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春来到,春来到,鸟儿快筑巢;编织稻草和羽毛个个勤操劳。春来到,春来到,花儿也把春来闹:罗兰、百合、水仙花,争妍竞妖娆。春来到,春来到,处处春光好,河水闪烁齐欢唱,人间乐陶陶。Spring is coming,spring is coming,Birdies build your nests;Weave together straw and feather,Doing each your best.Spring is coming,spring is coming,Flowers are coming too:Pansies,lilies,daffodils Now are com-ing through.Spring is coming,spring is coming,All around is fair,Shimmer and quireon the river,Joy is everywhere.春之歌~~…  相似文献   

Spring is coming.The annual sports have begun. Every animal says that he is the greatest in the forest. First is a race.The horse,the deer,the rabbit and the bear…they all come to play.At last,the deer is the first。Second,they are to climb the tree.The monkey, the squirrel,the mouse…they are good at  相似文献   

Some Interesting Origins about Spring Festival Eng:Spring Festival is coming!Have you been ready for the celebration?英格:春节到!你准备好如何庆祝了吗?  相似文献   

一、故事内容 It is a nice day. The farmers are working in the field. They work and sing happily. A boy is shepherding on the top of the hill. He is having a rest under a big tree. "Hmm, so boring. There is nobody here to talk with me." The boy is waving his whip (皮鞭)- "Oh, I have a good idea. I am sure people will come soon." He stands up and starts to shout, "A wolf is coming. A wolf is coming. Help! Help!"[第一段]  相似文献   

Hi,everyone! Spring is coming.It is the best seasonof a year. We can enjoy beautiful sceneries and delicious food.(春天来了,它是一年中最美好的季节。我们可以感受美丽的景色和美味的食品。)  相似文献   

A Slip of Paper     
一、故事内容 It's a sunny day. A little lizard walks on the grass. While he is walking, he finds a slip of paper. It says, "The snake is coming!" The lizard is very afraid. He cries. There are three frogs. They are dancing in the pond. They hear the lizard crying and jump to him. They look at the paper and say, "Don't be afraid! Look, this is a slip of paper, not the whole paper! There must be another slip of paper."  相似文献   

春来到,春来到,鸟儿忙筑巢,编织稻草和羽毛,个个勤操劳。春来到,春来到,花儿也把春来闹,罗兰、百合、水仙花,冬去春来尽妖娆。春来到,春来到,处处春光好,河水荡金波,人间乐陶陶。Spring is coming,spring is coming.Birds,build your nest;Weave together straw and feather,Do  相似文献   

The Spring Festival,also known as lunar new year,is the most important and best loved holiday for the people in China.It is the time of much joy and merriment for the family.There are certaim customs most of us follow during the Spring Festival.  相似文献   

A Joke     
Two women,the dog owners,are arguing about whose dog is smarter…The first woman: My dog is so smart,every morning he waits for the paper boy to come around and then he takes the newspaper to me.The second woman:I know.The first woman:How?The second woman:My dog told me.A Joke!山东@段惠彬…  相似文献   

The Soote Season and Spring,the sweet Spring are two lyrics that sing the praise of spring.The common feature of the two lyrics is that the two poets depict a series of pictures of the sweet spring by rich and varied imagery for readers.When these pictures are presented to readers,readers feel as if they are participating in them,and the enchanting beauty of spring makes readers feel intoxicated with happiness.The two poets express their different feelings toward nature.  相似文献   

The seven-day May Holiday is coming. My parents will take me to visit Beijing again. How excited I am! Beijing is the capital of our motherland. It' s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as Tian'anmen Square, the Great Hall of the People, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and so on. I  相似文献   

开始谈话▼A:A lovely day,isn't it? 天气真不错,不是吗? B:Yes,It is.Spring is always pleasant.The air is warm and everythinq looks fresh and green. 是很好。春天总是很宜人。天气温暖,万物呈现一片生机A:I particularly love the sound of the birds and the flowers when they are just beginning to bloom.They are so inspiring! 我尤其喜欢啁啾的鸟鸣和含苞欲放的花儿。它们是多么令人鼓舞啊!  相似文献   

请你根据下面这幅画,用简单的英语句子,把画面的内容表达出来。One possible version:It is fine today.There are some clouds in the sky,but the sun is shining.Mr Jones is with his family.They are walking on the bridge.There are some boats on the river.Mr Jones and his wife are looking at them.Sally is looking at a big ship.The ship is going under the bridge.Tom is looking at an aeroplane.The aeroplane is flying over the river.看图写话!河南@牟丽珍…  相似文献   

New Year's Day is coming!Children all over the world are very happy.大家见面都互相祝福,我们一起来学新年问候语吧!  相似文献   

Oh,the sky and the sea are beautiful tonight.The sky and the sea are blue and very bright!痧There are stars in the sky. There iS an island in the sea. There is a moon in the sky and it is shining over me. Oh,the sky and the sea are beautiful tonight. The sky and the sea are blue and very bright!函Tonight the moonlight is shining on the waves in the sea- Oh,no! A wave is rising and falling over me! Oh,the sky and the sea are beautiful tonight. The sky and the sea are blue and very bright!奋…  相似文献   

何平 《家教世界》2009,(1):26-26
New Year’s Day is coming!Children all over the world are very happy.大家见面都互相祝福,我们一起来学新年问候语吧!  相似文献   

The Useful Moon     
Two kids are talking about the sun and them oon.One asks,“Whichone do you think is more useful?”The other answers,“The moon,of course.The moon always comesout in the evenings and gives light to us. While the sun always stays inthe sky in the day when it is already bright enough.”The Useful Moon!河北@邢新…  相似文献   

(一)Tuesday June 10th,2003 cloudyAt present the most popular news are about SARS.The people 1._all over the world are talking it.It seems as if the end of the 2._world is coming.SARS is a terrible virus.It brings disaster to 3._our life.Many classmates are afraid of them.But I’m not.Every 4._  相似文献   

春天是一幅美丽的画。花儿开了,小草和叶子都变绿了,柳树长出了许多嫩芽,燕子在天空中自由地飞翔。春风吹起来了,好雨落下来了。春姑娘为地球编织了一件彩色的衣服。Spring is a beautiful picture.The flowers come into bloom,the grass and leaves changeinto green,the willows sprout.And the swallows fly in thesky freely.Spring breeze is blowing,fine rain is falling.Spring girlhas woven a colorful dress forthe earth.注释:weave:v.[wi"v]编织;过去分词woven春天@张诗娆$广东省清远市佛冈县第一小学五(1)班!学生…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及所给首字母的提示完成单词。1.The elephant likes to play with her friends and eat a lot of g____.2.What other a____do you like?3.The flowers in the garden are very b____.4.We have a good time d____the Spring Festival.5.My classmates are f____with each other.6.Some students are playing football;o____are playing basketball.7.We don!t like Henry,because he is k____of lazy.8.Lions are from S____Africa.9.She usually a____at school early.10.Today is Children!s Day.There are h____of …  相似文献   

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