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Selection of air conditioning (AC) cold/heat sources generally concerns about certain aspects and cannot reveal the whole profile of the problems. Grey relation analysis (GRA) is a data processing method to categorize the correlation extent of compared sequences and a certain reference sequence in a system with uncertain information. It is applied to evaluating and selecting AC cold/heat sources from four main aspects, which are technology, economy, reliability, and operation and management. Case study shows that the result for selecting AC cold/heat sources with the GRA method can be more reasonable and convincible. Thus it offers a new approach for designers in heating, ventilating and air conditioning field to compare and evaluate different AC cold/heat sources.  相似文献   

Heat and Cold(热胀冷缩) At a physics(物理)lesson the teacher asks the chil-dren about the effects(效果) of heat and cold on thebody. “Heat makes things bigger and cold makes thingssmaller.”answers a bright(聪明的)boy.  相似文献   

The common cold is the world's most widespread illness, which is a plague(疫病) that flesh receives.The most widespread fallacy (谬误) of all is that colds are caused by cold. They are not. They are caused by viruses(病毒) passing on from person to person. You catch a cold by coming into contact, directly or indirectly, with someone who already has one. If cold causes colds, it would be reasonable to expect the Eskimos to suffer from them forever. But they do  相似文献   

dead就仅有“死”这一个意思吗?不,实际上,dead的意思非常多,它的通常解释是“死的、无生命的”,英语解释是“no longer alive,without life,not able to live”,如:a dead man/leaf(死人、枯叶),dead rocks and stones(顽石)。但有时dead并非此意,如:It' s so cold outside that my fingersfeel dead.(外面天气太冷,我的手指都冻麻了。)这句话里的dead  相似文献   

Unit 9练习     
Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句子意思和所给首字母提示,用适当单词完成句子。1.The ice cream scoop is used for s____really cold ice cream.2.Edison i____the electric bulb.3.We had a p____time at the party.4.He often makes m____in his spelling.5.Don1t t____the ball like that.B)根据汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意完整准确。每个单词的第一个字母已给出。1.They discovered an a____(古代的)bowl when they were building thelibrary.2.This kind of cars are p____(制造)in China.3.This is a very famous Chinese l____(传说…  相似文献   

On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza (比萨饼) store. We were dressed warmly and equipped with  相似文献   

U nit10W hen w as it invented?Ⅰ.单元语法——一般过去时的被动语(请参阅本期《中考被动语态考查热点分析》文——编者)课文疑难解析1.It’s used for scooping really cold iceream.词组be used for doing sth.的意思是“被来做某事”。例如:The stam ps are used for sending letters.票被(人们)用来邮发信件。2.I’d like to have a radio because Iould listen to m usic all day.词组would like的意思为“想”,其后可接词,也可接动词不定式,没有人称和数的变。would like to do sth.和want to do sth.意思当。例如:W ould you li…  相似文献   

金易 《今日中学生》2005,(13):18-21
二十二、天气1.W hat’s the weatherlike today?今天天气怎样?2.H ow’s the weatherin...?……的天气怎样?3.It’s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy....今天天晴(天阴、有风、雨天、下雪)……4.It’s getting cold/warm....天气转冷(暖和)……5.It’s a beautifulday today.今天天气真好。6.It’s ratherwarm/cool/hot/cold today,isn’tit?今天相当暖和(凉爽、炎热、寒冷),对吗?7.H opefully tom orrow willturn fine.明天可望转晴。二十三、购物1.Can/M ay Ihelp you?/W hatcan Ido foryou?你要买点什么吗?2.I’d like/Iwant....我…  相似文献   

Swimming in summer is a very pleasant thing.Every sum m er,m anypeople go sw im m ing in a river,or go to the beach(海滨)for a swim .Theysw im into deep water,or float(漂浮 )onthe surface(表面 ).W hen they are tired,they lie (平躺) on the wetsand (沙地)and letthe waves(水浪)w ash them clean.In winter,it is always windy and thesea is cold.A lot of people often swim in asw im m ing pool. Som e ofthem cover (复盖) their bodies (身体) withgrease(油脂)because it helps to keep out(抵御)the cold.A …  相似文献   

