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Quality can be defined as the ability of a product or service to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customer. Laboratories are more focusing on technical and analytical quality for reliability and accuracy of test results. Patients and clinicians however are interested in rapid, reliable and efficient service from laboratory. Turn around time (TAT), the timeliness with which laboratory personnel deliver test results, is one of the most noticeable signs of laboratory service and is often used as a key performance indicator of laboratory performance. This study is aims to provide clue for laboratory TAT monitoring and root cause analysis. In a 2 year period a total of 75,499 specimens of outdoor patient department were monitor, of this a total of 4,142 specimens exceeded TAT. With consistent efforts to monitor, root cause analysis and corrective measures, we are able to decreased the specimens exceeding TAT from 7–8 to 3.7 %. Though it is difficult task to monitor TAT with the help of laboratory information system, real time documentation and authentic data retrievable, along with identification of causes for delays and its remedial measures, improve laboratory TAT and thus patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

从科研生产力、科研影响力、科研创新力和科研合作力等四个维度对全国省级重点实验室的科研竞争力进行比较与分析,揭示各区域省级重点实验室的科研能力,引导省级重点实验室今后的定位与发展,为相关部门推动省级重点实验室建设与评估提供参考。  相似文献   

Malabsorption syndromes causing steatorrhoea are quite common in India. Estimation of faecal fat is an important non-invasive investigation, which provides vital information regarding the occurrence of malabsorption. The aim of this study was to estimate the fat excretion per day in stools of apparently healthy adults on an unrestricted diet in random spot stool samples using the Acid Steatocrit Method, which provides an alternate, simpler and yet reliable method of stool fat estimation. Several studies have proved the correlation of the acid steatocrit method with the conventional methods. In India, however, there has been no published data regarding the normal levels of fat in the stools, by the acid steatocrit method. We follow the normal range values, as set by the United States and the European countries, not having a range for the Indian population. Hence, we took up a preliminary study, to estimate stool fat in a section of normal and healthy Indian population. The result obtained after screening 600 healthy and normal adults, showed the mean of stool fat to be 8.72 gms/24 hours, which is much higher than that, defined by Western literature (7 gms/24 hours). This can be accounted for, by the cultural and ethnic variations in dietary and food habits. Further studies are required in the same direction, involving larger population groups, and in different malabsorptive conditions.  相似文献   

A well-developed and aligned knowledge management (KM) strategy and active top management participation are two of the key strategic issues in KM. The studies on KM strategy and the role of top management have mainly focused on big firms. The basic requirements and resources of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are different from big firms. Consequently, KM practices are different in SMEs as compared to big firms, and a thorough study of various aspects of KM for SMEs is needed. This research work is an attempt to study strategic issues in KM in SMEs in India, with particular reference to the automotive component sector. Customer-focused knowledge is the most common KM strategy among Indian automotive component manufacturers. Top management is more active and supportive in KM initiatives in international auto component manufacturers. Indian SMEs need to focus more on the strategic issues in KM for reaping the benefits of KM for sustainable competitiveness.  相似文献   

Both China and India have been experiencing a historical take-off in the use of intellectual property rights (IPR). In terms of trademark applications filed with domestic IP offices in 2009, the evidence demonstrates that China now ranks 1st worldwide and India 5th, while for patent filings China ranks 3rd worldwide and India ranks 9th. This performance is remarkable as both China and India experienced negligible demand for IPR protection as recently as two decades ago. The IPR take up trends in these two countries are analyzed in detail, highlighting the structure of patent and trademark demand since 1990. Specifically, the available series are broken down and analyzed according to: (i) national versus foreign origin of patents and trademarks; (ii) technological (IPC) and trademark (NICE) classes; and (iii) the major individual patent users in each country. The data used refers to applications in the Chinese and Indian IP offices although the demand from residents of these two countries in both the international and other national systems is also assessed. Beyond the existing momentum in IPR registrations by China and India and their capacity to maintain it into the near future, the paper addresses practical questions about the strategies, motives and benefits behind the current trends. In particular, we seek to evaluate the capacity of both China's and India's National Innovation Systems to internalize the potential returns of this increasing demand for IPR. The insight reached finds that should both China and India sustain their current IPR growth rates, they will be able to catch up with the most advanced economies within the time span of a few decades.  相似文献   

