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食品理化检测实验是食品质量与安全专业的核心实验课程,为了加强学生实践能力的培养,在食品理化检测过程中,在实验教学环节、实验室管理、学生成绩评价等方面加强了过程管理,提高了教学过程和实验室管理的规范性,激发了学生实验的积极性,教学效果得到明显提高。  相似文献   

为了全面考查学生的实验能力和知识综合应用能力,在近年的中考化学中,与实验有关的理化综合问题已成为考查的热点,本文以氧气性质实验与物理知识的综合为例,  相似文献   

人类的理化知识一般来源于对自然的观察,更金的是来源于实验,实验在理化教学中占了较大的比率,因些对实验的教学应引起足够的重视,作者讨论了怎样用电教媒体优化实验教学,发挥实验的感染力,克服传统教学的不足,创造更佳的教学效果。  相似文献   

传统的初中理化实验内容的考核方法是通过初中毕业考试或在升学考试试卷中出几道实验考题,并以此来检查学生的实验操作能力。这种考核方法往往导致两种后果:一是学生偏重于背实验过程、背实验结论;二是教师在教学中重知识传授、轻实验操作。所以,如何全面准确地考查初中学生的理化实验操作能力,对于提高实验教学质量,进一步落实新课程改革精神具有重要意义。结合我市在初中毕业生中理化实验操作能力考核方式的改革谈谈自己的认识和体会。  相似文献   

人类的理化知识一般来源于对自然的观察,更金的是来源于实验,实验在理化教学中占了较大的比率,因些对实验的教学应引起足够的重视,作者讨论了怎样用电教媒体优化实验教学,发挥实验的感染力,克服传统教学的不足,创造更佳的教学效果。  相似文献   

备齐实验材料搞好学生实验潜江市竹根滩镇周岭村小自然实验组(433101)小学自然中理化知识的实验就有37个之多(不包括一定数量的课外实验)。这些实验材料的准备大多来源于师生共同的制作和依赖于仪器站供应。鉴于这些情况,我认为上好自然实验课一般要掌握好以...  相似文献   

DNA粗提取和鉴定实验是开展分子生物学研究的基本技术,可以帮助学生初步了解分子生物学的基本实验方法,巩固必修课中有关DNA的理论知识。这个实验是在实践过程中去理解知识,应用中去获取知识,而不是那种“照方抓药”的实验模式。实验中为学生提供多种熟悉的实验材料,利用DNA与RNA、蛋白质和脂质等在理化性质上的差异,  相似文献   

山西省初中学业水平考试理化实验操作起步于21世纪初,最初在部分市(县)试点,之后在条件具备的市(县)加以推行。经过10多年的探索和实践,2015年开始把理化实验操作考试成绩纳入初中学业水平考试总成绩。2016年,全省所有市(县)初中毕业升学考试加试理化实验操作,纳入升学考试总分。至此,山西省初中学业水平考试理化实验操作测评模式诞生。从2021年理化实验操作考试结果可以看出,一方面考生在真实的环境中运用基本概念、基本原理呈现真实的知识与技能,能够公正公平地评价学生;另一方面以评价为导向,彻底改变了学生的学习方式,变“坐着学”为“做着学”。  相似文献   

化学是一门实验性很强的学科,化学实验是化学教学的基础.分析近几年来的高考题目,关于实验知识的考查明显加强,不仅加强了考查的力度,而且增加了实验题分值.能力考查的要求也逐渐提高,特别是实验设计能力的考查.随着教育教学改革的不断深入,尤其是初中理化实验操作考试的成绩加入中考总分以后,培养学生动手操作能力、提高学生的实验技能,就显得越来越重要了.  相似文献   

理化实验对学生获取知识、掌握探究方法,启迪学生思维、培养科学方法和创新精神都能产生积极的有效作用,但由于农村初中仪器残缺不全,实验方法陈旧单一等原因,导致农村初中理化实验不能得到有效开展。结合近二十年的实验教学经验,探讨农村初中有效开展理化实验教学。  相似文献   

在中学生学习的各门课程中,地理是一门综合性很强的学科,它涉及语文、数学、化学、生物、历史、外语、政治等多学科的知识。学好地理,对于培养学生综合素质,使之成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的高素质的社会主义公民具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

