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李大钊“夙研史学” ,造诣很深 ,对中国马克思主义史学的创立和教育作出了开拓性的贡献。他以马克思主义唯物史观为指导 ,阐述历史学的研究对象及其教育功能 ,指出要通过史学教育帮助人们掌握马克思主义的唯物史观 ,培养正确的世界观和人生观 ,担当起改造中国旧史学的责任。  相似文献   

邓小平教育思想的发展历经治理整顿、拨乱反正、体制改革、精神引领四个阶段,形成了基于教育地位论,终于教育领导论的涵盖七个基本方面的独立思想体系.考察邓小平教育思想的历史地位,要从时代的、世界的和民族的视角,在理论与实践的结合上,把握其与时代精神的契合,把握其意识形态渊源,把握其民族性归旨,把握其管理性特质.邓小平教育思想应当表述和定位为具有中国特色的当代社会主义应用性教育理论.  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of recent policy designed to define the roles and responsibilities of special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCos). The international drive towards the inclusion of children with special educational needs within the mainstream has led many schools to reconsider their structures and practices. In the UK, the SENCo role lies at the heart of these structures and the Government has sought to define this role both within a revised Code of Practice for special educational needs and in a set of national standards. In this article, Christine Szwed, Director of Studies for Initial Teacher Education at the University of Birmingham, reports the findings of a survey examining the context of SENCo role management within a group of primary schools. The findings indicate that the role cannot be generalisd and that SENCos are operating in increasingly complex contexts within very different management structures. Christine Szwed argues that, to be effective, SENCos must be enabled to work at a whole-school level and that the co-ordination of special needs is a development issue for the whole staff.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the application and effects of technocratic ideology in schooling and educational policy in the United States, and traces it up through present planning for ‘virtual libraries’ and rethinking of educational structures. This is done by reviewing the development of educational structures and policies and by looking at selected developmental/historical periods in American life when technocratic ideology was particularly influential in schooling and educational policy. Through this process the authors establish ideological connections between technocracy, education and the new educational processes that virtual libraries represent. In this analysis virtual libraries are the newest site of the extension, deepening and possible totalizing of the values of technocratic educational policy and processes.

The paper begins with a brief definition of the concept of technocracy which is placed in its historical context. An overview of the historical periods of dominant technocratic ideology in American education is then presented. The overview covers particular eras from the early nineteenth century through the 1980s, tracing the manifestations of technocracy in educational practice and policy (the early industrial era, the era of Scientific Management and social efficiency, the Sputnik era and the push for computers in education). The paper then turns to an analysis of current technocratic education reforms and the connections to the “virtual library”. The virtual library is representative of this historical technocratic pattern, and‐‐at least as currently envisioned‐‐is the next technocratic extension into education. The paper concludes with a summary analysis of this trend.  相似文献   

教育理论研究向教育实践活动通达的障碍消除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育理论研究能否顺利地通达教育实践活动,其主要原因并不在于教育理论研究的个人意愿及其科研成果的品质,而在于教育体制的开放程度和理性水平。实质性地进行教育体制改革,使教育成为体现教育主体性、体现教育应然的本质和宗旨、张扬教育应然的精神和品格的真正的教育,教育理论研究向教育实践通达才具备坚实的思想和制度基础。  相似文献   

The ninth international Gender and Education Association Conference Compelling Diversities, Educational Intersections hosted by the Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research, London South Bank University engages with key debates surrounding the interplay between dynamics of education, work, employment and society in the context of crisis, upheaval and cutbacks, which reconfigure axes of intersectional inequalities. In considering diversity in education, this conference looks at the relationship between new equality regimes and continued educational inequalities, exploring organisational ambivalence, change and resistance. Participants will be asking important questions about the role of feminist research at a time when education, and its variously placed subjects (academics, pupils, students, and policy-makers), wrestle with the commitments and contentions in doing diversity and being diverse. This brief commentary piece probes at what – and who – is being compelled into, through and for diversity and explores the promises, pay-offs and pains of diversity when siphoned off from equality, justice and parity as policy and practice goals.  相似文献   

