries are yet to adopt these technologies especially in the acquisitions of library materials. This study was carried out in three selected university libraries in North West Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to: determine the influence of performance expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; establish the influence of effort expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; find out the extent of social influence and facilitating conditions on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition and lastly to proffer recommendations. This study adopted a positivistic approach and used a questionnaire administered to 224 librarians to collect data in the three selected libraries. The study is guided by the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) developed by Venkatesh. Findings from the study reveals that academic librarians are supportive on the use of ICT in their work; ICTs are significantly important, trainings were organized mainly for librarians on general use of ICT not only on acquisition, but also on the general issues related to library activities; librarians also have the knowledge necessary to use ICT for acquisition in their libraries. The study recommends among others that the parent universities should increase the funding of their libraries with adequate supervision, so that such funds are well utilized for ICTs application; university libraries should continually sponsor their academic staff on modern computerized ways of using ICTs to source for materials and the acquisition of information resources in academic libraries should be given all the seriousness it deserves by enacting legislation to allocate a reasonable percentage of the university’s budget to it.  相似文献   

对学科馆员工作职责和发展定位的思考   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:56  
作者认为,学科馆员的工作职责是随着社会进步而不断扩展的;各个大学图书馆学科馆员的工作职责都带有自己的特殊性,受到校情、馆情等多种条件的制约;学科馆员的发展定位应该是学科文献信息专家,而不是学科专家;研究型大学图书馆和教学研究型大学图书馆应当把培养学科文献信息专家作为人才培养的重要内容。  相似文献   

Librarians are increasingly moving out of the library and into the wider university setting as patrons spend more time seeking information online and less time visiting the library. The move to embed librarians in colleges, departments, or customer groups has been going on for some time but has recently received more attention as libraries work to find new ways to reach patrons that no longer need to come to the physical library. Few universities have attempted to embed all their librarians. This case study describes how one group of health sciences librarians dispersed its professional staff throughout its campuses and medical centers.  相似文献   

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