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This article describes how a research–practice partnership has informed the iterative development of a web-mediated early childhood language and literacy professional development (PD) intervention. Funded through the Investing in Innovation (i3) program, this new PD model is based on an effective in-situ intervention. As we translated the face-to-face model into a largely web-mediated approach, we partnered with educators to ensure that the resulting intervention was feasible and effective in real-world classrooms serving children at risk. Specifically, an educator advisory board provided ongoing input about the PD. Further, pilot teachers completed the training and provided feedback through a survey about the usability and effectiveness of the training modules, coaching, and instructional strategies in classroom settings. Findings suggest that research–practice partnerships that gather teachers’ situated, comprehensive, and insightful perspectives can be invaluable in developing PD interventions. Collaboration between school districts and university researchers is essential in this iterative development process.  相似文献   

We propose a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework to improve the alignment between mind, brain, and education (MBE) research, the educational practice, and other societal stakeholders. RRI is an approach that has successfully been used in different research fields, but not yet in MBE research. After substantiating the need for, and possibilities of using this framework within MBE research, we report a case study to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of RRI within an MBE context. This case study entails developing an educational intervention to improve learners' sense of agency regarding their own learning processes using neurofeedback. Using RRI, we found that societal stakeholders (teenagers, parents, and teachers) anticipate different potential impacts of this neurotechnology‐based intervention than researchers did, enabling us to adapt the intervention according to these perspectives. This example demonstrates that RRI enables researchers to be reflexive and responsive to the stakeholders needs and values, to ultimately improve the educational and societal value of MBE research.  相似文献   

基于创新推广理论的教师教育信息化实施策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师教育信息化是教育信息化的重要组成部分,也是推动教育信息化建设的重要力量。在创新推广理论的视野下,教师教育信息化实质上包含了个体层面的创新采纳过程和整体层面的创新推广过程。文章分析了教师教育信息化的内涵与特征,阐明了创新推广理论的基本思想,并从创新推广理论视角提出了教师教育信息化的实施策略。  相似文献   

创新不仅仅是实践过程,而且是实践过程和思维过程的统一,创新实践与创新思维是相辅相成的,创新思维对创新实践及整个社会进步具有巨大作用。创新思维是人类智力活动的最高表现,是一切创新活动的灵魂,是客观存在的,它贯穿于创新活动的始终,起主导和决定作用。  相似文献   

This article examines findings from a Scottish Social Innovation Fund project carried out in an after‐school club known as The Studio. Researchers worked alongside artists to engage young people situated within their communities to challenge xenophobic discourses through the creation of positive narratives developed through story and arts‐based activities. The work used the “deep hang out theory” to generate a complex account of how the participants mediated the cultural tools surrounding them to produce a community text. Through engaging in an arts‐based process, the young writers and illustrators developed a sense of belonging within their communities, taking an active, engaged stance as literacy producers of texts that challenged xenophobic discourses. The lessons learned in this informal space are of relevance across contexts where young people wish to engage in creating positive narratives of community cohesion.  相似文献   

企业可持续发展的核心是创新。创新是企业发展的不竭动力,是保持企业竞争优势的重要因素,唯有不断的创新,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中站稳、做强,才能保证其效益的持续性,也即企业的可持续发展。创新不仅仅是生产一个新的产品,而更多地体现在企业的生产流程、产品方式、销售方式、治理模式等方面,企业处于不同的生命周期对创新的要求、内容也各不相同。  相似文献   

