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ADear Editor,I蒺m writing to tell you about the discussion we蒺ve had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.Sixty percent of the students think that an entrance fee shouldn蒺t be charged for parks. They think a park is a place where people can have a rest and play. If the park charge(1) entrance fees, it蒺s necessary to build gates and walls, it(2) may destroy the looks of cities. However, forty percent of the stu-dents think parks should charge a cheap entrance fee. They…  相似文献   

Dear editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussionwe've had about whether an entrance fee shouldbe charged for parks. Opinions are divided on the question.60% ofthe students are against the idea of entrance fees.They believe a public park should be free ofcharge.People need a place where they can restand enjoy themselves.Charging entrance fees will  相似文献   

NMET2003书面表达下面是江西一考生的答卷:Dear Bob,You said you were going to learn Chinese in Jianxin Chinese school and asked me to find a flat for you. Now I am writing to tell you something about the one I' ve found for you. It is on the second floor at Fangcao street and covers 25 square meters, It's divided into three parts - the bedroom, the bathroom,and the kitchen. When entering the bedroom, you will see a bed on your left, in front of you lies a sofa. There is a window on  相似文献   

Writing Tips--英文写作常识(1)   Many readers asked me about how to improve their writing skills. I personally think writing is the most important and also the most difficult part in learning English as a second language. Today, we'll talk about some basic rules in English writing. If, somehow, your teacher taught you things that are different from what I am going to tell you below, please follow your teacher, because she or he is the one who will grade your paper.……  相似文献   

God’s Gift     
God gives us gifts when we have trouble,but whether you can accept the gift largely depends on you.When knowing my score in the key exam on Senior Grade 3,I really felt hopeless.A bad beginning meant a bad end to me.I had no courage to tell it to my mother.At weekends I got home under the impression that she would blame me,but a sumptuous dinner special for me proved that I was wrong.Maybe she wanted to reduce my heavy pressure.But much to my surprise,she took her cup and congratulated me …  相似文献   

Dear Dick,How nice to hear from you. You asked me about reducing learning load in China. Now, let me tell you something about it.Before reducing learning load, we had classes even at weekends and we must do much homework every day. So I didn't go to bed until 11:30 at night.  相似文献   

Many readers asked me about how to improve their writing skills.I personally think writingis the most important and also the most difficult part in learning English as a second language.Today,we'll talk about some basic rules in English writing.If,somehow,your teacher taught youthings that are different from what I am going to tell you below,please follow your teacher,because she or he is the one who will grade your paper.  相似文献   

1.Can I talk to you right now?我现在可以跟你谈一谈吗?2.You got a minute?你有空吗?$$3.Can I have a word with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?4.I need to talk to you.我需要跟你谈一谈。5.May I have a little talk with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?6.Can we sit down and talk it over?我们可以坐下来好好谈一谈吗?7.Can we talk?我们可以谈一谈吗?8.Can I lend your ears for a minute?可不可以给我一分钟说话时间?9.May I have a conversation with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?10.Are you free now?I’ve got something to tell you.…  相似文献   

1.Nothing special has happened .A.two years ago B.since last year C.in 1989 D.by then2.By the end of next July this building .A.will be finished B.will have finishedC.will have been finishedD.had been finished3.Change the wheel of the red car after you your lunch.A.will have B.had C.have had D.will have had4.Do you think you蒺ll be able to finish the job by the time we baA.shall have come B.will come C.comeD.are to come5.It蒺s the third time I …  相似文献   

"Listen," I said slapping my hand down on the desk in front of me. "I really need that book today. The computer says you still have it. The essay is due in tomorrow; please could you tell me where it is?" I had been in the library since about noon. The shadows were beginning to lengthen and my patience beginning to run out as the librarian stared up at me with all the sentient comprehension of a lobotomised teletubby.So I explained again that I very m uch needed this bookand that it w as not…  相似文献   

Hi,and here we again to learn more ideas about making theIELTS examination easier for you.But before giving you this month’sstrategies to help you in the listening module,I want to tell you a littleabout myself.First of all,I come from Melbourne in Australia and Iwas also educated there.Melbourne is really wonderful because it has  相似文献   

