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Stereotypes in game culture are still inhibiting the freedom of female players. This survey study aims to gain insight into these practices by looking at gaming stereotypes on two different, yet interrelated, levels. First, we inquire into perceptions of gamers regarding gender-related and general gamer stereotypes and how these relate to playing frequency. Second, genre choice is investigated in light of player’s gender and how this is associated with play motivations. Results suggest that high frequency female players disagree the most with gender-related stereotypical beliefs and that these women are more strongly drawn towards specific gaming genres than men.  相似文献   

Israel’s public diplomacy efforts in the U.S. are aimed at garnering American public support for Israeli foreign policy. This study aims to identify the networks of Israeli public diplomacy toward the United States. Using the theoretical frameworks of networked public diplomacy and strategic narrative, the authors try to understand how network strategy is used and information is circulated to create a strategic narrative. Therefore, the two methods of social network analysis and qualitative content analysis are applied to identify the networks of Israeli public diplomacy in the United States and the content produced by it. The study finds that in Israel’s public diplomacy model, the networking method stands in contrast to its government-oriented strategic narrative. Thus, new forms of communication are applied to conduct old strategies. The research identifies four types of actors who apply new public diplomacy techniques and dissects the strategic narrative they employ to affect the American public in the service of Israeli interests. Despite the effort to apply new forms of public diplomacy, strategic narrative production and dissemination remain highly governmental and closed, which is indicative of the persistence of old forms of public diplomacy.  相似文献   

简要回顾了我国图书馆建筑课程的简史,阐述其开设意义,针对目前国内图书馆界急需加强图书馆建筑教育的现状,通过对比分析国内外四所高校的图书馆建筑课程大纲,并融入东南大学图书馆建筑课程开课的体会和反馈,提出包括图书馆建筑规划、设计、建设和评估等在内的图书馆建筑课程内容体系。最后建议课程教学可按专题组织课程内容并指定参考书,建立相应的学习资源网站,师资也应多元化、注重实用性。  相似文献   

本文在"叙事画"的范畴中,讨论按照线性顺序展现苏轼《后赤壁赋》的长卷作品。在相关的图像群内部,文徵明的《仿赵伯骕后赤壁赋图》是继北宋乔仲常之后的第二个高峰,展示了赤壁主题叙事性长卷的另一种图式来源,并在其成型过程中发挥了重要影响。这不仅因为"苏轼情结"贯彻了文氏一生的艺术道路、赤壁主题是其晚年最重要的创作,更是因为这幅作品革新了为乔仲常开启的段落型叙事,创造了崭新的流畅型叙事方式,而这在明中后期的苏州画坊中被广为接受。相关的三件作品-徵仲本、赵孟款本和居节本,反映出当时通行的赤壁长卷图式是以"流畅型"叙事为基础,通过组合乔仲常本与仿赵本的布局安排,临摹仿赵本的风格细节,并自创部分人物形象,得以最终定型。其过程显现了明中后期画家对图像的叙事能力及叙事结构的通俗化探索。  相似文献   

美国总统政治具有社会化表演的特征,随着网络媒介的兴起和"后真相"政治的蔓延,这种特征在当代显得格外突出。本文通过对美国总统政治网络媒介叙述文本的符号叙述学分析,综合媒介情境论、话语理论,明确了相关叙述文本的纪实叙述类型,并对其叙述内容中的"台词设计"进行辨析。同时,本文从否定性、肯定性两个向度出发,对美国总统政治的媒介话语策略及其隐含的权力关系进行分析,并强调作为解释社群的民众对叙述事件的意义解读决定着媒介叙述文本的类型、内容和叙述技巧。由此提出,对"后真相"时代美国总统政治的研究应当以关注其民众的接受状况为基本出发点。  相似文献   

Using the coordinated management of meaning theory as a guide, this article examines critiques and commendations of toy company, GoldieBlox Inc.’s, goal of “disrupting the pink aisle.” Notwithstanding capitalistic enterprise, it is argued that GoldieBlox’s corporate narrative engages in an imperative social skill that its toys still lack: critical reflection. Although GoldieBlox’s toys are rudimentary in their science, technology, engineering, and math designs, the company’s corporate narrative—driven by its origin story, mission and vision statements, and marketing strategies—challenges a 100-year-old gendered toy tradition and prompts significant questions of gender representation and improbable beauty ideals in our children’s toys.  相似文献   

Despite their low pay and clerical status, the women who staffed the National Broadcasting Company’s (NBC) Information Department played an integral role in shaping the national network’s program and public relations policies. As the network’s first line of contact with its audience, Information Department workers influenced public opinion by shaping the networks’ responses to individual audience members’ written complaints. They also processed and molded the information NBC executives used to sell programming to advertisers. Still, as women, they were routinely devalued and their labor dismissed as simultaneously rote, irrelevant, and hyperemotional. This paper brings together internal documents from across NBC’s corporate structure to recover the careers of Anita Barnard and Kathryn Cole, two women who managed the Information Department through the 1940s and 1950s. During this period, the network underwent enormous transitions, including the shift from radio to television and renewed threats of federal regulation. The Information Department’s status waxed and waned along with NBC’s need to appease its audience and recruit and retain sponsors. Barnard and Cole’s status rose when audience information was at a premium, but it fell as soon as network dominance over television was established and financial returns assured.  相似文献   

