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To the extent that anyone can with certainty foretell the future, it is safe to predict that the Jewish supplementary school will be alive and well when the last decade of the twentieth century arrives. Perhaps not in the forms in which it exists today, but as any other educational system subject to changing times, with different emphases and a variety of norms.  相似文献   

比较教育学的学科同一性危机及其超越   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文探讨了比较教育学作为一门学科何以可能这样一个理论问题,作者认为:比较教育历来就是一个异质的领域,并一直存在着学科同一性危机;造成这种危机的原因主要是它缺乏独特的概念体系和理论基础,且存在着严重的比较教育学者的“文化自我迷失”;走出困境的根本出路就是确立比较教育学的文化视野。  相似文献   

比较教育的身份危机及出路   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
庆贺日本比较教育学家铃木慎一七十华诞。关于比较教育学科的危机,不能看得太严重。在知识经济的时代,教育倍受关注,比较教育学者有许多工作要做。教育的国际化和本土化更需要比较教育学者开展各地区的比较研究,借鉴别国的经验。  相似文献   

The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) is the most successful higher education organization to emerge from the modern American evangelical movement. Especially within the context of the United States, higher education has been a key element of neo-evangelicalism since the 1940s. Rather than choosing between biblical truth and cultural outreach, post–World War II neo-evangelicals called the church toward a thoughtful approach to address the needs of the world. The early movement was focused not only on evangelistic ministry efforts, but also on education as a primary means for shaping the culture. As modern evangelicalism took shape in the 1950s, the movement struggled to find a consistent moral voice. From early challenges related to the civil rights movement to current debates over poverty and immigration, evangelicals have engaged with cultural issues, but with a wide variety of strategies and viewpoints. Political issues have brought evangelicals into public life, and some leaders have used elections as the primary means for promoting moral concerns. Consequently, the public may often view U.S. evangelicals as activists concerned with political voting rather than as sincere followers of Christ who are committed to social ethics. Yet, the Christian college represents a significant platform for sustaining evangelical thought in public life. Evangelicalism has suffered a fracturing in the last decade or so, and the term now carries a negative connotation in some circles. Many colleges in the CCCU are searching for a new way to describe their evangelical identity. The historical meaning of the term evangelical focused on gospel proclamation and social reform. A return to this emphasis, as well as an alignment with the international focus of evangelical movement, can provide a more accurate and consistent legacy for evangelical institutions.  相似文献   

青年期统合危机与大学教育的主要功能分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心理社会发展理论认为:在个体与社会环境互动的过程中,会产生阶段性的心理发展危机。而青年期的发展危机主要产生在自我统合与角色混乱两极之间。大学教育的主要功能应着重引导大学生在迷失中找到定向,使他们学会在求知中获得快乐,在求知中健康成长.在生活中准备生活。大学本科教育已不再是终点教育,而变成了人一生发展的中间教育。  相似文献   

This article concentrates on the problems throughout the educational system, but particularly in the fields of the sciences an dengineering, created by the loss of faculty members to industry and the difficulty of attracting qualified replacements, and discusses some ideas for correcting them. Included in a discussion of incentives and rewards of a teaching career is a table showing the years of education and experience required for comparable positions in industry and teaching, as well as average salaries for these positions in a medium-sized corporation. There is also a suggestion of how a change in the tax laws would benefit the fund-raising campaigns of schools and universities.  相似文献   

朱亚平 《培训与研究》2008,25(11):14-16
《毛猿》是美国剧作家尤金奥尼尔的一部重要悲剧作品。在这部作品中,作者通过对找不到归属的主人公扬克的形象刻画充分展现了奥尼尔悲剧的精神内涵所在。凡人的悲剧宿命在扬克身上得到了应验。我是谁?应该在哪里?扬克的悲剧实际上是人类自身的悲剧。本文试图借助于拉康的镜像理论及弗洛伊德的心理分析来进一步阐述《毛猿》的主题及主人公的悲剧根源。  相似文献   

教师专业发展是教师对"教学专业"的一种身份辨识与建构,身份认同与认同危机不仅影响着教师专业发展的主体性,也影响着教师专业发展的目标与动力。教师专业发展中的身份认同危机既体现为教师身份社会规约的某种不合理,也体现为教师专业身份的泛化以及教师主动身份建构中的困惑与冲突。身份认同危机的有效化解内在地要求教师在互动与协商中,合理辨识、主动建构多重身份以及身份背后的权利、责任、义务与角色期待等。  相似文献   

文化认同及其根源   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
随着当代科学技术的发展以及全球化进程的提速 ,各民族国家的经济、政治和文化的发展都面临着新的机遇和挑战 ,全球化解构和重塑着传统社会的结构和组织形式 ,这为各民族国家的发展提供了新的动力和平台。与此同时 ,全球化又无情地侵占和挤压着民族国家的发展空间 ,尤其是侵占和挤压着民族传统文化的发展空间 ,从而使各民族国家又面临着认同危机。各民族国家既要持守本民族的优良传统 ,又要面向全球化 ;既要认同传统社会 ,又要不断重建新的认同。本刊特约了北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院的几位教师撰写了一组文章 ,他们分别从认同危机的涵义、人学视野中的共识及认同、文化认同的根源以及认同的未来重建等方面发表了各自的看法 ,现发表出来 ,以飨读者。  相似文献   