IntheClassroomSchoolboy:Excuse me, Miss. I'm calling just to tell you I can't go to school today.Teacher:Why? What蒺s wrong?Schoolboy:I don蒺t feel well.Teacher:Where do you feel trouble?Schoolboy:In the classroom.ACleverBoyTom:Papa, can you write your name without opening your eyes?Father:Of course, I can.Tom:All right! Please write your name on my school report(成绩单).WhyFishesOnlyLiveinWater?Father:Do you know why fishes only live in water and can蒺t live on land?Son:Yes, I…  相似文献   

Dear Sir / Madam, I’m Yang Yang,a senior student of Changzhou No.1 High School.I’m writing to tell you something about some Chinese tourists’ bad manners abroad. In the past,only few people could afford overseas tours.In 2003,about 10,000 people went abroad for holiday.However,with people’s life getting better and better,more and more people spend their holidays abroad. There is a sharp increase in the number of overseas travelers in 2009,compared with the year 2006,when the  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力理解(20分,略)Ⅱ.单项选择(20分)1.The m otherwanted to find the bestdoctorto herson.A.look at B.look after C.look over D.look forA School Garden Of English中学英语园地2.It蒺s very cold outside,you蒺d better yourcoat.A.puton B.wear C.in D.take off3. you are well,and we can go swim m ing in the river.A.I蒺m sorry B.Ithink C.I蒺m afraid D.Ihope4.The girlis late and .A.so the boy is B.so is the boyC.so does the boy D.so the boy does5.Don蒺tforgetto yourstory鄄book when you com e her…  相似文献   

Visiting the Zoo     
Welcome to the zoo, everyone!I'm glad to show you around the zooMy name is Wang Lin. I’m a middle school student. Let me tell you theplan for today.First,we will visit the Lion Park.You can see the lions, but you mustbe careful.They are very dangerous.Second,we will come to the Monkey  相似文献   

原文:SELF-CONFIDENCE Shakespear once said: Self-condence is the first step heading for the success, while lacking it is the main reason for failure! Yes, that is ture! when you trust youself, you will face the setbacks and difficulties calmly; when you trust youself, you will have enogh courage to overcome the hardships; when you trust youself, you will have have a lot of chances to show youself and to display your talent! OK, at this moment, I want to tell you a story about myself! Last month, I took part in the double lauguege class entrance  相似文献   

Tao: Have you ever quarrelled with your parents (about surfing the Internet)?陶教授:有没有(为上网的事)跟父母吵架?Student A: Yes, I have.学生A:有。Tao: Do you still want to quarrel with them about it day after day? What should you do? As a matter of fact, I needn't ask you not to do certain things, it's none of my business. But as an educator, I need to tell you that you're old enough to know what's good for you and what's bad for you.陶教授:你想这样民复一日地为这事儿跟父母吵架吗?你应该怎么…  相似文献   

一、训练重点:非谓语动词 Today we had an oral exam in English. I had never had an exam in spoken English before. When the teacher told us 1__(prepare) for it, I really didn't know what to do. To tell you the truth, I think 2__ (speak) English in public is 3__ (embarrass). As I am afraid of losing face, I seldom speak English in class and I spend little time 4__ (practise) speaking English though I am always the first in the 5__ (write) exams. Now, I have to face the music this time.  相似文献   

钱梅 《中学生英语》2002,(16):23-23
“Now boys and girls, silence. This period, I‘ll give you back the examination papers. I‘m glad to tell you many students did very well in the exam but a few failed...“ when I heard this, my heart beat very fast. “How about me?“ I began to ask myself.  相似文献   

1. You've just entered a bar with some friends. What do you do? a) I ask everyone what they want, and go and order the drinks. b) I rush up to the bar and get myself a drink quickly, 2. A work colleague has just found out that he has a terrible illness. How do you react? a) I tell him how sorry I am, and ask if he' d like to talk about it. I also offer my assistance for anything he may need. b) I tell him how I've been feeling a bit ill recently too. 3. What' s your favourite topic of conversation? a) Whatever anyone else wants to talk about--the latest news, a bit of celebrity gossip, anything really. b) Me!  相似文献   

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