在化学教学中,不但要辅导学生学好书本知识,还要引导学生开阔视野,了解大自然中冰状甲烷的相关知识,关注地球资源,保护人类环境。  相似文献   

Introductory biology courses are frequently offered separately to biology majors and nonbiology majors, with the assumption that the two groups of students are different enough to merit different courses. To assess the evidence behind this assumption, we compared students in two different genetics classes at the University of Colorado–Boulder, one class for nonscience majors (nonmajors) and the other class for biology majors and students planning a biology-related career (majors), to see whether these two groups of students were fundamentally different in performance and attitudes. To measure content knowledge, we administered identical assessments to both groups of students during the semester: a validated pre- and postcontent assessment (Genetics Concept Assessment), ungraded quizzes after problem-solving sessions, and questions on each exam. We measured attitudes, study time, and study techniques through online surveys. Majors outperformed nonmajors on content assessments, finishing with significantly higher learning gains. Nonmajors and majors also differed in their motivation, interest, study time, and expert-level of beliefs. We suggest that focusing on the process of science and its connection to students'' lives will better engage and motivate nonmajors while still helping them learn the fundamental concepts of genetics.  相似文献   

Students in their first year of university face a number of transition issues that can make realising their academic potential difficult. In the sciences, first-year courses cover a large amount of material across broad subject areas, which can make them troublesome for students without background knowledge, and students need to adapt to typically large class sizes and develop active, independent learning skills. We expected a student's prior learning to be important to their academic performance in a large, first-year introductory biology subject and analysed the relationships between students' results in this course with their senior high school results in related subjects over three years from 2007 to 2009. We predicted that students with prior learning in biology would have higher results than those without it, but that chemistry might also be important, given the biochemical nature of much of the course content. Students who completed biology at the senior high school-level did perform better than those who had not, but only if they also completed chemistry. Prior learning in biology was of no benefit to students in first-year biology, except when combined with chemistry, suggesting that potential differences in biology curricula between high school and the first year at university may need to be addressed.  相似文献   

高等数学是大学理工科的一门公共课,也是一门工具课,学好该课是学好其专业课的前提。大学与中学不同,学生要学习理论知识,更要学习研究方法,努力提高自身的创造能力,这样才能在将来的工作中应对自如。文章对学生的创造性进行了分析,提出培养学生创造性的一些策略方法:要求学生注重对数学知识形成过程的学习,引导学生提出问题、发现问题。  相似文献   

王东兴 《天津教育》2021,(5):94-95,98
日常生活中随时都能遇到一些化学现象,有些现象可能会因为过于常见而导致人们熟视无睹。初中化学学习中,学生除了可以在课堂上学习化学知识,还可以从一些生活现象入手,进一步学习化学知识,探究化学王国的奥秘。由于受到环境条件的限制,教师在让学生开展家庭化学小实验时,必须充分考虑到条件的限制、实验环境的选择、实验器材的准备等要素,然后充分调动学生的学习积极性,激发学生开展化学家庭小实验的激情。实验方法上教师要对他们进行有效的指导,争取每一个实验能够达到预想的效果,从而培养学生的动手操作能力、独立自主地探究化学知识的能力。  相似文献   

保护环境是一个十分紧迫的问题,治理环境污染应当从环境保护意识教育抓起。化学教学应利用学科优势,对学生进行环保教育,使学生了解化学的基础知识,增强学生的环保意识和责任感,积极参与环保工作。  相似文献   

现在的大学无机化学教学以相当于新高考的选考内容为基础。改革后大多数选考科目包含化学的专业(类)在一定时期内相当多录取考生没有选考化学,他们掌握了学考内容,对选考内容生疏。新形势需要新的衔接措施:着眼于学生终身可持续发展,以树立严谨学习态度、养成良好学习方法和提高自身学习能力为目标,激发学习兴趣,与学考内容相衔接,因材施教,确保学生切实掌握教学内容;实行隐性分层教学方法,应对学生化学基础的巨大差别。  相似文献   

物理化学概念多而且很抽象,学生对概念的理解在一定程度上决定了物理化学的学习质量.因此,在物理化学教学中,要十分重视概念教学.具体做法是从科学史的视角增强对概念的理解;从其他学科的视角促成对概念的理解;从建构概念的知识网络的视角优化对概念的理解;理论与实际结合,从应用的视角拓宽对概念的理解.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from a study that examined how high school biology teachers describe their instructional use of reading and textbooks. In the study, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected—by self-report mail questionnaire and personal interview, respectively. Eighty percent of 184 sampled teachers responded to the questionnaire, and, of these, a subsample of 16 teachers—selected to be broadly representative of the questionnaire sample—were interviewed subsequently with their instructional materials present to increase recall. We found that biology teachers modified their use of textbooks according to the academic level of the biology class that they taught. In lower academic level classes, teachers provided students with many reading activities but expected them to learn biology content in class. In higher academic level classes, teachers expected students to learn from both independent reading and classroom instruction. Biology teachers viewed both reading and inquiry activities as important to learning biology, but they appeared unsure of how to incorporate reading comprehension strategies into their science instruction.  相似文献   

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