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No matter how many roles you have played on stage, Your love for ballet has remained unchanged. When melodious music permeates in the ballroom, When spotlights catch your lithe gures, You tiptoe the boundless stage, You touch the face of music. Unfolding your arms, you emabrace the sky, Raising your legs, you y over the stage.The angel-like, noble characters your have played Makes you known to the world – a proud dancing star of China. Classic romance ows in your blood. Spirit of dance gl…  相似文献   

A Way of Life     
"Life is like a card game: the cards you get are a matter of chance; how you play them is up to you." Philosophers and artists all over the world have produced thousands of analogies about the puzzles of life, but this epigram by Indian politician Nehru is especially noteworthy. Eventually, the cards in my hands will be played out. There is one card - life - that will be taken away without warning. Fortunately, it is still in my hands, and I am searching for the best way to play it. I will do so freely and handsomely; meanwhile, I'd like to share my pleasures with those who appreciate my game. This game needs a plan, as well as some dedication.- from Life is a Game by Fu Weici  相似文献   

故乡是什么故乡是什么?故乡是能够使你心疼心酸,同样也能够让你心花怒放的那一块独一无二的土地。故乡就是当你听到别人谈起她时,你的心跳会加剧,她发展了,她进步了,她美丽魅人,她为世人所知,所称赞,你就兴奋不已;故乡就是当你听到别人批评她时,你的脸会发红,...  相似文献   

打开书,像打开思想之门,那些啼叫的文字,会教给你种种精美的飞翔方式. 我们的岁月活在书里. 我们的血液漫流在书里. 打开书,你将看见你不曾看见过的一切,你将忆起遗忘已久的那一切,你将走近多年来你总难企及的那一切……  相似文献   

打开书,像打开思想之门,那些啼叫的文字,会教给你种种精美的飞翔方式.   我们的岁月活在书里.   我们的血液漫流在书里.   打开书,你将看见你不曾看见过的一切,你将忆起遗忘已久的那一切,你将走近多年来你总难企及的那一切……   ……  相似文献   

你在梦中哭醒“为什么我们的孩子死了?”我说“,你在做梦。我们哪有孩子?”“有的,我们有一个。可是它死了。”你依旧在啜泣,汗水涟涟。“瞧,亲爱的,你叫‘它’这证明我们从未有过孩子。如果真的有,你就会喊‘她’或‘他’。”我轻拂着你的头发。我亲吻着你的面颊。你的体温开始下降。你再次昏昏欲睡它本该有个名字。“男孩儿的名字或女孩儿的名字,可这名字却总在我醒来前消失得无影无踪。”是的,在你入睡之前一切本未发生。■You woke up crying"Why did our baby die?"I said,"You're dreaming.We don't have a baby."Yes,we do.But i…  相似文献   

马玫 《大理文化》2014,(9):30-37
正一女人的手沿着枣红色棉衣缓缓往上移动,似在摸索和探寻,带着某种不可确定性,却不肯停止,迟疑之后继续向上,最终停在了胸口暗袋的位置。她用指尖微微触碰一下,那坚硬的东西暗暗给了手指一个回应,只见手指一个哆嗦,触电般停在那里,有几分犹豫,看上去是她的手在替她思考,修剪得秃秃的指甲使手指看上去十分笨拙,像五个智商过低的脑袋。这是一双地道的乡下女人的手,布满了被岁  相似文献   

很多朋友知道我喜欢杜拉。后来这成为了一种持续不断的状态。这样无论好还是不好,却是我无法选择的。让生命中有一个女人,与你心心相印。在她的灯塔一般的照耀下,走你的路。你便有了依托。仿佛始终有人做伴。而且是一个熟人。在你的身边,说着她的故事。而你听。与她分享她的痛苦与爱情。那痛苦与爱情也是你所熟悉的。因为你了解她,就像了解你自己。  相似文献   

<正>当你老了,两鬓染白,睡意沉沉,在炉火边打盹,请取下这部诗,慢慢品读,回想你当年的双眸,何等温柔,还有那波影深深。多少人曾经爱慕你妩媚的青春时光,爱慕你的美貌,或是真情或是假意,但有个人爱你那颗圣洁虔诚的心,爱你那日渐衰老的脸上的悲戚。冬日里,白发苍苍的老妇人坐在炉火旁,似有睡意。她随手取下部诗集慢慢地读起来,那是爱她的人送的情诗。透过诗句她回忆起自己昔日的绝代风华,还有那些为她的美貌而心悦诚服的众多追求者。但青春易逝,  相似文献   

