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正[英语原文]One day,the teacher inquired Peter:"How much is four minus four?"Peter was tongue-tired.The teacher got angry and said:"What a fool!You see,if I put four coins in your pocket,but there is a hole in your pocket and all of them leak out,now what is left in your pocket?""The hole."replied Peter.[汉语翻译]一天,老师问彼得:"4减4等于几?"彼得张口结舌答不上来。老师生气地说:"真笨!你想,我要是往你口袋里放4个硬币,而你的口袋上有个窟窿,硬币全漏掉了,那么,你口袋里还剩下什么?""窟窿。"彼得答道。  相似文献   

四减四等于几?一天,老师问彼得“:4减4等于几?”彼得张口结舌答不上来。老师生气地说“:真笨!你想,我要是往你口袋里放4枚硬币,而你的口袋上有个窟窿,硬币全漏掉了,那么,你衣袋里还剩下什么?“”窟窿,”彼得答道。4-4=?One day,the teacher inquired of Pete“r:Howmuchis four minus four?”Peter was tongue-tied.The teachergot angry and said“:What a fool!You see,if I put fourcoins in your pocket,but there is a hole in your pocketand all of them leak out,now what is left in yourpocket?“”The hole,”replied Peter.…  相似文献   

one day,the teacher asked Peter,“How much 15 fourminus four?,’Peter eouldn,t answer it. The teacher got angry and said,“What a fool!You see,if1 put four eoins in your Pocket,but there 15 a hole in yourPoeket and all of them leak out.And what 15 left in yourPocket?” “The hole,”rePlied Peter. 一天,老师问彼得:“四减四等于几?”彼得答不出来。 老师生气地说:“真笨!你想,如果我放四个硬币在你的口袋里,但你的价墩里有个洞,结果四个硬币都漏掉了。那么,你的口黛里还有什么?” “洞,”彼得答道。四减四等…  相似文献   

I, You and shePeter was a clever boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words: I, YOU and SHE. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words. The teacher said, “I, I am your teacher;(then pointing to a girl) she, she is your classmate; you, you are my student.”When Peter went home, his father asked him what he had learned at school. Peter said at once, “I, I am your teacher;(then pointing to his mother)she, she is your classmate;you, you are my student. ”H…  相似文献   

L You and she     
Peter was a clever boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words: I, YOU and SHE. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words. The teacher said, ““I, I am your teacher; (then pointing to a girl) she, she is your classmate; you, you are my student.““  相似文献   

The Ugly Hat     
One day a lady(女士)walked into a hat shop.The shopkeeper smiledand said,“Good afternoon,madam.”“Good afternoon.”the lady answered.“There is a green hat with redflowers and blue leaves on it in your window.Will you please take it outof there?”  相似文献   

1.H ow do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?怎样才能把大象放进冰箱里?2.W hat question can you never answ er“yes”to?什么问题你永远也不能回答“是的”?3.W hy did the kid cut a hole at the top of hisum brella?为什么小孩在伞上打了一个洞?4.W hen do you go as fast as a racing car?什么时候能像赛车一样快?5.H ow m any sides does a house have?一栋房子有几个面?6.W ho isn’t your sister and isn’t your brother,but is still a child of your m other and father?你父母的孩子,既不是你姐妹也不是你兄弟,那是…  相似文献   

I,You and She     
On the first day at school, Peter learns three words: I, You and She. The teacher says:"I, I am your teacher."She points to a girl."She, She is your classmate. You, You are my student."  相似文献   

"Who's calling?"was the answer to the telephone.“Watt.” “What is your name,please?” “Watt’s m y nam e.” “That’s w hat I asked you.W hat’s your nam e?” A long pause, and then, from W att, “Is this Jam es B row n?” “N o,this is K nott.” “Please tell m e your nam e.” “W ill K nott.” Then they both hung up and got puzzled.N otes: 1.W ho’s calling?你 是谁?(打电 话用 语) 2.W att’s m y nam e.我叫 瓦特。 对方 理解 为:W hat’s m y nam e? 3.a long pause 停了很 长时 间 4.N o,…  相似文献   

A PE teacher     
正Mr Wang is a PE teacher at Chong Ming Primary School.He can speak a little English.Sometimes he gives orders in English.Such as,stand in a line,put your feet together,jump up and down,lie on your back.He teaches very well and his class is very interesting.His students like him very much.Look!The children are in the playground.They are having a PE lesson.The boys are playing basketball.Mr Wang is  相似文献   

