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The paper uses data from the 1980 Brazilian census to analyse the sources of earnings variation among males with emphasis on the role of education, labor market segmentation, geographic location and sector of economic activity. The results indicate a sizeable private rate of return to investment in education across labor market “segments”, especially among rural workers and the self-employed. Such a finding is upheld after econometric corrections for dependent variable (earnings) truncation and selectivity bias regarding who enters a particular economic sector. However, regional earnings differentials persist even after adjustment for a set of personal and job characteristics. Thus, internal migration still has a role to play towards reducing regional earnings disparities.  相似文献   

Engineers in Greece undergo a heavy schooling investment—five years of university study instead of the usual four. Greece is atypical in that women make up a relatively large portion of the engineering work force. Working women earn substantially less than do men and there is evidence of labor market discrimination. In this paper a recent survey (1987) of employed engineers is used to examine earnings differentials between men and women and to compare the results with an examination of the results of an earlier survey (1977). Results indicate that most of the difference in earnings between male and female engineers in Greece is not accounted for by differences in productive characteristics such as education and experience and, therefore, most of the difference may be due to discrimination. Moreover, the proportion of the earnings differential not explained by productivity has increased over time.This is a revised version of the paper presented at the 1991 Cambridge Social Stratification Research Seminar, Gender, Work and Pay, September 26–27, 1991. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and should not be attributed to the World Bank.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of sheepskin effects in explaining white–black earnings differences. The study finds significant differences in sheepskin effects between white men and black men, with white men receiving higher rewards for lower level signals (degrees of a college education or less) and black men receiving higher rewards for higher level signals (graduate degrees). In performing an Oaxaca decomposition of earnings differences, it is apparent that signaling plays an important role in explaining white–black earnings differences and that a portion of the gap may be explained by statistical discrimination.  相似文献   

Studies which have investigated the influence of education on adult earnings are almost exclusively concerned with men and take little account of family influences on either education or later earnings. Those studies which have information on women's earnings focus on gender differentials rather than differences between women in opportunities and outcomes. This paper which examines the influence of education and family background on the midlife earnings of a national cohort of British women born immediately after the Second World War is an attempt to redress this situation. It shows that the few women who were able to take full advantage of the expansion in educational opportunities and achieve high educational qualifications earned significantly more in adult life than less educated females. Family background played an important role, both through its effect on early educational achievement and attitude to school work, which in turn influenced the type of secondary school attended and the achievement of educational qualifications, and also by well‐educated mothers raising their daughter's career expectations or providing successful role models. In adult life, employment characteristics which indicated a long‐term commitment to full‐time work and the decision not to have children, or to delay childbearing, were also important predictors of later economic success in this cohort, but did not explain the prior effects of education and family background. Advanced educational qualifications were the key to economic success for women bom in the early post‐war period.  相似文献   

We use data from a nationally representative survey of Italian graduates to study whether Alma Mater matters for employment and earnings 3 years after graduation. We find that the attended college matters, and that there are important college-related differences, both among and within regions of the country. These differences, however, do not persist over time and are not large enough to trigger substantial mobility flows from poorly performing to better performing institutions. We also find evidence that going to a private university pays off at least in the early part of a career. Only part of this gain can be explained by the fact that private universities have lower pupil–teacher ratios than public institutions.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies examining nursing wages, very little attention has focused on nursing wage differentials. We build on previous research by modeling nursing wages and examining male–female wage differences within the context of the current nursing shortage. Our results show that male nurses do earn a wage premium, largely explained by employment as a nurse anesthetist, job satisfaction, and experience. Whether or not this differential indicates discrimination toward females in the US nursing labor market is unclear. Since males represent a small proportion of the nursing workforce, the time required for males to become prevalent in the nursing labor market and help ease the nursing shortage is unknown. Consequently, one must ask whether the male wage premium is sufficient to attract substantial numbers of men into nursing, and whether wages, in general, are sufficient to attract the requisite numbers of males and females into nursing to address the shortage ‘crisis’.  相似文献   