SNS用户忠诚行为影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会性网络服务(Social Networking Services,简称SNS)旨在帮助用户建立社会关系网络,促进用户间的交互和知识共享,而用户对SNS的忠诚会影响用户交互和知识共享的效果,因此,对SNS用户忠诚行为的影响因素研究具有重要作用。本文以SNS网站为研究对象,在Bhattacherjee的基于ECT的lS持续使用模型(ECM.ISC)的基础上,提出了SNS用户忠诚度影响因素的理论模型,并采用问卷调查和结构方程模型进行实证研究。基于实证研究的结论,对SNS网站的建设提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates English-speaking media’s legitimation of smartphone uses by Syrian refugees to explore how “otherness” is negotiated through technologies. Qualitatively examining the media coverage of the Syrian refugees’ use of smartphones between early 2015 and early 2017, we identified rhetorical devices and narrative strategies. The findings indicated a gradual shift in mediated legitimation strategies. In this process, two major themes emerged: (1) strategies to legitimate uses of technology and (2) demystifying refugees. The first theme identified that media articles focused on refugees’ instrumental uses of smartphones over the emotional uses as a legitimation strategy, utilizing metaphors and referencing third parties. The second theme showed media coverage further debunked conflation over poverty and precarity while negotiating otherness. Over time, the media coverage started to fall into the “humanitarian imaginary” of refugees by keeping them at the margins as people who need aid, largely limiting their legitimated mobile phone use to pragmatic uses. The findings contribute to understanding how media coverage can shape the way people make sense of the refugee population at a moment in time of technological appropriation amid ongoing political crises.  相似文献   

刘浏 《传媒观察》2021,(1):58-62
意大利新现实主义电影塑造了一系列命运悲惨的儿童形象.作为承载导演思想情感的一种叙事符码,儿童形象在电影中的表现始于童真天性的铺垫,终于残酷环境对他们的扭曲与摧残.对儿童外部世界的关注、内心世界的开掘,体现出新现实主义深沉的悲悯意识.  相似文献   

The current study has two objectives. First, we explore the characteristics of biological entities, such as drugs, and their side effects using an author–entity pair bipartite network. Second, we use the constructed network to examine whether there are outstanding features of relations between drugs and side effects. We extracted drug and side effect names from 169,766 PubMed abstracts published between 2010 to 2014 and constructed author–entity pair bipartite networks after ambiguous author names were processed. We propose a new ranking algorithm that takes into consideration the characteristics of bipartite networks to identify top-ranked biological drug and side effect pairs. To investigate the relationship between a particular drug and a side effect, we compared the drug and side effect pairs obtained from the network containing both drug and side effect with those observed in SIDER, a human expert-curated database. The results of this study indicate that our approach was able to identify a wide range of patterns of drug–side effect relations from the perspective of authors’ research interests. Further, our approach also identified the unique characteristics of the relation of biomedical entities obtained using an author–entity pair bipartite network.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of the European Patent Office (EPO) patents applicants’ collaborations network, within a 35 years span of data (1978–2013). Focusing on the Giant Component (GC) formation process over many time-windows, distributed throughout the data timeline, we found that the features governing this phenomenon are indicative of emerging globalization in the applicants’ collaborations. The timeline appears to be divided into three regimes, corresponding to three states of the network’s evolution. In the early years state, the GC takes long to form and the instant of its creation is easily pinpointed, while it features geographically segregated groups of applicants with technologically similar activities. In contrast, in the late years state, the GC forms quickly, the exact point of its creation is harder to spot, the applicants’ activities are more disparate technologically, while their inter-regional collaborations are significantly increased. The middle years are an intermediate state between the two extreme of early and late years. Moreover, we concluded that the critical patents, which induce the GC’s formation, are typically introduced by large-sized applicants and also that top patent-producing applicants are likely to submit critical patents, albeit at a lower rate than their overall patent submission. Lastly, we uncovered the crucial role that Japan plays in the network’s coherence, through its prominent participation in the GC and the critical patents.  相似文献   

In contrast with critics who interpret The Matrix by focusing primarily on either the film's dazzling visual effects or on its more fragmented “second coming” narrative, we work within the tension between the two. As a myth, the film updates an ancient initiation ritual in which the hero matures into a character capable of freeing humanity from its technological mirror image, represented here as a false mother. As a spectacle, however, the typically beneficial influence of feminine eroticism is displaced from women into the special effects, thereby diluting the impact of the narrative. The Matrix is, we believe, caught in this tension just as postmodern humanity is caught between its attraction to and its repulsion from its own technological extensions.  相似文献   

