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My eyes are filled with tears that threaten to 1)spill over as I look at grandpa's blank,2)pale blue eyes.My sister is just finished reading a book written by Richard Paul Evans注1,and my mom turns to face her father who doesn't even remember reading the same book the day before."You were that dad for me," she 3)whispers."Really?" he replies,smiling with his 4)childlike 5)oblivion.My mom nods,crying,and I 6)clench my hands until my fingers turn white from loss of blood flow.  相似文献   

A mother anti her young son got into abus in a small city and sat down.The bus conductor came to them for their money.The mother said, “I want one tieket to London,”  相似文献   

在我放暑假的第一个星期一的早上六点钟,电话铃就响了。我迷迷糊糊地拿起了听筒。  相似文献   

An ltalian,an lrishmanand a Japanese fellow arehired at a construction site.The foreman points out a hugepile of sand and says to the l-talian guy,“You’re in charge ofsweeping,”to the lrishman,“You're in charge of shoveling",  相似文献   

叙事理论中的“嘀嗒”论述,来自于弗朗克·克默德的《结尾的意义》。似乎是为了讨论开始与结局,形象化了“嘀嗒”。这个语词在书写中本无间隙,但是,在形象陈述里,“嘀”与“嗒”又必然存在“间距”,将这样一个“间距”映像放于现象思维,从而映衬出叙事的功能活动,真可谓犹如神功。而《马提与祖父》文本,几乎是一个天衣无缝的论证范本。  相似文献   

任务型教学法是近年来英语界研究者们热烈讨论的话题之一。“诧异”作为任务型教学法的活动之一,却很少有人问津。本文旨在探讨什么是任务型教学中的“诧异”,并试图设计出一个“诧异”教学模式。此外,还对英语教学中“诧异”任务运用的功能和原则进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Misconceptions about scientific concepts often prevail even if learners are confronted with conflicting evidence. This study tested the facilitative role of surprise in children’s revision of misconceptions regarding water displacement in a sample of German children (N = 94, aged 6–9 years, 46% female). Surprise was measured via the pupil dilation response. It was induced by letting children generate predictions before presenting them with outcomes that conflicted with their misconception. Compared to a control condition, generating predictions boosted children’s surprise and led to a greater revision of misconceptions (d = 0.56). Surprise further predicted successful belief revision during the learning phase. These results suggest that surprise increases the salience of a cognitive conflict, thereby facilitating the revision of misconceptions.  相似文献   

“二拍”被动句研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
距今已四百年的“二拍”的语言与当时的口语接近,其被动句句型有十余种,被动句动词的宾语和附加语也有显著特征。  相似文献   

鲍勃·迪伦宣布,四月将发行“令人意想不到的”新专辑。专辑还没有名字,它将是迪伦自2006年的《摩登时代》之后的第一张录音室唱片。  相似文献   

Early exposure to science may have a lifelong effect on children’s attitudes towards science and their motivation to learn science in later life. Out-of-class environments can play a significant role in creating favourable attitudes, while contributing to conceptual learning. Educational science theatre is one form of an out-of-class environment, which has received little research attention. This study aims to describe affective and cognitive learning outcomes of watching such a play and to point to connections between theatrical elements and specific outcomes. “Atom Surprise” is a play portraying several concepts on the topic of matter. A mixed methods approach was adopted to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of children (grades 1–6) from two different school settings who watched the play. Data were gathered using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Analysis suggested that in both schools children’s knowledge on the topic of matter increased after the play with younger children gaining more conceptual knowledge than their older peers. In the public school girls showed greater gains in conceptual knowledge than boys. No significant changes in students’ general attitudes towards science were found, however, students demonstrated positive changes towards science learning. Theatrical elements that seemed to be important in children’s recollection of the play were the narrative, props and stage effects, and characters. In the children’s memory, science was intertwined with the theatrical elements. Nonetheless, children could distinguish well between scientific facts and the fictive narrative.  相似文献   

文章通过小议狄金森的一首诗Apparently w ith No Surprise(显然不惊奇/显然不是冷不防地)的译文,和原诗译者商榷,提出自己对此诗的某些词、某些诗句的译法及看法,阐释了此小诗隐含的深层含义,同时说明文学翻译是一种现象学的范式,不是逻辑学的范式。  相似文献   

In an experiment on conditioned suppression of licking in thirsty rats, subjects received either one or two trials to a tone-light compound, either preceded or not preceded by four conditioning trials to the light alone. Prior conditioning to the light blocked conditioning to the tone in subjects receiving two compound trials but not in those receiving only one compound trial. The blocking observed in the two-trial groups was abolished either by the addition of an unexpected second posttrial shock 10 sec after the first on each compound trial or by the omission of an expected second, posttrial shock. The comparable operations had no effect on conditioning to the tone in the one-trial group. In this preparation, both blocking and the attenuation of blocking by surprising changes in reinforcement appear to require more than one trial to appear.  相似文献   

《老生》是贾平凹处在新时代对历史深度反思的文化意识表态,以历史的另一种面影穿透了历史的常态表述,微观众生,细观人性,纵观历史,横观天下,有着中国最高哲学——"道"的意义的表述与归结。小说以回归中国经典境界,回归文学本源性的有益探索,在创作艺术上取得了很高的成就。小说在结构上并未摆脱拼接、混搭之嫌,这种僵硬感亦是创作急切的一种遗憾。  相似文献   

明中叶以来,由于商品经济得到前所未有的发展,社会上形成了尚利好货的价值观,特别在市民阶层表现得更为突出,而暴富心理就是这种价值观影响下的一个较为典型的社会心理。这一心理在明中叶以后的白话短篇小说中也得到了充分的体现,作品写了相当多的发迹变泰的故事,尤其热衷于那些因偶然因素或凭意外机遇而暴富的故事。  相似文献   

It is said that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” But, when and why does an absent event become salient to the heart or to the brain? An absent event may become salient when its nonoccurrence is surprising. Van Hamme and Wasserman (1994) found that a nonpresented but expected stimulus can actually change its associative status—and in the opposite direction from a presented stimulus. Associative models like that of Rescorla and Wagner (1972) focus only on presented cues; so, they cannot explain this result. However, absent cues can be permitted to change their value by assigning different learning parameters to present and absent cues. Van Hamme and Wasserman revised the Rescorla-Wagner model so that the α parameter is positive for present cues, but negative for absent cues; now, changes in the associative strength of absent cues move in the opposite direction as presented ones. This revised Rescorla-Wagner model can thus explain such otherwise vexing empirical findings as backward blocking, recovery from overshadowing, and backward conditioned inhibition. Moreover, the revised model predicts new effects. For example, explicit information about the absence of nonpresented cues should increase their salience (that is, their negative α value should be larger), leading to stronger associative changes than when no explicit mention is made of cue absence. Support for this prediction is detailed in a new causal judgment experiment in which participants rated the effectiveness of different foods’ triggering a patient’s allergic reaction. Overall, these and other findings encourage us to view human causal learning from an associative perspective.  相似文献   

关于诸葛亮不用魏延“从子午谷袭长安”计一事,历来史学家、文学家多有臧否。台湾作家柏杨先生对此计尤为赞赏,认为它成功的可能性是百分之百。该文依据当时蜀魏双方的攻防情势及多因素,对柏杨之论提出置疑,并认为魏延之计并不可行。  相似文献   

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