范婴 《中国科学院院刊》2023,38(8):1177-1186
数据本地化是全球数据治理的焦点问题,其对全球数据治理的影响已经不仅仅局限于一国一域。多年来,印度在跨境数据流动和数据本地化等方面一直遵循独特的政策框架,而对数据主权的坚持也反映了其在国际舞台上的立场。文章以印度数据本地化的范式为研究依托,讨论数据本地化的政策动机和实际效果之间存在脱节这一普遍现象,并以此为切入点引入印度目前在这一领域的最新研究成果。数据本地化措施作为发展中国家应对数据安全的有效途径,通过对印度数据本地化的范式研究,发现这一政策动机和实际效果的脱节既是共性问题,也存在框架建构上的不合理及研究方法上的局限;通过调整本地化的现行治理框架,有助于缓解数据国际化和规制本地化之间的紧张关系。不仅如此,合理的数据跨境流动规则应寻求安全与发展的价值平衡。中国既是经济全球化的倡导者也是重要推动者;积极参与数据跨境流动国际规则制定,提升跨境数据治理的话语权,将是中国的应然选择。  相似文献   

中印软件产业发展比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析印度软件发展优势,结合我国软件产业发展现状,透析中印软件发展差距,指出我国应从政府扶植软件产业、提高软件质量管理水平、大力培养适用型软件人才,形成结构合理、优势互补软件产业链等方面入手,更稳更快地发展软件产业。  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis is a common autosomal recessive disorder usually found in population of white Caucasian descent. Now it is well documented the presence of CF disease in India with the advancement of laboratory testing. As once it was thought non existence of this disease in our population. Most of the phenotype of CF disease was in accordance of western population. Genetic analysis of CFTR gene in Indian CF patients revealed that most common mutation was delta F508 mutation. However, it was less than Caucasian population. CFTR mutations are also a causative factor in the pathogenesis of male infertility due to obstructive azoospermia. There are two most common mutation viz. IVS8-T5 and delta F508 which are responsible for congenital absence of vas deferens in male infertility patients. Elevated levels of sweat chloride at two occasions along with the presence of two mutations in CFTR gene was gold standard method for diagnosis of CF disease. It is noteworthy here that due to magnitude of Indian population, the total CF disease load would be more than many European countries. Clinical data demonstrate the prevalence of both classical and genetic form of CF in India.  相似文献   

本文总结了办公自动化网络常见的安全问题及其后果,探讨了解决这些安全问题的方法,提供了基于网络内部的安全策略.  相似文献   

作为世界第一大稻米出口国,印度稻米出口贸易格局在一定程度上关系到全球稻米供给及粮食安全,并对地缘格局带来一定影响.本文基于FAOSTAT数据,利用网络结构测度指标和以地缘视角为基础的聚类分析方法,旨在探析印度稻米出口贸易格局及其地缘影响力.研究发现:①从2012年起,印度成为全球稻米出口第一大国,且稻米出口贸易的网络组...  相似文献   

汪衔石 《情报杂志》2021,40(4):50-56
[目的/意义]风险评估是国家情报工作的重要内容。通过对西印度洋非传统安全展开风险、困境及对策研究,对"21世纪海上丝绸之路"倡议在该地区推进过程中的风险评估和预警有着十分重要的意义。[方法/过程]首先对西印度洋海上非传统安全进行分类,在此基础上对地区非传统安全治理在国家、区域和国际社会三个层面存在的治理困境进行论述,分析其治理动能缺失的原因,最后对中国参与该地区的治理提供路径选择和建议。[结果/结论]在该地区,中国首先应该建立西印度洋情报研究中心,其次要以现有机制为基础深度参与地区海上治理并发挥主导作用,最后要长期不懈为地区提供护航、维和等区域公共产品。  相似文献   