The close link between environmental education and development education advocated by major international reports of the last decade is operant in the UNESCO Asia‐Pacific region. A regional collaborative effort sponsored by the Asia‐Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development (ACEID), UNESCO and Griffith University is creating an action research network to support teacher education in environmental education. The process is informed by Paul Hart's and Ian Robottom's argument that constructivist epistemology is consistent with an ecological world view and, therefore, provides an appropriate grounding for professional development in environmental education. Teacher educators from some 20 countries in the region are sharing in the writing of workshop modules for pre‐ and in‐service teachers; these are then critiqued and adapted in accordance with the needs of other countries. A culture of action research is being created by encouraging those involved to write case studies of their design, critique, adaptation and use of the materials as part of their professional development  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify and categorise factors that hinder Korean college student‐faculty interaction. Twenty‐one college students who had advising experience with faculty were interviewed. Concept mapping was used to collect, organise and interpret qualitative data through quantitative techniques. These factors were recorded on index cards, and 21 participants returned and sorted these statements into self‐defined, conceptually homogeneous categories. As a result, 45 common factors were elicited and reliably organised into four clusters, with hierarchical relationship with the faculty member (Cluster 1), time constraints (Cluster 2), doubt about (academic, personal and career) benefits of interaction (Cluster 3) and a lack of recognition of necessity (Cluster 4). According to the ratings, the most important cluster was ‘doubt about benefits of interaction’, and participants rated the ‘lack of recognition of necessity’ as the cluster most similar to their own experiences.  相似文献   

This research examined the role of creativity in the process of designing human resource development (HRD) interventions. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to study the preferences and practices of ten experienced HRD practitioners. Results include a comparison of the subjects' creativity styles/preferences using the Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator and the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory as well as a model derived from the data, which describes the creative process used by the subjects. The phases include: 1) diagnosis, 2) immersion, 3) percolation, 4) “aha,” and 5) checking. This model focuses on how creativity is used to make design decisions. The design process used by the subjects in this research is similar to a generic creativity model. However, it includes an extensive preliminary diagnostic phase in which the HRD practitioner explores the business need, searches for the root cause of the problem, and establishes a collaborative relationship with stakeholders in the organization.  相似文献   

This quasi‐experimental study compared a group mindfulness‐based intervention (MI) with an interpersonal process (IP) group intervention and a no‐treatment (NT) control condition in reducing psychological distress among 112 students at 2 universities. At postintervention, IP and MI group participants exhibited significant reductions in anxiety, depression, and interpersonal problems compared with the NT group. At the 6‐month follow‐up, only MI participants maintained the reduction in anxiety, depression, and academic problems; conversely, only IP participants maintained reductions in interpersonal problems.  相似文献   

This article describes a secondary analysis of a brief reading comprehension rate measure, percent comprehension questions correct per minute spent reading (%C/M). This measure includes reading speed (seconds to read) in the denominator and percentage of comprehension questions answered correctly in the numerator. Participants were 22 4th‐, 29 5th‐, and 37 10th‐grade students. Results showed that reading speed accounted for much of the variance in Broad Reading Cluster scores and subtest scores of the Woodcock–Johnson III Tests of Achievement across all grade levels. Converting reading speed to the rate measure %C/M increased Broad Reading Cluster variance accounted for in the 4th‐ and 5th‐grade sample, but decreased the Broad Reading Cluster variance accounted for in the 10th‐grade sample. Discussion focuses on the importance of reading speed and the failure to enhance validity of a brief rate measure in more skilled readers by incorporating a direct measure of comprehension. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

从表面上看,熊彼特的“创新”理论与发展中民族的经济活动无关,但是若对他的理论内核进行深入分析后,不难看出,他所理解的“创新”,并没有排除发展中民族参与创新这一含义。针对就我国武陵山区土家族经济发展过程中的具体情况,对熊彼特的“创新”理论进行了分析,认为武陵山区土家族地区的自我发展,在本质上就是要实现“创新”。创新是自我发展的前提,发展是创新的过程,发展与创新是互为因果关系的。  相似文献   