A historical review of educational psychology might improve understanding of current status and problems. Before American development of the field, the Greeks, Juan Vives in the 16th century, and Pestalozzi and Herbart in the 19th century applied psychological views to educational problems. Despite the absence of scientific psychology in 19th century America, normal schools offered courses purporting to be psychological in content; these courses were supported by textbooks on the subject. James began, and Thorndike developed, the discipline that by the mid-1920s had assumed much of its current form. Journals and academic departments appeared in the first quarter of the century also. The continuing search through the middle of the century for a satisfying professional organization reflected educational psychology's difficulties in establishing an identity. It is not clear even today that the field has “crystallized,” as one writer described it in the 1920s.  相似文献   


The notion of historical thinking has in recent years become popular in research on history education, particularly so in North America, the UK and Australia. The aim of this paper is to discuss the cognitive competencies related to historical thinking, as expressed by some influential Canadian researchers, as an history educational notion from two aspects: what is historical thinking and what does it mean in an educational context, and what are the consequences of historical thinking for history education? Our discussion will focus on possible implications of this approach to history education regarding what should be taught in history classrooms and why. By focusing on the notion of historicity, we want to argue that while a focus on a more disciplinary approach to history education is welcome, we think that more attention should be given to what could qualify as a disciplinary approach. We further argue historical thinking and the history educational challenge should be understood as wider and more complex than what history education informed by historical thinking entails.  相似文献   

Throughout the last twenty-five years all areas of educational thought have been preoccupied with the continuing conflict between conservative middle-class dominance of the schools and a liberal movement determined to provide a theory of equality and provisions for access. The radical extreme of this movement has gone further and demanded the total reconceptualization and reconstruction of education. This movement has attacked the standard histories of education which have their origins in the late nineteenth century. At that time, it is now argued, education was dominated by anarriviste bourgeoisie embracing a version of late-Hegelian philosophy with a doctrine of Eurocentric progress. Seeking legitimacy, the middle class supported the classical revival which stressed liberal education, expressed aspaideia, and mediated through the limited access to grammar school and university. Traditional educational historiography is now seen as reflecting these assumptions through “grand histories” written around “great educators” and “noble ideals”. As educational thought expanded throughout the twentieth century with the emergence of the contributing disciplines, this tradition was challenged as critical historians had a wider data-base from which to draw. By the 1930s and 1940s in the seminal work of R. H. Tawney and Lloyd Warner a literature of dissent began to appear, which, by the late 1960s had increased to a torrent, issuing in violently provocative criticisms of educational assumptions and practices, accompanied by an equally strident literature of historical interpretation, which, drawing from revisionist work in the contributing disciplines, chiefly sociology, began to re-interpret the past twenty-five years of frenetic activity as the legitimate aspirations of the world's masses. Yet the methodology of both positions is itself being reinterpreted in the present post-empiricist stage, which is characterised by phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches. Both history as the events of the past (data-base) and as interpretation (historiography), are now being seen as facets of the one activity, and, with education considered as part of a wider social process, both traditional and radical positions are themselves becoming criticised for their inadequate positivist assumptions and methodology.  相似文献   

The relationship between psychology and education may be expressed in terms of two general models: the traditional hierarchical model, according to which psychology is the “parent” discipline; and a parallel model, in which the relationship between “pure” theory and its application is metaphoric rather than paradigmatic. The hierarchical model, however, does not hold even for such a “tight” area as behavior modification, let alone for educational practice in general.Educational practice, as a professional enterprise, should be guided by a consistent set of constructs taken from the practitioner's universe of discourse. The professionalization of education has been delayed because of attempts, mostly vain, to guide practice by applying constructs derived from other disciplines. Other disciplines, notably psychology, can be useful for education but in a metaphoric sense only. “Educology” is suggested as a convenient term for the set of constructs that should give coherence to educational decision-making.  相似文献   