Improving specimen quality as well as healthcare worker (HCW) safety poses significant concerns for today’s laboratories. With an increasing number of diagnostic tests requested, laboratory professionals are faced with challenges to reduce laboratory errors, improve the quality of laboratory results to assure accurate diagnosis and implement initiatives to ensure healthcare worker safety and minimize risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. A prior study conducted in 2008 reported that variations in blood collection methods for clinical chemistry assays may affect overall specimen quality. As a follow up, the current study assessed the quality of 22563 patient specimens for cell counting in EDTA blood collection tubes that were obtained with needle and syringe collection (open) using either disposable tubes or re-washed glass vials or with an evacuated blood collection system (closed). Based on the observations, the use of the evacuated blood collection system resulted in better preanalytical specimen quality as compared with needle and syringe collection. The findings also showed an approximately 70-fold reduction in the incidence of clotting as well as fewer instrument-generated flags using the evacuated collection system. In addition, the use of an evacuated collection system for venous blood collection demonstrated lesser chance of blood exposure to healthcare workers.  相似文献   

To refine the theories of operations strategy, we need research from all different situational contexts, including different countries—both developing and developed. There have been many studies, including some replications, done in various parts of the world to further the debate on whether competitive priorities are mutually supportive or if they present potential trade-offs, but hardly any from a rapidly growing economy, such as India. This study is a significant attempt in that direction. After a thorough review of the literature, a set of hypotheses is introduced to test whether Indian manufacturers view competitive priorities as mutually supportive or trade-offs. The data from over 150 high-ranking individuals from over 75 manufacturers in India is used to test the hypotheses by way of cluster analysis and ANOVA. The resultant taxonomy reveals patterns that uniquely represent Indian manufacturers' view of the competitive priorities, namely quality, flexibility, delivery and price. The study findings have significant managerial implications, both for India and other developing as well as developed economies. The taxonomy will serve to gauge India's manufacturers' role in the world. From a researcher's perspective, this study makes a significant contribution to theory development, furthers our understanding of the strategic role of operations, moves forward the ongoing debate on the topic of trade-offs or complementarity, and paves the way for future studies in this topical area.  相似文献   

从软件外包看中国软件企业的发展与创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球软件企业的发展模式主要有三种:美国模式、印度模式和日本模式。全球软件外包市场规模已达到1000亿美元,发包市场主要集中在北美、西欧和日本,接包市场主要是印度和爱尔兰。中国软件企业发展软件外包。需要注意国内国际市场并重,深化对日软件外包,借鉴印度模式拓展欧戋市场,重视CMM等业务流程管理,以文化为先导,加强教育培训和通过创新提升软件外包价值链。  相似文献   

恒河作为印度最神圣的河流,承载印度文化,是印度人民的精神依托。这是印度文化的一大特色。恒河孕育了印度本土的三个宗教;印度的无数迷人的神话故事都和恒河有着不解之缘;恒河滋养了无数的圣人,圣人在恒河岸边的静修林里悟出了宗教圣典,就连被誉为"古代印度的百科全书"印度两大史诗《罗摩衍那》和《摩诃婆罗多》的作者瓦尔米基和毗耶娑都是恒河边的大仙。现代印度文化的代表泰戈尔和恒河有着深厚的情结。恒河和印度人的生死观念紧紧相关,它不仅是生命的象征,在恒河沐浴,死后把骨灰洒在恒河里可以洗涤罪孽,免除轮回之苦,径直升入天界,与梵合一。恒河的圣性延绵不绝,因而她滋育出了圣雄甘地、神圣的泰戈尔文学家族和伟大的尼赫鲁政治家族。这样,印度恒河畔的许多圣地和教徒们对圣地的趋之若鹜就可以理解了。  相似文献   