【考点回顾】1.H ow cold itis today!W hata cold day!今天好冷啊!天气多冷啊!【考题再现】①role she played in the film!N o wonder she has w on an O scar.A.H ow interesting B.H ow an interestingC.W hat interesting D.W hat an interesting(上海市)②!Lets go out for a walk.A.W hat a fine day B.W hat fine dayC.H ow fine day D.H ow a fine day(苏州市)③kind the old m an is!A.H ow a B.W hata C.W hat D.H ow(安徽省)K ey:①D②A③D【考点解码】感叹句通常有下列形式:A.H ow+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!B.W h…  相似文献   

【单词识记】1.matter n.事件,问题,物质;vi.有关系,要紧。2.cold n.伤风,感冒;adj.寒冷的,使人战栗的,冷淡的,不热情的,失去知觉的。3.rest n.休息,静止;vi.休息,睡眠,静止;vt.使休息,使静止,睡眠。【中考链接】I really want to have a ____,I feel so tired after such a long walk.(2007浙江温州中考题) A.talk B.rest C.swim D.look解析:正确选项B。此处rest是名词,意为"休息"。4.should v.应该,将要;shall的过去式。  相似文献   

Heat and Cold (热胀冷缩) At a physics (物理) lesson the teacher asks the children about the effects (效果) of heat and cold on the body.  相似文献   

I.词汇:根据句子意思和所给首字母提示,用适当的单词填空,完成句子。1.If someone comes to see me,please ask him to leage a m__.2.Do you think China has a large p__?3.Things are much h__on the earth than’they are on the moon.4.The weather is heautiful. If’s n__too hot nor too cold.  相似文献   

12.Which travels faster,heat or cold?答案:Heat.解析:You can catch cold.答案之妙在于把you can catch cold作别解,意思是“你会着凉”。13.What is at the end of everything?答案:The letter“g”.解析:单词everything的末尾当然是“g”这个字母啦!14.It is yours,but others use it more than you do.What is it?答案:Your name(你的名字).解析:一个人的名字主要用来别人称呼。你的名字是否如此?15.What grows larger the more you take away?答案:A hole.解析:你越是从那里面拿出东西,洞就会越大。16.What has a bed but never…  相似文献   

一、核心词汇:(一)"四会"单词have a cold have a fever感冒发烧have a toothache牙痛have a headache头痛hurt happy sad受伤/疼痛高兴伤心excited angry tired激动生气疲劳ill/sick生病(二)"三会"单词have a  相似文献   

A Smart Dog     
A Smart Dog Wilkins was hot and tired, so he went into a small cafe(咖啡馆) for a cold drink. The place was empty except for an old man and a dog. They were both sitting at a table in a corner of the cafe. In front of them was a chessboard. For a moment, …  相似文献   

The following picture shows that the thermometer(温度计) is1. put under cold water;2. held before a fan switched on;3. put in mixture of ice, water and salt;4. put in a freezer;5. swung around with a string.  相似文献   

1.Welcome back to school.欢迎返校。这是一句日常交际用语 ,表示“欢迎对方来某处”。如 :1Welcome to China/Beijing/ our school.欢迎来华 /光临北京 /光临我校。2 Welcome home!欢迎回家来。Welcome还有不同的用法。(1)作及物动词 ,意为“欢迎、款待”,如 :They welcomed us warmly.他们热情地欢迎我们。(2 )作名词 ,意为“欢迎、款待”,可用于热烈的或冷淡的。如 :We gave the foreigners a warm (cold)welcome.我们给予外国人热烈的 (冷淡的 )欢迎。(3)作形容词 ,意为“受欢迎的”。如 :a welcome guest受欢迎的客人。(4) You ar…  相似文献   

同学们每天都与paper打交道,那么paper有多少层意思呢?一、作名词用:1.纸(不可数名词)。比如:a piece of paper一张纸2.(口语)报纸(相当于newspaper)。如:a daily paper日报a school paper校报/刊  相似文献   

(I) It was a cold,windy night.The scythe-shapedmoon,unaccompanied by stars,peered through thegrey-dark clouds,her soft,silver beams making thedevious village path barely visible.  相似文献   

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