Although the limited past research on the effects of region on faculty salaries has presented inconsistent findings, it was expected that region would be significant in explaining faculty salaries over a seven-year period. The data had been collected from member institutions of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges in the annual faculty salary surveys during 1977–1978, 1980–1981, and 1983–1984. The data were weighted average salaries (N = 528) of new assistant, assistant, associate, and full professors in eleven grouped disciplines from four geographical regions. Analysis of variance was used to explain the variation in salaries by region, year, rank, and, to some extent, discipline. The significance level was set at .01. Year, rank, discipline, and the interaction of year and rank were found to be significant. The study revealed that since 1980 the ranges among salaries by region, rank, and discipline have been increasing.  相似文献   

This study uses data drawn from three recent cohorts of undergraduates at the University of Sussex to investigate the key determinants of degree performance. The primary theme of the study is an examination of the gender dimension to degree performance. The average ‘good’ degree rate for female students was found to be superior to the male rate. The modest raw gender differential in first class degree rates favoured women but was found to be attributable to their better endowments, particularly pre-entry qualifications. The largest differential favouring women was in the II:i classification, where almost all of the difference was attributable to differentials in coefficient treatment rather than endowments (or characteristics). The analysis undertaken also allowed the investigation of a number of sub-themes relating to the effects on degree performance of, inter alia, pre-entry qualifications, ethnicity, socio-economic background and health disability. The largest effects were reserved for the role of pre-entry qualifications with more modest effects detected for ethnicity and socio-economic background.  相似文献   

While there is an extensive literature on intergenerational transmission of economic outcomes (education, health and income for example), many of the pathways through which these outcomes are transmitted are not as well understood. We address this deficit by analysing the relationship between socio-economic status and child outcomes in university, based on a rich and unique dataset of university students. While large socio-economic differences in academic performance exist at the point of entry into university, these differences are substantially narrowed during the period of study. Importantly, the differences across socio-economic backgrounds in university grade attainment for female students is explained by intermediating variables such as personality, risk attitudes and time preferences, and subject/college choices. However, for male students, we explain less than half of the socio-economic gradient through these same pathways. Despite the weakening socio-economic effect in grade attainment, a key finding is that large socio-economic differentials in the earnings expectations of university students persist, even when controlling for grades in addition to our rich set of controls. Our findings pose a sizable challenge for policy in this area as they suggest that equalising educational outcomes may not translate into equal labour market outcomes.  相似文献   

Struggling with workload: Primary teachers’ experience of intensification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last two decades teachers in many countries have found themselves facing new demands and changes. In his “intensification thesis” Apple, M.W. [(1986). Teachers and Texts. A political economy of class and gender relations in educations. London: Routledge] made a powerful attempt to conceptualize and explain these changes: the growing economic oriented perspective on education leads to an intensification of teachers' work. This paper, which reports on qualitative–interpretative case studies in Flemish (Belgian) primary schools, contributes to a more refined understanding of teachers' working conditions. Using “experience of intensification” as a central concept, the authors call for a refined understanding of the complex interplay of teachers' professional selves, the cultural and structural working conditions in the school and the different “calls for change” they have to deal with. Based on multiple case studies, the authors demonstrate that the experience of intensification is mediated through processes of interpretation and sense-making that are influenced by the organizational working conditions as well as teachers' sense of professional identity.  相似文献   