高校实验技术队伍在高等教育中起着重要作用,是高校实验室高水平建设的关键,实验技术人员的素质和业务水平,直接影响教学改革和科研工作的质量及效果。因此,加强高校实验技术队伍建设,提高实验技术人员水平和整体素质非常必要,本文根据当前这方面存在的问题提出了若干措施和建议。  相似文献   

An external quality assessment was conducted for RIA of thyroid related hormones. Thirtyfive laboratories (35 for T4, 34 for T3 and 23 for TSH) from different parts of country participated in the programme. Twentyfour samples (16 pools: 5 simple and 11 manipulated pools) in 8 batches, 3 per batch per month were sent for analysis of T4, T3 and TSH. Some of the samples were repeated 3 times at different occasions to assess the imprecision of the laboratory. The overall mean percent CV obtained for T4, T3 and TSH were 22.7, 36.32 and 52.38 respectively. The recovery for added T4 was 86.73% while that for T3 was 117.4%. A large variation was obtained for recovery of TSH. For T4 estimations, 13 laboratories had a desirable performance i. e. bias less than ±10.0% and variability of bias (VB) and imprecision (IP) less than 15.0%. None of the laboratories had a desirable performance for T3 or TSH. The number of laboratories with acceptable performance i. e. bias between ±10.0–15.0%, VB and IP between 20.0–25.0% for T4, T3 and TSH were 4, 3 and 0 respectively. The number of laboratories which required attention (bias between ±15.0–20.0%; VB and IP between 20.0–25.0%) were 5,7 and 1 respectively. The unacceptable results with larger bias, VB and IP for T4, T3 and TSH were 6, 18 and 17 respectively. Our results are in general agreement that the performance of T4 assay is better than T3 and both in turn are much better than TSH. Quantitation of circulating thyroid hormones (TH) viz. tri-iodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which form the largest percentage of hormones estimated in a clinical laboratory is mainly done by radio-immunoassay (RIA) procedures. The reliability and reproducibility of these assays are generally monitored by using internal quality control (IQC) samples in every assay batch. Thus, the IQC provides information whether the assay results are satisfactory and can be released. However, external quality assessment (EQA) is a procedure whereby an external agency undertakes evaluation of the quality of an analytical service by providing samples for analysis to individual laboratories performing the assay. The data gathered is analysed collectively. EQA therefore provides a means by which performance of a laboratory is assessed in relation to other laboratories and matching the assay unbiased by removing systematic error, if present. This is important since RIA procedure involves several steps (collection and storage of samples, quality of the reagents, procedure followed for performance of an assay, counting equipment used and the mode of the data analysis) and therefore prone to systematic errors. We therefore undertook the EQA programme for assessment of thyroid related hormones as a joint collaborative project of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India and International Atomic Energy Agency.  相似文献   

Global outsourcing increases the complexity of managing IT projects. Gender adds another level of difficulty when managing IT projects. Understanding country and gender—level differences may improve chances for success. This paper provides opportunities to better understand underlying country and gender differences of Indian IT workers. We used Hofstede’s value surveys module to analyze gender differences and cultural preferences of 107 Indian IT workers. After correcting for problems with outliers, none of the mean differences between men and women were significant at the 95% level; at the 90% level, we found differences in uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation only. Our results suggest that women and men working in the IT industry may have more similarities in terms of national culture than differences by gender. To overcome possible differences in uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation, IT outsourcers to India should ensure adequate professional development opportunities, mentoring programs, and clearly explained career path opportunities. Further, a focus on policies and management strategies that capitalize on the national culture of India, including group work to take advantage of collectivist tendencies, and clearly defined hierarchical systems to take advantage of masculine orientation and high power distances, may allow foreign companies to attract and retain men and women, where in many cases, national culture trumps gender differences. Future research should collect more data from women and investigate the effect of regional differences on cultural perceptions.  相似文献   

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