THE EARLY INTERVENTION field is witnessing some major shifts in the focus of efficacy research. The traditional preoccupation with the question as to whether early intervention works is giving way to greater concern with understanding how programs make their impact. While this is seen as a progressive shift, much of the focus has so far been placed on how specific dimensions of the intervention process contribute to outcomes. Little attention has been paid to extra‐program variables which impinge upon or interact with the intervention process to shape outcomes. This paper presents the perspective that an intervention program is only one of many factors with potential influence on child and family functioning. Consequently program efficacy must be assessed in relation to both program and extra‐program variables. A framework outlining five classes of “independent” variables and two classes of outcomes to be considered in efficacy research is presented. Regression and path analytic techniques are presented as two potentially useful tools for addressing the different kinds of efficacy questions currently being raised in the literature.  相似文献   

Many teachers are sporadic in using evidence-based practice (EBP) concerning students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Numerous reasons have been posited for this. However, no single study has worked to understand the relative importance of identified criteria in the EBP decision-making processes of teachers. Through the development of a new survey tool, the Evidence-Based Practice Innovation Survey (EBPIAS), an exploration of the decision-making process of Australian teachers in their adoption and cessation of EBP was undertaken. Teachers rated the perception that an EBP would meet the needs of their students as the most important criteria in determining their use of EBP. Conversely, the judgement that an EBP did not meet the needs of their student was the most important criteria in their decision to cease use. In comparing the relevant importance of identified criteria, teachers rated the perception of training as the second-lowest consideration in their decision to adopt and cease using EBP. Consequently, there may need to be greater promotion of, or information concerning, the training required by teachers for effective implementation supporting a more balanced and holistic approach in assessing criteria impacting the adoption of EBP by teachers in the first instance, potentially lowering cessation rates.  相似文献   

Social‐emotional competence is a critical factor to target with universal preventive interventions that are conducted in schools because the construct (a) associates with social, behavioral, and academic outcomes that are important for healthy development; (b) predicts important life outcomes in adulthood; (c) can be improved with feasible and cost‐effective interventions; and (d) plays a critical role in the behavior change process. This article reviews this research and what is known about effective intervention approaches. Based on that, an intervention model is proposed for how schools should enhance the social and emotional learning of students in order to promote resilience. Suggestions are also offered for how to support implementation of this intervention model at scale.  相似文献   

政府干预是影响现代大学治理的重要变量。作为一种干预形态,"积极政府"的定位源于特定的时代命题,其行动产生了预设的积极效用,有力推进了中国大学的现代化进程,但同时也带来了制度赶超、政策过剩、大学能力单一等消极效应。新时代的国家治理转型为政府善治大学提出了新愿景,面对如何营造有利于大学内涵式发展的外部环境、如何避免现代大学制度落地过程中的悬置、如何引导大学真正服务社会等挑战,政府应从"积极介入"走向"自我节制",通过规范介入的空间、减少介入的主体、变革介入的方式、降低介入的动力等策略描绘出理想的"自制政府"画像。  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the process of innovation at both the institutional and personal‐professional levels. The focus is on the practical and moral dilemmas of managing innovation in the context of coercive policies imposed from outside. Innovation is defined as any activity or practice which involves human beings in changes to established routines. It is always embedded in a unique, multi‐level context. Qualitative methods are used to examine the case of five institutions in the UK working within a funded project to introduce more effective use of information technology in initial teacher education. The aim of the paper is to use the case to generate theories which, although they cannot be generalised to other contexts, can inform the thinking of those responsible for the management of innovation in other institutions.  相似文献   

高职院校创新基地运作模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校是培养高素质、高技能、创新型人才的高效平台,高职院校创新基地是高职教育发展过程中产物。为了提高效率,多出成果,高职校院校创新基地的管理和运作模式很有必要予以探讨。  相似文献   

大学的创新与保守--哈佛大学创建世界一流大学之路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
哈佛大学通过不断的创新发展成为世界一流大学,它根据社会发展环境的变迁而锐意改革和创新,从而确保它在美国乃至世界大学中的领袖地位.但在创新的同时,哈佛大学固守着正确的大学理念和成功的经验,实施稳妥的创新策略,形成了独具特色的创新与稳定和谐统一的发展道路.  相似文献   

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