The role of cognitive processing and language awareness in relation to reading is discussed. The framework for cognitive processing was Luria's (1966a, Higher cortical functions in man, New York: Basic Books; 1966b, Human brain and psychological processes, New York: Harper & Row) simultaneous and successive syntheses. Language awareness involved understanding of phonological representation, ambiguities, and incongruities. The sample of 56 Grade 2 and 64 Grade 4 children was administered a battery of seven “simultaneous-successive” tasks. Principal component and promax oblique factor analyses and factor scores were used to classify the children as low-low, low-high, high-low, and high-high simultaneous-successive “processors.” A series of ANOVAs showed significant differences by grade and level of cognitive processing for the three language awareness tasks and for reading. These tasks and factor scores derived from the simultaneous and successive components of the within correlation matrix for the total sample of 120 children after removing covariance associated with the two grades were subjected to stepwise multiple regression analyses and a path analysis to tease out the contribution of these components to reading. Results showed a much greater direct effect from language awareness on reading than simultaneous and successive syntheses. Ability to reflect on language and to use language as “disembedded modes of thinking” are seen as central to reading acquisition and development.  相似文献   

This investigation considered how undergraduate students with different achievement goal orientation profiles view plagiarism. Thai student volunteers (N = 867) completed an achievement goal survey [Niemivirta, M. (1998). Individual differences in motivational and cognitive factors affecting self-regulated learning — A pattern-oriented approach. In P. Nenninger, R. S. Jäger, A. Frey, & M. Woznitza (Eds.), Advances in motivation (pp. 23–42). Landau, DE: Verlad Empirische Pädagogik] and a “Dimensions of Plagiarism” survey [Koul, R. (2007). Dimensions of Plagiarism. Downloaded April 8, 2008 from http://dimensions-of-plagiarism.wikispaces.com/]. Mixed analysis of variance of attitudes towards plagiarism with goal orientation and gender showed several significant findings: high performance oriented students were substantially stricter than low performance orientated students in evaluating all Dimensions of Plagiarism. Low mastery oriented students were stricter regarding the “motive” dimension of plagiarism while high mastery oriented students were stricter regarding the “source” dimension of plagiarism. Significant differences between females and males were observed across the six factors of the Dimensions of Plagiarism survey. These results are interpreted within the framework of social comparison theory in respect to competitive learning environments.  相似文献   

Using data from Thailand’s National Labor Force Survey, this paper analyzes the long-run earnings differentials for vocational and academic schooling at the secondary and post-secondary levels. The results show that vocational schooling offers consistently higher returns for men and women at the secondary and post-secondary levels. However, the returns to vocational and academic credentials vary substantially, both by gender and year. The primary conclusion that vocational schooling offers a higher private rate of return should be tempered by the understanding of the long-run decline in value of some vocational credentials and the potential growing importance of all post-secondary degrees.  相似文献   

This paper examines the composition of the gender earnings gap among young European higher education graduates, with a particular focus on competencies controlling for individual background and job characteristics. The results show that much of the female worker’s earnings advantage can be explained by job characteristics. With respect to the competencies required at current jobs, we find that foreign language proficiency and computer skills play a large role in explaining part of the female earnings advantage. Additionally, estimation results by each one of the countries included in the analysis show that gender earning gaps are disparate in size as well as in composition.  相似文献   

Using expanded evidence from the Administrator and Teacher Survey and the High School and Beyond data, the book Politics, Markets, and America's Schools, by Chubb and Moe (C&M), measures differential progress of students who remain in their chosen high schools. Of the variables positively associated with student achievement gain, school organization is clearly significant. C&M describe good school organization as inversely related to the size and dominance of bureaucracy and positively correlated with autonomy. In the absence of a precise definition by C&M this article explores the full meaning of autonomy and finds that when applying it to C&M's ultimate reform proposals, serious inconsistencies emerge. Thus, while they start with the finding that bureaucracy is “unambiguously bad” for school organization, in their last chapter the authors nevertheless recommend reforms in which the existing bureaucracy rather than autonomy is in central charge. In the same vein, their treatment of the voucher system and private schooling, which would clearly promote more autonomy, is decidedly and unexpectedly cool.  相似文献   