U nit4Ⅰ.完成句子A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.W hat shall I do if I don't k anyone?2.If I w ere you,I'd take an u.3.I'd give the m oney to m edical r.4.W hat w ould you do if you w on the l?5.H ey,did you see this n article?6.Y our brother borrow ed your soccer w ithoutp.7.The teacher asked you to give a s in frontof the w hole school.8.You are fairly c.9.Y ou are talking to one or tw o p.10.Y our friends w ould p say you are a goodlistener.B.用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.If …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首字母提示,写出单词。1.I often write articles and s themto m agazines and new spapers.2.The teacher is funny.H e often m akesus l in class.3.A re there any d between thetwo pictures?4.Y ou can’t m oil w ith water.5.If you a2to98,you will get100.6.—H ow was your school t?—It was great.W e visited som ebeautiful places.7.Liu M ei w the first prize inyesterday’s singing com petition.8.—W hat did you do yesterday?—I helped G randpa W ang l nextdoor to m e.9.—W hy…  相似文献   

A Clever Cock     
One day,a hungry(饥饿)fox cam e near to a cock and said,“I re- m em ber w hat a w onderful singer your father w as. I wonder whether you can sing better than your father.” H earing these words,the cock closed his eyes and began to sing. The fox snatched him with his m outh and carried him away. The people of the town cried (大 叫 ), “Look!The fox is carrying offour cock!” Then the cock said to the fox,“H ello,M r Fox. The people are saying that you are carrying their cock. Tell them t…  相似文献   

It's evening. A cock is sitting in a big tree.A fox is standing under the tree. He is looking up at the cock.“Hello, Mr. Cock. My name is Fox. I have good news for you.” “O h,what is it?” “A ll the anim als are good friends now. Please com e down and play with m e.”“That’s very good. O h, I see som e dogs over there. They are com ing this w ay.” “W hat?D ogs?W ell,I m ust go now.” “D on’t run aw ay,M r.Fox.The dogs are your friends now.”“Y es,but m aybe they don’t know…  相似文献   

AA man went to buy a piece of meat.He askedthe butcher(屠夫 ) to tell him the way of cooking itbecause he didn't know how to cook meat.Thebutcher told him how to cook it.“But I can't remember your words,”the mansaid,“Will you please write your words down forme?”Thebutcher was a good man and he wrotehiswords down for the man.The man went homehappily with the meat in his hand and the note(便条 ) in his pocket.A dog saw the meat,jumped athim and took the meataway.The man stood there.He did…  相似文献   

A A man once said how useless it was to put advertisem ents in thenewspaper.“Last week,”said he,“my umbrella was stolen from a Lon-don church. A s itw as a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising,butI didn t getit back.”“H ow did you write your advertisem ent?”asked one of the listeners,a businessm an.“H ere it is,”said the m an,taking out of his pocket a slip cut froma newspaper.The other m an took itand read,“Lost from the C ity Churchlast Sunday evening, a black silk um…  相似文献   

Where is my bag?【情景对话】Peter:Oh!My bag!I can’t find it.Where is it?Simon:Is it in your desk drawer?Go and have a look!Peter:No,it isn’t.Simon:Ah!Here it is!Peter:Where?Simon:It’s under your chair.Peter:Yes!Thanks,Simon.Peter:噢!我的书包!我找不到它。它在哪里?  相似文献   

Catch a falling star 捕捉下坠的星星 Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket. Never let it fade away. Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket.  相似文献   

Humor and Jokes     
同一个妈妈比利和他的哥哥大卫读同一个班,有一天老师叫他们写一篇作文,题目是《我的妈妈》。大卫写好后,比利拿去照抄一遍。第二天老师问比利:“为什么你的作文和大卫一模一样?”比利回答说:“我们的妈妈不是同一个人吗?” The Same Mother Billy and his brother David were in the same class. The teacher assigned them to write a composition "My Mother." David wrote one and Billy just copied it. On the next day, the teacher asked Billy, "How is it that your composition is exactly the same with David's?" "W…  相似文献   

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket.
Never let it lade away.
Cateh a falling star and put it in your pocket.
Save it for a rainy day.  相似文献   

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