高阳阳 《世界文化》2012,(12):41-42
“眼睛是心灵之窗”,那么窗对一个家庭、一个人又意味着什么呢? 或许你早已习惯了城市中高楼大厦反光的镜乱或许你早已不再留意居民楼上被铁栏包裹的窗台,当所有这些都习以为常的时候,低下头来看看自己的左边胸口,是不是感觉有点微凉?这样的感觉之于我,也是到荷兰后才渐渐发觉。  相似文献   

This article examines how commercials are adapted to appeal to a sense of national and cultural belonging within the overlapping contexts of global formats, national media, and local identities by comparing the American and the Turkish versions of television commercials arising from a Snickers global advertising campaign: “You are not you when you are hungry.” Using interviews with focus groups and an advertising practitioner, the article questions relevance of the concept of cultural proximity to understand the complexity of politics of identity construction through consumption of media products. I argue that the audiences reflexively negotiate localization strategies of the advertising agency to articulate three different strata of cultural proximity: national, global, and subcultural. The reception that demonstrates cultural hybridity, in which the antinomy between the global and the local/national resolves, is created through the multilayered structure and the multiplicity of cultural proximities in advertising adaptations.  相似文献   

How do you live in a time when most people believe you are dead—from a people of the past—and you feel you have been made allergic to your true roots? You do, you just do. ?Geobe (2003, p. 55)  相似文献   

Tianjin is a low-profile city in the coastal area in north China. Its Western-style mansions in past colonial cessions have long lost glamour and vitality as the North Sea Warlord rule ended in the early 20th century. The city has no grandeur and solemnity as Beijing, no metropolitan prosperity or hubbub as Shanghai, and no hilly and riverside charms as Chongqing. But when you really incorporate yourself into it, you can taste a truly different flavor of the city. On the Five Avenues or J…  相似文献   

Teacher expectations for student behavior and academic performance have a lasting effect on student academic achievement—not only in the immediate school year, but also many years later. Yet, we know very little about how students interpret and understand teachers' expectations for them. This article expands the literature on teachers' expectations for students by drawing on student voice to examine how middle and high school students describe and experience the expectations that teachers have for them, and the implications of these expectations for developing positive student–teacher relationships. Findings indicate that traditionally minoritized and traditionally privileged youth harbor racialized and classed perceptions of teachers' expectations.

I feel like it's all around us too, like everything we hear kinda everything we learn about; it's kinda like minorities are oppressed. Like you learn about, a lot about, like, civil rights and all that; like you always kinda hear that, like, Blacks, minorities, all of them were kinda oppressed and that Whites were dominant at one point. So I mean it's not like it's the same; it's not completely different now, but maybe that concept is still with us. (Latina/o high school student)  相似文献   

Those who can only speak English will be no longer as advantaged as they are now. English has been the widest-used international language for decades, but you will be wrong if you think fluency only in English can still be an advantage in competition. Now you have to speak Chinese.[第一段]  相似文献   

Multicultural literature can be found all across classrooms in the United States. I argue it is more important what you do with the literature than just having it in the classroom. Multicultural literature should be seen as a tool. In this article, I will share how I used multicultural literature as a tool to (a) promote or develop an appreciation for diversity, (b) honor students' voices, (c) connect to students' rich linguistic and cultural backgrounds, and (d) promote critical consciousness. Through this process, students were able to build a foundation toward critical consciousness in order to take action against their oppressors.  相似文献   

The violinist's prof ile: Born in Shanghai, Xia Xiaocao is a Chinese violinist active in the international music circle. Xiao began learning the violin at age 6 and often appeared in radio and TV music programs in her childhood. She has received training under the mentorship of several prestigious professors including Wang Zhilong, Peng Dingxin and Lin Yaoji. Upon graduation from the Central Conservatory of Music, Xia was engaged as teacher at the conservatory. She then went to Souther…  相似文献   

The pianist’s pro le Jiang Chen, born in Shanghai, China, began learning the piano at age ve and won the rst prize at the rst Shanghai Piano Competition for Children at age seven. At age eleven Jiang successfully played Aaron Avshalomov’s piano concerto “Chinese Theme and Rhythm” in cooperation with renowned conductor Huang Yijun and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and records and tape cassettes on this concert were later produced and released. In 1992, Jiang graduated with top perform…  相似文献   

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