Early Malaysian national cinema disseminates a social reconstruction process aimed at reconstructing Malay supremacy at the centre of a specific geographical, political, economic and cultural space. Aptly termed as ‘Malaynisation’, this process occurred during the Golden Age of Malaysian cinema through the films of P. Ramlee. While existing as a capitalist film culture located within an ethnically diverse society, early Malaysian cinema through Ramlee have produced a significant number of mono-ethnic representations solely focused on the culture, language and lifestyles of the Malays. As such, the articulation of the politics of inclusion and exclusion in Ramlee’s films articulates a right-wing nationalist sentiment that upholds the sovereignty of the dominant Malays while undermining other ethnic communities. The nature of these representations enunciates the context of an ‘imagined community’ which locates the formation of a particular type of nationalism within a social, political and cultural communicative space. This paper examines the construction of the ‘modern Malay’ identity in Ramlee’s films and the nationalist discourse in Ramlee’s films as an attempt at producing the idea of a nation as a continuous narrative of national progression by presenting the postcolonial Malays as a modern, successful and dominant force.  相似文献   

In this article, I advance an explanation to account for the exceptionally vested nature of soap opera viewers in “their stories.” After reviewing relevant literature on soap operas and fan contemporary media, I highlight the complex, co-constructed narrative intersections that contribute to powerful and multilayered experiences related to daytime dramas. In particular, I contend that soap operas matter to viewers because the multigenerational nature of audiences and mediated texts foster interconnections between viewer and textual narratives. Second, I argue that soap operas resonate so deeply with viewers due to increasingly blurred boundaries between ever-emergent personal, public, and mediated narratives. As such, the crossing of these narrative paths over time necessarily results in the very real and powerful interrelationships between the show, viewers, and actors in each other's emergent life narratives.  相似文献   

Guided by communicated narrative sense-making, the present study explored the themes that characterize adult siblings’ stories about their experiences with sharing care of aging parents. Interviews with 20 adult siblings revealed the varied and emotional nature of their shared parental caregiving stories. Adult siblings primarily constructed meaning of their caregiving experiences by drawing upon three overarching narratives: (1) the narrative of (in)equity, (2) the narrative of ideal versus real, and (3) the narrative of interconnectedness. These findings highlight the need for adult siblings providing care for their parents to work together as a team, exercise empathy in their interactions, and express gratitude for one another’s contributions. Several practical applications are discussed that can help siblings manage and overcome the relational challenges associated with caring for a parent.  相似文献   

As academic libraries create online learning objects, it is important to consider whether such resources actually reach and answer the questions of intended users. This study considers three points of inquiry for one academic library: How its users make their way to the library's tutorials; user preference for searching or browsing for resources, when given both modes of access; and the kinds of online learning objects or tutorials users are seeking. A close examination of Web analytics and users’ search terms within the tutorials interface helped to illustrate patterns of access and highlighted users’ needs for tutorials and online learning objects.  相似文献   

Erin Mackie 《Media History》2013,19(3):353-372
Erin Mackie explores how Mr Spectator became one persona through which James Boswell represents himself in his London Journal (1762–63), providing an antitype of the ‘rake’ persona which Boswell derives in part from Macheath in The Beggar's Opera. In this antithesis most attention falls on Macheath, but Mackie notes that in Tatler 27 Richard Steele creates a sentimental portrait of the rake as ‘the most agreeable of all Bad Characters’. Thus Boswell finds in the Tatler's rake an image of himself which stands in relation to the disapproving Mr Spectator. With this in mind, Mackie notes that the Spectator papers which describe the Mohock riots of March–April 1712 also characterize such displays as innocuous theatrical expressions of youthful ebullience. Boswell, then, finds acceptable dress for his criminal masculinity by casting himself into a ‘mock-heroic impersonation’ whilst using the narrative position provided by Mr Spectator to give himself ‘spectatorial immunity’.  相似文献   


The writings of Yuk Hui, bringing together both technical and philosophical insights, present a new way of dealing with the digital. The aim of this article is to assess the use of Hui’s theories on digital objects as a critical reframing, looking at the concept of digital records in particular. Two types of ontology are needed in order to understand digital objects according to Hui: (1) ontologies which relates to the technical language and hierarchies of knowledge representation, like metadata; (2) Ontology, which is a question of being-in-the-tradition of Heidegger’s phenomenology, the understanding of what it is to be in the world. Both are needed to account for the nature of the digital object. Further, digital objects are produced and constituted through their relations, which can be divided into discursive (technical and logical) and existential (the understanding of being-in-the-world) relations. Different conceptions of digital records are discussed, in order to find commonalities and possibilities in relation to Hui’s theory. The digital record as a process of becoming, information as affordance, and temporality are related to and structured through the application of Hui’s perspective. The article ends with the contribution of a possible redefinition of digital records: a digital record is constituted and concretised as material by discursive and existential relations that taken together function as a persistent representation. Hui’s theory is suggested as a set of coordinates for further thinking and a method for critical reading of digital records.


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