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试验测试了建立在相关解剖学数据测量基础上、自行设计的H型、T型、X型和工字型4种腰骶部前路内固定器的抗压缩和扭转结构力学性能。试验结果表明,T型内固定器具有最大的结构屈服载荷和抗压载荷,并且结构稳定性和抗压缩刚度也最优;H型内固定器的结构屈服扭矩和扭转刚度较高。综合压缩和扭转试验结果,T型内固定器具有最优的综合生物力学性能。  相似文献   

湖南经视都市频道以民生为频道定位,构架出中国第一个本土专业民生频道。本文以《都市一时间》为个案,用内容分析法对其2005年12月1日至30日播出的节目进行分析研究,剖析其“民生视角,本色表达”节目的内核。  相似文献   

相贯线中用圆弧代替双曲线近似程度的误差估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两圆柱相交时其表面交线一般情况下是空间四次曲线。当两圆柱的轴线垂直相交时,其表面交线在与两轴线平行的平面上的投影一般重影为双曲线,常用面上找点法作出。工程上有时为了简化作图,常用两圆柱中大圆柱的半径所作的圆弧来代替双曲线。这种代替有时两者的形状相差较大。本文通过正交两圆柱表面交线数学表达式及投影图、误差曲线图等多方面的考察分析,提出在投影图上使用圆弧代替双曲线的合适范围与条件。  相似文献   

基于截断投影方法,构造了求解半正定病态积分方程的Lavrentiev截断快速算法,给出了先验误差估计,并提出了新的后验参数选择准则,与传统投影方法相比得到了相同的最优收敛率,但内积的计算个数少于传统投影方法.  相似文献   

In school science, students often experience simplistic representations of knowledge-building practices in science and technology – which, in reality, are complex, unpredictable and theory-limited. While there are a great variety of reasons (many of which are beyond teachers' direct control), this occurs partly because teachers of science generally have not had such realistic experiences. While student-teachers can develop this kind of meta-scientific literacy in university-based science teacher education programmes, this depends on the extent to which activities are legitimised through close associations with authentic school contexts. In this paper, we report effects on science-specialist student-teachers' conceptions about science and technology, and corresponding priorities for school science, after interacting with a case documentary that depicted students collaborating in development and evaluation of pneumatic-controlled robotic arms. Data, including video footage of student-teachers' interactions with cases and audio recordings of interviews with them and their teacher, indicated that many student-teachers developed more naturalistic perspectives on knowledge development in science and technology and corresponding pedagogical priorities. At the same time, most also recommended an apprenticeship for students, gradually moving them from unrealistic (e.g., following a linear model for technological design) to more realistic (e.g., accommodating flexibility in design, while pointing out such limits to creativity as techno-determinism) problem solving contexts.  相似文献   

韩竹 《成才之路》2020,(6):132-133
音乐是基础教育阶段的一门必修课,音乐教学是培养学生核心素养的重要渠道。新课标背景下,教师应该从多个维度优化基础教育阶段的音乐教学过程,注重对学生核心素养的培养,优化教学方法,提升教学质量。只有教师用"心"寻找,用"情"引导,用"趣"激发,用"笑"鼓励,学生才能在音乐学习中快乐成长,提高素养。  相似文献   

分析了"发动机原理"课程的特点和教学现状,针对该课程中存在的一些问题,提出进行教学改革的必要性和教学改革的方向,并对"激发学习兴趣"、"互动交流"等教学方法进行了探索。  相似文献   

Technologies such as videoconferencing used for distance education are creating ways for high schools to extend their learning communities to connect youth with professional communities of practice in ways that approximate the face-to-face interactions in traditional classrooms. These technologies are often touted as a way to augment course offerings and curricula, particularly those needed for college-going. The use of videoconferencing technologies alone, however, does not ensure that the desired forms of interaction will occur particularly given their reliance on traditional banking-model pedagogies and literacies. In this article, we focus on college bound Black and Latino/a youth from under resourced urban communities and their negotiations of new technologies, multiple literacies, and traditional pedagogies within a music education learning community extended through videoconferencing technologies. Employing a multicultural feminist critical theoretical framework, we unearth the ways Black and Latino/a youths identities as active learners and college-bound musicians shape, and are shaped, in the interplay of new technologies, multiple literacies, and traditional pedagogies within a music education classroom.  相似文献   

构建创先争优活动长效机制,是推动党的建设制度化、规范化、科学化的重要途径,是实现科学发展和又好又快发展的必由之路。要正确认识创先争优活动长效机制的基本内涵和目标要求,防止和克服目前创先争优活动中存在的主要问题,建立健全领导、运行、评价、保障、动力等五项工作机制,努力形成结构严密、动力持久、运行顺畅的创先争优活动长效机制。  相似文献   

汉字给中国画提供了丰富的艺术养料:它们的创造方法都是在现实主义的基础上结合浪漫主义,技巧上都以默记对象形状为摹仿原则,以夸张典型特征为修饰手法,以散点透视为定型方式,以光色虚化为写意技巧,以出神入化为艺术境界。汉字是“形神兼备”的创造艺术。  相似文献   