Accountability-oriented reforms demand immediate and continual gains on achievement test, for all students, and without diminishing other outcomes or undermining instruction. This paper describes a framework for aligning classroom assessment and external testing with the aim of negotiating these seemingly contradictory goals. The framework varies the sensitivity to instruction and the representations of knowledge across approaches to assessment. Cycles of design- based studies successively refine relationships between a curriculum and the frame that each assessment provides. Doing so, we argue, leverages the unique formative and summative balance across assessments in order to scaffold learning and demonstrate the “consequential” validity of our strategy without compromising curricula, instruction, or the “evidential” validity that warrants their continued use.  相似文献   

The paper provides a case study of educators' relations with the state in England. A brief historical sketch is offered along with a more in-depth analysis focusing on the situation in “Midlands County” between 1976 and 1981, a period of the “Great Debate,” policy reforms, and cuts in education. Teachers' perceptions of these events and their individual and collective action related to them are also described. Drawing on theoretical work pertaining to state-economy and state-occupation relations, an attempt is made to understand these developments in terms of the national and local state in England dealing with two structural imperatives — accumulation and reproduction — of the capitalist economy at the national and world system level. The paper examines finally more recent dynamics in England in light of this theoretical framework.  相似文献   

There is hardly any estimate of the monetary returns to schooling in the labor market in India based on national level representative data for the recent period. This paper provides estimates of the returns to education in wage employment in India by gender, age cohort and location (rural–urban) for the most recent period 1993/4, and also evaluates the changes in returns over a period of time from 1983–94 using data from a large national level household survey. The estimates show that the returns to education increase up to the secondary level and decline thereafter. There is evidence of substantial gender and rural–urban differences in the returns to schooling. Investment in women's education, particularly at the middle, lower secondary and higher secondary levels, is more profitable than that for men in 1983 and also in 1993/4. The returns to women's primary and middle levels of education have declined while those to secondary and college levels have increased during the decade 1983–94.  相似文献   

Since 1999, Slovenia has been in the process of introducing nine years of compulsory education to replace the previous eight-year system of compulsory education. Under the new system, the school entry age is six years rather than the former seven years. This reform of the system necessitated a number of other changes, such as those relating to the curriculum and teaching approaches. The purpose of this study was to compare the “new” Slovenian science curriculum with the “old” to ascertain if different relationships exist between the two in terms of achievement and gender, attitudes toward science, and the amount of experimental work undertaken by students in school. Data from the IEA TIMSS 2003 study were used to analyze these relationships. The analyses employed basic statistics and log-linear modeling of the effects of gender, school system, amount of experimental work in school, and students’ science achievement. Compared to students taught under the old curriculum, students taught under the new curriculum performed slightly better on the overall science test. A large decrease in gender differences in achievement was also apparent. The relationship between experimental work and achievement strengthened. Conducting experiments at every lesson related to lower student achievement, while conducting experiments during half of the science lessons related to higher achievement. These findings have a clear message for teachers and policymakers. A moderate amount of time devoted to student experimental work seems to raise science achievement of students as well as promote more positive attitudes toward learning science.  相似文献   

Education and Economic,Political, and Social Change in Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an overview of the complex relations among history, education, political economy, and social change in Vietnam. Vietnam has a long history of education and a literate culture. The evolution of Vietnamese culture and society is characterized by both persistence and change. Social and political persistence and change have been profoundly affected by education in Vietnam. In this paper major external influences on Vietnamese education and social change are considered, including Chinese Confucian influences, French colonial influences, Soviet and US influences during the Cold War, and more contemporary international global influences as Vietnam has become part of the global economy and international regimes. The importance influence of the policy of “doi moi” (economic renovation) introduced in 1986 is seen as resulting in a major transformation in Vietnam. The paper concludes with a discussion of Vietnam’s future and its goals of developing a modern economy through a priority on the development of human capital through a distinctive Vietnamese educational system, drawing eclectically and creatively on diverse external influences.  相似文献   

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