由于未能妥善处理学术取向与实践取向、总目标与具体目标、稳定与变革等三对矛盾关系,目前的教育实习大多在目标缺乏关注度、实效度及清晰度等状况下运行。要优化教育实习目标,则需要从教师专业发展的理论出发,运用课程开发的相关理论来思考如何建构,并在建构目标时有机融合教师教育的理论学习和实践学习,从而真正发挥教育实习的价值和功用。  相似文献   

论教育实践的品性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育实践是教育的日常生活形式,是实践活动者经历的内心体验。“回到教育实践本身”是现象学研究教育实践的方法论原则,它不仅可以恢复教育实践本应有的复杂性、丰富性和生命性,而且可以明见教育实践的本质,体悟教育的实践性知识。藉以现象学直观,卓越的教育实践呈现出情境性、智慧性和反思性的品质。然而,附庸化、技术化和功利化的教育实践不仅遮蔽了教育实践的艺术品性,而且丢失了教育实践的人文意蕴,使教育实践走上了“祛魅”的历程。现象学教育学呼唤教育实践之人文精神的重新发现与回归。  相似文献   

课例研究作为一种教师专业化发展模式已经引起教育研究者和教育者的广泛关注.作为从日本移植的一种教育模式,如何充分理解与改进课例研究,发挥其对改进课堂教学的潜在意义,是一个在理论与实践方面都有重要意义的问题.课例研究作为一种教育研究方法在进一步发展中应进行的三类研究:发展有关课例研究的核心特征的理论;阐明课例研究的机制;课例研究的方法论和证明路线.  相似文献   

教育本质作为教育学的一个重要的理论问题,长期以来受到了人们的重视。教育本质论争的理论价值在于:本体论上的价值有助于揭示教育规律,认识论上的价值有助于认识教育的本质,价值论上的价值有助于进行价值判断,方法论上的价值有助于改进研究的范式,矛盾论上的价值有助于认识教育的特殊矛盾;实践价值主要表现在:规范价值有助于使教育实践按照教育本质的要求发展,行动价值有助于使教育实践按照教育规律办事,现实价值有助于革除教育的时弊。  相似文献   

1999年教育部批准的"试点"项目是"国家现代远程教育工程"的重要组成部分,由教育部直接领导、电大系统组织和具体实施。通过八年试点,河北广播电视大学的信息化基础设施建设取得突破性进展,形成了天、地、人网结合,三级教学平台互动的网络教学环境;积累了一大批适应自主学习的多种媒体教学资源,探索出了符合河北实际的现代远程开放教育人才培养模式基本框架以及教学模式、管理模式和质量保证体系。在学习型社会建设的进程中,开放教育将向理念更加成熟、资源更加丰富、运行更加高效、服务更加优质、质量更有保障的方向发展。  相似文献   

在过程哲学的视野中,教育理论与实践脱离的原因主要有教育中“具体性误置的谬误”、教育理论的抽象层级性、实践性教育理论与基础性教育理论研究的混淆以及教育研究者的主观性介入等四个方面。这几个方面使得教育理论本质上不是完整、具体的教育事实的反映,从而导致教育理论与实践之间存在着难以逾越的距离。  相似文献   

作为西方教育科学发展的主题之一,西方教育科学研究方法经历了逻辑性演绎、实证性归纳、演绎与归纳相结合以及多样化发展的不同时期。西方教育科学研究方法的发展历史在显示自身演进规律的同时,还从一个侧面展示了西方教育科学发展的过程。  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of the Lau v. Nichols Supreme Court decision on the education of English learners in Washington State, US In particular, we focus on the most popular educational program in the state, Sheltered English Instruction. We first examine how intertextual links to various policy texts and discourses shape Washington language policy and then look at how educators in four school districts interpret and appropriate this policy. Based on fieldwork in four school districts, we argue that English learners are often submerged in English-only classrooms, in which the curriculum is not fundamentally changed to meet their needs, thus denying them equal educational opportunity according to Lau v. Nichols.  相似文献   

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