随着当代科学技术的发展以及全球化进程的提速 ,各民族国家的经济、政治和文化的发展都面临着新的机遇和挑战 ,全球化解构和重塑着传统社会的结构和组织形式 ,这为各民族国家的发展提供了新的动力和平台。与此同时 ,全球化又无情地侵占和挤压着民族国家的发展空间 ,尤其是侵占和挤压着民族传统文化的发展空间 ,从而使各民族国家又面临着认同危机。各民族国家既要持守本民族的优良传统 ,又要面向全球化 ;既要认同传统社会 ,又要不断重建新的认同。本刊特约了北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院的几位教师撰写了一组文章 ,他们分别从认同危机的涵义、人学视野中的共识及认同、文化认同的根源以及认同的未来重建等方面发表了各自的看法 ,现发表出来 ,以飨读者。  相似文献   

对当代认同危机问题的几点理解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着当代科学技术的发展以及全球化进程的提速 ,各民族国家的经济、政治和文化的发展都面临着新的机遇和挑战 ,全球化解构和重塑着传统社会的结构和组织形式 ,这为各民族国家的发展提供了新的动力和平台。与此同时 ,全球化又无情地侵占和挤压着民族国家的发展空间 ,尤其是侵占和挤压着民族传统文化的发展空间 ,从而使各民族国家又面临着认同危机。各民族国家既要持守本民族的优良传统 ,又要面向全球化 ;既要认同传统社会 ,又要不断重建新的认同。本刊特约了北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院的几位教师撰写了一组文章 ,他们分别从认同危机的涵义、人学视野中的共识及认同、文化认同的根源以及认同的未来重建等方面发表了各自的看法 ,现发表出来 ,以飨读者。  相似文献   

随着当代科学技术的发展以及全球化进程的提速 ,各民族国家的经济、政治和文化的发展都面临着新的机遇和挑战 ,全球化解构和重塑着传统社会的结构和组织形式 ,这为各民族国家的发展提供了新的动力和平台。与此同时 ,全球化又无情地侵占和挤压着民族国家的发展空间 ,尤其是侵占和挤压着民族传统文化的发展空间 ,从而使各民族国家又面临着认同危机。各民族国家既要持守本民族的优良传统 ,又要面向全球化 ;既要认同传统社会 ,又要不断重建新的认同。本刊特约了北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院的几位教师撰写了一组文章 ,他们分别从认同危机的涵义、人学视野中的共识及认同、文化认同的根源以及认同的未来重建等方面发表了各自的看法 ,现发表出来 ,以飨读者。  相似文献   

大学生政治认同危机中的思想政治教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会转型对当代大学生政治认同产生了冲击和影响,导致一些大学生的政治认同出现危机。为此,应剖析大学生政治认同危机下的思想政治教育缺陷,探讨如何加强大学生政治认同教育,从而不断增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

《毛猿》是美国剧作家尤金.奥尼尔的一部重要作品。在这部作品中,通过对主人公扬克的形象刻画,作者指出了人在社会中的所属这一主题,同时也深刻揭露了资本主义社会中下层人物的悲惨境遇。本文试图借助于拉康的镜像理论及弗洛伊德的心理分析来进一步阐述《毛猿》的主题及主人公的悲剧根源。  相似文献   


This article was first published in 1982 in Educational Analysis (4, 75–91) and republished in 1998 (Hirst, P. H., & White, P. (Eds.), Philosophy of education: Major themes in the analytic tradition, Vol. 1, Philosophy and education, Part 1, pp. 61–78. London: Routledge). I was then a lecturer in philosophy of education at Sheffield University teaching the subject to Master’s students on both full- and part-time programmes. My first degree was in philosophy, read under D. W. Hamlyn and David Cooper and, given their interests, inevitably emphasized the philosophy of language, in particular the work of Wittgenstein in this field. When I subsequently turned my attention to the philosophy of education it seemed obvious to me that there were serious problems with Professor Peters’ approach to language, and I had particular difficulties with his approach to criteria, meaning theory and what seemed an odd interpretation of a transcendental argument. This article thus set out to show that the then dominant form of philosophy of education seemed not to take account of developments in the philosophy of language that preceded Professor Peters’ early work by at least a decade and which cast serious doubt on the enterprise as it was then understood. As the articles in the 1998 collection indicate, I was not alone in thinking there was something amiss, although at the time I seemed to be ploughing a somewhat lonely furrow. In revisiting this early article some 30 years after it was first published I have found to my surprise that there is little I would now change, although I have been forcibly reminded of the very lively discussions Professor Peters and I had over these issues. The fact that there is little I would now add to, or subtract from, my critique is in itself a telling comment on the enduring and influential legacy of the approach to the philosophy of education that Professor Peters championed so powerfully.  相似文献   

What will the Jewish supplementary school be in the 1990's? A more definitive question might be what will it supplement? In the beginning “supplementary” schools brought Jewish knowled[ggrave]e to the student who was already experiencing living Judaism in the home. In the 1960's, heyday of Jewish afternoon schools, the school supplemented secular knowledge and secular living with Jewish knowledge and some Jewish life experience as the home contributed less and less.  相似文献   

大学学科教师在新工科背景下,将面临更为严峻的挑战,其长期存在的身份认同危机进一步加剧。主要表现在大学文化精神缺失、对新工科教育改革缺乏正确认识、对自身角色缺乏正确定位、评价机制与教师专业发展要求错位等方面。为了解决这一问题,可采取有效的偃闭策略,如在外部环境上创设人性化的教育制度和合作性的大学文化,在内部自我建构方面可以从转变教育观念、加强自身学习、正确定位角色、进行反思教学等方面入手。  相似文献   

"公民身份"认同是超越民族、国家认同的一种更具价值的情感体验。由于受我国历史传统因素的影响,加上目前全球性问题突显,各国公民的身份认同问题正遭遇前所未有的危机。在我国朝向现代民主社会发展的进程中,应把培养现代公民作为一切教育的重要目标,同时把公民身份的认同从初级身份认同上升为政治性集体认同,加强公民权利意识的培养,成为我国公民教育的重要任务。  相似文献   

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