针对思想政治教育课特点,采取多种形式,根据学生思想实际开展针对性教学,真正发挥思想政治教育课作为高校提高学生思想政治素质主渠道的作用。  相似文献   

现代偶像“祛魅”的旨归是塑造世俗化偶像.然而,大众媒介却打着偶像“祛魅”的大旗,通过炒作隐私、聚焦色情、渲染丑闻等反传统道德的方式,使偶像“祛魅”陷入低俗化误区,引发了粉丝世界虚无主义盛行,产生了严重的道德后果.而强化媒体和偶像的道德责任是实现偶像“祛魅”道德矫正的理想途径.  相似文献   

扎根理论作为一种质性研究范式,自21世纪初被引至国内教育研究领域后,便得到广泛应用。就实践论、方法论、本体论三重逻辑而言,教育研究中扎根理论应然的价值表征为以价值与事实的勾连,化解教育研究危机;以定量方法和定性方法的调和,缓冲教育研究的方法范式之争;以艺术与科学的融合,廓清教育学的本质属性。然而,在相关研究的实然样态下,扎根理论在实践论、方法论、本体论层面上分别暴露出应用形式桎梏、人文情怀缺位及扎根精神淡薄的问题。为此,教育研究者亟需对扎根理论进行祛魅,一要创生扎根理论的"时代风格",助推实践过程的"理论自觉";二要重塑扎根理论的"人文情怀",警惕方法层面的"花拳绣腿";三要重视研究过程的"扎根精神",回归扎根理论的"初心终旨",以实现扎根理论在我国教育研究中应然价值本真与实然价值追求的统一。  相似文献   

基于混沌同步原理的混沌保密通信方法要求接收与发送系统保持同步,若信道增益为时变函数,则无法实现混沌通信.本文基于模糊控制,提出运用标准可加性模型(SAM),控制时变信道增益,保持发送与接收混沌系统同步,仿真结果表明控制可行,通信有效.  相似文献   

Expectations about the shape of statistical interactions play a crucial role in the study of differential susceptibility and other types of person–environment interplay. These expectations shape methodological guidelines and inform the interpretation of empirical findings; however, their logic has never been explicitly examined. This study is the first systematic exploration of the evolution of interaction shape in differential susceptibility. The model introduced here yields a number of novel insights; for example, interactions in differential susceptibility should usually be asymmetric and likely to be biased toward the prototypical shape of diathesis–stress models. This article also presents an exploratory analysis of interaction shape in recent empirical studies and ends with a discussion of the theoretical and methodological implications of the present findings.  相似文献   

The attitudes of young people arise from an intense interaction with their social groups of reference, and in this work we examine the extent to which this background conditions the individual environmental attitudes of the young. Using data provided by the PISA 2006 survey for the European Union, we test for the influence of the family, the characteristics of the school, and the social interactions or school peer group on attitudes toward the environment. The existence of social interactions, as well as the important role of family characteristics and school activities, are confirmed. The results allow us to emphasize the importance of the social context of the adolescent, and the need to take this into account as a channel that amplifies the influence of specific environmental education strategies.  相似文献   

在国家严格控制方言节目的背景下,泉州电视台闽南语频道是我国第一个经国家正式批准创办的方言频道,以“传承闽南文化,服务两岸乡亲”为频道宗旨,它的获准创办得益于自身对闽南文化的保护,也得益于国家对台传播沟通的重视,开播近一年,频道在弘扬闽南文化方面起到了很好的作用,但在对台沟通交流方面还有很大的提升空间,应积极通过网络传播、开展与台湾媒体互动来扩大影响。  相似文献   

In this article we seek to promote a deeper understanding of the value of universal intervention research in education as well as other fields and to call for greater interdisciplinary learning and discourse. Our goal is to deepen the conversation regarding how to build a stronger research orientation toward longitudinal, population-level outcomes in education and mental health. After highlighting the value of universal approaches targeting entire populations and their relevance to education, we raise issues regarding the traditional benchmarks of efficacy when applied to universal intervention trials and suggest alternative metrics for judging the impact of universal approaches. We conclude with lessons based on exemplar studies to help shape future research and policy regarding universal interventions.  相似文献   

In this study, we seek a better understanding of how individuals and their daily interactions shape and reshape social structures that constitute a classroom community. Moreover, we provide insight into how discourse and classroom interactions shape the nature of a learning community, as well as which aspects of the classroom culture may be consequential for learning. The participants in this study include two teachers who are implementing a new environmental science program, Global Learning through Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE), and interacting with 54 children in an urban middle school. Both qualitative and quantitative data are analyzed and presented. To gain a better understanding of the inquiry teaching within classroom communities, we compare and contrast the discourse and interactions of the two teachers during three parallel environmental science lessons. The focus of our analysis includes (1) how the community identifies the object or goal of its activity; and (2) how the rights, rules, and roles for members are established and inhabited in interaction. Quantitative analyses of student pre‐ and posttests suggest greater learning for students in one classroom over the other, providing support for the influence of the classroom community and interactional choices of the teacher on student learning. Implications of the findings from this study are discussed in the context of curricular design, professional development, and educational reform. ? 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 905‐935, 2004.  相似文献   

文字是书写语言的符号系统,但对汉语来讲汉字不仅是形音义的统一体,汉字传承的还是一种民族思维,一种深层文化的结晶。字与字的组合也一样,它们不是随心所欲地拼凑,也不只是一个平面的结合。如果我们把造字与组字看作是一种“艺术的创作”,那么它们遵循的原则应该来自于人们的美感经验,这也可以理解为将表层的形象,表面的知觉引向满足深层的非功利的人类审美与心理的需要。  相似文献   

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