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~~Who Is More Foolish?@佚名 @谭文锋$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

译文:亨利留级了。他的爸爸很生气。“亨利,你真笨啊。去年你上一年级。今年你还上一年级。”“可是爸爸。”亨利说,“我们学校有位老师比我更笨。去年他教三年级,今年他倒教一年级了。”  相似文献   

阅朴助貌一You阅nbuvonl丫a ha汁for6由!!a污.才今节1.卜了,七公乡自;;前,习‘子心、切不叮1)J屯刊以化O哭兀头牛了l、四J从。!,1 1 take the otherhalffor 4dol!ars-那我花4美元买另外一半吧。ld.扭nk watermelon厂.w。:temelan/n.西瓜exP“nsive/Ik’sPensiv/a才.昂贵的Wh  相似文献   

Who Is Who?     
Tony was a policeman,andhis younger brother,Bill,was acollege student(大学生).One day the two brotherswent into a restaurant(餐馆)tohave their supper.When theysat down at a table,Bill said toTony,“Oh,three of my class-mates are here having theirsupper.”He pointed to a tablein the corner.Three young menwere sitting at that table talking.“They are Slick,Smiley andMug.”“But who is who,Bill?”said Tony.“My guess(猜测)isthat the one smoking the cigar(雪茄烟)is Smiley,the onewearing the …  相似文献   

Who Is Right?     
看英语,读故事,画漫画,欢迎来这里一展才能!看着妙趣横生的画儿,别忘了也要动  相似文献   

Who Is Right?     
1 Sam has a piece of chalk.He draws aboy on the wall.2 Tom comes.He changes the boy into  相似文献   

Who Is Right?     
以下是第四季度(10-12月)的配图内容,现在征集小朋友的配图作品!拿起你的小画笔,根据情节,展开想像,快快把故事变成图画呀!  相似文献   

Who Is Deaf?     
An old man thought his wife was a bit deaf and he decided to try her out. He stepped back 10 meters and asked his wife from behind, "Can you hear me?" He heard no answer from his wife, so he walked forward and stood 6 meters away from her. "Can you hear m…  相似文献   

Who Is a Fool?     
演讲者对不时被打断感到厌烦。“今天晚上我们这儿似乎有很多的傻瓜,”他说道。“一次只听一个人讲,好不好?”“行,”一个声音说道,“那你就接着讲吧。”The speaker was getting tired of being interrupted. "We seem to have a great many fools here tonight," he said. "Wouldn't it be advisable to hear one at a time﹖" "Yes," said a voice. "Get on with your speech."Who Is a Fool?!山东@石庆…  相似文献   

If you have to miss one meal a day, which meal will cause the fewest health problems if you don't eat it? If they have to make a decision of that type,most people will choose to skip breakfast.However,many experts in the field of health consider breakfast is the  相似文献   

Bears are found in Europe, Asia and America. They are strong, with short tails and thick legs. Bears eat almost anything. Only the polar bear lives on fish. But at zoos, they seem to enjoy meat, vegetables, fruit, milk and rice.Bears are not as dangerous …  相似文献   

The junior middle school phase is one in which students first come into formal contact with science subjects and is a key period in the formation of their attitudes toward the sciences. Any setback in science studies in this period inevitably affects the students' studies in the senior middle school phase and even their future choice of specializations and the direction of their career development. Thus science education during the junior middle school phase is of the utmost importance for the students' growth. Studies by scholars abroad show that the great majority of girls have the same intelligence and ambitions as boys when they enter school, but by the time they graduate from junior and senior middle schools they have much less confidence in their abilities and their self-esteem has conspicuously declined. There is also a big difference between boys and girls in terms of their choice of advancement to higher schools, and a relatively small proportion of girls choose to take science courses in senior middle school. In terms of choice of vocations, most girls remain stuck in the narrow field of traditional occupations for females, such as nursing, health care, and secretarial work, and display a clear tendency toward job gender patternization. The rate of school dropouts and discontinued schooling is much higher among girls than boys.1 Studies by scholars in China show that stereotyped gender impressions among teachers leads to incorrect conduct in education and teaching. For instance, teachers believe that boys are more clever. They make different dispositions for girls' and boys' learning activities, and lavish more attention on boys. Such different feedback to learning information [sic] from boys and girls widens the difference between students of different genders.2  相似文献   

One day, as a teacher walked in his classroom, he heard Tommy whisper to the boy next him. "Here's the teacher. I'll bet the silly donkey is going to talk about putting in commas." The teacher didn't say something but he began to talk about putting  相似文献   

John:Whenwegetmarried,weregoingtohaveagoodcookinourhouse.Mike:Ididntknowyourgirlfriendcouldcook.John:Shecant.Hermotheriscomingtolivewithus.9  相似文献   

1.Onceuponatime,therelivedintheforestamanandabear.Themanandthebearwereclosefriends.Theyate,lived,andwalkedtogether.2.Oneday,themanfelttiredandwantedtoliedownandrest.Thebeartoldtheman,"Youcanrestatyourease(安心地).I'llmanage(对付)any-thingthatwillhappen.Noonewillharm(伤害)asinglehairofyourhead."Thenthemanfellasleep,andthebearfriendguarded(警卫)aside.3.Suddenlyafly(苍蝇)flewoverandland-edontheman'snose.Thebeardroveitoffatoncewithhisbigpaw(掌).Theflystop…  相似文献   

This is an old story.It was first told long ago.A rich man want-ed to make a journey to another town.He was a businessman.He want-ed to take things to sell.He also wanted to take some gold to buy somethings with.He decided to take ten servants with him.They wouldcarry the things to sell and the food to eat on the journey.  相似文献   

Group-based learning is being introduced into many settings in higher education. Is this a sustainable development with respect to the resources required? Under what conditions can group-based learning be applied successfully in distance education and in increasingly flexible campus-based learning? Can networked support facilitate and enrich courses where group-based learning is applied? These questions formed the basis of the motivation for the research project whose main results are presented here. The goals set for the research were the identification of problems associated with the planning, operationalisation, and monitoring of group tasks in group-based learning in higher education, and the identification of networked support options which, in combination with appropriate instructional decisions, have the potential to remedy these problems. The solutions identified were tested in the context of three case studies.  相似文献   

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